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Let's make GW2 more profitable! Are you ready to support new content with $3 monthly fee?

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> For kitten sake. GW2 is built on a F2P model. If someone likes the ESO style of subscription, then go play ESO. Please stop trying to make GW2 like other MMOs.


> And please, stop creating multiple threads on the concept that ANet/GW2 is dying due to lack of profits or begging for content with a sub or optional sub model. Read the previous ones because these points have already been discussed.


its B2P ;) but i agree on what you said .

@ Topic - yes, im ready to pay and support GW2 - just as i did in the past, buying gems whenever i feel like it and buying expansions. So give us the next expansion and ill probably get the ultimate edition again.

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Not willing to pay anything. I only discovered gw2 bc it offered a non-subscription model so I don't think I'd ever like to pay a monthly fee. In the past I frequently looked for opportunities to give anet rl money for gems but the gemstore never really offered anything I wanted bc to anet's credit all the gemstore offerings are optional if you are only interested in enjoying the gameplay aspects of the game . . .


And in the time since they chose to completely ignore the strife the sigil of nullification collection caused in their community there is absolutely zero chance I will ever send a dollar their way again . . .

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Just realised I never actually answered the question: like a lot of people one of the things which originally attracted me to Guild Wars (1, then 2 when it was released) is the lack of a subscription.


I bought the Deluxe edition of the original game and the Ultimate editions of both expansions and I do buy gems periodically so it's not that I'm not willing to spend money on the game but I really like that it's on my schedule. If I have other priorities for my money or I'm taking a break from the game or just because there's nothing that interests me I can stop paying without losing anything, and if there's lots of stuff I want (or something more expensive I want, like an expansion) I can spend more to get it.


I also like that it means I know what I'm getting for my money, instead of seeing it disappear each month in return for some nebulous promise that it will go towards future development and I just have to hope that will be something I want. If Anet releases something I want and I think it's reasonably priced I'll buy it, and then I'm happy I got it, instead of finding out after the fact my subscription was funding something I have absolutely no interest in and will never use and effectively I get nothing back from it.


(Also if you like the idea of a subscription you can basically do it already - pick a "renewal date" for your sub each month and on that day buy 800 gems. Then use them to buy stuff from the gem store or convert them to gold and buy stuff in game - those are then your subscription benefits.)

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"Subscription free" is one of the primary selling points of the game, and adding one will 100% reduce player activity greatly due to the number of players who play because there's no subscription. Hell, atm ArenaNet is promoting a return to GW2, something that can be casually done because there is no subscription, so people can come and leave as they want and not feel forced to keep playing. Those who want to pay a subscription often will just buy gems regularly.


It would be another thing, however, if ArenaNet began charging for every LW release, rather than having a 2-3 month free period - or even if they just went to a 2 week free period regardless of duration to next release.

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I'm perfectly ready to support GW2 and pay for content - but for the actual content I immediately will acquire. I'm not ready to "invest" my money in Anet, only to find out year later they again will have spent it on some "unannounced projects".


I'm ready to pay another 20-30$ for DLC of HoT's or PoF's caliber. If they will release such DLC each year - I'll be even more happy, and will buy each of them.

I'm ready to buy **meaningful, feature rich** content from gemstore. Like, new animations for my profession, new hairstyles and body modifiers of any kind for my character, new dance moves, new skins etc. **Properly designed and working** muscial instruments (not the current half-baked toys) etc


I'm not paying for promises. That's why I never pre-order any games.

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The GW2 player base expects no timely fees. First try all other ways of making money, including what we have now: Expansion and gemstore sales.


I think the current way is fine and it is profitable. ArenaNet can increase sales by making and releasing exciting new content for players to buy. Like the much requested Cantha expansion.


If everything else fails, yes, then go to a subscription. But I don't think it will be necessary.


In the end, the problem is not GW2 profitability, the problem was that ArenaNet bled off much money and resources to cancelled and unannounced projects.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> For kitten sake. GW2 is built on a F2P model. If someone likes the ESO style of subscription, then go play ESO. Please stop trying to make GW2 like other MMOs.


> And please, stop creating multiple threads on the concept that ANet/GW2 is dying due to lack of profits or begging for content with a sub or optional sub model. Read the previous ones because these points have already been discussed.


I was saying if there was to be one, the ESO model would be the best route, not that I want a sub. ESO is a very different game from GW2, so it's not the same to go play that. I do play both, and ESO just can't hold my attention, because the most interesting parts of the game are too easy, or littered with lag. If GW2 did adopt a sub, I would probably pay it, if the benefits were good enough. That still doesn't mean I'm asking for one.

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> @"Lich King.1524" said:

> But gold will not support GW2 for sure...



That is not true, if whatr ANet says about gem conversion is true. If nobody buys gems with gold anymore, then the whales who buy gems with RL money to convert to gold will not have any gold to buy with their gems. So they won't buy as many gems anymore.


So gold DOES support gw2, for this reason and many others.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > Survey needs a new option: "I'm tired of people making endless repetitive posts deciding what the company should charge."


> they are not deciding anything. they are seeing how others feel. reading comprehension is a skill that some need work on


True, but this point is not subject to change as time passes, people's opinion on this won't change, no matter what will happen.

And topics on this subject have been made multiple times in the past, showing the same result, so I agree: making new ones every now and then is redundant and annoying, just use "search" if you wish to see people's opinions.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Chay.7852" said:

> > its B2P ;) but i agree on what you said .

> Have to disagree. Anyone can download the client and play without purchasing a thing. All of the way to level 80.




For a long time it wasn't like that. Many of us have paid for the core game at full price and its expansions. Also with all the F2P restrictions, core is like a glorified demo for the full experience right now. The best and meatiest demo you 'll ever play but still a demo.

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Subscription, no matter how much or what it includes would be the end of the game for me. I do not and will not pay a subscription for any game. I have always purchased the collectors editions or other premium editions of all games and expansion to support the game. I have spent thousands of dollars on gems. GW has always been B2P, that is why I started playing it in the first place. Any change now would be a betrayal and would mean the end of the game for me.

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What if we subscribe for $6 / month but have $20 (total) monthly equivalent in gems as an extra bonus to subscribers?

so still nobody has obligation to subscribe - total freedom, and anyone always can buy gems directly on-demand, but without this extra bonus


is this offer looks as a fair deal?

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