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Just for once, I wish I could get Wings of Ascension / The Ascension in WvW instead of


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Wings of Ascension / The Ascension is my favorite backpiece of the whole game, but the mere fact that I have to play PvP stops me. I am not a person who likes PvP for _obvious reasons,_ but I like WvW though. A lot of people hates Warbringer anyway.


Just for once. I wish I could get Wings of Ascension / The Ascension in WvW.

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??? xD

Legendary PvE backpack you get by doing PvE, Legendary WvW backpack you get by doing WvW and Legendary PvP backpck you get by doing PvP

It would be like studying biology and after 5 years getting doctorate in philosophy. Two different things. This skin is unique for PvP-mode, and its not so hard to get, so move your lil-below-back thingymajigy and start playing proper mode for this item

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I wouldn't mind the exclusivity of each mode except all of the WvW items are clunky, don't go with other gear, and the dye channels don't make sense (especially the overly bright light rays channel that is also a channel on chest pieces itself for some lazy reason). The spvp chest pieces look awesome and go with anything and you can actually see your character and the back piece with the wings.

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Warbringer is seriously ugly to me (subjective - I get that some players love it and fits their aesthetic). While I like the colours of the Ascension, I'm not a fan of the "angel wings" aesthetic.


So I just decided to finish Ad Infinitum instead - fairly easy collection, only challenge is the tedium/stress of time gated nonsense - takes ages of waiting around to do things in other people's time, not in your own time... I don't really like it either - has awful clipping issues with Asura ears and hair - but the name is more pleasing to read on the transmuted description. xD


I guess I don't like wings in general - weird animations while running, clipping issues with stowed weapons/hair/clothes/ears, and unless you have a Brian Blessed lookalike character I think most wings are an eyesore.


I do feel for you if loving a particular skin and feeling obliged to play a different mode to get it - hell I don't really like fractals but I knew I could finish Ad Infinitum in two weeks (already had a lot lf timegated stuff from the past) so made the decision to suck it up and spend all of my game time there to get it done. It was tedious, it was slightly soul destroying and felt like a second job (but nowhere near as bad as gen 2 legendary collections...) but I felt the time sacrifice was worth it in the larger scheme of things - 2 weeks of "work" but now it's over and I am glad to have done it. But ultimately if it's not going to be enjoyable to play for a reward then maybe the reward isn't worth getting - got to weigh up the time sacrifice / satisfaction ratio.


> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> I would very much prefer that they make obtaining Legendary trinkets and rings available in WvW with its our own unique effects. I dislike going PvE for them.


Hopefully once they've released a few more unique pve trinkets (assuming next LW episode may have a trinket for whole of LW4 and Coalescence is finished soom) there could be plain wvw and pvp obtainable versions just like how legendary armour is.


Would be cool if having unique cosmetic - maybe for one trinket like a unique wvw amulet, but otherwise I'd settle for basic stat change without cosmetic. :)

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