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What Are Your Top 5 Problems with WvW?


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1. Elite specs. Save yourselves all this time trying to balance your elite specs for WvWvW and just let core specs be all that is available in the game mode. Let the vanilla choo choo train commence.


2. Purpose. It feels like there is no point in trying to win/compete other than staying in a tier or moving into or out of one. I would start giving titles or rewards to guilds that stand out competitively in their abilities to both take objectives and wipe enemy groups both separately. Perhaps implement a metric like guild KDR that can be shown in game.


3. The way mounts were implemented.

Just give away after unlocking abilities in WvWvW. Scrap the collection. Also make it so if players reach 0hp on the mount they also go into downstate or die prefferably.


4. Ded Maps feels like ded gaem

Need to repurpose EotM for one thing, just saying. Also tweak terrain in rbl to make it more navigable and bring towers closer to keeps so they have more strategic value for teams taking them from the defending teams. Much like how most the towers in ABL are within trebbing distance of their nearest keeps.


5. Yeet downstate.

That's right, let the 'but muh finisharz' qqing begin




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1. skill lag


2. people on second accounts messing around on a server

second accound users pulling tactics for no reason or just abusing any community in any way should faster getting blocked for wvw on all of their accounts. like in pvp where people get pvp disabled for match manipulation. the secon account abusers should not be able to enter wvw for 12 month no matter which account of theirs was used, just block the gamemode on all of their accounts.


3. Less loot for support classes.

if i give or clean boons from someone or spread heal i should get same amount of loot like the dd who got help by me. so the dd kills 10 people i get these kills also counted for me cause i supported the dd doing so. too much difference in loot outcome


4. block feature on enemy available.

arenanet disabled the chat function on enemy players to avoid flaming and trashtalking. still its possible to use the block function on an enemy portrait to then unblock after and fully chat a person over the friendlist. the block feature should be disabled on enemies portrait.


5. damage on gates change was bad. needs to be reversed. if people spend hours to push dolly inside keeps to upgrade, the gates should not fall like butter in the sun and enable an enemy to destroy hours of work right away. i dont care if people complain that they cant take a structure. they need to improve their attacking strategy, peroid.


6. competition needs more purpose.

for instance the winner of a match gets something temporarily for the next week, more rare loot buff, statue inside homekeep or a vendor with special goods to buy. anything to feel the win of the match. in dependency which tier was won there are different temporarily rewards or functions


7. macro users with abnormal skillcast shall be banned more quickly and forever because they are cheaters.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > > > > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > > > > 1. Population imbalances/nightcaps/coverage - rolling all these into one because it's just a given now.

> > > > > 2. The Skills and Balance Team don't appear to be REALLY balancing skills. Controversial? Derogatory? Factual? I'm just saying how it APPEARS to me. PoF botched the class balance and the minor tweaks of balance patches aren't cutting the mustard. The zerg meta is horrible. Ganker builds are too strong vs groups - thieves can run away forever, warriors can tank forever, engineers can sustain forever etc. One-shotting is a thing and it really shouldn't be, the skill gap between good and bad players is too high.

> > > > > 3. Crowd Control is out of control - see what I did there? This has been a problem since HoT's breakbars appeared. Now we've got pulls galore and it's just not FUN, even if you CAN do it to enemies yourself.

> > > > > 4. Shield bubbles make sieging by large groups waaaaaay too easy and lack counters.

> > > > > 5. Dominant sides are difficult to challenge because everybody naturally picks on the weak server. There is no handicapping, there should be some.

> > > > >

> > > > > Those are as if WvW is going to remain as it is. If we're getting a new map or mechanic, well, that's something I can't predict.

> > > > > Minor issues would be things like;

> > > > > -weak guild keep upgrades/keep banners, can't carry a dragon/turtle/centaur banner on a mount, etc

> > > > > -new players need a rent-a-warclaw, they're getting annihilated back there by aforementioned OP gankers. It's heartbreaking to watch! Rent-a-Warclaw should be an inventory item that players can use for 24 hours and then disappears at a cost of ~1g. I think that's reasonable for 24 hours.

> > > >

> > > > Only if rent-a-mount is restricted to POF owners who haven't finished the unlock requirements. Otherwise there is literally no incentive for them to buy the xpac since their dailies will pay 2g.

> > > As the mounts - not to mention elites - show, like 90% of the WvW population already have PoF. This argument is pretty pointless.

> > >

> >

> > I don't know the stats. But the way people ask for mount rentals makes it seem like no one knows it's possible to unlock it in a day (or a weekend if you're not determined enough).


> Then they should get there wallets out and pay like the rest of us. If you can afford a pc, even an internet connection then there is no argument about "I have no money for pof"


Sure, let's put another wall up in front of new WvW players. It's not like there's a shortage anyway, right?

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > > > > > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > > > > > 1. Population imbalances/nightcaps/coverage - rolling all these into one because it's just a given now.

> > > > > > 2. The Skills and Balance Team don't appear to be REALLY balancing skills. Controversial? Derogatory? Factual? I'm just saying how it APPEARS to me. PoF botched the class balance and the minor tweaks of balance patches aren't cutting the mustard. The zerg meta is horrible. Ganker builds are too strong vs groups - thieves can run away forever, warriors can tank forever, engineers can sustain forever etc. One-shotting is a thing and it really shouldn't be, the skill gap between good and bad players is too high.

> > > > > > 3. Crowd Control is out of control - see what I did there? This has been a problem since HoT's breakbars appeared. Now we've got pulls galore and it's just not FUN, even if you CAN do it to enemies yourself.

> > > > > > 4. Shield bubbles make sieging by large groups waaaaaay too easy and lack counters.

> > > > > > 5. Dominant sides are difficult to challenge because everybody naturally picks on the weak server. There is no handicapping, there should be some.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Those are as if WvW is going to remain as it is. If we're getting a new map or mechanic, well, that's something I can't predict.

> > > > > > Minor issues would be things like;

> > > > > > -weak guild keep upgrades/keep banners, can't carry a dragon/turtle/centaur banner on a mount, etc

> > > > > > -new players need a rent-a-warclaw, they're getting annihilated back there by aforementioned OP gankers. It's heartbreaking to watch! Rent-a-Warclaw should be an inventory item that players can use for 24 hours and then disappears at a cost of ~1g. I think that's reasonable for 24 hours.

> > > > >

> > > > > Only if rent-a-mount is restricted to POF owners who haven't finished the unlock requirements. Otherwise there is literally no incentive for them to buy the xpac since their dailies will pay 2g.

> > > > As the mounts - not to mention elites - show, like 90% of the WvW population already have PoF. This argument is pretty pointless.

> > > >

> > >

> > > I don't know the stats. But the way people ask for mount rentals makes it seem like no one knows it's possible to unlock it in a day (or a weekend if you're not determined enough).

> >

> > Then they should get there wallets out and pay like the rest of us. If you can afford a pc, even an internet connection then there is no argument about "I have no money for pof"


> Sure, let's put another wall up in front of new WvW players. It's not like there's a shortage anyway, right?


What? New players to gw2 sure, I have an alt acc that I hardly use now because I need to grind gliding and mount tracks, even then it won't take too long, wvw has been around for 7 years now and people who now decide they want the mount have had plenty of time before hand to farm reward track positions.


As for people who want mount but wont pay for the game like the rest of us, that's the wall they need to get over.

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I don't care at all about the fluff the studio throws at me (rewards, gimmicks, tournaments, etc.). I had years of fun even when there was virtually no incentive to play WvW. Then the 23.6.2015 specialisations patch happened and my play time dwindled.


For me the game stands and falls with the profession balance. And everyone knows how bad it's been for the longest time now.

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> @"Zawn.9647" said:

> 1- it has pvp and pvp is a complete joke in this game since they dont want to balance it :)

> 2- see 1

> 3- see 2

> 4- see 3

> 5- see 4

The argument you make is that WvW isnt PvE only? Actually, that checks out for WvW players and Anet knows it.

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1) All pvp being treated as an afterthought by ANet. You can't just not communicate. Personally I have no problem with for example ranger's dps , but to not acknowledge that there is unhappiness about it and not even explaining why it is not bad or impossible to change MAKES it a problem, even for me.

2) The big elephant in the room that everybody stopped talking about : the lips on the walls, moves that can pull you down and area spells that creep over the edge make physically defending from the high ground a bad idea. In which universe do siegers have the advantage over defenders? It's poor design because it is counter-intuitive and weird.

3) every other complaint about WVW is just completely irrelevant while 1) and 2) exist.

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Some ideas.

-Create A gvg only map adjust the rewards have a guild leader board.

-Balance the meta , Scourge and FB to op in my opinion and it leads in boring Blob fights with red cyrcles all over which you kinda die instantly, Rework some skills for other classes to have a place in the team fights.


Capturing territory and keeps must have more meaning give a reason for a guild or a team to hold that keep at all costs , maybe give server rewards or better rewards i dont know something that will actually make a difference cause now is like a pip farm mostly.

Give scouts something to work on.


Overall make winning matter and holding towers and keeps more interesting

Remove Gift of Battle we dont need pve players complaint's that they have to actually fight to get it :D transfer it somewhere else or make it EOTM specific for the pve players to get it there only with ppt etc i dont know


New maps we kinda got bored with the current ones in my humble opinion





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1. Eotm used to be the basis of where a new player learned how to get started in the game mode. The introduction to expansions and pip system destroyed that element making it harder to get players knowing what to do or making the game mode unapproachable before they even hit any toxicity. I can even see it in these posts where someone with the basics would not run into these problems. Just as an example the warclaw is a crutch it has been balanced down to being an alternate to swiftness but does have a health pool outside of the players health pool. Same players who cried about the classes that were more setup to focus down these mounts were nerfed and not being able to get people off mounts is a direct result of getting what they asked for because you can't have it both ways. So you don't wanna be ganked but you want to gank someone off their mount the logic is terrifying at best.


2. Along with that the classes they are calling ganking classes or specs now they wanted nerfed because they can't handle a skilled player unless they have 50+ friends and then yet still not being able to take out one person who clearly has more skill than 50 players put together. So you complain until you get your way and then complain that the game mode is dead because these players are no longer playing when you completely take away the ability to play without being marked and devoid of all of your class abilities when in the mix of things was the basis of keeping the player playing that class alive because it was needed to deal with their mindless spam. So then they make it where its completely passive to take out roaming specs.


3. People complain about different maps and such regardless if they actually dislike it or want to fit in with all the other players. The only thing now with gliding and mounts about the desert borderland is not being able to reliably use the special functions of the map for strategies for example shrines and then the towers not having much purpose. So one helpful thing would be to make it where the shrines are shielded by specific towers so you have to own the tower to have the ability to take the shrines and use them the same as the jump pads do for owning the keeps.


4. Then for the longest time the only reward for taking anything of the tower or keep variety is getting a dirty little exotic bag drop that is extremely dismal compared to the amount of guild siege used in most cases to even take the objective. So even with a reward track if you are a serious wvw player the reward track and the little bags maybe worth one gold at the end of the day only put a dent in the food cost and no where near the cost of the siege or anything else used.


5. This is something that should be done either every map though when you think about it. You should NOT be able to take out another objective just from sitting behind a wall from another objective that should not even be in range to begin with which is one reason why some of us actually like the desert borderland. As well the whole ppt vs ppk thing should have a middle ground to the point that your ppt is based on those fights to get that ppk. So if there were some kind of escalation system in place where if you just have dave the siegehumper run in and pepper you with arrowcarts and then port out when the wall comes down that its going to damage your ppt by doing that. However if you actually fight to keep control of it that you don't lose as much in the long run of the weeks matchup. So that there are heavy drawbacks to not fighting and at its highest level of escalation you are heavily rewarded if you are able to take it. On that note also watchtowers need some kind of nerf too because they are a major reason players don't play after reset night is over with. My opinion on that matter is that it should use supply to maintain it when there is no one in it or nearby as some kind of counter play to something so passive working against anyone trying to invade. As well as not working against players who have the outnumbered buff especially since you can't really run a havoc group with roaming builds anymore mostly because of the anti stealth crap.


Other side note is when dealing with things like thieves, mesmers, etc doing a rework of them just to completely kill the effort made with a rework. Go and rework things these players are using against them that are so poorly designed like weaver, kalla legend, etc. All those pve aspects that don't have much place in wvw instead of killing off things players need for the game mode. When you take away something from the grand scheme of balance things that are already powerful are going to increase that much more where you only have like rev, guardian, necro, and engineer being used and mostly only one spec from each of those. So out of 18 elite specs you've got around 10-12 in the end that are somewhat useful if you have the skill to play them but otherwise are no use to a group comp. Then for issues like thief now the only really good method now is to play the core class because the elite specs are garbage.

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1. **Server Lags**

2. **Server Lags**

3. **Server Lags**

4. **Server Lags**

5. **Server Lags**


I don't care about balance.

I don't care about classes.

I don't care about maps.

I don't care about anything other than server lags.

Because all this kitten is pointless, if you can't use your skills.

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1. Single core for cpu... This game needs to unlock more cores for better performance.

2. Actually looking at the server relinks. Blackgate should NEVER have a link.

3. Starting a glide while in combat. You can't mount while in combat, why not the same for gliding.

4. Remove insta stomps from Warclaw.

5. MI ressing. Nothing should be faster then a warrior's banner. MI ressing instantly erases downed player's mistakes.

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> @"Notjes.7182" said:

> 1. **Server Lags**

> 2. **Server Lags**

> 3. **Server Lags**

> 4. **Server Lags**

> 5. **Server Lags**


> I don't care about balance.

> I don't care about classes.

> I don't care about maps.

> I don't care about anything other than server lags.

> Because all this kitten is pointless, if you can't use your skills.


This is generally my first choice too. I can take all those other things thrown at me as long as I can get a stable low[er] latency first and foremost.

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1. **Worth rewards** for incentivizing new players to join. Yes, it's a "poor" reason, but let face it: many players want their spent time rewarded fairly.


2. **Real balance between teams.** Call 'em servers, alliances, gangs... whatever... but change the game mode for incentivizing the balance and avoid third teams to be stomped without mercy 'cos lack of interest or feeling of helplessness 'cos not having enough coverage/population.


3. **Make structures really valuable**, that people really learn it's important to attack/defend/capture.


4. **Balance the value of PPK (Points per kills) and PPT (Points per tick).** WvW is a massive fight and siege activity field; both scoring systems should be fairly balanced for the sake of stopping this bullshit about " is shit!>", about manipulating matchups going up and down in the leaderboard. Every server should play both systems in a healthy way, and be rewarded 'cos this reason.


5. **Give a purpose** to the game mode, not only the "just for the love of big battles". Give it something deeper, that offers a real motivation and repercussion.


6. **Offer places for GvGs and duels** where deaths don't cause drops in the score, or give them an own game mode where they can enjoy this.


7. **Make roaming valuable again.** This includes making guilds really a thing for the game mode, without needing to be 25+ for killing a kitten dolyak, and not only a nice tag and lot of buffs.


8. **Rework WvW buffs**. Some of them killed part of the fun time ago, some of them are completely useless!


9. Fix the [censored] lag that is caused in the maps, specially after patches!


Yes, I did put 9. WvW has too many issues to fix for just telling 5, sorry.

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1. The meta; Power burst meta or Bunker meta, you have to choose one of them, else you just mediocre.

2. useless stats; Minstrel / Nomad> Soldier/ Sentinel; Berserker / Marauder > Soldier/ Sentinel. You see what im trying to say? as Soldier or sentinel stat, you do less damage than berserker or marauder, and sustain less than Minstrel / Nomad. You have to have precision and ferocity to do damage, and you need healing power to sustain. Stats like Magi is just useless, no one use it.

3. nothing new; When was the "big" change of wvw? the release of desert bl?

4. population; This game mode should be one of the endgame content, but the lack of propaganda , players leaving and not begginer friendly make it lose population everyday.



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> @"Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732" said:

> 1. Single core for cpu... This game needs to unlock more cores for better performance.

Take some computer engineering lessons, games like MMO are serialised, one instruction is depended on the input and output of the previous instruction

say you and your opponent both have 4k hp, when assuming that both of you hit each other for 5k dmg, who wins depends on who hit their button first, this is serialisation


whereas in parallelisation, your hit is on core 1, his hit is on core 2, if core 1 is slower than core 2, or there's a delay that's causing a blocking of instruction of core 2, his hit will land first despite you hitting the button first


Strategy games is the only type of game that can utilise parallelisation, to a certain degree, because each computer AIs can work independently of each other, only when encoutering of big fights where serialisation needs to kick in for responses and feedbacks.


> 4. Remove insta stomps from Warclaw.

Nope, much prefer no down state


plus it works well from tactically, the very basic to battles, you cut off the snake's head when you see it

find their commander, FB support, scourages, take them down with focus fire and charge with a stomp


> 5. MI ressing. Nothing should be faster then a warrior's banner. MI ressing instantly erases downed player's mistakes.

Down should be dead, the game is WAY too leanient towards player deaths; I would very much like to see down state remove from all except PvE challenge contents like dungeon, fractals and raid, and no down state in CM


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