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Chill with the super-strict mail message suppression.

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This evening I was messing around in Gendarren Fields. A group of 3 new players with charr characters invited me to their party, and I ran around with them while they did map completion. After they logged off, I sent them each a mail with a few gold saying "From an old charr to a new charr," because I remember being a little newbie running around like that. After the first 2 mails sent, I got suppressed for "excessive messaging." 3 messages to 3 separate people is hardly excessive. You need to make your system catch actual spammers, not players trying to be nice.

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Any system to catch spammers will also catch the innocent. There will always be a line of annoyance, for those sending and for those recieving spam.

I personally think Arenanet should and could invest in a more intelligent system. e.g. making a difference for people in the same guild (for x amount of time), or who have been in eachothers friendslist for x-amount of time. Both however would not have made a difference to you.

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> @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

> 3 messages to 3 separate people is hardly excessive. You need to make your system catch actual spammers, not players trying to be nice.


Your three emails? Correct, not excessive.

Spammers? It was a problem. ANet had reduced the number of rapid fire emails many times before they settled on two. Before then, it was very common for people get to emails and whispers from fake accounts, advertising RMT. It apparently was also used for laundering coin through multiple accounts and other nefarious practices.


We're told that ANet ran the numbers and found that only x% of people ever sent 3+ mails and even that didn't happen that often, so they figured that this would have a small impact on the community sending legit mail. And technically, that's been true: not that many people are affected, and those that are, mostly not that often.


Of course, that doesn't mean there's no impact. It's frustrating to those who like to run contests or be generous in other ways, for guild leaders trying to message their members, for me personally sending out gifts or organizing groups, and so on.


On the other hand, I can't remember the last time I got email from a gold-seller.



tl;dr as with anything, there's a trade-off between convenience and security and ANet has been pushing towards erring on the side of security for the past 3-4 years.

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Personally, I preferred the gold sellers to this crap. It goes beyond just this instance. Sending a bunch of armor dyes to my husband or my family members joining the game? Suppressed. Notifying my WvW team of enemy movements too much in chat? Suppressed. Holding a conversation that A-net deems too wordy? Suppressed. At least gold sellers were easy to block and ignore.

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I agree it's too restrictive. Often when I have dyes I don't need I ask in guild to see who wants them. Imagine my shock when I get suppressed just as you did, after just 2 sent out. And that's to guild-mates on an account that's existed for years. Surely we should be able to earn some kind of unlock to let us send up to 5 messages, say?

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> @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

> Personally, I preferred the gold sellers to this kitten. It goes beyond just this instance. Sending a bunch of armor dyes to my husband or my family members joining the game? Suppressed. Notifying my WvW team of enemy movements too much in chat? Suppressed. Holding a conversation that A-net deems too wordy? Suppressed. At least gold sellers were easy to block and ignore.


Oh heck no! One of the big reasons that I quit on BnS was from the ridiculous amount of SPAM in chat. Now, imagine that in your inbox? No thank you.

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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> Cannot believe you had the audacity to send 3 mails at once! Everyone knows your daily quota is limited to two.....


> Unbelievable but believable because its happened to me. The only thing that grinds my gears more than that is the Trading post delays.


It isn't even necessarily 3. Unsent messages count against that limit. The other day I tried to say a mail but forgot to put a recipient.

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