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Halt Development in conquest and figure out how to...

Crab Fear.1624

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Bring these into this game

[Guild Versus Guild]( https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guild_versus_Guild " https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guild_versus_Guild")


[Heroes Ascent](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Heroes%27_Ascent "https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Heroes%27_Ascent")


If there is a racial reason, abandon those reservations. Make up some lore to cope with that excuse and let's get the ball rolling.


I would like to believe that someone, somewhere along the line had put some effort into making this possible and now all you gotta do is listen to the suggestions and make it happen.


Like either one of these could turn the competitive game around and erase the discord pvp mafia.


When a player points out an exploit or one is observed. Fix it within a week.


I mean unless we all have ZERO guild pride. That may be the case when you are in the max number of guilds. Raid guild, PVP guild, RP Guild, Fractal guild, funny name guild...


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> @"Team USA.9482" said:

> After the disagreeability after that one map with the skritt and champions PvE'ing doors fairly confident there won't be another high risk change. The 2v2 arena was pretty good -- people love it in custom games. Keep in mind Gw1 was a different game and gvg similar to then might not be the same now. Maybe though -- who knows. I personally do not have much experience with gw1 for a lengthy opinion.


They could still implement it in a similar way. GvG in GW1 comprised of building a team that could counter what you think you're going to go against or what you're most likely to go against, swapping builds and classes out as needed before joining the match. It also comprised of pretty most of or every teammate bringing along Res Signet so that if someone went down they could get them back into play. The fights typically played out to see if you could exhaust res signets or create enough pressure during the fight so that the flag runner can capture the morale buff and you hold it for 2 minutes. Win conditions were either kill the lord or have the enemy team reach 60% death penalty.


Now in GW2 we have the rally mechanic with the downed state, something that was implemented due to Anets decision to not include any dedicated healing into the game with the initial release. *However* that has drastically changed as there is now much more "dedicated" healing in the game with Firebrand or Medic Scrapper along with Tempest to some degree and possibly a few other off-shoot builds with some classes. The Downed State and rally is now a redundant mechanic that just drags out fights due to these healing builds using fast ressing or other skills to keep players in the fight yet it has an indefinite presence in the fight. You see this in both WvW and sPvP in that Firebrand support can bunker down a point to sometimes an extreme degree or Firebrand being near unkillable by a single enemy (warranted I will admit) due to Minstrels stats in WvW.


Imagine if they took away Downed State in PvP/WvW (keep it in PvE thats fine) and reworked skills like the Warriors Battle Standard, Guardian's Merciful Intervention, Ranger's Nature's Renewal and whichever other skills/traits relate to reviving that I can't think of at the moment to instead affect those, or fully revive those, who have been fully killed but *only* for PvP/WvW modes. On top of that if they implement a GvG or Heroes' Ascent style game mode they can add a function that limits the number of revives a team can have per match so that when you run out and your team starts dying they can no longer be revived. Also rather than fighting over a capture point, which lets be honest is why sPvP balance is getting out of hand, (all the AoE in the game now with those tiny capture points? Its ridiculous) we bring back the morale boost capture and bring in the Guild Lord *without the gate*. Or they could get more creative, there are people other than me that are likely capable of better ideas.


They could do so much to improve the PvP health of this game but they are afraid of applying reworks to such a degree because of fear of community backlash because change is scary to many. They had a No Downed State event in WvW and while there were people against it (mostly the rallybot players in zergs) many enjoyed it and felt that it sped up zerg fights and showed that many really relied on and were carried by the rally mechanic in PvP situations to survive to any degree.


I think what many people can agree upon though is that if they added a legitimate GvG mode into either sPvP or WvW or just *something* *somewhere* that the community would be all for it. Could even be something entirely separate from sPvP and WvW that still allowed for stat mixing. This grasping at a mode for Esports purposes when many players make a joke out of the ranked seasons and probably even ATs at this point (wintrading, match manipulation, etc) is just not healthy for PvP on GW2 and they very clearly need to rethink the approach they have to it. Mechanic reworks, add GvG, add "heroes' ascent" like mode, whatever. Just *something*.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > I'd rather see 2v2 unranked and ranked queue with it's own leaderboard.


> This would be a huge thing.


> I mean ranked is so convoluted at this point, they may as well run a beta S16 that is a 2v2 season. I'd totally be down for that.


At this point drastic measures like having the next rank season allow for tdm since we have 2 2v2 and 1 5v5 map would help. It's pretty funny that only about less then 500 people left are playing with eachother in ranked. Then the "top" (lol) players seem to like to wintrade just for a digital item so 2v2 might be the best thing if we continue with duos.

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> @"bbop.9706" said:

> why not 3v3? why is everyone so into 2v2?


Just cause it's already in the programing and ready to go. Not sure why the 2v2 arenas aren't in regular use yet, considering 90% of the community or more gave two big thumbs up on the content. The only thing that needed to be fixed, was that the gates should close and spit each team out of the spawn point into the arena, when the match starts. People were exploiting FB/Necro type duos by camping in the little hallways in the spawn point, forcing things like a Thief/Mesmer duo to have to attempt to enter some incredibly closed quarters with them.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"bbop.9706" said:

> > why not 3v3? why is everyone so into 2v2?


> Because 2v2 was a thing that happened already in the game with Dwaynas Duos and implimenting it would require comparatively little work.


> Also in World of Warcraft 2v2 was always way more popular and fun than 3v3.


makes sense but i suspect 2v2 would get boring fast since the most effective pairings would become obvious and be exploited for ez wins leading to even more nerf crying than we already have.


at least 3v3 would leave rokm for more counterplay

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Bring these into this game

> [Guild Versus Guild]( https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guild_versus_Guild " https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guild_versus_Guild")


> [Heroes Ascent](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Heroes%27_Ascent "https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Heroes%27_Ascent")


> If there is a racial reason, abandon those reservations. Make up some lore to cope with that excuse and let's get the ball rolling.


> I would like to believe that someone, somewhere along the line had put some effort into making this possible and now all you gotta do is listen to the suggestions and make it happen.


> Like either one of these could turn the competitive game around and erase the discord pvp mafia.


> When a player points out an exploit or one is observed. Fix it within a week.


> I mean unless we all have ZERO guild pride. That may be the case when you are in the max number of guilds. Raid guild, PVP guild, RP Guild, Fractal guild, funny name guild...



What development?

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > I'd rather see 2v2 unranked and ranked queue with it's own leaderboard.


> they have 2 v 2 capability. they should unlock it into an unranked mode and see if it's popular for an extended period of time


Yes please.

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That is the issue we have the boring, unpolished and unfinished stronghold but we don't have the easiest mode with the simplest objective in the QUE. Why do they continue to produce more conquest maps is beyond me, everyone is bored by the circle dance and it also promotes some boring game play. 2v2 was extremely popular when they released it in the AT, the fact that the servers crashed then from the participation shows that Anet didn't faith in the mode. Most people don't want to sit and do sumo they want to fight head on.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> Ben confirmed they have no plans to ever add 2v2s permanently.


Probably because it would take away from whatever playebase is left in conquest, Spvp is gunna go down with the conquest ship. Though I guess if there is some hope they said they would never do mounts in the early days and here we are.

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> @"Lucentfir.7430" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > Ben confirmed they have no plans to ever add 2v2s permanently.


> Probably because it would take away from whatever playebase is left in conquest, Spvp is gunna go down with the conquest ship. Though I guess if there is some hope they said they would never do mounts in the early days and here we are.


Reason is 2v2 would catch like wildfire in que if its duo que still for ranked and no one would ever play circlequest again. That means all the time wasted on making all the maps would be for nada. Thus 2v2 ranked will never happen.

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> > @"Lucentfir.7430" said:

> > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > Ben confirmed they have no plans to ever add 2v2s permanently.

> >

> > Probably because it would take away from whatever playebase is left in conquest, Spvp is gunna go down with the conquest ship. Though I guess if there is some hope they said they would never do mounts in the early days and here we are.


> Reason is 2v2 would catch like wildfire in que if its duo que still for ranked and no one would ever play circlequest again. That means all the time wasted on making all the maps would be for nada. Thus 2v2 ranked will never happen.


Oh I know, they want to keep conquest as the main 'relevant' game mode, which is why they're only keeping 2v2 as a temporary thing. I know I'd start to take the game mode seriously again if it had its own ranked/unranked queue. Though it seems to be more of wishful thinking then a reality.

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> That means all the time wasted on making all the maps would be for nada.


The same case is with 2v2 maps. Of the last 3 pvp maps that came into the game, 2 were 2v2 maps. Almost noone plays these maps since they are only in custom games.

Why make a new 2v2 map then even, if there are 0 actual plans with it. Why is there another 2v2 map in development if there are 0 plans for it. Now thats actual wasted resources.

Also, why tease us with 2v2 tournaments, giving them for a week and then taking them away for multiple months/ever.

"If people enjoy something, make sure to not give it to them" i guess.



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