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Are you a Roamer and do you look down on a Zergling?

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It is not something that you decide yourself. You are what you do.

First and foremost you are a lootbag.

When in zerg you are still a lootbag unless you are in a zerg with expirienced commander surrounded by his liutenants. They are what distincts you from a lootbag, and you can call yourself a zergling.

Never disrespect or troll your own pubmander, they are backbone and muscle of your home server.

When you decide not to follow you are a lootbag again, you are not a roamer right away. This takes time. You need to understand meta, you need to learn all meta pvp and roaming builds, understand weakness and strenghth of every build. Then you need to learn class that you are on and understand what fights you can commit to, and what fights you need exit strategy ready. Then you are roamer, until then you just hand out lootbags.

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80% of the time, i can toss my FULL zerker warrior within a big enemy zerg and still survive. so if i feel like zerging, i might join the zerg without getting into the squad. if i feel like the zerg is not moving EFFICIENTLY (like taking a t3 tower for lots of minutes) or moving like it is confused, i disengage and go pippin. and if our territories are heavily assaulted (within the map i play) and the main zerg defends it, then again i go along with the zerg and play accordingly.


and why do you defend the zerglings coz they are the ones looking down on roamers. and if its like a sausage party, you can even get a friggin "fight" zerg guild people claiming they played since beta and pouring stinky stuff on teamchat, looking down on roamers.


so lel.


and yeah, i used to belong to a SEA based WvWvW guild once which started during the early-close to mid release of GW2. and commanded and i found out that it's all about the timing. (for example: like if you fight a 3 way fight in the northern parts and you wiped or your zerg got broken and some roamers/havok poked the walls/gates on smc, then 80% chance that you'll get smc)


so all of the people inside a map (i.e. ebg) have their duties to do, even if it looks like everything there is random or you're not aware of it.

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Good post Eremite!


It's ultimately two very different playstyles aiming to accomplish different things but in the same game mode. The fact that they can interact with one another will naturally lead to that comparison and one thinking they're better than the other.


As more of a roamer, I'm sure I could beat 95% of zerglings in 1v1s even if you outfit them in a competent roaming build + gear but that doesn't reflect on me being "better," but rather me being far more experienced running something built for 1v1s and fighting in more 1v1s than they have over the past 4+ years.

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> I look down on anyone that runs from me as a solo roamer but turns around when they have allies, camp guards or some other advantage. The "zergling" excuse only applies to so many people, everyone else is just a coward.


Coward ... is that a synonym for playing smart? WvW isn't a 1 vs 1 arena last time I checked.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> > I look down on anyone that runs from me as a solo roamer but turns around when they have allies, camp guards or some other advantage. The "zergling" excuse only applies to so many people, everyone else is just a coward.


> Coward ... is that a synonym for playing smart? WvW isn't a 1 vs 1 arena last time I checked.


I can see I've struck a nerve, sorry for that, but no, there's was no synonym I meant what I said.

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> > > I look down on anyone that runs from me as a solo roamer but turns around when they have allies, camp guards or some other advantage. The "zergling" excuse only applies to so many people, everyone else is just a coward.

> >

> > Coward ... is that a synonym for playing smart? WvW isn't a 1 vs 1 arena last time I checked.


> I can see I've struck a nerve, sorry for that, but no, there's was no synonym I meant what I said.


No nerve struck .. I don't see how someone playing smart and taking advantage of all their tools, including other players amounts to cowardice ... I'm pretty certain that most people who are playing smart in WvW are not setup to fight 1 vs. 1, so why would they rush you head on to engage you? If you think people playing the game their style and build dictates is cowardice, then it seems you don't know what that means to begin with. I suppose you think you're acting heroic when you pwn someone 1 vs. 1 too?

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> > > > I look down on anyone that runs from me as a solo roamer but turns around when they have allies, camp guards or some other advantage. The "zergling" excuse only applies to so many people, everyone else is just a coward.

> > >

> > > Coward ... is that a synonym for playing smart? WvW isn't a 1 vs 1 arena last time I checked.

> >

> > I can see I've struck a nerve, sorry for that, but no, there's was no synonym I meant what I said.


> No nerve struck .. I don't see how someone playing smart and taking advantage of all their tools, including other players amounts to cowardice ... I'm pretty certain that most people who are playing smart in WvW are not setup to fight 1 vs. 1, so why would they rush you head on to engage you? If you think people playing the game their style and build dictates is cowardice, then it seems you don't know what that means to begin with. I suppose you think you're acting heroic when you pwn someone 1 vs. 1 too?


You seemed to have made up your mind about my playstyle off the use of one word it seems so I'll let you go with it.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> I have been mostly a Roamer for the past 5 years and always felt superior against Zerglings as they usually aren't able to put up much fight when they are away from the blob.

> Be it their builds or the skills they showed, they felt inferior in every way.

> They were like skill-less walking bags.

> Even top GvG guild members when caught alone, go down easily.

> During my later years of roaming, knowing that they can't put up much fight, I stopped engaging them because there was no challenge.


> I thought that given my skills as a roamer, running on tag in a blob was going to be easy.

> If those skill-less Zerglings/GvG guys could do it, then so could I.

> So recently I did a job change to being a Zergling main and realized that being a Zergling is not as easy as I thought!

> It takes skill to survive and do well in a blob!

> Those old-time Zerglings did it better than me.

> Their movements, timing, rotations etc. etc. were way better than mine.

> There was this EA guild driver who particularly impressed me with his stutter-step kiting movements where he literally walks past the enemy blob's charging spearhead within touching distance. The composure, timing and movement he showed was OMGOSH good.

> And I applaud them for their skills.


> Just like I've had 5 years of roaming experience, Zerglings also had 5-6 years of Zergling experience!

> Zerglings are not skill-less.

> They are just skilled in other areas!

> So don't look down on Zerglings anymore!


> P.S. Sorry if I'm actually the only Roamer who looked down on Zerglings.


It's Both completely different and challanging at an own pase

As a roamer you need to Burst down the enemy in a combination of cc (or 2k range sic m longbow) as a 'zergling' it's about focussed damage, spikes

The things they have in comon: field placement is really important but it's Both different on more perspectives



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> @"Teon.5168" said:

> I'm a roamer or small havoc squad player. While I do zerg every once in awhile, I can only take about 2 hours of it before I want to go back to roaming. I don't look down on the Zergling.....if that's what they enjoy, then more power to them. It's just not my preferred way to play in wvw. :)


This. The Zerg serves a purpose, just as scouts, havoc, and roamers do.


A zerg build does not handle in 1 v 1 the same a dedicated roaming build, and that roaming build is rather useless in a zerg usually. You can make hybrid builds to be able to go back and forth as needed, but none of those are meta and you are on your own coming up with builds. Also have to decide which you think you will be doing more and build more towards that with a side of the other.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > People get mad when you're not playing their imaginary version of the game.

> *"I'm watching you guys violate my game mode"* - Anet dev tagging up in the middle of a GvG


> Lest we forget :p



Yea, but that's how that OS stadium was born. One of the few good things to happen to WvW.


Some nobody jumping you in a fight and running away when they reach 70% health isn't nearly as interesting. And that's the real reason why nobody wants to fight certain people.

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It takes no brain to be in zergs. Literally there are other people who can heal me and give me barrier and all I have to do is stand near the tag. How hard can that be?

I can even rush and stand on enemy AoE damage for 5 to 10 seconds without penalty of being down because all the friendly AoE is also healing me and buffing me.


This game is a big joke. there is no real challenge, 1 vs 1 roaming was the only good thing left in WvW and now that is gone.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> It takes no brain to be in zergs. Literally there are other people who can heal me and give me barrier and all I have to do is stand near the tag. How hard can that be?

> I can even rush and stand on enemy AoE damage for 5 to 10 seconds without penalty of being down because all the friendly AoE is also healing me and buffing me.


> This game is a big joke. there is no real challenge, 1 vs 1 roaming was the only good thing left in WvW and now that is gone.


Wow even the duelist complain about mounts? What's wrong your dueling partner running away from you? Hehe when you say 1v1 you mean you vs a uplevel recruit?

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9 Zerglings approved your post.


I do roaming for most part but I also play in zergs. I never looked down on a zergling unless they curse at me in PM, ruin fun at dueling spots or try to boss me around in team or map chat. Some of them possess so much fake pride. Besides like somebody said, there are clever ways of playing in zerg and there are not really. Gj on trying to reconcile groups though.

Are you from EU, OP?


P.S I concur being staff ele is toughest though.


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There are good players and there are bad players. Picking fights against roamers while you run a blob build is just as silly as boasting about having won that fight if you are the roamer. Roaming doesn't make you a good player and neither does blobing automatically reduce you to a scrub. All though, one will most likely find far more bad players inside blobs than out by themselves solo roaming just like you will meet far more bad players in Open World content than inside PvE raids.

Not to mention that most players are rather casual and thus could be considered rather low skilled to begin with.

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There are no roamers in this game. Roaming died years ago. Please don't call 5 man havoc squads roamers. They gank one enemy as a group. Individually they all are bad. There's noone out there looking for good even Steven fights.

Stop fooling yourself. There is NO roaming in this game. Filthy backcappers do exist.

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Guild Wars 2 is build wars. It's almost impossible to get a clue about the skill level of your target when you run a build that is a counter or he runs a build that is a counter to your build.


I fought so many players who destroyed me without any chance to win for me. Then I made some changes to my build and destroyed them like they destroyed me before.


The skill in this game is determined more by

- recognizing the build of your target

- knowing the typical skill sequences of common builds and

- finding the right counter


...and not mechanical or reactive skill (reactive dodge rolling is so 2015 - if you try that today you simply get stunlocked and bursted within 2 seconds).


When I play a zerg build, I can't win against even inferior opponents on a roaming build unless there is a huge skill and knowlegde gap of game basics.


As long as I don't need participation I leave ~~weaklings~~ zerglings alone as this might keep them in the game (getting farmed over and over will result in players quitting, which is bad for all of us).

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I'm a roamer... I've also done havoc, as well as Zerg throughout my 6+ years. I first started out as a zergling... As that tends to be the default position to have when learning WvW. I decided I liked organized roaming/havoc more... Because 9/10 times I found it more challenging . Firstly, being because WvW is mostly a numbers game. Every so often some zerg fight's would actually be pretty good/skillful overall. Though, for me, the far and vast majority were not. The commander though, is the one I usually viewed ether having or needing the most skill; out of the entire Zerg. Whether they were skilled or not, was another story.


Despite this. I don't inherently look down on anyone. Only their actions... And if it happens to be a group of any shape or color... Then for me, it's that group I look down on... And Life goes on.

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