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this is the most imbalanced patch by far that we've had since PoF release


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You cannot use the higher tiers alone for considerations of balance, like


> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> Balancing for the top 250 players will eventually reduce your playerbase to 250 players.


Balance needs to make the game fun for all, otherwise you have a hostile entry experience for new players, and they don't stay. Then you may as well just get a custom arena for the 20 people who will be left and make your own rules or something, and leave the game lone for the rest.


If a build over-performs at mid tier, that's still reason enough for adjustments even if that build under-performs in higher tiers.


Being dismissive of players in lower tiers is completely counter-productive.


Even a player who doesn't know what they are talking about can give valuable feedback, because in their error they will tell you what they are not getting, and that helps you determine a way to show them better what they are not realizing.


And let's not forget that someone isn't better informed just because they are at higher tiers. At higher tiers people tend to be more specialized and play with less professions and less varied builds, and thus have a narrower perspective.

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > > > @"Flandre.2870" said:

> > > > > @"incisorr.9502" People thought mirage was disgusting so anet gave them scrapper :)

> > > >

> > > > While scrapper surely needs nerfs, condi Mirage is the height of effortless success. Only trash players can defend it as they can't play anything else.

> > >

> > > This is cluelessness at its finest. Nothing about mirage was effortless. If you think you press random buttons and things work out I have bad news. Any competent guardian or engi would have blown you off in seconds. I used to farm these “trash” mirages for the last year. Cuz like you, they think it is effortless and then they get demolished. So let’s stop talking about silver struggles.

> > >

> > > The nerfs remove condi mesmer from sPvP. There is a reason why almost every Mesmer now is either playing chrono bunker or shatter.

> > Pretty much what I've been seeing this season so far. But I don't see any Chrono bunkers but rather condi Mirage which are practically negated by the two Scrappers on the opposing team or power Mirage.

> >

> > This is a pretty power dependent meta so I'm seeing more Revenants and power Mirages than previously. But that doesn't mean condi Mirage is weak, it's just not the optimal pick.

> A wild mesmer expert arrived ! 50-70% damage nerfs doesnt make something weak indeed. /s

> I wish every other class get their damage reduced by 70% and I would come to tell them their class is fine ,they arent weak,they are just not optimal pick anymore xD


50%? 70%? Now it's 70%? Want to increase it?


> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > > > > @"Flandre.2870" said:

> > > > > @"incisorr.9502" People thought mirage was disgusting so anet gave them scrapper :)

> > > >

> > > > While scrapper surely needs nerfs, condi Mirage is the height of effortless success. Only trash players can defend it as they can't play anything else.

> > >

> > > This is cluelessness at its finest. Nothing about mirage was effortless. If you think you press random buttons and things work out I have bad news. Any competent guardian or engi would have blown you off in seconds. I used to farm these “trash” mirages for the last year. Cuz like you, they think it is effortless and then they get demolished. So let’s stop talking about silver struggles.

> > >

> > > The nerfs remove condi mesmer from sPvP. There is a reason why almost every Mesmer now is either playing chrono bunker or shatter.

> > Pretty much what I've been seeing this season so far. But I don't see any Chrono bunkers but rather condi Mirage which are practically negated by the two Scrappers on the opposing team or power Mirage.

> >

> > This is a pretty power dependent meta so I'm seeing more Revenants and power Mirages than previously. But that doesn't mean condi Mirage is weak, it's just not the optimal pick.



> who? you're on eu right?


> there isn't a single condi mirage other than me and i'm just messing around with different builds and im also playing power cus condi is garbage


> altho power mirage is also garbage cus its the demolisher meta and in general the only viable mesmer spec is chrono and even chrono isn't as good as the actual best classes in the game


> You know i was thinking to myself while playing my power build. .. i remember all the rage about condi mirages i saw on streams like jawgeous and ROM (and others but those are the most active) and i remember how every night one of these players would have a rant about mirage and how thijsken or boyce and friends would also say that mirage is the most broken class and you know why?


> _BECAUSE THEY PLAY DEMOLISHER AMULET AND HAVE LOW HP WHILE ALSO RUNNING LOW CONDI REMOVAL_ so they're basically playing a hardcounter to power builds and have barely any tools to deal with condi and when they lose to a class they get countered by it's apparently a " BROKEN CLASS , LETS GO CRY ABOUT IT TO THE DEVS " and now condi mirage is unplayable and it's funny to see how with power mirage's power lock i hit some players for 2400 dmg crit and then i hit a demo/protection guy for 800 damage with the same skill and you suddenly get the idea


> warrior/soulbeast/holo are all demolisher classes and they are super broken vs power builds but weak vs condi builds BY DESIGN and that' why they were BIASED and non-stop cried about how broken condi mirage is when they were countered by it by design and condi mirage hasn't been broken for 10~ months and now it's completely unplayable cus it was reduced to beyond garbage tier with 50-66% dmg nerf on different values, nevermind that mirage already had hard counters


> it's funny how even good players lack objectivity at times and because of their horrible feedback now the class is dead and they can abuse their demo amulets vs only power meta


> the hypocrisy in this community is through the roof


I don't play on EU so my only insight for EU is through ROMs, Angeels, and Sindreners streams. But you can't be dead set on seeing what is played in the top 250. The majority of the players are in gold and condi in general is a problem for the average and below average player. I think you can be a reasonable person to see that too. The balancing act is tough for an MMO but there's absolutely no possible way that they're looking at the forum feedback to see what is broken or not. There's a reason why you don't let the inmates run the asylum. They're driven by a few factors (play rate, win rate, mATs) to see what is under or overperforming. When a class has a high win percentage you absolutely have to see why.


You're spot on that people weren't gearing towards condition removal because they look at meta battle or some streamer and see them having success against non-condis.


Ultimately, ANet just does a bad job on balancing this game across three game modes. If they actually did skill splits and not just number tweaks between the three then I'd really hope things would be better. But when they have these three game modes that they have to balance against then the decisions they make aren't necessarily the best. A great example is Revenant's Shackling Wave. It undoubtedly does high damage in PvP and WvW so what do they do? Increase the cast time by ~1s which trashed it in pve. Instead of the more reasonable approach by nerfing its damage in pvp/wvw and then shortly after they increased its pve damage by 20%. They're good at finding the problem but fail at trying to properly balance.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > Any possible way to hire Ed:Boon to help balance the game? would be appreciated (i'm being serious)

> >

> > He completely nails it. Listen to him

> >


> Mortal Kombat has never been good.


'The update intends to take both the extreme- higher- and lower-tier characters and bring them in line with those in the middle. Creator Ed Boon says the changes focus on making a "more balanced, more fun" experience.'


May i ask, is Ed:Boon balance philosophy wrong?

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

oh, forgive me my exaggaration by 3% . I really did it. It was 67% . Now nerf doesnt look too serious . Oh wait...

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cry_of_Pain 50%

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Imaginary_Axes 67%

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Illusionary_Ambush 75% icooldown increase ,not even a stunbreak , random /unreliable utility.

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ineptitude Overall 60% nerf

Cba to look further. If you want look yourself

Masterful edit ! I will do the same now buddy , I hope you learned something from that lesson

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > Any possible way to hire Ed:Boon to help balance the game? would be appreciated (i'm being serious)

> > >

> > > He completely nails it. Listen to him

> > >

> >

> > Mortal Kombat has never been good.


> 'The update intends to take both the higher- and lower-tier characters and bring them in line with those in the middle. Creator Ed Boon says the changes focus on making a "more balanced, more fun" experience.'


> May i ask, is Ed:Boon balance philosophy wrong?


Yes. Hence why he's never made a good game in his entire career.


Competitive games are better when it's not about making everything perfectly numerically balanced with everything capable of doing all things on a similar level, and more about carefully crafted asymmetries between player options leading to a cyclical meta.



For example, Pokemon has been a better game competitively than Mortal Kombat ever has been both official doubles battles and Pokemon Showdown's battle simulator. Nothing about Pokemon is remotely balanced in the sense of the developers trying to make everything as equally viable as possible. For a more fighting game related comparison, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 is a bloated, messy, uneven, unblanced fighting game and it will never receive a balance patch. It's far more exciting and better competitively than any Mortal Kombat has ever been.

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> oh, forgive me my exaggaration by 3% . I really did it. It was 67% . Now nerf doesnt look too serious . Oh wait...

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cry_of_Pain 50%

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Imaginary_Axes 67%

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Illusionary_Ambush 75% icooldown increase ,not even a stunbreak , random /unreliable utility.

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ineptitude Overall 60% nerf

> Cba to look further. If you want look yourself

> Masterful edit ! I will do the same now buddy , I hope you learned something from that lesson


But according to him:


> @"phokus.8934" said:

> The amount of condition damage from axe was toned down _**slightly**_ ... The rate of condi application has not changed and can still be stacked with 15 torment and confusion with relative ease.


From: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/880331/#Comment_880331


"That just tells me" he fails to realize how hard deleted axe was in the last balance update.


EDIT: Fixed link.

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > oh, forgive me my exaggaration by 3% . I really did it. It was 67% . Now nerf doesnt look too serious . Oh wait...

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cry_of_Pain 50%

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Imaginary_Axes 67%

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Illusionary_Ambush 75% icooldown increase ,not even a stunbreak , random /unreliable utility.

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ineptitude Overall 60% nerf

> > Cba to look further. If you want look yourself

> > Masterful edit ! I will do the same now buddy , I hope you learned something from that lesson


> But according to him:


> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > The amount of condition damage from axe was toned down _**slightly**_ ... The rate of condi application has not changed and can still be stacked with 15 torment and confusion with relative ease.


> From:


> https://en-https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/880331/#Comment_880331


> "That just tells me" he fails to realize how hard deleted axe was in the last balance update.

He is just blindly hate mesmer just like many others ... Nothing I can do about it even if 50-67% damage/duration/cooldown increase is means "toned down slightly" for him . Actually can we SLIGHTLY tone down other classes?

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > oh, forgive me my exaggaration by 3% . I really did it. It was 67% . Now nerf doesnt look too serious . Oh wait...

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cry_of_Pain 50%

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Imaginary_Axes 67%

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Illusionary_Ambush 75% icooldown increase ,not even a stunbreak , random /unreliable utility.

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ineptitude Overall 60% nerf

> > > Cba to look further. If you want look yourself

> > > Masterful edit ! I will do the same now buddy , I hope you learned something from that lesson

> >

> > But according to him:

> >

> > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > The amount of condition damage from axe was toned down _**slightly**_ ... The rate of condi application has not changed and can still be stacked with 15 torment and confusion with relative ease.

> >

> > From:

> >

> > https://en-https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/880331/#Comment_880331

> >

> > "That just tells me" he fails to realize how hard deleted axe was in the last balance update.

> He is just blindly hate mesmer just like many others ... Nothing I can do about it even if 50-67% damage/duration/cooldown increase is means "toned down slightly" for him . Actually can we SLIGHTLY tone down other classes?


you know, me trying hard to ignore how biased and hypocritical people in this community are against things they hate ,


if they *actually* reduced revenant dmg by 50% they would still kill in less than 3 seconds if they did their combo right cause as it stands right now rev can actually one-hit-kill people if they have enhanced daggers


honestly this last patch doesn't feel like it was made by people that play the game or professionalists but by people with PERSONAL AGENDAS and hatred towards *mirage* in particular because axe was GUTTED. The 66% damage nerf aside you CANT EVEN USE THE SKILL HALF OF THE TIME. A flanking weapon can't be used when your target is behind you after you flank him, like wtf lmao it feels so CLUNKY and HORRIBLE. It feels like there's a story behind this patch and there's targeted hate because otherwise i can't explain to myself how can you possible break the game so horribly



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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > > > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > oh, forgive me my exaggaration by 3% . I really did it. It was 67% . Now nerf doesnt look too serious . Oh wait...

> > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cry_of_Pain 50%

> > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Imaginary_Axes 67%

> > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Illusionary_Ambush 75% icooldown increase ,not even a stunbreak , random /unreliable utility.

> > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ineptitude Overall 60% nerf

> > > > Cba to look further. If you want look yourself

> > > > Masterful edit ! I will do the same now buddy , I hope you learned something from that lesson

> > >

> > > But according to him:

> > >

> > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > The amount of condition damage from axe was toned down _**slightly**_ ... The rate of condi application has not changed and can still be stacked with 15 torment and confusion with relative ease.

> > >

> > > From:

> > >

> > > https://en-https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/880331/#Comment_880331

> > >

> > > "That just tells me" he fails to realize how hard deleted axe was in the last balance update.

> > He is just blindly hate mesmer just like many others ... Nothing I can do about it even if 50-67% damage/duration/cooldown increase is means "toned down slightly" for him . Actually can we SLIGHTLY tone down other classes?


> you know, me trying hard to ignore how biased and hypocritical people in this community are against things they hate ,


> if they *actually* reduced revenant dmg by 50% they would still kill in less than 3 seconds if they did their combo right cause as it stands right now rev can actually one-hit-kill people if they have enhanced daggers


> honestly this last patch doesn't feel like it was made by people that play the game or professionalists but by people with PERSONAL AGENDAS and hatred towards *mirage* in particular because axe was GUTTED. The 66% damage nerf aside you CANT EVEN USE THE SKILL HALF OF THE TIME. A flanking weapon can't be used when your target is behind you after you flank him, like kitten lmao it feels so CLUNKY and HORRIBLE. It feels like there's a story behind this patch and there's targeted hate because otherwise i can't explain to myself how can you possible break the game so horribly




I didnt know the time would come when I would agree with him... (partially of course)

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> It feels like there's a story behind this patch and there's targeted hate because otherwise i can't explain to myself how can you possible break the game so horribly


Maybe it was Jawgeous's rant video. The targeted hate was pretty strong there and he is an Anet Partner after all. That's the kind of influential, easy to adopt, balance advice I can see them taking rather than processing the reasoned suggestions in this forum by people actually maining the class and builds in question.

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > > > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > oh, forgive me my exaggaration by 3% . I really did it. It was 67% . Now nerf doesnt look too serious . Oh wait...

> > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cry_of_Pain 50%

> > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Imaginary_Axes 67%

> > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Illusionary_Ambush 75% icooldown increase ,not even a stunbreak , random /unreliable utility.

> > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ineptitude Overall 60% nerf

> > > > Cba to look further. If you want look yourself

> > > > Masterful edit ! I will do the same now buddy , I hope you learned something from that lesson

> > >

> > > But according to him:

> > >

> > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > The amount of condition damage from axe was toned down _**slightly**_ ... The rate of condi application has not changed and can still be stacked with 15 torment and confusion with relative ease.

> > >

> > > From:

> > >

> > > https://en-https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/880331/#Comment_880331

> > >

> > > "That just tells me" he fails to realize how hard deleted axe was in the last balance update.

> > He is just blindly hate mesmer just like many others ... Nothing I can do about it even if 50-67% damage/duration/cooldown increase is means "toned down slightly" for him . Actually can we SLIGHTLY tone down other classes?


> you know, me trying hard to ignore how biased and hypocritical people in this community are against things they hate ,


> if they *actually* reduced revenant dmg by 50% they would still kill in less than 3 seconds if they did their combo right cause as it stands right now rev can actually one-hit-kill people if they have enhanced daggers


> honestly this last patch doesn't feel like it was made by people that play the game or professionalists but by people with PERSONAL AGENDAS and hatred towards *mirage* in particular because axe was GUTTED. The 66% damage nerf aside you CANT EVEN USE THE SKILL HALF OF THE TIME. A flanking weapon can't be used when your target is behind you after you flank him, like kitten lmao it feels so CLUNKY and HORRIBLE. It feels like there's a story behind this patch and there's targeted hate because otherwise i can't explain to myself how can you possible break the game so horribly




I would not call it “personal agenda.” But Anet intentionally remove builds. Why? I do not know. But every once in a while, Anet does this alt+ctrl+delete. Is it rotating meta builds, intentionally pushing players off a specific build/class or pure incompetence? Take your pick. It surely is not “balance.”

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > > > > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > > oh, forgive me my exaggaration by 3% . I really did it. It was 67% . Now nerf doesnt look too serious . Oh wait...

> > > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cry_of_Pain 50%

> > > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Imaginary_Axes 67%

> > > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Illusionary_Ambush 75% icooldown increase ,not even a stunbreak , random /unreliable utility.

> > > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ineptitude Overall 60% nerf

> > > > > Cba to look further. If you want look yourself

> > > > > Masterful edit ! I will do the same now buddy , I hope you learned something from that lesson

> > > >

> > > > But according to him:

> > > >

> > > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > > The amount of condition damage from axe was toned down _**slightly**_ ... The rate of condi application has not changed and can still be stacked with 15 torment and confusion with relative ease.

> > > >

> > > > From:

> > > >

> > > > https://en-https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/880331/#Comment_880331

> > > >

> > > > "That just tells me" he fails to realize how hard deleted axe was in the last balance update.

> > > He is just blindly hate mesmer just like many others ... Nothing I can do about it even if 50-67% damage/duration/cooldown increase is means "toned down slightly" for him . Actually can we SLIGHTLY tone down other classes?

> >

> > you know, me trying hard to ignore how biased and hypocritical people in this community are against things they hate ,

> >

> > if they *actually* reduced revenant dmg by 50% they would still kill in less than 3 seconds if they did their combo right cause as it stands right now rev can actually one-hit-kill people if they have enhanced daggers

> >

> > honestly this last patch doesn't feel like it was made by people that play the game or professionalists but by people with PERSONAL AGENDAS and hatred towards *mirage* in particular because axe was GUTTED. The 66% damage nerf aside you CANT EVEN USE THE SKILL HALF OF THE TIME. A flanking weapon can't be used when your target is behind you after you flank him, like kitten lmao it feels so CLUNKY and HORRIBLE. It feels like there's a story behind this patch and there's targeted hate because otherwise i can't explain to myself how can you possible break the game so horribly

> >

> >


> I would not call it “personal agenda.” But Anet intentionally remove builds. Why? I do not know. But every once in a while, Anet does this alt+ctrl+delete. Is it rotating meta builds, intentionally pushing players off a specific build/class or pure incompetence? Take your pick. It surely is not “balance.”


They rotate through builds like how Magic and Pokemon TCG rotates through their sets. How the hell can the team sit there and think that even remotely works in an MMO of all things????

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> @"otto.5684" said:


> I would not call it “personal agenda.” But Anet intentionally remove builds. Why? I do not know. But every once in a while, Anet does this alt+ctrl+delete. Is it rotating meta builds, intentionally pushing players off a specific build/class or pure incompetence? Take your pick. It surely is not “balance.”



yea i actually know that cause i had to reroll away from every single class i've mained in this game (which is all of them except revenant) because a build i played was completely gutted at some point

so to make it look more dramatic since it is a big issue, i had to reroll away from warrior, ele, ranger,necro engi,guardian and now mirage. Whenever i find a build i enjoy it eventually gets completely destroyed and if i can't find another one i'm forced to quit the game or have no fun with it. If gw2 wasn't so "timeless" i'd have quit it after the first time i quit it which was many years ago


> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:


> They rotate through builds like how Magic and Pokemon TCG rotates through their sets. How the hell can the team sit there and think that even remotely works in an MMO of all things????


that's a good post, i don't understand what are these people thinking but every single mmo does this stupid "LETS REWORK YOUR CHARACTER OUT OF NOWHERE LOL" and they lose masses of players at a time. I quit bdo cus of combat /class rework and so did half of the population, i've quit gw2 so many times for the same reason as well


imagine waking up tomorrow only to find out that you can't play your char any more cus it's not what you signed up for any more because devs who have never touched a game are given so much power


instead of destroying/gutting old builds they should make new ones possible by buffing weaker stuff and the nerfs on the strong stuff should be small and gradual adjustments and modifications and not 66% value off the bat



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I love it how fl*nby told everyone that condi scepter mirage is 100 times harder to play than GS power mirage ( power=cheese ecksdee), now he played GS mriage and is like 10 times worse than before, throwing every single greatsword #2 into scrapper evades, blocks and barriers.


How ironic.


But obviously, NOW SUDDENLY scourge and fb have become to a problem, because mirage cannot 1v2 them on far for ages anymore and kill them 1v1 once one of them leaves - before everything was gucci of course.

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> @"dominik.9721" said:

> I love it how fl*nby told everyone that condi scepter mirage is 100 times harder to play than GS power mirage ( power=cheese ecksdee), now he played GS mriage and is like 10 times worse than before, throwing every single greatsword #2 into scrapper evades, blocks and barriers.


> How ironic.


> But obviously, NOW SUDDENLY scourge and fb have become to a problem, because mirage cannot 1v2 them on far for ages anymore and kill them 1v1 once one of them leaves - before everything was gucci of course.



lol i've even killed scrappers on my power build, i'm not even sure what are you trying to imply. Power is easy, it's just countered by the meta. If demolisher is gone then power mirage will be much better


power isn't viable not because it's hard to play but because it's underpowered and the other classes with power are broken. I bet i can 1v1 your core guard with my power mirage build which isn't even made for 1v1, it's made for team fights and " ganking " but it's just a much worse version of revenant.


and yes power is cheese and has been cheese and the build i played wasn't aimed at cheesy 1shot setup and nothing else but at sustained dps, and it achieves it but it can't hold a point which i already knew ages ago and have said it way more than once


i love players like you who have never played another class in their life are just waiting on the side lines and attempting to talk shit whenever someone plays a different class, i play engi for 1 game ? Dominik is there to talk shit! I play power for 1 game? he crawls out of some hole and starts writing bs again


i haven't " officially rerolled " so if i play anything other than condi mirage its me trying something new or trolling or not caring



this patch is a failure like this thread says because they nerfed mirage AXE and SHATTERS both of which were ACTIVE weapons and required skill to both use and avoid but they didn't touch all the passive gameplay (staff)


****if you want to be annoying and play a " lame " build as a condi mirage, YOU STILL CANT DO IT ***** you just go +expertise and people will rage even more than before when all your condis have +50% duration. Is it annoying? Yes. Is it unfun to play against? Yes. Is it viable or good? absolutely not, it's easily counterable and has a lot of flaws even if it can work in some situations

that's why mirage is " bad " now but if you want to troll or annoy people or make them curse and hate mesmer you still can do it without any issues , in fact its' even easier than before because now you know there's no viable build to go back to so you're not doubting yourself or feeling bad for not playing serious and you can just play with max amount of detargets and condi duration and annoy people and then watch them cry even more


somehow its okay for thief to do 15k damage with steal (mug) + backstab in one hit but if a mirage puts 10 condi stacks on u which need 15 seconds for them to do the same amount of damage then it's not okay and its unfair


this community loL

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > @"dominik.9721" said:

> > I love it how fl*nby told everyone that condi scepter mirage is 100 times harder to play than GS power mirage ( power=cheese ecksdee), now he played GS mriage and is like 10 times worse than before, throwing every single greatsword #2 into scrapper evades, blocks and barriers.

> >

> > How ironic.

> >

> > But obviously, NOW SUDDENLY scourge and fb have become to a problem, because mirage cannot 1v2 them on far for ages anymore and kill them 1v1 once one of them leaves - before everything was gucci of course.



> lol i've even killed scrappers on my power build, i'm not even sure what are you trying to imply. Power is easy, it's just countered by the meta. If demolisher is gone then power mirage will be much better


> power isn't viable not because it's hard to play but because it's underpowered and the other classes with power are broken. I bet i can 1v1 your core guard with my power mirage build which isn't even made for 1v1, it's made for team fights and " ganking " but it's just a much worse version of revenant.


> and yes power is cheese and has been cheese and the build i played wasn't aimed at cheesy 1shot setup and nothing else but at sustained dps, and it achieves it but it can't hold a point which i already knew ages ago and have said it way more than once


> i love players like you who have never played another class in their life are just waiting on the side lines and attempting to talk kitten whenever someone plays a different class, i play engi for 1 game ? Dominik is there to talk kitten! I play power for 1 game? he crawls out of some hole and starts writing bs again


> i haven't " officially rerolled " so if i play anything other than condi mirage its me trying something new or trolling or not caring



> this patch is a failure like this thread says because they nerfed mirage AXE and SHATTERS both of which were ACTIVE weapons and required skill to both use and avoid but they didn't touch all the passive gameplay (staff)


> ****if you want to be annoying and play a " lame " build as a condi mirage, YOU STILL CANT DO IT ***** you just go +expertise and people will rage even more than before when all your condis have +50% duration. Is it annoying? Yes. Is it unfun to play against? Yes. Is it viable or good? absolutely not, it's easily counterable and has a lot of flaws even if it can work in some situations

> that's why mirage is " bad " now but if you want to troll or annoy people or make them curse and hate mesmer you still can do it without any issues , in fact its' even easier than before because now you know there's no viable build to go back to so you're not doubting yourself or feeling bad for not playing serious and you can just play with max amount of detargets and condi duration and annoy people and then watch them cry even more


> somehow its okay for thief to do 15k damage with steal (mug) + backstab in one hit but if a mirage puts 10 condi stacks on u which need 15 seconds for them to do the same amount of damage then it's not okay and its unfair


> this community loL


I haven't played anything else than core guard?


My mains are Ranger and warrior where I have 72% and 68% win rate during ESL times. In fact guard is not even my 4th most played class. All of our team just rerolled to power specs to stomp bad players cos we were pissed about mediocre players rerolling to fb, scourge and other pof-shizzle facerolling the game.


When we actively played AT we stomped all tryhards sitting in discord, playing fb, scourge, duable mirage ect.


But nice try flänby ??

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