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WvW Mount Skins: why a pack?

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> :'( I was hoping for seperate skins, as I am only interested in one. Why did ANet decide to make it a pack?


Well, $$$ is the obvious answer. This pack was different than the others as it was only for 1 mount, not 5/6. I agree that it would have been preferable to sell them individually, but their MBAs must have disagreed and though this pack was a better idea. I know I'm not dropping 2K gems for multiple skins for a single mount, so we'll see what they release in the future.

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Profit. It's the same reason for dye packs and other 'chances' at certain items. With mounts (and dyes) you can purchase individual items, but it will be at a higher rate (gems or gold, depending on the item).


They want you to be convinced that buying a bunch of the cheaper 'maybe' packs is better than one expensive 'definitely' item.


EDIT: I logged in after posting here and had a look at the pack, assuming it'd be RNG like all the others; it's not. It is, however, a good deal for five skins that are all pretty similar to one another. If you look at the weird orangey skin that's in the pack and assume that it could have been released alone for 2,000 gems, you can just pretend the others are being thrown in as a bonus.

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I'm disappointed in this too. I'd buy two of them (one plain one and then either the branded or fire skin), but I don't want 5 and I don't want to pay 1,000 gems per skin.


As a result I'm going to wait and see if the next adoption licence pack includes warclaw skins (and then wait for it to go on sale because I don't buy select licences at full price either).

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Very disappointed.... wasn't very fan of the kitty skins within the pack. Half of them are just copy from the original one, only 2 "new" skins. I'm only interested by the outrider one (even if I kinda force myself) nah will let that thing pass, don't want to spend some hardly accumulated gems into something I don't have any use for. Nice try.

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I feel like some people misunderstood something here. There is no RNG involved with this pack and you get all 5 skins (4 to be exact, since two are duplicates with different dye channels) for 2k gems. All 5 skins of the Warclaw mount for 2k gems. No RNG involved. So if you like 2 or more skins, the pack is a good deal for you because the individual selectable mount skin is like 1,200 gems.

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To the people who make the decisions behindthe gem store ... and apologies to the artists who invested time in developing the new skins, but I only like one of them (the branded one). I am hoping for the option to buy it singly. I bought the branded mount pack because I like the look and style of the skins, and would be hoping for a slight discount versus the expected price of 400 gems for a single (say, 250 or 300 gems). I might also consider doing the same for a branded beetle skin, provided it matches the style of the other branded mounts.


But I am not interested in buying skins I will never use, or paying crazy prices for choose-your-own options (if you think I will pay 700 gems for this option, you are not thinking reasonably). I know you have a business to run and maintain, but I feel some of the prices in the gem store are very unrealistic, and leave me feeling like I would be gouged if I payed those prices.


I have disposable income to spend, but I refuse to become addicted to gem store skins.


2 gems respectfully submitted for your consideration.

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Frankly, if an anti RNG-law was voted worldwide It would have avoided the disaster of mount licenses, and instead we would have an item on which you can choose the skin you want, any permit all mounts and skins existing. Nah that's 1200 gems "select what you want" license is a scam too. But I agree It could hurt many MMO industries, economies whatever, but I really think It's a necessary law. We should know what we are buying not betting on chance. How amazing the skin is, it's not a reason to put it at 2000 gems at least maybe 1200 and I will consider buying an unique skin and even that, I find it too much. So 800, yeah 800, for me a mount skin doesn't worth more than an instrument or an outfit. Just look at that last pack, what we have? 1 unique skin, the outrider, 1 classical needing just a little edit: Branded and 3 worthless skins, just redyed warclaws. Definitely don't worth 2000, ah sorry yes maybe if we consider 1000 for outrider and 1000 for branded.


In conclusion, yeah keep going make useless worthless items/packs giving unwanted skins, but not gonna invest one coin in them, just listen to the players. There are surely many bad ideas but also good ones. Yeah continue into the wall with the idea "give them unwanted skins and RNG"....

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> @"Adzekul.3104" said:

> To the people who make the decisions behindthe gem store ... and apologies to the artists who invested time in developing the new skins, but I only like one of them (the branded one). I am hoping for the option to buy it singly. I bought the branded mount pack because I like the look and style of the skins, and would be hoping for a slight discount versus the expected price of 400 gems for a single (say, 250 or 300 gems). I might also consider doing the same for a branded beetle skin, provided it matches the style of the other branded mounts.


> But I am not interested in buying skins I will never use, or paying crazy prices for choose-your-own options (if you think I will pay 700 gems for this option, you are not thinking reasonably). I know you have a business to run and maintain, but I feel some of the prices in the gem store are very unrealistic, and leave me feeling like I would be gouged if I payed those prices.


> I have disposable income to spend, but I refuse to become addicted to gem store skins.


> 2 gems respectfully submitted for your consideration.


If you find less than 10$ for an account wide mount skin to be unrealistic and gouging then I imagine you haven't played any other game with a cash shop, ever. Even subscription based games charge more than 20$, while free to play games charge 10-25$ for mounts that are on a per character basis.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> Because what they want to encourage is people buying gems, not just exchanging gold for them.


> The choices are saving gems slowly, or spending a bit of cash.


Er..the only way anyone can buy gems with gold is if another players buys gems with $$$ and sells them for gold. Both = $$$ in ANET's pocket. There are still gems available for gold, the price has jumped a bit, which also means people will get more gold for the $$$ they spend buying gems.


The issue is the amount of gems. I didn't pay 2000 gems for the Shrine Guardian Mount skin because even though it was awesome, it was 1 skin for the Jackal which I hardly use. Now they ask 2000 gems for 6 skins for 1 mount that, comparatively speaking, I hardly use. Still a flat 'no' for me.

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I'm not spending 2k gems to get one mount skin I like, which is of the quality of a 400 gem rng box. Should've done something like they did with the rng boxes, make it a box where you pick which one you want and pay more for having the choice. To the person saying it's less than 10 bucks per or whatever, who cares, I'm willing to pay $0 for something I don't want in the first place :)

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I , too , only wanted Outrider ( though have been working and not yet gone in to get Warclaw ) - and wish that I could buy just the ONE skin.

I'd pay 400 or 500 gems for the one skin that I want, but no more than that.

I , too , only buy the mount skins when on sale price - and that only occasionally.

I think it was a bit chintzy that one of these skins is a straight dupe for the other except for the tiny bit of texture type color on the shoulder discs.

So, to me, really you only get 4 skins for the price.

As to WHY they did it - I don't know maybe they really thought we'd prefer it this way and it's not about a money grab ?

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> @"Iris Ng.9845" said:

> I feel like some people misunderstood something here. There is no RNG involved with this pack and you get all 5 skins (4 to be exact, since two are duplicates with different dye channels) for 2k gems. All 5 skins of the Warclaw mount for 2k gems. No RNG involved. So if you like 2 or more skins, the pack is a good deal for you because the individual selectable mount skin is like 1,200 gems.


I understand what it is, I just think it's too expensive. I think 1,200 gem select licences are too expensive as well and only buy them when they're reduced to 720 gems. I did buy the branded mount pack at 1,600 gems, but that was worth it to me because I got 5 skins for different mounts, so I used (and continue to use) all of them. If the Warclaw pack had 5 skins I'd use then I'd buy that too but I'm only likely to use 2 of them - which means in practice I'm paying 1,000 gems each for them and I don't think either of the ones I like is worth that much.


And yes I understand that I'd still receive the other 3 skins, but paying for something I'm never going to use doesn't make it a better deal. If I want to buy a sandwich and it seems expensive someone telling me I also get a bowl of soup I don't want and won't eat isn't going to make me happy about the price, it just means I'm wasting a bowl of soup as well as my money.

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