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Fun Things to Do With Warclaw


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I find myself running around on the WarClaw, looking for down enemy , get ready, charge at them, maul them, I think this is the best thing for me, so far. Next best is, solo roaming just got much faster since i don't have to run on foot from Dane to Speldon, just to port back to keep half way because it was too far away or that i was ganked halfway getting there. Getting to save and objective is also much efficient now.

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As the time spent walking around, looking for action was one of my biggest complaints about WvW, I also love the extra speed. And I'm a fan of the pounce, too!


Yesterday I engaged 3 enemies who were capturing a sentry post. I picked out what I figured would be the easiest target to down, managed to get him down, but took too much damage and had to bail out before I could finish him. So I got out of combat, mounted up, and charged back into the fight using the pounce to finish the downed enemy just before his teammates could raise him! Then I was able to defeat the remaining 2 players and win the fight. Thanks, warclaw!

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I don't know, I haven't done anything fun with it. To be honest it just makes WvW feel bad to me. The only interesting thing about the it is the auto stomp and all that did was screw over the warrior banner rework. Warclaw was a bad addition to WvW and the game mode will bleed players because of it.

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You can choose to enjoy the game, or you can choose to cry over spilled milk, this here is not going to go away. I am just trying to show you the fun sides of thing. Its not going away. Unless one choose another game, which I don't plan on doing. I will be here until they announce the server is permanently closed.

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Ive been scootin past enemy zergs taking objectives and pulling about 5 or 6 people away from thier zerg and once we are a good distance away I start to run in circles and let people blow skills trying to dismount me then I dismount when low on mount health and kill them. .


The dumbest thing that happened out of this though was there was an engagement where a group just chased me on mounts and we ran in circles with no one dismounting at all, sort of felt like a circus show.

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been there LOL > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Ive been scootin past enemy zergs taking objectives and pulling about 5 or 6 people away from thier zerg and once we are a good distance away I start to run in circles and let people blow skills trying to dismount me then I dismount when low on mount health and kill them. .


> The dumbest thing that happened out of this though was there was an engagement where a group just chased me on mounts and we ran in circles with no one dismounting at all, sort of felt like a circus show.



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> @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> been there LOL > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > Ive been scootin past enemy zergs taking objectives and pulling about 5 or 6 people away from thier zerg and once we are a good distance away I start to run in circles and let people blow skills trying to dismount me then I dismount when low on mount health and kill them. .

> >

> > The dumbest thing that happened out of this though was there was an engagement where a group just chased me on mounts and we ran in circles with no one dismounting at all, sort of felt like a circus show.




It's a guilty pleasure but this is actually one of the most fun things I've found to do with the mount. Controlling other players' behavior has always been something I enjoy more than I should so if I can keep someone from dismounting just by following them around on my mount then hey why not? Not exactly endless fun, but one more thing to do when you're bored and there's not much else going on . . .

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> @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> You can choose to enjoy the game, or you can choose to cry over spilled milk, this here is not going to go away. I am just trying to show you the fun sides of thing. Its not going away. Unless one choose another game, which I don't plan on doing. I will be here until they announce the server is permanently closed.


Since warclaw was released I reduced my time in wvw by about 90%. No more solo roaming cuz 10ish of ppl on mounts just patrol between camps. Nah, I think I'm done with that

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I'm playing a lot more of other MMOs these days but much though I dislike the Warclaw, that's not specifically the reason. Path of Fire was the start of the decline for me. Core and HoT were both highly compulsive and long-lasting in both PvE and WvW (desert BLs notwithstanding) but PoF added nothing to either and since then every aspect of the game has been on the slide with WvW sliding the fastest.


We need another - good - expansion to wipe out the defecit PoF left behind. Failing that, well there are plenty of other more enjoyable MMOs around right now and quite a few interesting new ones in development, partiularly for large-scale PvPvE. I'm not married to this one. If it doesn't improve then it's time to look elsewhere.

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@"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > Ive been scootin past enemy zergs taking objectives and pulling about 5 or 6 people away from thier zerg and once we are a good distance away I start to run in circles and let people blow skills trying to dismount me then I dismount when low on mount health and kill them. .

> >

> > The dumbest thing that happened out of this though was there was an engagement where a group just chased me on mounts and we ran in circles with no one dismounting at all, sort of felt like a circus show.




LoL I picture that scene playing out with the Benny Hill theme(A.K.A. Yakkity sax) playing in the background

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> [...]

> The dumbest thing that happened out of this though was there was an engagement where a group just chased me on mounts and we ran in circles with no one dismounting at all, sort of felt like a circus show.


This happens often to me - and it's clear why: whover dismounts first is at a disadvantage. In the long run, people will only engage when they feel confident to kill you despite this - that usually means when they are in superior numbers.



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> @"yorick.1305" said:

> I hope that word will soon be extinct.

Nope, i used to roam on a melee build which i have to abandon, now i play a glass cannon build to dismount people.

Solo roam os barely doable now, so i stick with groups with glass cannon builds

I Warclaw made ganking easier specially in groups ?

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> @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> I find myself running around on the WarClaw, looking for down enemy , get ready, charge at them, maul them, I think this is the best thing for me, so far.

I only find players Willing to fight to dismount before the fight starts (some mail agressively but Ther's few affect to that) and find even more people not Willing to fight...like seriously why this gamemode if you dont want to play?


After 3 attempts of stomping this way if found IT absolutely repulsive: there's no reward in seeing a fight and dismount to stomp, you didn't influence the fight in whatsoever, i dont feel i contributed or did anything more 'impressive' then 1 autoattack. But i get no loot from it

On the other hand: if i am the downed person and someone Just rushes in 1v1 to maul me, i feel it is rather insulting to be stomped and vanquished that way


>Next best is, solo roaming just got much faster since i don't have to run on foot from Dane to Speldon, just to port back to keep half way because it was too far away or that i was ganked halfway getting there.

That's the fun thing about trying: if this campflip succeeds all the time the game gets boring

Getting to save and objective is also much efficient now.

I disagree, it's all in advantage of the numbers

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