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When Virtual Reality VR mmorpg will be popular we will get a GW3


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Yeah I can just imagine a WvW commander yelling "dodge through them!" followed by half the squad squirming on the ground while throwing up and the other half laying on the ground panting because they're so out of shape they cant even do a single dodge in their VR suit. But its no big deal because the other zerg is just standing flailing their arms trying to trigger handmotion skills thats lagging too much.

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If Virtual Reality becomes a thing then WoW with its far larger budget and income will undoubtedly make VRWoW2 and get it out and running before ANet can. Which means they’ll take up most of the available player base and leave VRGW3 as an also ran. So I wouldn’t necessarily look forward to VR because there’s no guarantee that it will work out as hoped.

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I usually only want VR for simulators and such, or games that place you in a driving seat of some sort. Fighter Jets, Cars, Tanks, Space Ships, Mechs, that kinda thing. Never really saw the appeal of running still on a treadmill with a rubber-stick potentially knocking your entire house down as you are playing your game.


Devils advocate:

I suppose would be cool for a work-out, only problem being the goggles and electronics being doused in your own sweat inevitably making it hard to see what you're doing. Also the cleaning and maintenance of such equipment. I already have enough trying to keep my current setup up to snuff.


... Goddamn the (LA)RP community would jump on that shit in a heart-beat though.

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I have yet to try a pair of VR goggles that can work with glasses .... Went to E3 last year and tried every pair, including ones that were not quite out yet. Every single pair, no matter if they said "oh it works really well with glasses", did NOT work with glasses. They all pushed down on the glasses which pushed down on the nose ... yea caused problems but I did try them all in hopes that MAYBE one would be ok .. not a chance.

So since quite a few gamers that I know wear glasses it won't be adopted anytime soon. Unless they maybe work with optometrists and somehow get the lenses to match your prescription but then that is an added cost and could be a very large one for those that have a stronger prescription and all that. Yea I don't see it happening all that quickly unless they can get the weight figured out, those things are heavy.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> If Virtual Reality becomes a thing then WoW with its far larger budget and income will undoubtedly make VRWoW2 and get it out and running before ANet can. Which means they’ll take up most of the available player base and leave VRGW3 as an also ran. So I wouldn’t necessarily look forward to VR because there’s no guarantee that it will work out as hoped.


I think that's a bit of an oversimplification. I doubt you could find many people who play GW2, or any other MMO, who don't know about WoW. And yet we're all playing other games. Some of us never got into WoW, some tried it and didn't like it, some played it for a while (years even) then lost interest, and some play another MMO alongside it.


If WoW2 is the same but with VR then many of the reasons those people chose not to play the existing game (or play another one as well) will still apply. If it's different then there's no guarantee everyone will like the new version - they might gain some new players but lose others. Being the first into the new market could help, but it also means you're on your own figuring out all the new and unexpected problems and then later arrivals can build on what you've learned (as WoW did with Everquest, Runescape and other early MMOs).


I also think you're right that there's no guarantee VR will work out as hoped, for several reasons. Mostly because I remember VR being promoted as the next big thing in gaming in the late 1980's. It was being developed alongside 3D games and the expectation was that by the time we had fully 3D games we'd also have VR headsets to put us inside them. Then 3D with traditional controls and hardware pulled way ahead of VR and became a new thing in it's own right.


Of course just because something hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it can't or won't happen, but at this point I think VR games are likely to be similar to 3D movies - it will become another option that some developers and some players use and others don't, with most VR games also offering an alternative version. Not the next big thing that's going to take over and change everything.

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We are a long ways away from the type of VR you are talking about. Most likely there wont even be desktops or laptops anymore at that point and people will have a chip that they can use to connect. VR as we know it now is clumsy buggy and makes people ill, it has a long way to go.

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I mean, so long as they don't remove the log out button and impliment hardware that could fry our brains if we attempt to remove our rig, leading to a 2 year coma while we wait for an asian 10 year old to singlehandedly win the game...


... huh, who am I kidding. Where do I sign up?

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