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Pls fix your bikini armor

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> I'm a girl and I find this game overly conservative, if anything, being a lipstick lesbian and all.


> I've seen many threads like this, calling all the armor "skimpy", when in reality, its hard to find that stuff on heavies, its completely non-existant on mediums, pretty much only applicable to lights (in which -even the males wear dresses-, the opposite of sexism), and if you're an Asura or a Charr, you're pretty much out of luck for anything pretty or showing any skin. There's a few options, but its very bare (no pun intended).


> If anything heavies, mediums(especially!), Asura, Charr, and males of all races need more pretty and showey things. I've heard the "my Norn can't bear his chest" complaint much more often than the "my Human female can't hide her chest" complaint.


> Though I really wish they would allow flatter chests on Norn females, its like walking around with a few rocket launchers. Boobs are nice but when even your smallest setting is "I have to have my bras specially made" its a bit silly.


I second that GW2 is among the most conservative MMOs out there when it comes to outfits. Certainly the most conservative from an Asian publisher (a market that includes Tera and BDO). It never seizes to amaze me how easy it is for conservative puritanism to disguise itself as anti-sexism these days. Or maybe it's just people not knowing what the term means and just using the buzzword.

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I think it's fine. If you look at a single armour set in isolation there are some which don't cover a lot, but there's also a lot which offer full coverage, often with multiple layers, and thanks to the wardrobe system it's very easy for anyone to put together whatever look they want, so apart from when you're absolutely brand new and playing a light armoured character no one is stuck with revealing skins.


Here's one example I put together of plain, relatively realistic and full coverage heavy armour:

![](https://i.imgur.com/uiRfW1ah.jpg "")


And here's some examples I got from the Wiki, I didn't even have to go through and pick out appropriate choices, this is just the first 7 dungeon sets, which are the first row in the gallery:

![](https://i.imgur.com/iBKu8r9h.jpg "")


(Also full plate mail isn't the be-all and end-all of armour. It was used for a relatively short period of time, and then only by a minority of people because as well as being expensive it's heavy and very restrictive and usually needs at least 1 other person to get it on and off. Even when it was the best defence available there were good reasons some people wouldn't choose it.)

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I have nothing against bikini armor, as long as both males and females get the same armor.


I only dislike when the armor looks too different on different races and genders. If it's the same armor, it should look the same. Give options to pick either version regardless of race and gender by unlocking both versions for all races and genders when unlocking the armor, like with the Birthday armor and its two helmets, or the halloween medium armor and the bloody variants.

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if you call that a bikini then oh boy, do i have something to tell you.

i barely even get the chance of a bikini to begin with, only light armor is fortunate enough for some nice bikini armor but plate really doesn't have that many armors to be considered a bikini.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> It's not "historical inaccuracy" that is a problem. It's the very difference between male and female version you acknowledge here. If Anet either made female version more fullplate, in the current male style, made male version more revealing, in the current female style, or made two sets, one more open, one more covered, there would be no problem whatsoever. But no, they decided to made male and female version heavily different in style to a point they might as well be two different sets.

Do you deny differences in physiology between man and woman, or what? Women, on average, are less bulky and strong, as men, that's a fact. That comes down to things like hormone levels and stuff. Most of strong women exhibit very man-like appearance and behavior, due to that. So you would expect that woman's armor will be lighter, and may be more tinkered towards agility and evasion, to allow the weaker wearer to have upper hand in this way in combat.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> Hmmmmm. If you think that’s a metal bikini then you’re going to get an eyeful the first time you ever go to a swimming pool.


> As for that armor, try looking up the concept of mix and match. It’s amazing how using bits and pieces from different sets can make unique looks. And you need sets of armors with different looks for this to work.


this is mix/match on that same armour, is this sexist? i think it looks pertty good.![](https://i.imgur.com/Ma3W6nd.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/DwwjqNH.jpg "")


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Oh boy... what ever skooma you are taking, i really dont want it! D:


If anything this game needs more armour that reveals a little more. I like this no boot look, but its annoying to have 1 or 2 good leg parts that work well with it, which then means you need more revealing tops to then match/work with it.


![](https://i.imgur.com/7ayBQYi.png "")

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I'll go you one better. How does this https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Witch%27s_Outfit_human_male_front.jpg, become this https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/2/2b/Witch%27s_Outfit_human_female_front.jpg


I saw a guy wearing that and said oh man i want that as soon as it comes out again for my necro! Its perfect, till i went to find out what and where it was from, and i saw that my female necro would not be getting the cool looking perfect set for a necromancer. But instead a bit of fluff that would fit an adult Halloween party. Out of the two the male version is spot on perfect, and the female one is just fluff. Oh and the male version is 100% better looking full of awesome.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > It's not "historical inaccuracy" that is a problem. It's the very difference between male and female version you acknowledge here. If Anet either made female version more fullplate, in the current male style, made male version more revealing, in the current female style, or made two sets, one more open, one more covered, there would be no problem whatsoever. But no, they decided to made male and female version heavily different in style to a point they might as well be two different sets.

> Do you deny differences in physiology between man and woman, or what? Women, on average, are less bulky and strong, as men, that's a fact. That comes down to things like hormone levels and stuff. Most of strong women exhibit very man-like appearance and behavior, due to that. So you would expect that woman's armor will be lighter, and may be more tinkered towards agility and evasion, to allow the weaker wearer to have upper hand in this way in combat.

No. You are speaking about women potentially wearing completely different types of armor due to the physical differences. Notice, that in such a case such armor would be the same as one used by "less bulky and strong" _man_. And still, it would be a completely different type of armor, not a "female version". A "female version" of plate mail is still plate mail. _Without_ boob plate - those are a completely made up fantasy that never actually existed in the real world (with the possible exception of purely decorative armor, because those were never meant to be used for anything serious anyway, so artists could get creative).


Still, this is a fantasy game, and most armor sets are actually quite unrealistic already, so i'd have no problem with adding to that number. As long as they are _sets_, and as long as there is equity.


Basically, if people want revealing armor, that is completely fine - but in that case Anet should just make 2 sets, not try to pretend two wildly different models somehow are the same set.


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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> Jesus f****** christ...


> People should play stuff like Scarlet Blade if they want to see what sexism is.


> GW2 is easily one of the most family-friendly and tamest titles available.


I would like to have that outfit that only males get on my female because it should be the same, and thematically the male version is better. Why cant my female necro wear it? It fits her theme, shes not a randy witch she is a cold blooded necromancer.

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> @"Ayumu.7540" said:

> I am just sleep deprived and drunk enough to call Anet over sexism with their female armor skins, even tho that would be 'meow', but I'll control myself(this time).

> Now seriously, how can this bikini( Phalanx_BIKINI

> ) and this masterpiece(Phalanx_ARMOR

> ) be the same armor skin for different genders?

> Im NOT saying you should simply put the exact same armor for both sexes, (BUT ANYTHING IS BETHER THAN THIS 'reeeeeee' BIKINI) but who had the idea to ruin the helm that much?

> This is supposed to be a """premium""" armor skin, but for females, it's total garbage worse than many free skins.

> To be fair with the design, they have improved A LOT recently(gw240)

> ), but the fact that a """premium""" armor is simply a 'meow' metal bikini is still here.

> Is there a chance we will EVER see the Phalanx bikiniarmor skin redesigned for females(along with other armor skins, but they r not important lol) to look cool like the male design? At least the helm?

> I was planing to buy the armor, as it is one of the best male heavy armor skins, if not the best, but one of my main characters is female with heavy armor and as you guys can see, the skin, specially the helm, is just ugly in the female form.


> @"Ayumu.7540" said:

> I am just sleep deprived and drunk enough to call Anet over sexism with their female armor skins, even tho that would be 'meow', but I'll control myself(this time).

> Now seriously, how can this bikini( Phalanx_BIKINI

> ) and this masterpiece(Phalanx_ARMOR

> ) be the same armor skin for different genders?

> Im NOT saying you should simply put the exact same armor for both sexes, (BUT ANYTHING IS BETHER THAN THIS 'reeeeeee' BIKINI) but who had the idea to ruin the helm that much?

> This is supposed to be a """premium""" armor skin, but for females, it's total garbage worse than many free skins.

> To be fair with the design, they have improved A LOT recently(gw240)

> ), but the fact that a """premium""" armor is simply a 'meow' metal bikini is still here.

> Is there a chance we will EVER see the Phalanx bikiniarmor skin redesigned for females(along with other armor skins, but they r not important lol) to look cool like the male design? At least the helm?

> I was planing to buy the armor, as it is one of the best male heavy armor skins, if not the best, but one of my main characters is female with heavy armor and as you guys can see, the skin, specially the helm, is just ugly in the female form.


Or we can have male bikini armors too ?

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> No. You are speaking about women potentially wearing completely different types of armor due to the physical differences. Notice, that in such a case such armor would be the same as one used by "less bulky and strong" _man_.

You for some reason assume armor is produced per customer's request in this case, while from what we really see in game it doesn't. Majority of armors (except, mb, Legendaries) are mass-produced, and thus are generalized and made suitable for an "average" man and woman. And are subjects to cultural legacy to meet tastes of very diverse audience to boot, as well (and as in our culture dress is considered a woman's outfit, mostly, same can be for armors in this fantasy world, like, there can be certain armor exterior designs which, historically, are considered to be more "feminine", and thus simply look more aesthetically coherent on women, as seen by majority of customers - and mass production satisfies needs of generalized majority, that's how it works; men wishing to wear an armor considered "for woman" are at bad spot, and vice versa; they need to improvise or find somebody ready to produce armor that matches their tastes).


And who are we, to judge this rich, diverse foreign culture for their cultural differences, after all, even if those seem nonsensical to our uneducated, xenophobic eyes? Let's not be toxic bigots here ;) If women there like to wear their armor burkas, we don't have any right to intervene. I mean, it's all about diversity, right?



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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> You for some reason assume armor is produced per customer's request in this case

Nah, you were the one that brought RL reasoning into the discussion. If you think that things like bulkiness, strength, etc do matter enough to make females use completely different armor types than males, then build differences between different people would also matter enough to warrant personal fitting of any heavier armor.


By the way, if armor wasn't produced by customer request, there's all the more reason for both genders to use the same unisex armor.


> Majority of armors (except, mb, Legendaries) are mass-produced, and thus are generalized and made suitable for an "average" man and woman.

Again, if they truly were, we'd have unisex armor.


> And are subjects to cultural legacy to meet tastes of very diverse audience to boot, as well (and as in our culture dress is considered a woman's outfit, mostly, same can be for armors in this fantasy world, like, there can be certain armor exterior designs which, historically, are considered to be more "feminine"

Ah, yeah. So, you're saying that in this world armor usefulness takes second seat to artistic value. Well, that would explain why Ascalon lost to Charr (the race that apparently has opposite priorities). It was because the ascalon army was wearing decorative armor, while Charr were using actual combat ones.[/sarcasm]


> men wishing to wear an armor considered "for woman" are at bad spot, and vice versa; they need to improvise or find somebody ready to produce armor that matches their tastes).

You mean they can't simply buy the set for opposite gender, because, for some weird reason, everyone will refuse to sell them one? Yeah, right. That's some logic you have here.


> And who are we, to judge this rich, diverse foreign culture for their cultural differences, after all, even if those seem nonsensical to our uneducated, xenophobic eyes? Let's not be toxic bigots here ;) If women there like to wear their armor burkas, we don't have any right to intervene. I mean, it's all about diversity, right?

Diversity usually means there is a choice. I have never heard the word to be used to describe a situation where there isn't a choice.


Seriously, if you need to think of such convoluted explanations to back up your arguments, it's usually a good sign your position is not very defensible.



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I'm kind of confused, is your heart set on this one particular armor? Cause if not then there's tons of armor that is a full suit of armor for the females. Primeval is one for starters. Outside of Barbarian's or Norn cultural there is little heavy that is really bikini like. Arah is the only heavy dungeon armor that really is revealing. That said, if this is the set you have your heart set on, Asuran females get the males look of any heavy armor. Hopefully that helps.

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I find the huge disparity between the male and female versions of Phalanx armour really weird - it's not that the female version is more revealing, but that the two don't have any design elements in common whatsoever. It would make much more sense to me for this to have been two armour sets: one with the male version and a stylistically similar female version, one with the female version and a stylistically similar male version. Other armour sets with major gender differences usually have some stylistic or thematic link between the two.


As for realism, neither the male nor female version is realistic - they're just unrealistic in different ways!


> @"Ayumu.7540" said:

> To be fair with the design, they have improved A LOT recently(gw240)


I'm not sure why you've used Primeval armour as an example of the designs improving recently - it's been in the game since launch, and was [in GW1](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Warrior_Primeval_armor "in GW1") before that! That probably makes it the third oldest armour design in the game (after Krytan and Profane).

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