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Upcoming Warclaw bug fixes/changes

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Ich finde es absolut ungerecht, dass nur im englischsprachigen Forum derartige Änderungen von ArenaNet bekanntgegeben werden und auch diskutiert werden. Auch die deutsch sprachigen User haben in ihrem Forum einen Anspruch darauf, von ArenaNet Mitarbeitern bezüglich solcher Änderungen im Vorfeld informiert zu werden, wie die englischsprachigen User hier. Warum ist ArenaNet da so ungerecht? Behandelt uns User (egal welche Sprache) bitte alle gleich fair!!!!!!! Schließlich hat ArenaNet uns auch ein Forum eingerichtet!

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> @"atilla.5280" said:

> Ich finde es absolut ungerecht, dass nur im englischsprachigen Forum derartige Änderungen von ArenaNet bekanntgegeben werden und auch diskutiert werden. Auch die deutsch sprachigen User haben in ihrem Forum einen Anspruch darauf, von ArenaNet Mitarbeitern bezüglich solcher Änderungen im Vorfeld informiert zu werden, wie die englischsprachigen User hier. Warum ist ArenaNet da so ungerecht? Behandelt uns User (egal welche Sprache) bitte alle gleich fair!!!!!!! Schließlich hat ArenaNet uns auch ein Forum eingerichtet!


Die Devs sitzen nun mal in den USA und sprechen kein Deutsch. Wir sollten froh sein, dass sie überhaupt direkt mit uns kommunizieren. Sieh es als Gelegenheit an, deine Englischkenntnisse aufzupolieren.


(Atilla criticised that the discussion is only happening in the English forums, I explained that it's natural they communicate in their native language)

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> @"Deaeira.2651" said:

> > @"atilla.5280" said:

> > Ich finde es absolut ungerecht, dass nur im englischsprachigen Forum derartige Änderungen von ArenaNet bekanntgegeben werden und auch diskutiert werden. Auch die deutsch sprachigen User haben in ihrem Forum einen Anspruch darauf, von ArenaNet Mitarbeitern bezüglich solcher Änderungen im Vorfeld informiert zu werden, wie die englischsprachigen User hier. Warum ist ArenaNet da so ungerecht? Behandelt uns User (egal welche Sprache) bitte alle gleich fair!!!!!!! Schließlich hat ArenaNet uns auch ein Forum eingerichtet!


> Die Devs sitzen nun mal in den USA und sprechen kein Deutsch. Wir sollten froh sein, dass sie überhaupt direkt mit uns kommunizieren. Sieh es als Gelegenheit an, deine Englischkenntnisse aufzupolieren.


> (Atilla criticised that the discussion is only happening in the English forums, I explained that it's natural they communicate in their native language)


Bunch of localization people were laid off afaik. :(

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:


> > What if we adapted the chain skill so that it prevents the mounted target from using its leap evade?

> >

> For how long? And the person who is attacking still has to burn off some cd's to dismount them.



The idea being that you chain them, then pounce them to dismount. Nobody loses any cooldowns. Both players are dismounted. If you just give dismount on pounce, they'll simply evade and get further away.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:


> The idea being that you chain them, then pounce them to dismount. Nobody loses any cooldowns. Both players are dismounted. If you just give dismount on pounce, they'll simply evade and get further away.


I see what you're saying now, thank you for clarifying.

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> @"Absconditus.6804" said:


> What's unhealthy for the mode is losing players.


Yes and the mount has cost the mode just as many people as it has brought to it.


And the people that it's brought often don't want to fight; they want to k-train. There are of course exceptions but that is by and far the rule.


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I think a hp reduction to the Warclaw would greatly improve fights instead of the avoidance of fights that is happening now. cyric mentioned hp pool halfed around 4-5k i think is a good idea. A dismount trap might help but i think its a long shot from a fix, right now fight avoidance is pretty big, which either ends in the zerg/enemy running to keep/tower. It would just make it so i would have to sit in a area(probably a distance away from the set trap) and bait people if i ever wanted to fight them.

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> @"Kaatora.3186" said:

> > @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> > > @"Kaatora.3186" said:

> > > > @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> > > > Mount hp is 12,096.

> > > Except it's not. It may depends on class, but I'm not entirely confident of that. My necro, engie, guard, ele have mount health of 10972. My rev has 12069.

> > My Scourge has 12069(96? idr). Every other stream I've watched on Twitch had the same as me. Did you have all masteries unlocked on all those classes?

> Everything is maxed. I have over 8k points left doing nothing.


It's affected by health modifiers, such as Herald's minor trait that gives 10% extra (it checks out with the amount if you do the math) and presumably from runes, like Superior Rune of Divinity's 6th bonus.


There's also reports of mounting/dismounting triggering things reserved for legend swaps, maybe because both the revenant and warclaw come from the mist - but most likely an oversight.


However all professions share the mount base health of 10972, and so far all we know can affect this number are flat +X% total health modifiers.

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can we have 500 hp mounts like before friday?

im tired of being circled cus i dont run meta build neither i have shit load of dps so i basically blow just about every single chronomancer skill then he finally jumps off just before he gets knocked off and all i got left is some shield block...

fuck yea mounts where totally needed in WvW..


or they circle me untill their butt buddy comes to help him out, now i dont really care for him tanking me waiting for his buddy but let me already take down alot of his cooldowns instead of em having 2 full non cd's toons ramming away on me while i blown everything on first guy trying to unmount him..



if 500 HP isnt the option then here u go, take mount HP and if 10k hp has been dealt with then u insta lose 10k HP on dismount.

if u dismount ur self before 10k HP u still lose x amount of HP that has been dealt to you already.


or just remove the stinky mount from WvW :D , put vendor in lions arch every1 happy.

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Can we address the players that are spam using the ability 1? You're fixing the 3 evade, does the ability one come under the 'and such'?

It's a much more major issue in my opinion, I've encountered a player using it, it's not fun when they can continuously pounce on you without dismounting.

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> @"reddie.5861" said:

> can we have 500 hp mounts like before friday?

> im tired of being circled cus i dont run meta build neither i have kitten load of dps so i basically blow just about every single chronomancer skill then he finally jumps off just before he gets knocked off and all i got left is some shield block...

> kitten yea mounts where totally needed in WvW..


> or they circle me untill their butt buddy comes to help him out, now i dont really care for him tanking me waiting for his buddy but let me already take down alot of his cooldowns instead of em having 2 full non cd's toons ramming away on me while i blown everything on first guy trying to unmount him..



> if 500 HP isnt the option then here u go, take mount HP and if 10k hp has been dealt with then u insta lose 10k HP on dismount.

> if u dismount ur self before 10k HP u still lose x amount of HP that has been dealt to you already.


> or just remove the stinky mount from WvW :D , put vendor in lions arch every1 happy.


500HP would be way too low as it would get people dismounted with weak NPCs attacks like harpies, dredge, and ogres.


It would have to be at least 5K so they can survive a couple of 2K hits from NPCs.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > @"reddie.5861" said:

> > can we have 500 hp mounts like before friday?

> > im tired of being circled cus i dont run meta build neither i have kitten load of dps so i basically blow just about every single chronomancer skill then he finally jumps off just before he gets knocked off and all i got left is some shield block...

> > kitten yea mounts where totally needed in WvW..

> >

> > or they circle me untill their butt buddy comes to help him out, now i dont really care for him tanking me waiting for his buddy but let me already take down alot of his cooldowns instead of em having 2 full non cd's toons ramming away on me while i blown everything on first guy trying to unmount him..

> >

> >

> > if 500 HP isnt the option then here u go, take mount HP and if 10k hp has been dealt with then u insta lose 10k HP on dismount.

> > if u dismount ur self before 10k HP u still lose x amount of HP that has been dealt to you already.

> >

> > or just remove the stinky mount from WvW :D , put vendor in lions arch every1 happy.


> 500HP would be way too low as it would get people dismounted with weak NPCs attacks like harpies, dredge, and ogres.


> It would have to be at least 5K so they can survive a couple of 2K hits from NPCs.


That’s the downside to the mobility gain. Don’t get hit by npc’s and watch where ur running,not hard.

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Hey all, just wanted to put out a quick note about some upcoming Warclaw changes.




We're working on a fix for the issue where people can get stuck on their mount, and still have their 3 evades and such. There may be more than one bug that causes this, but we think we're getting the most egregious one.

We're going to remove the jump on dismount. It's one of the biggest things used to bypass walls/gates and it was faster to remove the jump rather than try to fix each of those individually.

Fix to the sitting in box achievement areas so you can mount up in them.

Mounts will no longer be able to be stealthed. We felt mounts provide enough value without stealth and, as many have noticed, there were several visual bugs with stealth involved.


Medium to Long-term


Working on a dismount trap

Working on a new mounted skill to dismount other mounted players. This may also dismount yourself. We're still debating that. Feedback welcome.


Even Longer term


We're considering adding break-bars to the WvW Mount. It's still a big if, as this will also require UI considerations.


Edit: Added cat box achievement fix.

Edit 2: Added Stealth info


Disable the mounts in WvW until the fixes are completed, primarily because some have found out how to trigger the glitch, enabling them to remain mounted and have access to their proffesion skills, with access to their dodges, and invunerability. Even saw one player in the down state on his mount ride away on his mount.

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> @"jakt.9381" said:

> People dont seem to get it. If I see you, you are a bag. I dont care if you are new, old, zergling, roamer, dueler, core ranger, whatever. I am going to attack you and try and kill you if I can. Those are the rules. I play classes who excel at small scale pvp like thief and warrior. How can people be mad about this? Sometimes I attack one person, sometimes I attack three, sometimes maybe a whole zerg. Sometimes I die, sometimes I win. PvP is what I'm here to do. Yes I am going to try and get the jump on you to give myself an advantage. I'm sure you had other plans but since you are my enemy and you are in a contested area, I am going to execute my plan to kill enemies of my faction. What about this is so triggering to people? Its the rules of WvW. Its what the game mode was made to do (among other things). There are no play styles more or less relevant than any other play style. We are all just here to kill each other. People need to get a grip.


It's because it's a class that attacks and runs frequent because it can hit like a truck, leave and return.

It doesn't feel like a fight at that point, it feels one sided. When one person who is clearly of superior skill to your own is on a class that has cheesy tactics in a really big space to utilise compared to PvP for example. It makes the fight way more infuriating to deal with because it isn't a fight at that point, it is a game of poke and run.

When people leave the WvW game mode, I would credit a lot of that by being picked off by one player far superior to them who can wipe them out in very little time. Mounts essentially bridged this gap where being picked off as one bad player just trying to run back to a group wasn't as much an issue.


World Versus World is a War scenario. In War, would people really be going and picking some runner off like that, or would they more often be scouts or people who can sneak into the back lines and cause trouble and leave?


I run with a small roaming group, there is like 3-5 of us at any given time and we can manage to dismount one person because we jump them as a group and kill the mount. We also manage to cap places.


Roaming shouldn't be running around as a thief or a mirage bullying solo-runners, because you are literally not playing the objective you are just getting kills on bad players and patting yourself on the back for it. As a group of 3-5 if we jump 1 person, I feel bad for them but getting killed by more than one person at least already was an accepted losing fight to begin with, being jumped by one and being absolutely decimated would be pretty demotivating and would make many players feel alienated from joining the community. Roaming should be going around as a small group taking on objectives while your larger groups attacker takes on objectives while keeping the bigger part of the enemy distracted so you can gain ground elsewhere. Taking smaller objectives happens to coincide with taking on smaller groups of roamers.


I don't even really get killed by roaming theives or mesmers anymore because I have that much toughness and healing power, they are forced to run because my sustain capability is too damn high, but I feel bad for others, watching them get ganked reminds me of when I started playing and it happened to me. I almost quit altogether, but I kept giving it another shot until I found zergs and found a niche and one that converted will to my small roaming group.


At the end of the day, apparently everyone being able to avoid conflict they never intended to get involved in can do a better job at that now and it is apparently an issue.

Thieves and Mesmers have always had the ability to literally jump in and out and run when they decide they want to leave an encounter, it is hypocritical for people with that playstyle to suggest mounts are that much of an issue just because they can't play tap and port to get kills as easy anymore.


You could play a new style roaming class if you dislike mounts, Ranger with a long bow could deal with a mount and then you could catch up and go for a kill, but yet you aren't willing to switch playstyle to accommodate a new feature, but people had to learn to accommodate your cheesy playstyle.

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> @"hellsqueen.3045" said:

> > @"jakt.9381" said:

> > People dont seem to get it. If I see you, you are a bag. I dont care if you are new, old, zergling, roamer, dueler, core ranger, whatever. I am going to attack you and try and kill you if I can. Those are the rules. I play classes who excel at small scale pvp like thief and warrior. How can people be mad about this? Sometimes I attack one person, sometimes I attack three, sometimes maybe a whole zerg. Sometimes I die, sometimes I win. PvP is what I'm here to do. Yes I am going to try and get the jump on you to give myself an advantage. I'm sure you had other plans but since you are my enemy and you are in a contested area, I am going to execute my plan to kill enemies of my faction. What about this is so triggering to people? Its the rules of WvW. Its what the game mode was made to do (among other things). There are no play styles more or less relevant than any other play style. We are all just here to kill each other. People need to get a grip.


> It's because it's a class that attacks and runs frequent because it can hit like a truck, leave and return.

> It doesn't feel like a fight at that point, it feels one sided. When one person who is clearly of superior skill to your own is on a class that has cheesy tactics in a really big space to utilise compared to PvP for example. It makes the fight way more infuriating to deal with because it isn't a fight at that point, it is a game of poke and run.

> When people leave the WvW game mode, I would credit a lot of that by being picked off by one player far superior to them who can wipe them out in very little time. Mounts essentially bridged this gap where being picked off as one bad player just trying to run back to a group wasn't as much an issue.


> World Versus World is a War scenario. In War, would people really be going and picking some runner off like that, or would they more often be scouts or people who can sneak into the back lines and cause trouble and leave?


> I run with a small roaming group, there is like 3-5 of us at any given time and we can manage to dismount one person because we jump them as a group and kill the mount. We also manage to cap places.


> Roaming shouldn't be running around as a thief or a mirage bullying solo-runners, because you are literally not playing the objective you are just getting kills on bad players and patting yourself on the back for it. As a group of 3-5 if we jump 1 person, I feel bad for them but getting killed by more than one person at least already was an accepted losing fight to begin with, being jumped by one and being absolutely decimated would be pretty demotivating and would make many players feel alienated from joining the community. Roaming should be going around as a small group taking on objectives while your larger groups attacker takes on objectives while keeping the bigger part of the enemy distracted so you can gain ground elsewhere. Taking smaller objectives happens to coincide with taking on smaller groups of roamers.


> I don't even really get killed by roaming theives or mesmers anymore because I have that much toughness and healing power, they are forced to run because my sustain capability is too kitten high, but I feel bad for others, watching them get ganked reminds me of when I started playing and it happened to me. I almost quit altogether, but I kept giving it another shot until I found zergs and found a niche and one that converted will to my small roaming group.


> At the end of the day, apparently everyone being able to avoid conflict they never intended to get involved in can do a better job at that now and it is apparently an issue.

> Thieves and Mesmers have always had the ability to literally jump in and out and run when they decide they want to leave an encounter, it is hypocritical for people with that playstyle to suggest mounts are that much of an issue just because they can't play tap and port to get kills as easy anymore.


> You could play a new style roaming class if you dislike mounts, Ranger with a long bow could deal with a mount and then you could catch up and go for a kill, but yet you aren't willing to switch playstyle to accommodate a new feature, but people had to learn to accommodate your cheesy playstyle.


erm...??? you do relaize that its onl daredevil thats hard to catch, any other thief build is no where near as fast.


anyway, rev shiro vs ambiant creatures can get away from most people. holo with rocket boots is pretty much on par with theif and ranger GS can get away from most people and they are also far more scarier than any thief or mesmer build, why not QQ about them ?


stop "thinking" its only the so called 1 shot people that are not liking the mount because they can still do it, just not as easer as before.

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> @"primatos.5413" said:

> Why the Hell dismount skills ? kitten idea .. brought in by Poeple lost their easy ganks ... Capping on Mounts should not work .. but dismounting is kitten .. will bring more and more clowns and trolls


They should definitely fix mounted capping sooner rather than later. But I fail to see why players in WvW need to be able to avoid fights with such impunity. Isn't it enough that you can get back to the fight more quickly?


Don't get me wrong. I love the warclaw and it has only improved the solo roaming experience for me. I'm also not particularly upset about missing out on automatic wins against players who don't stand a chance. I'm just not understanding why we need virtual immunity to engagement in WvW.

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