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GW2 should focus on:

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I voted for raids and fractals but... It's not like they should focus on one mode, they just need to stop ignoring everything that is not casual single player living world... and start releasing real content way faster. Last year we got one raid wing, two fractals and one pvp map. This is not acceptable on any level.

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GW2 is the only MMO that was able to create a unique and profitable open world system thanks to meta events. Open world is fun because it provides a real massively multiplayer experience. I enjoy doing stuff with a 50-people squad in the open world more than being locked away in a claustrophobic instance with a small group. Open world (especially meta events) should be cherished and improved because that's what this game is best at.

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Guild "Wars" like legitament guild wars as what we had in the first game, New races and new weapons. I couldn't give two less of a shit about raids and While open world stuff/story stuff is all good we are guaranteed these no matter what. I want content that changes the "Face" and the way we play, and elite specs just don't do enough to warrant being the only thing that does that.


So Guild wars pvp, with better systems. WvW overhaul and new maps to add to the rotation so all three colors get a rotation of maps they go through; Now with mounts in mind too so we can get bigger maps. New class's, Races, Weapons so that elite specs can feel fresh and the new class's will bring three Elite specs each that alone is a ton of content. Add a new race for the cosmetic end and there you go~


How about A racial overhaul as well and make our race mean something, even if it is strictly speaking a cosmetic thing such as charr getting better manes and faces to be more bestial and norn being in beast form with armor like their concept art whenever they enter combat.

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Repeatable, challenging endcontent. So basically, balanced rewards in PvE with timegated rewards only for special accountbound skins, skill balance in wvw and pvp, a 15v15 gvg arena (not the joke that guild arena is).

Gw2 in its current form cant keep me interested for more than 5 hours each week. Thats okay for a singleplayer game. But a mmo that wants me to spend regularly money on its gemshop? Nope. Anet has to shift their focus back onto mmo aspects, and they absolutely HAVE to streamline their rewardsystem. Istan being most profitable "endcontent" for so long... that was a very bad joke.

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Everything. There should be an update schedule every so many weeks a new update for a different game mode. We should never neglect any player base no matter what the game mode. Even if you don't play it, it is equally important. I love the living story but I believe its time to share some of the focus to the other game modes.

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There are three modes, each needs a team to work on things within those modes.


I don't know what would be needed for PvP, but I'm sure the people who play that mode have plenty of suggestions

WvW needs to be overhauled. No more carrot-and-stick. Bring alliances in, etc.

PvE: More open world, and Fractals.

Fractals are such a massively untapped ocean of possibilities.

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We need character progression after level 80 besides just fashion wars. I would like to work to get new abilities...some reason to keep playing. I keep making new characters to fill this need but I am about finished with the ones I want to play. Also, I've made many legendaries just to have something to do.


The new wvw mount proved that people will come out if there is a reason. Give them more reasons to come out. I really loved the RvR (wvw) ability system in Dark Age of Camelot where you got new abilities by getting rvr points.

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Make another expansion, in it: add content to the existing world....so many beautiful areas crying out for reasons to return / delve into the lore as side stories / bring in build templates / bring in guild content (rebuilding areas like Orr) in a challenging cooperative way / add guild v guild in WvW / legendary crafting for armor....and so on!

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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> Make another expansion, in it: add content to the existing world....so many beautiful areas crying out for reasons to return / delve into the lore as side stories / bring in build templates / bring in guild content (rebuilding areas like Orr) in a challenging cooperative way / add guild v guild in WvW / legendary crafting for armor....and so on!


Id like to add that by side stories, Like Knight of the thorn and the bloodstone investigation would be perfect. A comprehensive revamp to the old world to bring in the mechanics of the expansions and overhauling the core classes would do WONDERS for this game. Maybe just maybe adding in tons of side content that is lore based, offering us more "Rewarding exploration" and tie the whole map together with the expansion zones.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:> Id like to add that by side stories, Like Knight of the thorn and the bloodstone investigation would be perfect. A comprehensive revamp to the old world to bring in the mechanics of the expansions and overhauling the core classes would do WONDERS for this game. Maybe just maybe adding in tons of side content that is lore based, offering us more "Rewarding exploration" and tie the whole map together with the expansion zones.


I think they're lost in the "bigger next best thing mode" Tyria is beautiful, so many possibilities to just add into the existing world. I could fill an entire expansions worth of content in land that is already there! So much possibility and players would love the chance to get back into their favorite areas. A guild war against Seraphs, long term area conquests, towns you can build up for favorable trading or selling, new talents / skills to be learned like portal to towns, enhanced crafting (dye colors-food recipes-armor-outfit looks-weapon dyes, mount accessories) / creature taming / WvW skills - granting titles, gaining reputation, teacher, mount skills like side saddle & camo, theft of resources / PvP- bounties, mini tournaments - guild tournaments / fully functional RP zones (NPC's recognize the regular player base), RP channel, weddings, funerals.

How many of us would like an area to honor those in RL who've passed or have done amazing things? These are only a few ideas i know this community has more, let me hear them!


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