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Warclaw is an ugly mount.

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Skins were sold? Yep. I don't see how this is bad decision - skins themselves differ enough to be distinctive. If you really waited for transmogrificaiton-like skins where warclaw becomes Garfield - wrong game bro.

Anyway, thanks for the insight of your thoughts. Following this trend of one-sentence-threads...should I make another one titled "WARCLAW IS NOT AN UGLY MOUNT."?

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I don't find it particularly ugly, though I weren't a huge fan of most skins recently added, two of them are basically just the base skin with red eyes and slightly different dye patterns. Definitely not a fan of the fact they were only sold in a bundle either, instead of the bundle being a "deal" offering where you got the skins for x Gems cheaper than if you were to buy the skins individually, with each of them being offered up for purchase as well. ArenaNet's Gem Store team sure does like to scratch me the wrong way and build up brand resentment which closes my wallet further and further for future additions added to the store. But I guess they only like to look at things short-term. That's obviously the smart way to do business. Not to create brand loyalty with good offers and options. Create resentment instead, make people less and less interested in spending money. It's a smart business decision that all companies should follow suit on.

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I LOVE Fashion stuff on this game. Anets Devs are crazy good for that. But you know, as all artists they cant release perfect stuff all the time. I mean, look all those fabulous infusions we had... and then toy infusion arrived..

Look all those cute mounts we had since PoF! And all those crazy mounts skins!

I agree this is not a cute mount, for me the basic mount is more for Charrs.

But :

- 1 ugly basic skin on 7 mounts its still a good succes rate

- Maybe next gem skins will be much better than actual ones.


Even if it take time, i'm pretty sure they will release (at the very least) one Beautiful skin on this mount too.

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> @"ElectricGoat.8253" said:

> Ugly things can still be beautiful on the inside.


Agree, and not to forget that it remains a matter of personal taste: Someone can find something ugly whereas someone else will find the exact same thing looking good. Fortunately I would say! Many of my friends in game do love the warclaw's appearance. Personally, I do love the kitty skin for it. <3

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I don't mind the looks much. But I think the animation is somewhat lacking compared to the other mounts we have. I saw it in PvE lately and it just looks kind of out of place? It reminds me of mounts from other MMOs, somehow. In comparison, the raptors and bunnies seem to have more detailed and well done animations that make them fit into the world and environment better.

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