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Unidentified Gear: Data on Salvaging GREEN versus Identifying in the Post Magic Find World

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@"Wanze.8410" posting as [u/rude_asura](https://old.reddit.com/user/rude_asura) has provided us with new data on Uncommon UnID gear (i.e. Green), taken since the patch. All quoted material is from the original post at:

> https://redd.it/b5xd7d

> [Data](https://imgur.com/gallery/iazadQK)


See also:

* [Data for Rares](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/72439/unidentified-gear-data-on-salvaging-rare-versus-identifying-in-the-post-magic-find-world#first)

* [Data for Blues](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/72519/unidentified-gear-data-on-salvaging-blue-versus-identifying-in-the-post-magic-find-world#first)


> TL/DR:

> * salvaging 1000 Green Unidentified Gear directly yields around 16g worth of materials at current market prices

> * the salvage kit rarity doesnt matter when salvaging unid gear directly

> * From 1k indentified green unid gear around 40 were rare and 4 exotic drops (2k sample size) and each batch of 1k identified gear was worth around 30g before salvage at current market prices

> * CFSOM for the masterwork and SFSOM for the rare gear drops (keeping the exotic gear), I ended up with 26g worth of loot after deducting the salvage costs

> * after salvaging my results from identifying 1k green unid gear with a Runecrafters SOM, I ended up with 30g worth of loot after deducting the salvage costs

> * tp values used are lowest listing values


Or in other words: in the current market, each stack of _green_ unID gear is worth...

* ~4g when salvaged directly, without ID

* 6.5g after IDing, then salvaged using Silver-Fed (rares) and Copper-Fed (masterwork), plus ~0.25 exotics

* **7.5g after IDing, using Runecrafters instead of Copper-Fed above, plus ~0.25 exotics**

* 5.7g on the TP, when sold


Caveats: the market is in extreme flux at the moment. These numbers are going to change substantially.

(For example, the uncommon|green unID was worth 6-7s yesterday; it's selling at 2s today.)



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Yes values of mats are going to dip imo as well because of the amount of useless mats like copper, T2 leather, Jute etc that fill p inventory fast. Add the endless amounts of mithril, a mat that is never in short supply within the game.

As for that QoL stuff .. I call rubbish. I spend more time clicking on Unid gear and having to hit salvage just as often as ever before just to free up space. add to that someone thought it was a great idea to play Russian dolls with other chests so that we click them only to get more gear sacks to click then play salvage wars.. all whilst eating away your gold thanks to endless salvaging costs.

The drop rates on sigils and charms is useless, thankfully, otherwise there would be even more inventory clutter to deal with, at least we can just chuck motes away as they are just junk already.

If you think opening all those Unid gears and getting a few rares and very low chance of exotics now is a rewarding game play feature, sorry I disagree. Not everyone plays the game to loot endless amounts of low value rubbish just to salvage or sell to TP. The rewards to me feel even less rewarding than ever.. but yeah its day 1, maybe tomorrow I will drop an extra exo or be really lucky and get a rare Sunspear weapon/recipe now that the chances have been "greatly reduced, like they were easy to get previous (that part of the patch notes did make me laugh a little harder) :)

I believe all these changes since Requiem have been for other reasons.. not QoL, I said at the time something felt off to me and then we got the bad news, now these kind of changes make more sense, but I am not inclined to believe there is any genuine QoL from all this stuff.

Simply put I would rather they of worked on something much more important like content, or at the least rework older content to make them more enticing to run and rerun.. Serpents Ire perhaps, but sadly no we got Russian doll play.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> Yes values of mats are going to dip imo as well because of the amount of useless mats like copper, T2 leather, Jute etc that fill p inventory fast. Add the endless amounts of mithril, a mat that is never in short supply within the game.

> As for that QoL stuff .. I call rubbish. I spend more time clicking on Unid gear and having to hit salvage just as often as ever before just to free up space. add to that someone thought it was a great idea to play Russian dolls with other chests so that we click them only to get more gear sacks to click then play salvage wars.. all whilst eating away your gold thanks to endless salvaging costs.


This is especially bad in HoT where all the map bonuses are almost all containers so it is pretty much unavoidable ... and then there are other map specific containers so multiple use all are required. :/


> The drop rates on sigils and charms is useless, thankfully, otherwise there would be even more inventory clutter to deal with, at least we can just chuck motes away as they are just junk already.

> If you think opening all those Unid gears and getting a few rares and very low chance of exotics now is a rewarding game play feature, sorry I disagree. Not everyone plays the game to loot endless amounts of low value rubbish just to salvage or sell to TP. The rewards to me feel even less rewarding than ever.. but yeah its day 1, maybe tomorrow I will drop an extra exo or be really lucky and get a rare Sunspear weapon/recipe now that the chances have been "greatly reduced, like they were easy to get previous (that part of the patch notes did make me laugh a little harder) :)


I have actually gotten quite a few more exotics than usual but that might just be coincidence.


> I believe all these changes since Requiem have been for other reasons.. not QoL, I said at the time something felt off to me and then we got the bad news, now these kind of changes make more sense, but I am not inclined to believe there is any genuine QoL from all this stuff.

> Simply put I would rather they of worked on something much more important like content, or at the least rework older content to make them more enticing to run and rerun.. Serpents Ire perhaps, but sadly no we got Russian doll play.


Maybe they are making HoT more annoying so more people will head to PoF :P

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:


> As for that QoL stuff .. I call rubbish. I spend more time clicking on Unid gear and having to hit salvage just as often as ever before just to free up space. add to that someone thought it was a great idea to play Russian dolls with other chests so that we click them only to get more gear sacks to click then play salvage wars.. all whilst eating away your gold thanks to endless salvaging costs.


> If you think opening all those Unid gears and getting a few rares and very low chance of exotics now is a rewarding game play feature, sorry I disagree. Not everyone plays the game to loot endless amounts of low value rubbish just to salvage or sell to TP. The rewards to me feel even less rewarding than ever.. but yeah its day 1, maybe tomorrow I will drop an extra exo or be really lucky and get a rare Sunspear weapon/recipe now that the chances have been "greatly reduced, like they were easy to get previous (that part of the patch notes did make me laugh a little harder) :)

> I believe all these changes since Requiem have been for other reasons.. not QoL, I said at the time something felt off to me and then we got the bad news, now these kind of changes make more sense, but I am not inclined to believe there is any genuine QoL from all this stuff.

> Simply put I would rather they of worked on something much more important like content, or at the least rework older content to make them more enticing to run and rerun.. Serpents Ire perhaps, but sadly no we got Russian doll play.


I completely agree. The change has other purposes then to help the players in any way. And the part with the Sunspear weapons .... Sounds that they made a global change for preventing the players to get a single set of weapons :#

Let's look at the reasons of the change - as stated in the patch notes:


_There are three major goals that we hope to achieve with these changes. First, we want to separate regional drops more clearly, so players get jungle loot in the jungle, desert loot in the desert, and so on. Secondly, we want to make unidentified gear worth equal value to all players, and not worth more to players with higher magic-find potential. And last, but definitely not least, we hope to improve the play experience by reducing the number of times players need to stop and deal with full bags!_


1. **To separate regional drops**. What? This is nonsense. I don't remember in the last 3,5 years to drop a mordrem weapon in Tyria. Or a Sunspear weapon. On the other hand, the fact tht the weapons and armors from core drop in Hot and PoF is due to the fact that ANet did not create a specific set of wepons/armors to drop only in these regions. They used the core Turia armors/weapons. So, this statement is not true. It is not a reason, it is a PRETEXT.


2. **To make unidentifid gear worth equal value for all players**. Again something wrong. Any Unidentified gear has the same value for all the players. Either by selling it at vendors or to TP. The same value. The differences in return were when **opening** the Unidentified gear. But, from the wording it seems that the players with high MF were somehow cheaters, having the high MF obtained by illegal means, outside the game, giving them an **undeserved advantage** over the "honest" players with low MF. WHAT? Are you serious ANet? But still, even now, after we found that high MF is a kind of "exploit" the essence of luck still drops from salvage. Filling the inventory. But nobody orevented anyone to go himself in Silverwastes to do events, then to use banners/boosters/food/camp fires to boost the MF and then to open the bags. A full MF player was able to reach around 1000 MF in this way. A lower level MF (let's say with 150 MF) could reach around 850 MF there.The difference is not so high (from what I read the MF required to have good results was around 450). So, the low level players could have good revenues too. Conclusion: ANet **took** something from the veteran players (without any reason, and without any guilt from the veterans part, other than playing the game for a long time) and giving **nothing** extra in exchange to the "innocent" low MF players. Again, this was not a valid reason, the statement is a PRETEXT.


3. **To improve the play experience by reducing the .....** . From my last night experience - playing only in core and HoT areas. You receive now weapons and armors like before **and** bags of unidentified gear. If you are the player salvaging the unidentified gear directly, this is OK - **nothing changed** regarding the inventory management. Nothing changed = no improvement. But, if you want to identify the gear, then you have two ways: You can identify the gear after every drop, open a chest imediately after receiving it and then "salvage all", OR, play without salvaging and from time to time call your Personal Banker and put the UN Id gear in bank. Salvage all when the inventory is full, then in the end when you go in the city, identiofy the gear from bank and then salvage all. No matter what you do, the inventory management is now **more difficult than before**. Again, the reason is not a reason, it is a PRETEXT.


As for the real reason of the change ... I will risk a guess.

- I remember a time when all the players of the winning server in WvW received a bonus giving them an extra strike when gathering. ANet removed it from the players. And now you can **buy** this former reward with real money under the form of a gliph giving you the same mechanic - an extra strike.

- I remember the times when ANet fixed the leather issues in the game in such a manner they created a even greater problem. Now the problem can be solved by players by **buying** with real money some gliphs giving them a chance of leather (or clothes) when gathering.

- I remember a time when MF (although mostly useless) still was important when identifying the UN Id gear. I'm waiting to see what ANet will **sell** to us with real money to reach the same level as before this last "improvement".

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> As for that QoL stuff .. I call rubbish. I spend more time clicking on Unid gear and having to hit salvage just as often as ever before just to free up space. add to that someone thought it was a great idea to play Russian dolls with other chests so that we click them only to get more gear sacks to click then play salvage wars.. all whilst eating away your gold thanks to endless salvaging costs.


It might vary depending on how you normally deal with your inventory, but I found it much easier to sort everything out after Silverwastes yesterday. When I finished I had less than 20 new items/stacks in my inventory (not counting materials, which I'd be depositing periodically) and could immediately see the 'unusual' items (in this case just 2 sinister recipe books). When I opened the various champion bags the majority of stuff added to the stacks of unidentified gear and again I could see any special drops more quickly (I was joking with my guild that now I know right away I haven't got a precursor).


And when I came to identify the stacks of gear I could do it 1 stack at a time and then clear it out before moving on to the next one, which again stopped the problem of my whole inventory filling with stuff and ending up with no space to sort things or random equipment in my invisible bag. And if I'd gotten bored or ran out of time and had to stop sorting it all I could have stopped after opening one lot of gear and had just 1 or 2 stacks left sitting in my inventory instead of having to clear the whole lot before I can do anything else. In fact I could have gone on to something else right away since I had so few items in my inventory.


I don't know if it was more or less profitable than before because I've never kept track of exactly how much I get from Silverwastes, but it definitely felt like a simpler process to sort it out when I could go through other items first and leave equipment I'm just going to sell on the TP or salvage for last, and then do it one 'batch' at a time.

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I haven't had a chance to play since the patch yesterday, but something i did see on Reddit said that all unID bags are level 80, ( no matter what level toon you use ) so how do we salvage for lower tier mats, i can see T5 leather/Silk just dropping to trash value,


I understand why Anet did this patch for inventory management, but its long term affects will be felt,


Also they claim that it was to make everyone equal, so people who invest in magic find got the big ole FU while those who didnt invest at all, get a big pat on the back and a congrats on your casual play, it feels like every patch they move further away from veteran players to the thanks for playing the game 2 hours a week.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> I haven't had a chance to play since the patch yesterday, but something i did see on Reddit said that all unID bags are level 80, ( no matter what level toon you use ) so how do we salvage for lower tier mats, i can see T5 leather/Silk just dropping to trash value,


> I understand why Anet did this patch for inventory management, but its long term affects will be felt,


> Also they claim that it was to make everyone equal, so people who invest in magic find got the big ole FU while those who didnt invest at all, get a big pat on the back and a congrats on your casual play, it feels like every patch they move further away from veteran players to the thanks for playing the game 2 hours a week.


They always were locked on 76-80 range. You open champ bags and any other gear containers on low level character to get low level gear, not UnIDs

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> I haven't had a chance to play since the patch yesterday, but something i did see on Reddit said that all unID bags are level 80, ( no matter what level toon you use ) so how do we salvage for lower tier mats, i can see T5 leather/Silk just dropping to trash value,


> I understand why Anet did this patch for inventory management, but its long term affects will be felt,


> Also they claim that it was to make everyone equal, so people who invest in magic find got the big ole FU while those who didnt invest at all, get a big pat on the back and a congrats on your casual play, it feels like every patch they move further away from veteran players to the thanks for playing the game 2 hours a week.


You only get unidentified gear if you're playing on a level 80 character. If you move champion bags to a low level alt before opening them they'll drop low level equipment as before. So if you want low/mid tier materials the process is unchanged. (And unidentified gear always dropped level 80 items for all characters, although the only way to get it on low level characters was to join in with the Awakened Invasion events, so this didn't come up very often.)


Also I thought the statement about making everyone equal was referring to people who played in PoF maps vs. core or HoT maps. Previously if you were playing on PoF maps you got twice the benefits from magic find because it worked once when you got a drop to determined the tier of unidentified gear you got, and then again when you opened it to determined the exact item (which is why people would go to all the hassle of saving up huge amounts of unidentified gear to open when they could boost their magic find as high as possible). Now it only acts once - when you get the initial drop - just like it always has for all other items. So in Core and HoT maps Magic Find works the same way it always did, it's only for people who mainly played in PoF maps for the double use of MF who are losing something.

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The drop changes have also affected players in WvW! Pre-patch I've received in 2 hours of gameplay were 6 exotics and 30+ rare items from a mix between player kills and ranks. Yesterday after patch for same 2 hours was 180 spikes and 12 rare id's and 0 exotics! Whoever came up with this idea should have been the one laid off!!!

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I also disagree with this change as it's not benefitting any players in terms of time saved in organizing the inventory. I explain my self. The idea is nice as now the only pro of this change is that now you know the amount of items as gear you have in your inventory. But for the rest if you want to get a bit more profit out of it, takes even more time than before. So for me the solution would be simple. Why not removing the chance at all to get higher tiers items from blue, and green for example. Meaning that Blue unID could give only blue, green unID could give only green and rare unID would give only rares, and exotic drops just left as separate drops or make even exotit unID. And giving the same result in terms of material/profit from IDentifying them and salvaging them, or Salvaging them directly. Because why should there be any difference? This way if you are a leveling character and you need armor/weapons you open the bag and equip the items. If you are a level 80 character supposedly already fully equipped you just simply salvage them all and That would definetly save time and make the bag issue much more easy to manage. What do you think?

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> @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> So, instead of the old system where I just salvage all, periodically... Now I have to look for 3 different stacks of unided gears (blue, green, and gold), id them, THEN salvage them all. :disappointed:


I have exactly the same problem. Plus right now I don't even want to stack them up before opening, because I simply don't have 250 inventory space. xD Although I can understand for people who prefer to play fast paced and dislike full inventories, but I am a skritt at heart and my gameplay is now more slow than it was before because of this update. Can't they make an option in where you can choose either unindentified gear or just gear as before the update? In that way both fast paced players and skritty players are satisfied.


I also want to add of what the point is of the whole MF right now… It already did so little.

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> @"Mamma il Dio.2074" said:

> I also disagree with this change as it's not benefitting any players in terms of time saved in organizing the inventory.


Note: the quote from the patch notes says "we hope to improve the play experience by reducing the number of times players need to stop and deal with full bags". That's not the same as reducing the amount of time spent organising your inventory - it might still take the same amount of time, but now you can do that organisation when you choose to, rather than having to do it part way through doing something else because your inventory was full. I haven't played since this patch went live, but that certainly matches up with my experience of playing on PoF maps versus Core/HoT maps.

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> @"SexyMofo.8923" said:

> I agree with everyone here. This is an unquality of life change.


For me it's a good change. But then I've never been particularly worried about convoluted methods to get the absolute maximum profit from drops, or clearing my inventory as quickly as possible which seems to be the main issues raised with this system. (That and the on-going problem of players trying to understand how magic find works.)


This change means that instead of opening my inventory after playing for a while and seeing a jumbled mass of stuff, mostly equipment but maybe with other stuff inter-spaced somewhere I now open it and see just 3 stacks of random equipment which I can move out the way quickly and then it's easy to see and sort through whatever else I've got. And because they're only taking up 1 slot each I can ignore those 3 stacks of equipment until it's convenient for me to open and sort through them instead of having to make time to do it when my inventory is full. (Or if I really didn't care what's in there I could sell or salvage it unidentified which only takes a few seconds.)


So far there hasn't been enough time for that to be a big deal for me, although it was really nice to finish Silverwastes and see the drops hadn't even filled my first bag and I could tell at a glance what I had. But I know I'm really going to appreciate it next Halloween when I'm farming the Labyrinth and won't have to try and sell a few things in between doors just to clear some space for the next load of drops or hope my inventory fills up at the same time my boosters run out so I'm not wasting them while I stand around selling stuff.

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> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> > @"Mamma il Dio.2074" said:

> > I also disagree with this change as it's not benefitting any players in terms of time saved in organizing the inventory.


> Note: the quote from the patch notes says "we hope to improve the play experience by reducing the number of times players need to stop and deal with full bags". That's not the same as reducing the amount of time spent organising your inventory - it might still take the same amount of time, but now you can do that organisation when you choose to, rather than having to do it part way through doing something else because your inventory was full. I haven't played since this patch went live, but that certainly matches up with my experience of playing on PoF maps versus Core/HoT maps.


If you read throughly my post I wrote that the only pro of this in fact is the > @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> > @"Mamma il Dio.2074" said:

> > I also disagree with this change as it's not benefitting any players in terms of time saved in organizing the inventory.


> Note: the quote from the patch notes says "we hope to improve the play experience by reducing the number of times players need to stop and deal with full bags". That's not the same as reducing the amount of time spent organising your inventory - it might still take the same amount of time, but now you can do that organisation when you choose to, rather than having to do it part way through doing something else because your inventory was full. I haven't played since this patch went live, but that certainly matches up with my experience of playing on PoF maps versus Core/HoT maps.


Well if you read throughly all my post you would have noticed that i said: "The idea is nice as now the only pro of this change is that you player know the amount of items as gear you have in your inventory" So i am not saying that it's all bad and instead i think it's a good begenning towards a more fluid game play in terms of " I don't have to salvage and empty my bags every 5 minutes" as now you have control of what you have in your inventory and I'm personally enjoying it, I can see the difference. That's what I meant. So that's good indeed, but then the idea of having different results from opening and salvaging them directly for me doesn't make sense. And as you can see from many players' complains this is not what people want. Also my real question is. Why making 3 different tiers of unID gears bags ( green blue and rare ) when all of them can drop every kind of rarity (With a different chance of course, but still, why?) And now that even makes less sense because they removed the MF influence from them. So my suggestion is to have blu unID dropping only blue items, green dropping only green items and so on. As I mentioned in my post.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

>...in the current market, each stack of _green_ unID gear is worth...

> * ~4g when salvaged directly, without ID

> * 6.5g after IDing, then salvaged using Silver-Fed (rares) and Copper-Fed (masterwork), plus ~0.25 exotics

> * 7.5g after IDing, using Runecrafters instead of Copper-Fed above, plus ~0.25 exotics

> * 5.7g on the TP, when sold


> Caveats: the market is in extreme flux at the moment. These numbers are going to change substantially...

At this point I'm still trying to figure out the practical results of the loot bag changes for my game play. From Illconceived's original post it seems that the best way to go at the moment is to ID the loot bags and then salvage the individual items with the appropriate tool. (Silver-Fed etc.) Also, I had been keeping a dedicated bag opener with the highest magic find I could boost. That no longer seems necessary. Should every alt just go ahead and open their own unID gear then? Also, if magic find still has some effect at the initial loot drop, should we keep increasing magic find through luck and boosts or is that not worth it anymore?


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> @"Chichimec.9364" said:

> it seems that the best way to go at the moment is to ID the loot bags and then salvage the individual items with the appropriate tool. (Silver-Fed etc.)

Correct. That applies to greens and (likely) to rare pieces. It might turn out that blues aren't break even regardless.

(Again, with the caveat that the markets are in flux.)


> Also, I had been keeping a dedicated bag opener with the highest magic find I could boost. That no longer seems necessary.

Not exactly.

* Magic Find only helps on specific containers: Lunar New Year's envelopes and those that drop from PvP|WvW reward tracks that replace loot from foe deaths.

* UnID bags: any character can open them, so I recommend using one with the greatest number of empty slots.

* Champ bags: continue to open on a mid-tier toon, e.g. L53 is a good choice (if you can afford multiple slots, other levels work better sometimes)

* Other level-appropriate gear bags: same as champ bags. It's hard to keep track of which, so just open a single one on a mid-tier alt to see what pops up. These include the bags with 'gear' in the name from Silverwastes, blue & green hero chests from hoT maps, and more.


> Should every alt just go ahead and open their own unID gear then?

I find it easier to dump unID gear into the bank until I have free time. Other people don't seem to find that idea appealing; they'd rather ID & salvage "on the go."


> Also, if magic find still has some effect at the initial loot drop, should we keep increasing magic find through luck and boosts or is that not worth it anymore?

Boosting account magic find is ultimately worth it, since it's essentially free. I have never recommended buying stuff to boost, although if you really want to... salvaging ecto with mystic|silver-fed and selling the dust is ok (even better if you actually have a use for the dust).


It's worth using boosters **if** you are killing a lot of foes during the period of the booster. Examples:

* Food: any meta that has a lot of drops, which is most LS4 metas, but not most HoT metas.

* Boosters: I tend to save mine for things like Halloween. If you have a ton, it's not a bad use to also use them during metas.




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> @"flyro.6083" said:

> The drop changes have also affected players in WvW! Pre-patch I've received in 2 hours of gameplay were 6 exotics and 30+ rare items from a mix between player kills and ranks. Yesterday after patch for same 2 hours was 180 spikes and 12 rare id's and 0 exotics! Whoever came up with this idea should have been the one laid off!!!


The should make it in WvW that your WvW Rank affects the drops, you dont get into the high ranks without putting some effort in.


> @"phs.6089" said:


> They always were locked on 76-80 range. You open champ bags and any other gear containers on low level character to get low level gear, not UnIDs


I understand this, but i want to know what drops across other parts of the game now, i know that a level 80 will get level 80 drops, however, i just ran around Dregdehaunt Cliffs ( 40-50 level zone ) on my level 80 necro, i killed 100 enemies ( control test ) and i got


1 Torn Hide

1 Ragged Garment

6 Vials of Blood

2 Barbs ( trash )

5 Dull Claws (trash )

1 Jagged Metal Scrap

1 Slab of Red Meat

2 Totems

2 Hooves ( trash )

1 Level 80 salvaged rare


I had 351% MF, this is total trash, not a single green/blue drop on the map,


I then went to Sparkfly Fen ( level 55-65 zone ) and repeated the 100 enemies and got


1 Vial of Blood

1 Pile of Luminous Dust

3 Porous Bones

4 Vials of Thick Blood

1 Pile of Incandescent Dust

1 Sharp Fang

1 Smooth Scale

1 level 80 green weapon

1 level 56 green weapon

1 level 76 green weapon


I then went to Cursed Shore ( level 80 zone ) i killed alot here, so the drops where more, including a Grenth temple event, enemies killed was 250+ with that i got


To many list but a total of 50 trash items,

12 Blue unid

6 Green unid

3 rare drops ( 2 where from final chest at grenth )

1 rare unid ( from grenth bonus chest )

3 normal green drops

2 normal blue drops


I expected Cursed shore to better given its a level 80 zone, but from the small sample i did on lower level zones ( of which i have farmed in the past ) i feel Anet has turned the loot way way way down, almost forcing people to level 80 zones, i will test this again tomorrow with a lower toon that is still mapping, to see if results are different, but i personally feel this is a massive loot nerf masked as a QoL update, I know the above samples where small, when i get a chance this weekend ill run a longer test across many more maps, with 500+ enemy kills, and have efficiency track my farming to get accurate results, but yea for me, this is a massive loot nerf, and a way to rail road players into certain maps, so others can be ignored.





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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> 1. **To separate regional drops**. First, we want to separate regional drops more clearly, so players get jungle loot in the jungle, desert loot in the desert, and so on.


Well, that one failed. I just got an Elonian Firelight rare from a rare UNID doing Shatterer in Blazeridge Steppes. That is, as far as I know, still core Tyria. I think it might be time to read these patch notes as coming from politicians... hence the wording "we **want** to", which is not to say that they actually did, or will do.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Chichimec.9364" said:

> > it seems that the best way to go at the moment is to ID the loot bags and then salvage the individual items with the appropriate tool. (Silver-Fed etc.)

> Correct. That applies to greens and (likely) to rare pieces. It might turn out that blues aren't break even regardless.

> (Again, with the caveat that the markets are in flux.)


> > Also, I had been keeping a dedicated bag opener with the highest magic find I could boost. That no longer seems necessary.

> Not exactly.

> * Magic Find only helps on specific containers: Lunar New Year's envelopes and those that drop from PvP|WvW reward tracks that replace loot from foe deaths.

> * UnID bags: any character can open them, so I recommend using one with the greatest number of empty slots.

> * Champ bags: continue to open on a mid-tier toon, e.g. L53 is a good choice (if you can afford multiple slots, other levels work better sometimes)

> * Other level-appropriate gear bags: same as champ bags. It's hard to keep track of which, so just open a single one on a mid-tier alt to see what pops up. These include the bags with 'gear' in the name from Silverwastes, blue & green hero chests from hoT maps, and more.


> > Should every alt just go ahead and open their own unID gear then?

> I find it easier to dump unID gear into the bank until I have free time. Other people don't seem to find that idea appealing; they'd rather ID & salvage "on the go."


> > Also, if magic find still has some effect at the initial loot drop, should we keep increasing magic find through luck and boosts or is that not worth it anymore?

> Boosting account magic find is ultimately worth it, since it's essentially free. I have never recommended buying stuff to boost, although if you really want to... salvaging ecto with mystic|silver-fed and selling the dust is ok (even better if you actually have a use for the dust).


> It's worth using boosters **if** you are killing a lot of foes during the period of the booster. Examples:

> * Food: any meta that has a lot of drops, which is most LS4 metas, but not most HoT metas.

> * Boosters: I tend to save mine for things like Halloween. If you have a ton, it's not a bad use to also use them during metas.





Thanks. That's solid info on how to work with the changes in practical terms. Appreciate it.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> ... maybe tomorrow I will drop an extra exo or be really lucky and get a rare Sunspear weapon/recipe now that the chances have been "greatly reduced, like they were easy to get previous (that part of the patch notes did make me laugh a little harder) :)


I wonder if they typo'd there. The rare quality Elonian weapons have been most of the drops, and I would count it a relief to get a more varied mixture. It can be easy to mix up Elonian and Sunspear weapons, since the latter are the same skins with a bit more bling. It seems bizarre that they would think the rare-percentage-drops of the exotic Sunspear stuff needed reducing, but makes all kind of sense if they mean the rare-quality-drop-all-the-time Elonian stuff.

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