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newsflash: condi mirage doesn't beat warrior


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And it didn't beat warrior even before the last nerf, on a point that is and not in open fight where you can kite.


If you beat a warrior who's playing demolisher amulet (+toughness) which is a counter to power damage and not to condi cus vitality would be better vs condi

and if he has only shake it off as a condi removal (1 utility) while you're playing full condi then you didn't beat a warrior


__ you beat a person who made a build that's good vs power builds but bad vs condi builds by design _ i mean this is common sense at this point but the amount of whining and even big streamers saying all sorts if bs and biased information is just lol


i sit on top of a pillar attacking a demolisher warrior with 1 condi removal for 20 seconds before committing to the fight (so i had 20 secs of free hitting essentially before i went melee for shatters) and when he dies its mirage thats overpowered and not him getting outplayed and also countered by a build. People in this game are incredibly biased and lie all the time and say all sorts of untruthful literal propaganda but are incapable of judging correctly. if you make a build with lots of armor but no condi removal then why are you even surprised if you have a hard time vs full condi classes?


and now to elaborate on this topic's name, a warrior whos running 3 anti condi skills and defense is actually unkillable by a condition mirage. You simply cannot deal damage to him because he has resistance or condi removal or a block or a dodge or a fullcounter pretty much 100% of the time. If you met a warrior who actually had anti-condi tools then you wouldn't kill him as a condi mirage (cus no boon corrupt) and yet in this game it's widely accepted and norm that mirage beats warrior when that's not the case, it's just build difference



tl;dr if you dont wanna lose to condi maybe you should build against condi,

tldr2 you don't build against condi cus condi is underpowered due to repeated nerfs and you dont want to be against 10% of the people you want to be good against 90% of the people who actually play power so you're being greedy with an imbalanced build which means you should acknowledge that condi might be a weakness to your build


tldr3 literally all of this is basic logic and common sense, which seems to be in short supply

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So your point is condi mirage beats warrior as long as warrior plays meta build and does not spec into anti condi completely just to counter one specific build.


BTW nice 150~ games alrdy played within two weeks, although you don't care about gw2. You don't work or visit a university?

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> Yea plz nerf warrior


im aware this isn't serious but in case someone didn't get it


this is a perfect example of how people's judgement is biased/clouded/bad/incorrect > with warrior going full anti-power builds with minimum condi removal and then when they lose to one, naturally, which they should've expected when making the build, they blame balance


but on the other hand if you fully spec into countering it ,you can be immortal with near 100% resistance uptime or a dodge


the problem in this case( this case, not all cases) doesn't lay in balance but in builds and i've always spoken out against builds as i believe a game with fixed classes and only minor changes/adjustments to a class possible is way more skill based than a game where you can control all of your stats/skills because that game is bound to have much worse balance in certain encounters but it won't be classes's fault but player's fault and ppl that don't acknowledge that will shill for enemy class nerfs

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > Yea plz nerf warrior


> im aware this isn't serious but in case someone didn't get it


> this is a perfect example of how people's judgement is biased/clouded/bad/incorrect > with warrior going full anti-power builds with minimum condi removal and then when they lose to one, naturally, which they should've expected when making the build, they blame balance


> but on the other hand if you fully spec into countering it ,you can be immortal with near 100% resistance uptime or a dodge


> the problem in this case( this case, not all cases) doesn't lay in balance but in builds and i've always spoken out against builds as i believe a game with fixed classes and only minor changes/adjustments to a class possible is way more skill based than a game where you can control all of your stats/skills because that game is bound to have much worse balance in certain encounters but it won't be classes's fault but player's fault and ppl that don't acknowledge that will shill for enemy class nerfs


Warrior doesn't go "anti power" with his meta build. Neither you play defense traitline nor you take epain. In fact you use shake it off instead of eapin which alrdy is a condi removal. The only thing warrior is "anti power" is the decision to take demo over marauder due to his alrdy high base health pool.


But nice try

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I dont get the title. Who said it did and why does it matter? I dont know who's on the favorable side of said fight but why is it any more worse for warrior to be on the favorable side or vice versa? Condi mirage will do well against some classes and not others,cant expect it to be in the favorable position in ever engagement.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> I dont get the title. Who said it did and why does it matter? I dont know who's on the favorable side of said fight but why is it any more worse for warrior to be on the favorable side or vice versa? Condi mirage will do well against some classes and not others,cant expect it to be in the favorable position in ever engagement.




the only reason why condi mirage work(ed) -past tense , cus it's complete trash on this patch- is because people didn't prepare for it and people didn't care enough about it and they preferred to prepare for the rest of the classes as they were a much bigger threat



on this patch even if u can kill people it doesn't mean you're viable.


zerker thief can 1shot people and it still isn't viable, same thing can be applied to mirage now


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1.) Mirage is not complete trash.

2.) Condi mirage is DEFINITELY not complete trash.

3.) There is a condi mirage build right now that 100% defeats meta Spellbreaker.

4.) If a spellbreaker **traits for full condi removal**, he/she can sustain condi mirage, but it can not **win** vs the condi mirage.

5.) If a spellbreaker traits for full condi removal, he/she **is losing the game** because he/she is super susceptible to power/spike damage.

6.) You're wrong, and I'm going to comment this on every post you create where you say things that are in fact **wrong**.

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If I go shake it off, berserker stance just to counter obnoxious garbage, then I will not have enough space for an unblockable/burst mitigation (endure pain)/bull's charge


Speccing vs. condis is stupid when you can legit die to power damage nowadays. You spec full condi counter? You're dead to power meta. Because I don't have "high skill cap" distortions like Mesmer, I WILL have trade-offs.


Also, I don't understand how Mesmers have trouble vs. Warrior in 2019, it's disgusting. You have z-axis teleports to reset the fight, you have stealth to reset the fight, you spam evades while attacking if you build it right, you have blind spam that forces Warrior to bring berserker stance (and lose a slot vs. burst damage).


And guess what? Mesmer doesn't need to stand on point everytime to win the game with the team. Let go off the point so you can conserve your dodges better.


Literally what more do you want? You legit have tools to fight Warrior and you are complaining. It makes ZERO sense.


Yes Rampage is stupid, sure. But Mesmer can counter that. Mesmer out of ALL the classes should not be complaining about Rampage when you can blind spam z-axis teleport. Literally if you can't counter Rampage as Mesmer (on ANY elite spec), YOU are the one who has problems.

Yes Reckless dodge can be stupid, but Mesmer does the same garbage and even worse (spamming evades with phantasms, instant cast shatters, z-axis teleport literally your dodges are uncountable if you play it right, Warrior even with the endurance on might trait is countable).


Warrior has horizontal mobility, Mesmer has z-axis teleport. Z-axis teleports ALWAYS > horizontal mobility because when after Whirlwind Attack/Shield Block is down? I'm not evading anymore while disengaging.

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> @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> Facts:

> 1.) Mirage is not complete trash.

> 2.) Condi mirage is DEFINITELY not complete trash.

> 3.) There is a condi mirage build right now that 100% defeats meta Spellbreaker.

> 4.) If a spellbreaker **traits for full condi removal**, he/she can sustain condi mirage, but it can not **win** vs the condi mirage.

> 5.) If a spellbreaker traits for full condi removal, he/she **is losing the game** because he/she is super susceptible to power/spike damage.

> 6.) You're wrong, and I'm going to comment this on every post you create where you say things that are in fact **wrong**.



you don't even play mirage so you have no clue how the mirage side of the matchup goes because if you did you wouldn't be writing this bs


lol at saying sb can't kill mirage, wtf? land magebane tether at the right time and you have a 10 sec reveal with 25 might stacks


1) the mirage mechanics are good but mirage's dmg is completely understatted in comparison to other similar classes/builds, the durations of conditions are too low and if you're fighting actual players and not dummies , you'll see for yourself

2) yea ok that's why there are no condi mirages in top 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 or prolly even 50, other than myself that is. All the people on the forum have been saying condi mirage this condi mirage that but over the last half year there have been less than 4 condi mirages in top 50 on average and almost none in top 10 at any point and i don't think any finished top 10 in the past 3 seasons, what a good class btw

i love how people ignore the facts and statistics that are against their point and only focus on the ones that help them and never look at the whole picture. If you say mirage is op why are there no RESULTS AND FACTS to prove your points? 1 mirage in winning mAT for the past 7 months and consistently no mirages in top 50 except myself

3) lol yea ok that's cus meta sb is flawed by design , against condi, as i mentioned, you can prolly kill it with any class with + expertise and a condi build

4) you're saying a class that can do 10k with arcing slice / rampage hits and has perma 25 might stacks can't kill a mirage? lmao please. Do you even play this game? SB can even kill scrapper what goes for mirage

5) basically thanks for agreeing with me and proving my point. You spec for power and complain about condi, good logical brainiac thinking



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Mirage wasn't op before the last patch and now it's mostly mid tier at best.


How do we know? Because even the spvp forums have moved on which in case of Mirage tells us:

- people are finally happy with being able to beat them, even with personal skill level of trash

- Mirage presence has dropped significantly enough in spvp, outside of bots

- there is more cancerous classes


As for Spellbreaker, Mirage never countered Spellbreaker, unless the warrior player was brain dead. There was a small window in time where Mirage had significant enough burst and movement to focus down a mediocre Spellbreaker who was caught with the wrong utilities. That time is long over.


If you have issues with Mirage right now as Spellbreaker, you are shit at your class.

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