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Updated Upcoming Warclaw bug fixes/changes

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hey folks!


I wanted to make an updated version of this post, given the recent release and a few bits of extra info on the progress of some items.



* ~~We're working on a fix for the issue where people can get stuck on their mount, and still have their 3 evades and such. There may be more than one bug that causes this, but we think we're getting the most egregious one.~~ - Done 3/26

* We're going to remove the jump on dismount. It's one of the biggest things used to bypass walls/gates and it was faster to remove the jump rather than try to fix each of those individually. - Partially Done 3/26 - We know there are several other bugs that allow people to get a similar effect to the automatic jump on dismount. It's so far been a hard bug to crack, but we're working on it.

* ~~ Fix to the sitting in box achievement areas so you can mount up in them.~~ - Done 3/26

* ~~Mounts will no longer be able to be stealthed. We felt mounts provide enough value without stealth and, as many have noticed, there were several visual bugs with stealth involved.~~ - Done 3/26

* We know there are still several areas people can break in to keeps/towers or otherwise get to places you shouldn't be able to. If you find one, please don't post them on the forums. You are welcome to send them to me in a PM here or discord. We'll be fixing these as we find them. Many will probably be able to be fixed whenever we find a fix for the other ways to jump upon dismount.

* Adding a 5 second recharge on the Warclaw Mount skill if you're dismounted for any reason. This includes damage, using the engage skill or using the dismount skill.


Medium to Long-term

* Working on a dismount trap - Rough prototype is done internally. Still experimenting with costs, area size, fx, etc.

* Considering a dismount trick. Something that can be used with less planning and by players who don't have the mount. The user experience of using consumables during conflict is not the greatest, but it still may be useful for players to have.

* Working on a new mounted skill to dismount other mounted players. This will also dismount yourself and put both players into combat briefly. - Rough prototype is done internally. Going to need fx and we're determining how to unlock it. Currently leaning towards a new mastery. Determining if it should have a cost, outside of burning the cooldown on use.


Even Longer term

* We're considering adding break-bars to the WvW Mount. It's still a **big ** if, as this requires UI considerations. - We have break-bars working internally with no UI. There is some debate about whether we'll still need this if we do some of the features from above. All this being said, there is a chance that UI considerations stop us from doing this. We could try some other solutions to make CC's usable against mounts.


Edit: Added info about the dismount recharge

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Thank you for always doing such a good job at communicating, Ben. Overall I find the Warclaw to be pretty decently balanced, but I would like to pass on three personal wishes for changes. Just my opinions, of course.


-When using a waypoint, restrict Warclaw access for ~15-30 seconds. Excluding Desert BL, the maps are quite small. Reinforcements are far too easy to send if there is a nearby waypoint, and deaths are trivialized by respawning being less of a punishment now.

-Normalize travel speed to the baseline speed when in an enemy territory. When the dismount skill becomes a feature, the increased speed will provide too much of an advantage to those within their own territory.

-Prevent Warclaw stomps from rallying allied players. This provides a healthy drawback for a very powerful skill.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> * Working on a new mounted skill to dismount other mounted players.


So as of now, that is basically a set thing, despite the very mixed feedback, and without a cost apart from the cooldown. The "roamers" won then; time will tell how much of the new blood stays with this not only being available, but also likely lopsidedly locked behind a higher-tier mastery that those who main WvW will have instant access to.


Also, is it maybe being considered to ship build templates before this skill? That way people would at least have a chance to swap to a self-sustainable build before being brought down by duel builds that can engage and disengage at will.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> * Considering a dismount trick. Something that can be used with less planning and by players who don't have the mount. The user experience of using consumables during conflict is not the greatest, but it still may be useful for players to have.

Have you considered a Special Action button? Usable item which enables it, maybe in a determined period of time like some Sidequest items.



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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Lascax.2163" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > * Considering a dismount trick. Something that can be used with less planning and by players who don't have the mount. The user experience of using consumables during conflict is not the greatest, but it still may be useful for players to have.

> Have you considered a Special Action button? Usable item which enables it, maybe in a determined period of time like some Sidequest items.



We're very careful with special action button stuff that isn't tied to a specific map area. We don't want to get ourselves into a position where there are special action button conflicts.

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> @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> I still don't understand the necessity of the dismount skill. Is it that problematic for players to have to fight an opponent that can only run away or jump around in circles?


If that circle is a capture circle then yes.


There are still three dodges. And if someone can’t use those judiciously, on their way back to a Zerg, then that’s on them.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > I still don't understand the necessity of the dismount skill. Is it that problematic for players to have to fight an opponent that can only run away or jump around in circles?


> If that circle is a capture circle then yes.


> There are still three dodges. And if someone can’t use those judiciously, on their way back to a Zerg, then that’s on them.


So you're saying the dismount skill can be dodged? Because I've seen nothing from ANET to indicate this. Please point me to that information.


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> @"Lishtenbird.2814" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > * Working on a new mounted skill to dismount other mounted players.


> So as of now, that is basically a set thing, despite the very mixed feedback, and without a cost apart from the cooldown. The "roamers" won then; time will tell how much of the new blood stays with this not only being available, but also likely lopsidedly locked behind a higher-tier mastery that those who main WvW will have instant access to.


> Also, is it maybe being considered to ship build templates before this skill? That way people would at least have a chance to swap to a self-sustainable build before being brought down by duel builds that can engage and disengage at will.


Sadly, the gankers and Locust Alliance are most vocal here (you're new so don't know the hidden politics). So they will whine till they win.




If it makes you feel better, you'll prob get build templates about the time we get Alliances, so GW3...


Side note - Roamers =/= Gankers. Gankers only PvP. Most could not take an objective if their life depended on it.


Roamers can do both, and actually try to help war score.


Edit to add - @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065", I agree with many others. Your team seems to be overthinking the dismount thing. It just needs to be added to the battle maul, and put both in combat. Done, easy, and doesn't require extra mastery that non-vets don't have to be able to use.

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The point of the mount is to get to the commander faster and safer, isn't it?

It's kind of sad that a small minority that cares about 1v1 and ganking has such a massive outloud on the game. I get it you want to gank people, why don't you try sPvP then?

If you really want to go in that direction, you have to carefully balance it, it must have supply cost, cast time and not very long range, so you don't have people just camping spawn for hours and dismounting people that want to play WvW like it is supposed to be played, with huge crowd, Blob vs Blob.

This is a perfect opportunity for people to enjoy WvW without worrying about 1-shot cheesy builds looking just for easy kills, don't take it away please.

Mount is fine as it is, actually it's already nerfed a lot, don't make it pointless. :)

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Thank you for the communication and quick fixes, its appreciated.


On a related note, the other day I tried to mount in Desert bl at Earth Shrine between Fire and Earth Keeps and fell right through the map. Apparently there is a lot of water under the map :open_mouth: . Before falling through the terrain, I encountered that mounting bug where it looks like your character gets halfway stuck in the ground, but your character can still move. This seems like a lag/desync issue that was supposed to be fixed months ago if I recall correctly. I still encounter this issue at random times in WvW. Can you guys take a look into it?


Also battle maul is a little wonky to use because it always causes you to leap at full range, unlike with Raptor which has more controlled leaps (with dodges and attack). This means you can easily miss a target and have to rely on the large radius. Is this intended or just a design choice?


And thank you for removing stealth from mounts, and I actually like the battle maul instakill, it is a nice indirect nerf to downstate.

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My god, we have had nothing but nerfs to the mount since day 1, for either because of bugs, or because of a majority of vocal feedback only taken from the forums. And then I read even more suggestions for how and when I can use the damn thing i.e.


> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:


> -When using a waypoint, restrict Warclaw access for ~15-30 seconds. Excluding Desert BL, the maps are quite small. Reinforcements are far too easy to send if there is a nearby waypoint, and deaths are trivialized by respawning being less of a punishment now.

> -Normalize travel speed to the baseline speed when in an enemy territory. When the dismount skill becomes a feature, the increased speed will provide too much of an advantage to those within their own territory.

> -Prevent Warclaw stomps from rallying allied players. This provides a healthy drawback for a very powerful skill.


What's next? Can only use the thing on a full moon every odd month of the year (and every even month only one server gets access to it?), oh and it costs 40 supply to mount up in the first place. And if you somehow hacked the game to get 40 supply you can only run as fast as a character normally does anyway. Oh and it has one dodge but it's a charge skill that takes 5 seconds to cast.... and if you move well you can't dodge for 5 days.


Can't we just leave well enough alone for once folks. I get "some" people are unhappy with the mount but there are just as many folks happy with the mount AS IS. But where does the call for nerfs end, seriously?


Also, advanced sorry to Pterikdactyl.7630.... was using your post more as an example rather than actually being upset at you XD.


> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:


> Sadly, the gankers and Locust Alliance are most vocal here (you're new so don't know the hidden politics). So they will whine till they win.


And who the hell is the Locust Alliance.... and why have I never heard of them before? And how do they have "so much power"? XD

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > > I still don't understand the necessity of the dismount skill. Is it that problematic for players to have to fight an opponent that can only run away or jump around in circles?

> >

> > If that circle is a capture circle then yes.

> >

> > There are still three dodges. And if someone can’t use those judiciously, on their way back to a Zerg, then that’s on them.


> So you're saying the dismount skill can be dodged? Because I've seen nothing from ANET to indicate this. Please point me to that information.



I would not know if it can be dodged. But let me ask you how many skills are there that are un-dodge-able?




TLDR: only three CC effects can prevent dodges. But the skills that apply them are dodgable.


Considering this, I would have no reason to suspect that the mount wouldn’t be able to dodge said dismount skill.


And for now, the mount cannot be CC’d.

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I'm actually a bit sad that mounts can't stealth now; one of the main ways I've been using the Warclaw is to sneak quickly past enemy lines and putting out siege disablers on sieges that are attacking our towers and keep. Our server is usually outnumbered (best cast scenario is 1.5 to 1; worst is maybe 5 to 1), and the enemy zerg is usually 40+ people hanging around the sieges on their own Warclaws, versus the 5 of us defending our EBG keep for example. Having that option of stealth to disable them, either to just cause inconvenience to the enemies or to buy time to rally more people in to defend, is always nice for lone scouts like me. Now that option is no longer feasible, and I could barely survive past the zerg to lay down that disabler on EBG red keep vista hill (which can treb both outer and inner walls, which I still find quite stupid since you can only treb outer SMC from red keep).


Funny thing is, that mount super jump that ANet said is no longer possible, is still possible. I dunno how to do it personally, but I see others still doing it no problem.

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