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Dear Devs, I have a dream.

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Hello dear devs and fellow guildwars players.


Firstly I like to say I enjoy and love all guild wars games both guild wars 1 and 2 they mean the world to me.


I would like to pass on a big suggestion is it maybe possible to revamp Guild wars 1? I know it will take both time and money to do so. I am just brainstorming here.

Suggestions give Guildwars 1; graphics update, mounts, to able to jump and dodge, tradepost, banking, and bagslots like in guildwars 2. Buff the classes, start pathing the game again.


You have a great product there (Guildwars1) it just needs a face lift. I know Blizzard is Revamping vanilla world of warcarft.


I know for a fact many players that are in guildwars 2 miss what guildwars 1 had to offer.



My intentions are not to upset anyone. Just sharing a few thoughts that I and my friends talk about regularly.



Warm regards,

Passionate player :)









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I do not see how this could happen. It also means looking into the reasons people like GW1.

In the Cantha threat I stated something simular. What, in my opinion, people liked about Cantha is the complixity of the maps. The vibe of cutting a corner, not knowing what would be behind it. The open world of GW2 and the movability, also destroys that effect. What is nice about amaze-like city, when you simply can hop on your griffon and fly over everthing.


Many of the places in GW1 allready have been revamped for GW2, and to be honest they feel very differently. In GW1, there where quests to escort people from kamadan to the great hall. In GW2 they are virtually adjacent to eachother. The distance is the same-ish, but the increase of movability is huge. GW1 is gone. good things could and should be used more often, but that is it to my opinion. I do think the devs should be forced to play GW1 more often as it could be a huge source of inspiration. The eternal grove was a pain (especially in Hardmode with heroes/henchmen), but also very much fun as a mission. Such missions could be an inspiration for GW2 stories.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Goettel.4389" said:

> > Not a GW player (didn't like it), but didn't it get a big patch including graphical overhaul quite recently?

> > I'd say count your blessings an almost 15 year old game being maintained as it is.

> >


> Just some qol features


This made me google a bit.

These graphics features were added last year:


* Windowed Fullscreen support.

* A new 8X MSAA anti-aliasing option.

* The “Use best texture filtering” option will now take advantage of 16x Anisotropic filtering.

* A new “Advanced” option checkbox has been added to the Graphics options panel. This will replace the “-lodfull” command line option that was added recently.

* Model LODs will always use the highest available LOD (Level Of Detail), regardless of distance, including the disabling of “imposter” models.

* The max draw distance will be doubled. Ground cover vegetation draw distance will be pushed out even further.

* Terrain LODs will almost always draw in highest.

* Windowed Fullscreen now works on any monitor. It uses the monitor that the majority of the window is on.

* Added the -lodfull command line argument back. This functions the exact same as it did prior to the May 9th update.

* The game client now properly clamps itself to the monitor it is primarily in while in windowed mode.

* Note: The client will perfectly clamp to the monitor when toggling from Windowed Fullscreen to Windowed mode.

* An Ultra shadow setting.

* Doubles the distance, doubles the resolution, and quadruples the amount of dynamic shadows.

* The fog/haze when using the Advanced graphics options has been slightly modified.

* The game client restarts properly into Windowed Fullscreen when switching from Fullscreen to Windowed Fullscreen.


Again: that's excellent for a 15 year old game.

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At one point they did consider adding a lot of that stuff to GW1, along with some other stuff like dynamic events. They decided the best way to do it would be to make a new game, and that's how we got GW2.


Not a joke, that's seriously what happened. They reached a point where the things they wanted to do just wouldn't work with the game and the engine they had and given the choice between giving up on their ideas for how to move forward and sticking with what they could do or starting over with a name game they choose to make a new game.


Which means I think it's highly unlikely they'll add it to GW1 now. I doubt any of it has gotten easier to do, and they probably want to keep most people focused on one game.


> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> Just wondering is gw1 under the ncsoft banner like gw2? Because when i read their financials i see gw2 but no mention of gw1. Could the other projects people got layed off from have been gw1, like maybe they were going to revamp it?


Arenanet is entirely owned by NCSoft and has been since before GW1 was released. I think the reason you don't see GW1 mentioned in the financial reports is it doesn't make enough money to be worth talking about. It may not even make enough to cover the cost of keeping it running, although at this point that would be minimal. If NCSoft does get any profit from it they probably include it with GW2 for simplicity (remember the report is for shareholders, and potential shareholders, who want to know how the company is doing as a whole, not every little detail of each product) or maybe with 'other games'.

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What you are looking for, actually, looks like a way to make GW1 more like GW2. It wasn't meant to be like that. When they were working on the 4th campaign it was too big and different from the original and so it became GW2. Let the original be as it was meant to be.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> After recent layoffs, I doubt there will be any updates for GW2, its worth noticing that layoffs stroke Anet just after they announced some QoL changes to GW1. I wonder if this was an alarm bell for Ncsoft to act.


As far as I know, the GW1 updates are done by one person or at least I'm sure it started out like that. I doubt it's bigger than a team of 2-3, anyway, even now. That wouldn't prompt NCsoft to fire 100+ people.

The layoffs were due to the team being divided on GW2 and a bunch of unannounced projects that seemingly went nowhere. They now focus solely on GW again. The QoL updates for GW1, I think, are still happening...

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> @"silentsiren.4879" said:

> Hello dear devs and fellow guildwars players.


> Firstly I like to say I enjoy and love all guild wars games both guild wars 1 and 2 they mean the world to me.


> I would like to pass on a big suggestion is it maybe possible to revamp Guild wars 1? I know it will take both time and money to do so. I am just brainstorming here.

> Suggestions give Guildwars 1; graphics update, mounts, to able to jump and dodge, tradepost, banking, and bagslots like in guildwars 2. Buff the classes, start pathing the game again.


> You have a great product there (Guildwars1) it just needs a face lift. I know Blizzard is Revamping vanilla world of warcarft.


> I know for a fact many players that are in guildwars 2 miss what guildwars 1 had to offer.



> My intentions are not to upset anyone. Just sharing a few thoughts that I and my friends talk about regularly.



> Warm regards,

> Passionate player :)










Can you please change the title to reflect your request, instead of that vague title?


Something like “Can Anet improve GW1?”...


And to give my own answer... GW2 needs all dev time, focus and resources it can get. It’s a waste of effort and money to work on a “Improved Guild Wars” when this company just got hit with a 140 person lay-off...


GW is still up and running for nostalgia, so take advantage of it before that closes down.



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> @"silentsiren.4879" said:

> I would like to pass on a big suggestion is it maybe possible to revamp Guild wars 1? I know it will take both time and money to do so. I am just brainstorming here.

> Suggestions give Guildwars 1; graphics update, mounts, to able to jump and dodge, tradepost, banking, and bagslots like in guildwars 2. Buff the classes, start pathing the game again.


* They recently did a graphics update, and I doubt we'll ever see more for that.

* Mounts and jumping would ompletely break they game.

* They actually attempted a trading post in the past, but code proved unwieldingly improbable.

* They have already improved banking and bagslots, probably to the extreme of what's possible without an overhaul that would be unfeasible focus for the low income of the game.

* The only thing you suggest that might be reasonable to add to GW1 would be dodging. But a skill balance and powercreep-fix update would be far more likely before that.


That all said, if you paid attention to the recent developments around ArenaNet, they had to lay off ~140 people by mandate of NCSoft, in order to create larger focus on GW2 and away from non-GW2 projects of which there were two unnannounced projects (at least). Right now is probably _the_ time that is impossible for ArenaNet to divert resources to improving GW1.


TBH, I wish they'd bring back the Live Team that they had working on GW1 while GW2 was still in development. It was small, but it was able to keep GW1 fresh and they even managed to create good content (M.O.X. quests, War in Kryta, Winds of Change, etc.). I would absolutely love and replay GW1 if they gave a good balance patch, made that unfortunately scrapped Elona and Ebonhawke Beyond arcs, etc. etc.


But I digress, because it won't happen.

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> @"silentsiren.4879" said:

> Suggestions give Guildwars 1; graphics update, mounts, to able to jump and dodge, tradepost, banking, and bagslots like in guildwars 2. Buff the classes, start pathing the game again.


You are basically asking to redo GW1 from scratch as the current GW1 engine cannot be updated to that extent, which is why they created GW2 in the first place.


**Yes**, I would **love** to play such a revamped version of GW1 <3 too, but it is never going to happen due to a lack of resources required to do so.

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They did add a graphic update to it. It looks beautiful maxed out.

the game has no benefit for mounts as the design of the game does not need them.

jumping also has no benefit in the design.


I jumped back into it recently to check out the visual update. looked great. Its just unfortunate, that aside from Spammadan the bot city, game feels lonely and deserted.

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> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> > @"silentsiren.4879" said:

> > banking, and bagslots


> I'm not sure if this is the sort of thing you had in mind, but the last update to GW1 (6th February 2019) increased the number of storage slots in each Xunlai Chest pane, and enabled you to purchase more panes and extra material storage.


*And* the possibility to increase the Belt Pouch and Bags, so max character inventory was enlarged by +15 slots, or ~23%.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > Okay, first of all: they did. It's called Guild Wars 2.

> >

> > GW2 is nothing like GW1, and never will manage to be as great as GW1 was for its time in its prime.

> >


> Exactly my point.


My point was that they didn't do what OP asked for, really. You said they did and called it Guild Wars 2.


IMO, Guild Wars 1 "with some GW2 features" (aka what OP wants) would still be vastly different than what GW2 is. Not as different as they are now, but still different enough that "they did it and called it GW2" is not a correct statement.

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