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So, do you think Aurene will return in Episode 6: War Eternal?


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Ok so I just came back to the game after a year and I gotta say Episode 4 really pressed lots of epic buttons for me. Loved it. And having just finished "All or Nothing" I gotta say Aurene dying like that has broken my heart.


But I'll live, as I think Aurene will, again.


Just some theory work here and I don't know if I want to theorize exactly how it will happen but there's some important points to make.


1) We gotta stop killing elder dragons or Tyria is screwed even if Kralky doesn't screw it.

2) Aurene was supposed to take the place of Kralkatorrik.

3) When an Elder dragon dies it's magic is absorbed (or adopted, unsure of correct terminology) by a surviving (the nearest?) Elder Dragon.

4) "War Eternal" as a title for an episode might be quite telling. I am reminded of the scene in Jahai Bluffs with the endless battle between the Charr and the Orrians - so is this title a reference to the endless battles going on in the mists - also referenced by Rytlock in the mini-story. Suggesting we're going into the mists for this episode.

5) Aurene absorbed some Balth energy and ate a powerful Lich - I theorise it's possible that although her body is dead that these energies reside with her in some form in the mists and could influence how dying or being in the mists works for her, although no idea why she'd keep, for example, balth's energy when even he didn't when he died.

6) Glint's working her magic in the mists and might be able to pull strings for others that she can't pull for herself - ie sending Eir and Snaff through to deliver a message rather than coming through herself (maybe I missed a detail that explained why she didn't come through herself, I'm a little sleep deprived after being so engrossed in this).

7) What are the other options? We destroy the remaining dragons before they destroy us, ruining the magical balance and causing whatever catastrophe that's going to bring, or we let the elder dragons destroy everything ... which either way seems like the end of Tyria or at least most of Tyrians. TL;DR: We need a dragon to be the elder dragon(s).


So, Aurene's gotta come back and I guess this must have been suggested before buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut...


Ultimately. She's going to take the place of ALL the Elder Dragons while having grown with Tyrians/mortals in her life so she won't feel compelled to be as destructive as the original Elder dragons and won't be confrontational with the Gods when they're safe enough to return. Maybe. Or maybe she's the main destructive force of GW3. *chuckles*


Mainly I just needed to vent this because I'm still heart broken that she died. I thought it was very beautifully done and I very much enjoyed the story getting to this point.



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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> I do however, feel that the death was a "necessity for the plan" that the Commander wasn't told about, and we'll learn this as part of the climax for Episode 6.


_somewhere in the distance Doctor Strange draws a circle in the air_



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Given further reflection, Echo Glint's unseen sidebar with Aurene about Ascension is incredibly odd in the context of Path of Fire's background lore. Scattered throughout the PoF zones, particularly in the lore book collections and Elon Riverlands Augury Rock event chain, we are repeatedly told that Ascension became impossible due to the absence of the Six Gods. No gods? No Ascension. So why would Echo Glint even need to tell Aurene anything about Ascension?

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> @"Genesis.8572" said:

> Given further reflection, Echo Glint's unseen sidebar with Aurene about Ascension is incredibly odd in the context of Path of Fire's background lore. Scattered throughout the PoF zones, particularly in the lore book collections and Elon Riverlands Augury Rock event chain, we are repeatedly told that Ascension became impossible due to the absence of the Six Gods. No gods? No Ascension. So why would Echo Glint even need to tell Aurene anything about Ascension?


Interesting spot!

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> @"Genesis.8572" said:

> Given further reflection, Echo Glint's unseen sidebar with Aurene about Ascension is incredibly odd in the context of Path of Fire's background lore. Scattered throughout the PoF zones, particularly in the lore book collections and Elon Riverlands Augury Rock event chain, we are repeatedly told that Ascension became impossible due to the absence of the Six Gods. No gods? No Ascension. So why would Echo Glint even need to tell Aurene anything about Ascension?


A different ascension I would assume. Since the gods didn’t know about the elder dragons, we can assume them at they weren’t required for their originally ascension unless they just became elder dragons by some anomaly. Probably a separate form of ascension for dragons that attunes them to the eternal alchemy similar to the way humans become gods or whatever.

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > @"Genesis.8572" said:

> > Given further reflection, Echo Glint's unseen sidebar with Aurene about Ascension is incredibly odd in the context of Path of Fire's background lore. Scattered throughout the PoF zones, particularly in the lore book collections and Elon Riverlands Augury Rock event chain, we are repeatedly told that Ascension became impossible due to the absence of the Six Gods. No gods? No Ascension. So why would Echo Glint even need to tell Aurene anything about Ascension?


> A different ascension I would assume. Since the gods didn’t know about the elder dragons, we can assume them at they weren’t required for their originally ascension unless they just became elder dragons by some anomaly. Probably a separate form of ascension for dragons that attunes them to the eternal alchemy similar to the way humans become gods or whatever.


The Gods did know about the Elder Dragons, and Glint did seem to believe that the Gods had plans (With the Forgotten) that she was not privy to, in relation to the Elder Dragon situation.

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> @"Genesis.8572" said:

> Given further reflection, Echo Glint's unseen sidebar with Aurene about Ascension is incredibly odd in the context of Path of Fire's background lore. Scattered throughout the PoF zones, particularly in the lore book collections and Elon Riverlands Augury Rock event chain, we are repeatedly told that Ascension became impossible due to the absence of the Six Gods. No gods? No Ascension. So why would Echo Glint even need to tell Aurene anything about Ascension?


You're assuming that the ascension that Glint mentioned is the same as Ascension via Augury Rock.


But then again, there's also comments suggesting that Ascension had nothing to do with the Six Gods, but Glint and dragons. Which isn't unreasonable to believe, after all Weh no Su was also a form of Ascension and it was unrelated to the gods but rather to Celestials.


> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > @"Genesis.8572" said:

> > Given further reflection, Echo Glint's unseen sidebar with Aurene about Ascension is incredibly odd in the context of Path of Fire's background lore. Scattered throughout the PoF zones, particularly in the lore book collections and Elon Riverlands Augury Rock event chain, we are repeatedly told that Ascension became impossible due to the absence of the Six Gods. No gods? No Ascension. So why would Echo Glint even need to tell Aurene anything about Ascension?


> A different ascension I would assume. Since the gods didn’t know about the elder dragons, we can assume them at they weren’t required for their originally ascension unless they just became elder dragons by some anomaly. Probably a separate form of ascension for dragons that attunes them to the eternal alchemy similar to the way humans become gods or whatever.


Minor correction: the Six didn't know about the Elder Dragons upon arrival on Tyria. But they did learn of the Elder Dragons eventually, and fairly early on - one of the Priory's leading sources of knowledge on the Elder Dragons post-Personal Story is the [Tome of the Five True Gods](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tome_of_the_Five_True_Gods) (presumably the book recovered in Forgotten path - if that tome wasn't [Fire of the Gods](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fire_of_the_Gods)), which is a tome written when humanity was still new on Tyria (unclear if continent or world).


That said, we know that the Elder Dragons predate the Six Gods, so their becoming Elder Dragons (if not born/created as such) wouldn't be tied to the Six.


Similarly, we know of another form of Ascension completely unrelated to the Six Gods (Weh no Su) as mentioned above.

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They'll bring her back, all that character building has to go somewhere. Question right now is when.


They'll either bring her back in War Eternal which is what most of us are expecting a la absorbing Kralkatorrik's power when it dies, or they can proceed with the next LWS Season which works toward Aurene's resurrection and ascension to Elder Dragon.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Genesis.8572" said:

> > Given further reflection, Echo Glint's unseen sidebar with Aurene about Ascension is incredibly odd in the context of Path of Fire's background lore. Scattered throughout the PoF zones, particularly in the lore book collections and Elon Riverlands Augury Rock event chain, we are repeatedly told that Ascension became impossible due to the absence of the Six Gods. No gods? No Ascension. So why would Echo Glint even need to tell Aurene anything about Ascension?


> You're assuming that the ascension that Glint mentioned is the same as Ascension via Augury Rock.


> But then again, there's also comments suggesting that Ascension had nothing to do with the Six Gods, but Glint and dragons. Which isn't unreasonable to believe, after all Weh no Su was also a form of Ascension and it was unrelated to the gods but rather to Celestials.

True that I am making this assumption, though I am not sure what connections Ascension has to the dragons apart from Glint. Most of what we have heard about Ascension seems to indicate that it is no longer possibly due to the absence of the gods, which we hear from multiple sources and scholars. And it would seem odd that Glint would talk about any other form of Ascension than the form she has the greatest amount of lore connections to. It's not as if Glint told Aurene, "Aurene come with me so I can tell you about Weh no Su."


I'm not sure if I would call Weh no Su just another form of Ascension. Weh no Su was really just a game mechanic meant to unlock the Realm of the Gods for characters playing the Factions campaign similar to how players of Nightfall just had to complete the Hunted! quest. This was necessary since Factions and Nightfall could be played as standalone games. I guess finding Sunspear Sanctuary is the same as Ascension? Thankfully Aurene did that too. ;)

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> @"Genesis.8572" said:


> I'm not sure if I would call Weh no Su just another form of Ascension. Weh no Su was really just a game mechanic meant to unlock the Realm of the Gods for characters playing the Factions campaign similar to how players of Nightfall just had to complete the Hunted! quest. This was necessary since Factions and Nightfall could be played as standalone games. I guess finding Sunspear Sanctuary is the same as Ascension? Thankfully Aurene did that too. ;)


I agree with your other point, but Weh no Su was referred to as Ascension in places (["...one of the first Canthan heroes to become Closer to the Stars [what in Tyria is referred to as 'ascension']..."](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/An_Empire_Divided)) and it has the same principle effect of allowing our characters to see otherwise invisible entities with Mists connections. Regardless of whether they actually are the same thing or not, and I have my doubts, there are more parallels between them than just arbitrary gating of Underworld content.

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> @"Genesis.8572" said:

> I'm not sure if I would call Weh no Su just another form of Ascension. Weh no Su was really just a game mechanic meant to unlock the Realm of the Gods for characters playing the Factions campaign similar to how players of Nightfall just had to complete the Hunted! quest. This was necessary since Factions and Nightfall could be played as standalone games. I guess finding Sunspear Sanctuary is the same as Ascension?


Ascension and Weh No Su had importance in the narrative whereas Hunted! was indeed just built for mechanical reasons. Ascension and Weh no Su allowed one to see beings which were normally unseen, meaning they fit the narrative in both scenarios of being able to see the unseen. And each one was achieved by fulfilling trials which would otherwise be impossible for one who hasn't prepared for the trials. They also both have connections in regards to The Mists outside of content gating which was the Gift of True Sight. True Sight basically allows anyone to see beings that phase in between realities. Both Mursaat and Shiro (who was an Envoy of the Mists) phased in and out of reality (Mursaats went into this so called "half-world", might be Edge of the Mists, and Shiro phased between reality and The Mists) and was considered unseen until either Ascension or Weh no Su was achieved. It also allowed them passage to The Mists without a need for a portal between realities as the avatar of the Gods gave them that passage, something a normal person wouldn't be given (hence why Temple of the Ages outpost is accessible but you couldn't go to FOW or Underworld unless you were Ascended/Weh no Su).


As for Nightfall, Nightfall followed a story of a hero that didn't need to Ascend in any way, shape or form so ANet had to build that system for the sake of content gating without fitting narrative, hence Hunted! becoming the mission to allow Ascension content. In terms of Nightfall narrative, the Ascension was outright removed because the hero didn't need the Gift of True Sight nor did they access The Mists via the Avatars. Instead, they accessed The Mists via a portal between realities (the same way the Commander did in order to speak to Kormir and lure Kralkatorrik) meaning Ascension is basically negated in terms of usage. Alongside this, they became "pseudo ascended" during the Gates of Madness since they were blessed by The Gods via their Avatar (Lyssa's muse outright says "The Divinity is within you. And so we give you our blessing."). And if they were from Tyria/Cantha in origin, they were already Ascended to begin with so regardless of what happens during Nightfall, Ascension was not needed in the narrative.

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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> If not mistaken both Glint and Vlast shattered into crystals when they died. Aurene didn't shatter into crystals. Her body remains spiked on some branded spikes. Only because of this I think she will be back in some way.


Glint did not shatter. Her corpse was even showcased in the beginning of her lair (where we found Aurene) in All or Nothing.

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1. I believe she needed to "Die" to grow so to speak; Her form perhaps was at a limit and within the mist between the semi-god magic and the lich within her Im sure she will reform and shares the immortality of joko. Perhaps even this was needed to make her immune to Kralk's branding and makes her almost the foil to his entire plan; Which might of been what glint shared. "The secrets to ascending"

* She has another sibling in the deep roads with the dwarves fighting destroyers; It's very possible this sibling is alive and felt her death and as it was already the same size as her brother who was killed by balth at that time 250 years ago Im sure he/she is massive now. This could be one who intended on taking down Primodius and taking his place but turns to kralk to avenge their family; As now it might be that this one is the last and feels that it falls to them to take down grand-papi.

2. She doesn't come back and we find an alternative route; Could be that the gods step in and come back to help us as now this is an inter-dimensional issue and they find a way to fix this mess before it goes further. (Most unlikely but still there.)

* We Find a way to make Kralk go to sleep, and just call it good because why not?

3. She comes back, via Some unknown reason or logic in lore we don't know. Truthfully we don't know what happens when a dragon dies and aurene is not like her mother she is far further along and tied to tyria. We don't know if she is for sure dead either she might be in some other state of being where she is distant from us, sealed if you will in the branded stuff impaling her and left there. Could be taimi finds this somehow and we go into the mists to find out how to save her; We destroy glint's soul and thus make something capable of it and release her and she absorbs the last of her mother finally growing into her own and becoming truly powerful.

* We use the infinity stones.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> * She has another sibling in the deep roads with the dwarves fighting destroyers; It's very possible this sibling is alive and felt her death and as it was already the same size as her brother who was killed by balth at that time 250 years ago Im sure he/she is massive now. This could be one who intended on taking down Primodius and taking his place but turns to kralk to avenge their family; As now it might be that this one is the last and feels that it falls to them to take down grand-papi.


If you're talking about the Baby Dragon from the Glint's Challenge in GW1, that was Vlast. Only two of Glint's eggs ever hatched - Vlast and Aurene - and Aurene's egg was the last egg intact.

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I am puzzled by the fact that Kralk did not brand Aurene... she would have been a very strong ally for him. Also something that I do not understand correctly: Aurene and Kralk share the same "crystalline vibration" and using branded crystals to kill her, means he used his own weakness...which should have killed him.


Right now I wonder if Aurene could not have become a "parasite" in Kralk. Her last shot could have been a way to "transfer" into the Elder dragon and once this latter will be weak enough, she will gain control of it, "Blue-branded" from the inside. She has some mind abilities (maybe more than Kralk since she was one of the first target of Mordremoth's lost power) which could help her and some unknown magic from Joko that Kralk did not touch yet which are death related.

What if her mind would be in Kralk's broken/half-branded eye waiting the right time to invade the host?


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I like the idea of Aurene returning,but not fully alive. She returns to take kralks place so that the magic doesnt blow everything up but needs to return to the mists as it needs fixing after the damage kralk did. Unless she somehow gets a new body she’s effectively dead to Tyria with the state the old one is in.

I mean we are seeing ghosts popping up and now branded areas of the mists in world events ripping into tyria, bad stuff is happening there. Not to mention the mists is important for Tyria, it needs to be protected too.


Mostly just theory crafting for fun,but I do want to see Aurenes story conclude finally. It has been running for years now and I think a completely new story arc would be good for us.

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> @"Ranael.6423" said:

> Also something that I do not understand correctly: Aurene and Kralk share the same "crystalline vibration" and using branded crystals to kill her, means he used his own weakness...which should have killed him.


By that argument, the moment he ever corrupts something he would be killing himself. The main thing is that he's not affecting himself with his branding. On top of that, it being a weakness does not make it immediately fatal by mere proximity, nor does it make it the sole way to be killed.


The unique weaknesses - for Zhaitan and Mordremoth at least - have been methods of making them vulnerable, not killing them outright.

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I think this will be a Yes and No answer.


Yes, I expect ehr to return now we see the trailer but as a Ghost Dragon like her mother Glint for the final battle against Kralk since she learned that the only way for her to be strong enough is to die and become a Ghost Dragon.


No, I do not expect her to stay after this episode as this will be her final moment since as a Ghost Dragon she has to return to the Mist but the story ends with us knowing that Aurene can be with her Family in the Mist after she finally complete her mission to kill Kralk and we say our final goodbye.

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