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Deadeye Nerf - Frustrated Player


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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> Just 1 thing, that made me stop reading and treating ur post serious


> > @"Blur.3465" said:


> > Match today:

> > I start capping the point...




Naturally you have to do it if your team isn't doing it :P but it's fine, you don't have to treat the post seriously.

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> @"Blur.3465" said:

> In all honesty, I wish they made Thief more like the GW1 Assassin. **The entire introduction of stealth to ANY profession is bad and shouldn't have even been a thing to begin with.**


That's the spirit. I don't like being loaded up with conditions constantly so lets throw out that out also, there should just be base damage, everyone with the same skills on the same cooldown, and only one dodge each (except evades are apparently overpowered also with thieves so dodge is only for the animation).

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> @"kash.9213" said:

> > @"Blur.3465" said:

> > In all honesty, I wish they made Thief more like the GW1 Assassin. **The entire introduction of stealth to ANY profession is bad and shouldn't have even been a thing to begin with.**


> That's the spirit. I don't like being loaded up with conditions constantly so lets throw out that out also, there should just be base damage, everyone with the same skills on the same cooldown, and only one dodge each (except evades are apparently overpowered also with thieves so dodge is only for the animation).


No idea where that sarcasm came from, but since thief keeps getting nerfed because of QQ and stealth the profession itself will never be in a good position.

Re-working it and not making it dependent on stealth would be one way of fixing it and making it actually stand toe-to-toe with other professions in actual fights and make it more rewarding and less punishing than it is now.

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> @"Blur.3465" said:

> > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > @"Blur.3465" said:

> > > In all honesty, I wish they made Thief more like the GW1 Assassin. **The entire introduction of stealth to ANY profession is bad and shouldn't have even been a thing to begin with.**

> >

> > That's the spirit. I don't like being loaded up with conditions constantly so lets throw out that out also, there should just be base damage, everyone with the same skills on the same cooldown, and only one dodge each (except evades are apparently overpowered also with thieves so dodge is only for the animation).


> No idea where that sarcasm came from, but since thief keeps getting nerfed because of QQ and stealth the profession itself will never be in a good position.

> Re-working it and not making it dependent on stealth would be one way of fixing it and making it actually stand toe-to-toe with other professions in actual fights and make it more rewarding and less punishing than it is now.


So which is it, are we trying to get rid of stealth entirely or re-working it? Just in this thread alone your stance if you have one is all over the place. I can't tell if you're actually mad because Silent Scope was nerfed and you depended on it or if you're taking a false stance on stealth and you actually want it gone because you don't like fighting against stealth. Stealth skills in this game are fun to use and a build that uses stealth can be fun to play. Stealth shouldn't be allowed to chain for long duration in combat which is why it hurt the Deadeye to have their active defensive measure be a stealth trait, especially one baked into another resource pool that absolutely has to be used often, only to predictably have it nerfed out of necessity. I think we agree on that and I think that's what your point is, but your arguments are kind of hard to follow.

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> @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Compensation is one of many solutions ... and it's not one we see Anet provide. Better set your sights on something else.

> >

> > I'm not saying Deadeye isn't in need of a buff, but it's not likely going to come in the form of compensation with the goal of getting it's status back for PVP. That's just not how we see things work in this game.


> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Compensation is one of many solutions ... and it's not one we see Anet provide. Better set your sights on something else.

> >

> > I'm not saying Deadeye isn't in need of a buff, but it's not likely going to come in the form of compensation with the goal of getting it's status back for PVP. That's just not how we see things work in this game.


> Again, Anet has compensated for nerfs immideatly plenty of times before. It is something they do. Unfortunately, thief is a class that Anet doesnt seem to be very fond of, getting constant unneccessary (and in fact, counterproductive) nerfs for no reason. It seems they are adamant to make sure that if a thief gets into a 1v1 against another class, no matter how good the thief is, they are going to lose.


I think you aren't being honest with yourself here. Anet will change something they think doesn't work the way they want; they will not simply compensate for something they took away in one area, just to make up for it in another. Anet does not make these changes because they intend to 'ignore' the class or for no reason, so if that's your position on things, there is little value in you responding.


There are lots of hints here in the last patch about how Anet feels about some of the inbalance of risk/reward that exists in the competitive game modes; Compensation simply doesn't make sense where re-calibration was the goal.

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> @"kash.9213" said:

> > @"Blur.3465" said:

> > > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > > @"Blur.3465" said:

> > > > In all honesty, I wish they made Thief more like the GW1 Assassin. **The entire introduction of stealth to ANY profession is bad and shouldn't have even been a thing to begin with.**

> > >

> > > That's the spirit. I don't like being loaded up with conditions constantly so lets throw out that out also, there should just be base damage, everyone with the same skills on the same cooldown, and only one dodge each (except evades are apparently overpowered also with thieves so dodge is only for the animation).

> >

> > No idea where that sarcasm came from, but since thief keeps getting nerfed because of QQ and stealth the profession itself will never be in a good position.

> > Re-working it and not making it dependent on stealth would be one way of fixing it and making it actually stand toe-to-toe with other professions in actual fights and make it more rewarding and less punishing than it is now.


> So which is it, are we trying to get rid of stealth entirely or re-working it? Just in this thread alone your stance if you have one is all over the place. I can't tell if you're actually mad because Silent Scope was nerfed and you depended on it or if you're taking a false stance on stealth and you actually want it gone because you don't like fighting against stealth. Stealth skills in this game are fun to use and a build that uses stealth can be fun to play. Stealth shouldn't be allowed to chain for long duration in combat which is why it hurt the Deadeye to have their active defensive measure be a stealth trait, especially one baked into another resource pool that absolutely has to be used often, only to predictably have it nerfed out of necessity. I think we agree on that and I think that's what your point is, but your arguments are kind of hard to follow.


My whole point is that Deadeye keeps getting nerfed because of stealth, rendering it useless and annoying to play. Thief as a whole keeps getting nerfed because of stealth all the time, because everyone QQs about it and asks for nerfs. Other professions get buffs while thieves always get nerfed to the ground.

The whole reason behind nerfs is stealth. The whole reason why Thief falls behind other professions is also stealth.

I am angry at the nerf, of course I am, but instead of constantly nerfing stealth, ANet should simply remove it and re-do the whole point of Thief, making it NOT rely on stealth and shine in combat again, allowing us to be able to sustain ourselves and stand well in 1v1 combat.

Just by testing other professions in PvP now have I come to realize how miserable Thief in general plays, regardless of build.


My proposal is just to make it similar to how Assassin in GW1 worked, that was fun to play...

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > Compensation is one of many solutions ... and it's not one we see Anet provide. Better set your sights on something else.

> > >

> > > I'm not saying Deadeye isn't in need of a buff, but it's not likely going to come in the form of compensation with the goal of getting it's status back for PVP. That's just not how we see things work in this game.

> >

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > Compensation is one of many solutions ... and it's not one we see Anet provide. Better set your sights on something else.

> > >

> > > I'm not saying Deadeye isn't in need of a buff, but it's not likely going to come in the form of compensation with the goal of getting it's status back for PVP. That's just not how we see things work in this game.

> >

> > Again, Anet has compensated for nerfs immideatly plenty of times before. It is something they do. Unfortunately, thief is a class that Anet doesnt seem to be very fond of, getting constant unneccessary (and in fact, counterproductive) nerfs for no reason. It seems they are adamant to make sure that if a thief gets into a 1v1 against another class, no matter how good the thief is, they are going to lose.


> I think you aren't being honest with yourself here. Anet will change something they think doesn't work the way they want; they will not simply compensate for something they took away in one area, just to make up for it in another. Anet does not make these changes because they intend to 'ignore' the class or for no reason, so if that's your position on things, there is little value in you responding.


> There are lots of hints here in the last patch about how Anet feels about some of the inbalance of risk/reward that exists in the competitive game modes; Compensation simply doesn't make sense where re-calibration was the goal.


Lmao yes arenanet makes balance decisions based on a very clear goal and through their vast knowledge of their own game and it’s mechanics have proven this time and time again with their very concise and well thought out changes that most definitely follow through with thier disigned goals. I mean just look at the thief game description,couldn’t be more closer the thief we have now. Lol right? They definitely put a lot of thought and reasoning behind their changes lol right? All the changes to the classes and mode over last few years shows they have a great grasp of thier game right? Donno bout that. Look at thir reasoning for necro being left alone in PvP, it had a healthy playerbase so it must be fine lmao what? The class has cool flavour in its theme and skills and is always a highly populated class even when underperforming and win rates are dependent on the whole group not an individual class in a PvP conquest mode so..... yeah arenets logic is solid!

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> @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> This thread should just be closed. You all acting like stealth is just infinitely spammable on thief when it has costs to it, or getting bursted 100 to 0 by a thief from stealth which isn't possible unless you are just super bad at this game and have 0 knowledge of thief.


Thank you for the voice of reason!


And there will always be QQ about stealth and asking for nerfs. Thief in general simply has to suffer for it :/

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> @"Blur.3465" said:

> > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > This thread should just be closed. You all acting like stealth is just infinitely spammable on thief when it has costs to it, or getting bursted 100 to 0 by a thief from stealth which isn't possible unless you are just super bad at this game and have 0 knowledge of thief.


> Thank you for the voice of reason!


> And there will always be QQ about stealth and asking for nerfs. Thief in general simply has to suffer for it :/


I mean DE stealth needed a nerf, but it wasn't that good as long as you were even semi aware that there was a deadeye. I farmed them all season. The main complaint was DE stealth allowing them to escape punishment, if you somehow died to a deadeye that is just on you.

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> @"Blur.3465" said:

> > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > This thread should just be closed. You all acting like stealth is just infinitely spammable on thief when it has costs to it, or getting bursted 100 to 0 by a thief from stealth which isn't possible unless you are just super bad at this game and have 0 knowledge of thief.


> Thank you for the voice of reason!


> And there will always be QQ about stealth and asking for nerfs. Thief in general simply has to suffer for it :/


This so much ^

I don’t much like the DE playstyle as I found it was heavily balanced with ease of access to stealth as well as a longer duration of it thru easy stacking etc.being a thief player who never really enjoyed the stealth playstyle part of thief but enjoyed all other mechanics of thief and it’s theme DE never seemed to have survivability outside of stealth builds by design. I have no problems with stealth itself or people that enjoy the playstyle as everyone enjoys different things. What I do have a problem with is while most classes were getting powercrept with dps,mobility and sustain thief never got same treatment or compensated for most classes being buffed in the area’s that thief would call its strenths. It seems like arenanet figures they didn’t have to cuz a thief spec can already permastealth and burst down players in seconds with rifle or with a back stab out of nowhere so because of this the class was strong enough but what about non stealth thiefs? Thieves ran around in wvw etc perma stealth backstabbing players leading to more thief is op posts even though dps on non stealthing thieves were garbage.Than rifle burst got nerfed along side more nerds also effecting core/Dd. Finally now stealth duration is nerfed lmao it’s just getting to the point of being amusing how clueless arenet is with the direction their taking thief all while people still claim it’s op out of a biased hate for the class

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > Compensation is one of many solutions ... and it's not one we see Anet provide. Better set your sights on something else.

> > > >

> > > > I'm not saying Deadeye isn't in need of a buff, but it's not likely going to come in the form of compensation with the goal of getting it's status back for PVP. That's just not how we see things work in this game.

> > >

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > Compensation is one of many solutions ... and it's not one we see Anet provide. Better set your sights on something else.

> > > >

> > > > I'm not saying Deadeye isn't in need of a buff, but it's not likely going to come in the form of compensation with the goal of getting it's status back for PVP. That's just not how we see things work in this game.

> > >

> > > Again, Anet has compensated for nerfs immideatly plenty of times before. It is something they do. Unfortunately, thief is a class that Anet doesnt seem to be very fond of, getting constant unneccessary (and in fact, counterproductive) nerfs for no reason. It seems they are adamant to make sure that if a thief gets into a 1v1 against another class, no matter how good the thief is, they are going to lose.

> >

> > I think you aren't being honest with yourself here. Anet will change something they think doesn't work the way they want; they will not simply compensate for something they took away in one area, just to make up for it in another. Anet does not make these changes because they intend to 'ignore' the class or for no reason, so if that's your position on things, there is little value in you responding.

> >

> > There are lots of hints here in the last patch about how Anet feels about some of the inbalance of risk/reward that exists in the competitive game modes; Compensation simply doesn't make sense where re-calibration was the goal.


> Lmao yes arenanet makes balance decisions based on a very clear goal and through their vast knowledge of their own game and it’s mechanics have proven this time and time again with their very concise and well thought out changes that most definitely follow through with thier disigned goals. I mean just look at the thief game description,couldn’t be more closer the thief we have now. Lol right? They definitely put a lot of thought and reasoning behind their changes lol right? All the changes to the classes and mode over last few years shows they have a great grasp of thier game right? Donno bout that. Look at thir reasoning for necro being left alone in PvP, it had a healthy playerbase so it must be fine lmao what? The class has cool flavour in its theme and skills and is always a highly populated class even when underperforming and win rates are dependent on the whole group not an individual class in a PvP conquest mode so..... yeah arenets logic is solid!


That doesn't change what I said at all ... this patch has some very clear signs of game changes that are implemented to re-establishing a sense of purpose and value to competitive game activities. For example, mounts are directing players away from certain activities. Nerfs to stealth on Theif are the same 'directing' kinds of change.


You can like or dislike what the changes are or why Anet did them. Your feelings about the changes have little to do with the intentions Anet has. Even if they didn't nerf stealth, you can see the direction that Anet generally wants competitive game modes to take, so you know certain things are going to get attention at some point ... and if you don't have your head in the sand, you know what they are.

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i have played some other game with chars used stealth i play a thief an the stealth is a joke this isn t a complaint or anything just a fact if the character is to have sleath may it useful or take it away completely the stealth a thief has now you might as well have no stealth at all

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> @"Blur.3465" said:

> Daredevil D/P or Core Thief is now literally the only build that CAN be of use in normal PvP arenas. I loathe WvW so I'm not even using it for comparison.


> Match today:

> I start capping the point, Guardian one shots me. Yep, one shots me. This was also the case with Mesmers in previous matches - they ambush you and literally ONE SHOT you.

> Warrior bumps into me and keeps going after me for 1v1, can't kill the warrior, he cuts through me like butter.

> I keep my range while trying to pick their team off one by one, I get instantly pulled into the fray. I use Shadow Step to escape, but I get pulled back in again.

> Ranger Soulbeast finds me in mid-field while going for the cap points...kills me.

> Later I down that ranger but he downs me too and then revives with the help of pet to finish me off.

> I back away and target their mesmer on the way to the cap point : As we know Mesmer summons all those clones, gets my health to 0. I down mesmer, clones finish me, mesmer revives.


> I stand behind what I say because of the experiences I am having with Deadeye.

> It should be the only build that can stand toe-to-toe with others as it is focused on DPS and not the 'mobile/running build', but that's not possible if you end up in an experienced team.

> You can shine as Deadeye with an opposing team that knows 0 about how to counter you; otherwise you're in a bad, bad spot.


> EDIT: Less frustrating and more revarding to play Deadeye D/D with most of the stealth skills to give you perma stealth :P I regret returning to Deadeye Rifle for today's match.


All specs should be able to go toe-to-toe. Trouble is Anet and the rest of the player base don't think so.

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> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > @"Blur.3465" said:

> > Daredevil D/P or Core Thief is now literally the only build that CAN be of use in normal PvP arenas. I loathe WvW so I'm not even using it for comparison.

> >

> > Match today:

> > I start capping the point, Guardian one shots me. Yep, one shots me. This was also the case with Mesmers in previous matches - they ambush you and literally ONE SHOT you.

> > Warrior bumps into me and keeps going after me for 1v1, can't kill the warrior, he cuts through me like butter.

> > I keep my range while trying to pick their team off one by one, I get instantly pulled into the fray. I use Shadow Step to escape, but I get pulled back in again.

> > Ranger Soulbeast finds me in mid-field while going for the cap points...kills me.

> > Later I down that ranger but he downs me too and then revives with the help of pet to finish me off.

> > I back away and target their mesmer on the way to the cap point : As we know Mesmer summons all those clones, gets my health to 0. I down mesmer, clones finish me, mesmer revives.

> >

> > I stand behind what I say because of the experiences I am having with Deadeye.

> > It should be the only build that can stand toe-to-toe with others as it is focused on DPS and not the 'mobile/running build', but that's not possible if you end up in an experienced team.

> > You can shine as Deadeye with an opposing team that knows 0 about how to counter you; otherwise you're in a bad, bad spot.

> >

> > EDIT: Less frustrating and more revarding to play Deadeye D/D with most of the stealth skills to give you perma stealth :P I regret returning to Deadeye Rifle for today's match.


> All specs should be able to go toe-to-toe. Trouble is Anet and the rest of the player base don't think so.


Sounds good ... not practical. It's not about what can be thought, it's about what can be done.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Blur.3465" said:

> > > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > > This thread should just be closed. You all acting like stealth is just infinitely spammable on thief when it has costs to it, or getting bursted 100 to 0 by a thief from stealth which isn't possible unless you are just super bad at this game and have 0 knowledge of thief.

> >

> > Thank you for the voice of reason!

> >

> > And there will always be QQ about stealth and asking for nerfs. Thief in general simply has to suffer for it :/


> This so much ^

> I don’t much like the DE playstyle as I found it was heavily balanced with ease of access to stealth as well as a longer duration of it thru easy stacking etc.being a thief player who never really enjoyed the stealth playstyle part of thief but enjoyed all other mechanics of thief and it’s theme DE never seemed to have survivability outside of stealth builds by design. I have no problems with stealth itself or people that enjoy the playstyle as everyone enjoys different things. What I do have a problem with is while most classes were getting powercrept with dps,mobility and sustain thief never got same treatment or compensated for most classes being buffed in the area’s that thief would call its strenths. It seems like arenanet figures they didn’t have to cuz a thief spec can already permastealth and burst down players in seconds with rifle or with a back stab out of nowhere so because of this the class was strong enough but what about non stealth thiefs? Thieves ran around in wvw etc perma stealth backstabbing players leading to more thief is op posts even though dps on non stealthing thieves were garbage.Than rifle burst got nerfed along side more nerds also effecting core/Dd. Finally now stealth duration is nerfed lmao it’s just getting to the point of being amusing how clueless arenet is with the direction their taking thief all while people still claim it’s op out of a biased hate for the class


Don't forget before the stealth nerf they already tried to address it by adding Reveal on marked in wvw adding them to towers/keeps and sentry's,by adding a trap that reveals and another item to throw on stealthers which also reveals. And after all of this they Still decided to hit dead eye eventhough after all the reveal adds i barely even saw any DE in wvw anymore,after this recent change theres none and theres also no point to run DE in wvw at all.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Thief as a whole will never be at a spot line withe majority of other classes. **Due to its mechanics and playstyles it is the class that produces the most salty players and constant thief op cries** even when their garbage tier in most engagement scenarios these days the cries will keep coming. That combined with arena net not knowing much about their game,how each class players in each mode,and wanting to appease the masses thief will always struggle.just reroll another class like a lot of players have.


I thought that was Mirage. :p (See months of multiple "mirage OP, nerf nao!" threads per day).


Full disclosure: I'm somewhat sympathetic to thieves. My second character was a thief that I ended up playing a lot of open world content with. I enjoyed the play style so much I neglected my first character, a mesmer, for a while. But I never had the nerve to bring my thief to PvP because I had fallen in love with a niche, and apparently nerfed into unviability, minimal-stealth d/d build, that would be ineffective in competitive modes. And it looks like the profession as a whole hasn't seen any more love from Anet, rather the opposite.


I never get salty about being beaten by a thief because they're usually good. Even the odd time a DE interferes with me while fighting someone else, it's annoying, but I understand that's the DE's role. I make sure not to let it happen again by focusing the DE next time (sorry @"Blur.3465" ).

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Thief as a whole will never be at a spot line withe majority of other classes. **Due to its mechanics and playstyles it is the class that produces the most salty players and constant thief op cries** even when their garbage tier in most engagement scenarios these days the cries will keep coming. That combined with arena net not knowing much about their game,how each class players in each mode,and wanting to appease the masses thief will always struggle.just reroll another class like a lot of players have.


> I thought that was Mirage. :p (See months of multiple "mirage OP, nerf nao!" threads per day).


> Full disclosure: I'm somewhat sympathetic to thieves. My second character was a thief that I ended up playing a lot of open world content with. I enjoyed the play style so much I neglected my first character, a mesmer, for a while. But I never had the nerve to bring my thief to PvP because I had fallen in love with a niche, and apparently nerfed into unviability, minimal-stealth d/d build, that would be ineffective in competitive modes. And it looks like the profession as a whole hasn't seen any more love from Anet, rather the opposite.


> I never get salty about being beaten by a thief because they're usually good. Even the odd time a DE interferes with me while fighting someone else, it's annoying, but I understand that's the DE's role. I make sure not to let it happen again by focusing the DE next time (sorry @"Blur.3465" ).


U are in a very small minority man lol

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> @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Blur.3465" said:

> > > > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > > > This thread should just be closed. You all acting like stealth is just infinitely spammable on thief when it has costs to it, or getting bursted 100 to 0 by a thief from stealth which isn't possible unless you are just super bad at this game and have 0 knowledge of thief.

> > >

> > > Thank you for the voice of reason!

> > >

> > > And there will always be QQ about stealth and asking for nerfs. Thief in general simply has to suffer for it :/

> >

> > This so much ^

> > I don’t much like the DE playstyle as I found it was heavily balanced with ease of access to stealth as well as a longer duration of it thru easy stacking etc.being a thief player who never really enjoyed the stealth playstyle part of thief but enjoyed all other mechanics of thief and it’s theme DE never seemed to have survivability outside of stealth builds by design. I have no problems with stealth itself or people that enjoy the playstyle as everyone enjoys different things. What I do have a problem with is while most classes were getting powercrept with dps,mobility and sustain thief never got same treatment or compensated for most classes being buffed in the area’s that thief would call its strenths. It seems like arenanet figures they didn’t have to cuz a thief spec can already permastealth and burst down players in seconds with rifle or with a back stab out of nowhere so because of this the class was strong enough but what about non stealth thiefs? Thieves ran around in wvw etc perma stealth backstabbing players leading to more thief is op posts even though dps on non stealthing thieves were garbage.Than rifle burst got nerfed along side more nerds also effecting core/Dd. Finally now stealth duration is nerfed lmao it’s just getting to the point of being amusing how clueless arenet is with the direction their taking thief all while people still claim it’s op out of a biased hate for the class


> Don't forget before the stealth nerf they already tried to address it by adding Reveal on marked in wvw adding them to towers/keeps and sentry's,by adding a trap that reveals and another item to throw on stealthers which also reveals. And after all of this they Still decided to hit dead eye eventhough after all the reveal adds i barely even saw any DE in wvw anymore,after this recent change theres none and theres also no point to run DE in wvw at all.


maybe we got to list what changes would bring us back to use our deadeyes (without reverting).


i would bring my deadeye again to WvW with the following 3 changes:

- unblockable rifle 2. a main reason to stealth alot was a high uptime of projectile hates. with an unblockable rifle 2 i wont oneshot em but i also dont need to 'wait'.

- DR becoming an evade. you just had to use it from too far away to not get it interrupted. maybe slow the animation down if it is too fast, too safe mobility else.

- mark becoming instant. the ability when pressured to use steal on core/DD to get a relief or turn the table is extremeply strong in quick fights and i would love to have that on DE too, would help it alot to feel less squishy. especially in melee range.




+ bonus but more work: detach malice buildup from marking. so basically you build malice up by hitting anything with ini skills and keep it while in combat. but it only has effect on your marked target. this allows you to use mark at a later point in the fight to interrupt key skills or when you are ready to burst. it also provides more flexibility in teamfights. i am oke with less flexible target choice in teamsfights, if i was more oppressive towards that target. however that would cause issues in 1 vs 1, so rather give me some flexibility.


another option ofc as always is: nerf other professions. but as i think its unlikely, id rather ask for buffs.

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Well there a bow dead eye with long lasting Buffs and better Damage and HP pool. And technically less skill floor to play.


Totally I would love to see Stealth rework that spamming doesn't make you go fully undetectable and up over all thief's stat so that non stealth build for thief isn't a wet tissue paper.

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> @"Blur.3465" said:

> > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > @"Blur.3465" said:

> > > In all honesty, I wish they made Thief more like the GW1 Assassin. **The entire introduction of stealth to ANY profession is bad and shouldn't have even been a thing to begin with.**

> >

> > That's the spirit. I don't like being loaded up with conditions constantly so lets throw out that out also, there should just be base damage, everyone with the same skills on the same cooldown, and only one dodge each (except evades are apparently overpowered also with thieves so dodge is only for the animation).


> No idea where that sarcasm came from, but since thief keeps getting nerfed because of QQ and stealth the profession itself will never be in a good position.

> Re-working it and not making it dependent on stealth would be one way of fixing it and making it actually stand toe-to-toe with other professions in actual fights and make it more rewarding and less punishing than it is now.


We made a bunch of suggestions to that effect in the "ask the community" thing the devs did before HoT. The result was the revenant.


On topic; in WvW there's little to no point in running deadeye anymore. SA builds can't capitalise on the burst they have because of mounts sponging 10k damage and easily outrunning a DE in stealth. Non SA deadeye doesn't have the sustain to go 1v1, gives up the high sneak attack damage for quickness access, and still has the mobility issue SA builds have, but now they can't stealth away either. It's basically a core thief that's missing a traitline at this point.

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > @"Blur.3465" said:

> > > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > > @"Blur.3465" said:

> > > > In all honesty, I wish they made Thief more like the GW1 Assassin. **The entire introduction of stealth to ANY profession is bad and shouldn't have even been a thing to begin with.**

> > >

> > > That's the spirit. I don't like being loaded up with conditions constantly so lets throw out that out also, there should just be base damage, everyone with the same skills on the same cooldown, and only one dodge each (except evades are apparently overpowered also with thieves so dodge is only for the animation).

> >

> > No idea where that sarcasm came from, but since thief keeps getting nerfed because of QQ and stealth the profession itself will never be in a good position.

> > Re-working it and not making it dependent on stealth would be one way of fixing it and making it actually stand toe-to-toe with other professions in actual fights and make it more rewarding and less punishing than it is now.


> We made a bunch of suggestions to that effect in the "ask the community" thing the devs did before HoT. The result was the revenant.


> On topic; in WvW there's little to no point in running deadeye anymore. SA builds can't capitalise on the burst they have because of mounts sponging 10k damage and easily outrunning a DE in stealth. Non SA deadeye doesn't have the sustain to go 1v1, gives up the high sneak attack damage for quickness access, and still has the mobility issue SA builds have, but now they can't stealth away either. It's basically a core thief that's missing a traitline at this point.


At this point, I just stopped PvPing in general.

The little bit of it that had me return to it is because of Deadeye and playstyle I enjoyed; now I only experience frustration and I don't enjoy playing other professions or other builds in PvP either...so yeah.

Hopefully something changes to make Deadeye play better.

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I posted this in the other thread but I believe it's relevant here too. It's not even just that other classes have got better in comparison to thief. Thief has got worse than it previously was simply because Arenanet nerfed our old traits and skills too.


While we used to be able to avoid damage by evasion now we're punished for it: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unhindered_Combatant


While we used to be able to avoid zergs through stealth now we're punished for it: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Revealed https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Marked

Detected! is an effect applied to players that enter stealth while they are marked. If they are stealthed for more than 2 seconds while detected, they will become revealed. Exiting stealth before this effect expires will remove this effect.


While we used to have better mobility than most classes now there's mounts: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warclaw

It also has 3 dodges and is immune to CC along with the fact it has 10,972 health which is almost as much as a full berserker's armor geared thief.

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The problem is every strength or mechanic arenet designed to balance thiefs glassyness etc has been eventually nerfed or changed with very little compensation. Add to that most of what separates thief from other classes became redundant as other classes ended up with the very things that were the thief's strenths all while initially being ballanced around their original designs which did not and voila thief is where it’s at and prob not ever gonna change.

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