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Griffon Mount requirements. No sir, I don't like them.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Given how many people have put in the effort for the content and largely without complaint, the chances of such a thing appearing as an unlock on the gemstore seems like zero, so really you are just creating a problem for yourself rather than something Anet needs to overcome.


People said the same thing toward people that thought the level bring was boring and tedious. Years later they added a way to fully skip levels.

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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> Honestly - I HATE the requirements to acquire the griffon mount. I don't want to do them, and frankly - I won't, EVER do them. However, I would like the advantages of a griffon mount, and would be happy to pay real money to get them. Please offer the griffon mount on the real money transaction store for whatever you feel is an appropriate price. I am certain that many people would appreciate it. Let me reiterate - I will NEVER..... NEVER do the current requirements for the griffon mount.


> NEVER. It actually makes me angry.



Yikes, playing MMORPG and can't grind a simple mount. It just means you shouldn't play these types of games.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> i love how people say they casually got 250 gold for it, and i have now 20g after a few days of doi g meta events and fractals...



20g after a few days of metas **and** fractals would mean something is wrong, or you aren't doing T4s. Fractals alone are 10-20g+ a day. I get ~15+g a day from T4 dailies+Recs without selling materials, it all comes from selling the "trash" items from the boxes, extra fractal boxes, and infusions. You can sell excess materials you don't need and matrixes (a full stack is ~90g before tax). If you aren't at t4, just play a support with what ever ascended gear and no one will generally care, you'll get ascended armor/weapon boxes overtime that you can just swap the stats on for a dps. Then there's the 2g a day from the daily before selling any materials as well as daily login rewards that can be turned to gold. I hoard all materials and I still make plenty of gold on the days I play.

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When you break it down the Griffon requires only 2 things tbh..

Time and Gold.


The latter of which you can obtain with gem to gold conversion so it's not like there isn't an option to pay real money to get it if you really want to do that.


I enjoyed the collection overall, It was definitely a worthwhile reward for such a big quest.

Imo there should be more long quests with high quality rewards at the end in Gw2.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"coso.9173" said:

> > Ah, 12 dailies for each 25g part. Which makes it like hundreds of dailies to get enough money...


> 25g a piece, so do dailies, sell the mystic coins and laurels (by buying t4 or t6 crafting bags)

> Complete the Auric Basin meta event,

> Gather volatile magic and sell the trophy crates

> Should be doable to get 10g a day of you slack off, that means about a small month to get the gold.

> And that's if you do the lazy way.

> If you put effort in gathering and do even more meta events, you can get a lot more on a daily basis


Grin. Or find somebody like me who would gladly give you the gold for your Griffon in exchange for helping them get their very own Griffon...if wishes were fishes.

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> @"Samuel.4812" said:

> This is an mmo. It calls for egg hunts. Go find some other stuff to do until you're ready to finish the collection. This game does not need to be dumbed down like wow became. Please keep the collections anet


Then help the weakest links in this chain, and we will not be here on this forum complaining and possibly catching the Dev's attention. We will be Griffon riding.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > This is one of those bonus end game luxuries you have to earn in game.

> >

> > Lisa looks at computer screen seriously. What if you have the motivation to do the end game stuffs but you are clutz...and cannot finish the story, and do not know anyone in game, and are shy??? Not everything is cut and dry.


> I'm a very casual player and I was able to get my griffon. Yes, it was hard work for me and yes I had to find groups to help in some parts. It can be done.


> This mount is an OPTIONAL item in the game. It is not required to complete any portion of any story. If some are unable to obtain it, they will not be at a loss to do any content in GW2.


> Now, if they WANT the griffon for the QoL that it brings, then sorry -- do the necessary things to get it. It can be done.


Serious question here. You say you are casual. How are you in the coordination department??? Do you have problems finishing the solo story solo???


I'm sorry. I am just sick of people saying these stories are meant to be solo, and yet they require people to help finish.


I am getting better though. I am getting so I can romp through Istan, and Sandswept, Kournia, and Jahar solo and survive, and I can do the hearts.


I have also helped with a couple of bounties..wonder if gives me some sort of Griffon credit..probably not.




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The only thing that was a bit annoying with its collection was the bounty ones, because you need a group to do it (I'm not a formidable player that can solo everything).


Aside of that, you just need to find some eggs in the map and buy some collectible; really not hard. Like someone has mentioned earlier, Dulfy has a very nice guide for the collection.

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> @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> > > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > > This is one of those bonus end game luxuries you have to earn in game.

> > >

> > > Lisa looks at computer screen seriously. What if you have the motivation to do the end game stuffs but you are clutz...and cannot finish the story, and do not know anyone in game, and are shy??? Not everything is cut and dry.

> >

> > I'm a very casual player and I was able to get my griffon. Yes, it was hard work for me and yes I had to find groups to help in some parts. It can be done.

> >

> > This mount is an OPTIONAL item in the game. It is not required to complete any portion of any story. If some are unable to obtain it, they will not be at a loss to do any content in GW2.

> >

> > Now, if they WANT the griffon for the QoL that it brings, then sorry -- do the necessary things to get it. It can be done.


> Serious question here. You say you are casual. How are you in the coordination department??? Do you have problems finishing the solo story solo???


> I'm sorry. I am just sick of people saying these stories are meant to be solo, and yet they require people to help finish.


> I am getting better though. I am getting so I can romp through Istan, and Sandswept, Kournia, and Jahar solo and survive, and I can do the hearts.


> I have also helped with a couple of bounties..wonder if gives me some sort of Griffon credit..probably not.



Yes, I am 50+ with family, work and other obligations so I don't have a lot of time to play and "git gud". I have not finished the solo story for core. I did finish (solo, which surprised me -- yeah, did die a lot) for the griffon because I wanted it, but I didn't get it right away because I had to farm for the gold.


I do believe that ANet's intent is for the story content to be completed solo. I have learned that I am simply not that good at MMO to be of the caliber necessary to do so. I have had guildies help with some of the chapters.



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> @"coso.9173" said:

> Ah, 12 dailies for each 25g part. Which makes it like hundreds of dailies to get enough money...


Pretty much, ill never have it because i wont ever have that much gold on hand. There is always something i have to buy to advance my character so i wont have the extra for a mount.

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Heaven forbid what we will need to do for the next mount. I have no idea why people think they should just be given stuff just because. This time round I've farmed 600g and been gathering everything and anything just in case. I also will have to do it on another account.

Dami is ready.

Be more like Dami.

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> @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> > @"Samuel.4812" said:

> > This is an mmo. It calls for egg hunts. Go find some other stuff to do until you're ready to finish the collection. This game does not need to be dumbed down like wow became. Please keep the collections anet


> Then help the weakest links in this chain, and we will not be here on this forum complaining and possibly catching the Dev's attention. We will be Griffon riding.


If the entire game was designed around the weakest link in the game it would be designed to be like WoW.


At some point you should temper the weakest link instead of adjusting the chain

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I fully understand OP. I made a collection on the griffon shortly after the release of PoF, but this was the most boring and irritable employment, I was doing in GW2. I hate jumping puzzles, I do not like all these "collections", it does not bring me any pleasure.

I do not think that selling for real money is a good idea, but in my opinion it would be nice to simplify its receipt. Enough time has passed since the release of the extension. Now everyone has griffons, this is no longer a matter of pride or prestige, and make their getting easier for newbies - why not.

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I still am having a seriously hard time getting stuff done to get my griffon. I have spent multiple hours trying desperately to find groups to do the group stuff. There just aren't enough people playing, or rather, enough people playing who are interested in helping some random person.


I AM a random person. Keep that in mind before you flame me. I don't know anyone who plays. I can't talk about it at work because I work in a field (nuclear) that despises "gaming". So its a little pastime for me that is essentially secret.


I have been a member of many guilds - but generally, a guild is comprised of a tight group of insiders, and people like myself, who are just "flies" zipping in and out, who really aren't of any consequence, but are invited to maintain/push the aggregate guild "level".

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People like me. Who aren't big gamers, we don't have the same kind of accessibility to different game modes that other folks do. I have tried to put out a blanket request for help - but really, how many folks are going to come help some dude they don't know - at this late state of the game? There isn't a herd of folks like me to join up with - just the regulars.


It's very lonely, and I need help. I think I need developer help.

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