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Please, make the raids with an additional mode (solo)


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Hey guys, thanks for participating in the topic :)

May I clear several things?

1. I have been raiding and I have stopped not because I don't have the proper gear or build, nor because I can't respec into up to date meta build. Also, I didn't stop because I don't like being in a group - it is quite the opposite. I stopped because of the elitist mentality and flaming in those groups, which isn't pleasant for anyone. It doesn't matter to who someone is flaming or yelling - everyone in the raid is experiencing this act. Also 99,9% of the time people won't let you raid with the build you want.

2. I am not trying to change the current state of the raids. All the raiders will continue to experience the same gameplay as before and get the loot and gold - 99,9% of them are doing it for the loot and gold. As I said I would like to see an addition to the raids - not a change to their current state. The addition will be a solo mode just like the story mode of every living season and expansion we are so familiar with. In fact, this can benefit all the hardcode raiders only positively because it can attract new players.

3. I am strongly against rewarding a solo/story mode the same way as the group raids. As I said - cut the loot - just a story mode.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:


>I stopped because of the elitist mentality and flaming in those groups, which isn't pleasant for anyone. It doesn't matter to who someone is flaming or yelling - everyone in the raid is experiencing this act. Also 99,9% of the time people won't let you raid with the build you want.

This complaint/observation comes up often on the forums. There are so many posters who say the same thing that it is difficult to believe that you (or they) are unable to create your own (or their own) group in LFG and advertise it as non-meta, bring any build you want.


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> There are so many posters who say the same thing that it is difficult to believe that you (or they) are unable to create your own (or their own) group in LFG and advertise it as non-meta, bring any build you want.


Because the same thing happens with fractal/dungeon groups: the wrong players *don't read the LFG text* when joining the group, then start pitching a fit and trying to kick anyone that doesn't meet their standards. It's not just unaware randos who try to join experienced groups, but certainly the other way around.



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I joined a guild that does raid training AND more high level raids and they do not flame yell or shame. They allow you to bring what you want so long as we have support and dps.......until thirty minutes or so of failing has passed and everyone is feeling frustrated. Then the leader gently encourages a couple swaps(person a can you swap to druid person b tell me your traits ok change to this, can person c d or e swap to this class etc) and after that a couple pulls later we get the boss down. Usually. Still having a smidge of trouble with Xera and Matthias and we have not yet tried wing five or six.


They don't rush folks, they educate, do private training with you on classes, and work with you to find a class that fits your playstyle. We don't generally clear more than a wing a week, but I like the slower pace and MUCH more tolerant attitudes.


Once in awhile we pug in someone but thus far none have been toxic. It's also clearly advertised as a training run.


So yes, they are out there. Just don't join the exp ping kp ping LI groups and you'll avoid a lot of the toxic. After all THEY want their five minute per boss tops kills. Not one hour on Cairn. ?

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> @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> This seems to be escalating, first it was about 5man raids, now a suggestion about solo. I can see another thread popping up proposing 0 (zero) man raids...


I play zero man raids all the time. I think they are fine the way they are, don't touch my zero mans!!

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> > This seems to be escalating, first it was about 5man raids, now a suggestion about solo. I can see another thread popping up proposing 0 (zero) man raids...

> People already want free transmutation charges. Why not free raid rewards, too?



Easy friend, we don't want your "pie" - no one is asking about rewards, nor free transmutation charges.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> > This seems to be escalating, first it was about 5man raids, now a suggestion about solo. I can see another thread popping up proposing 0 (zero) man raids...

> People already want free transmutation charges. Why not free raid rewards, too?



Not one of the people proposing easier, smaller group, or solo raids were proposing the rewards would be equal (or free).


I would love to see any of these options. It doesn't hurt the current raid community, so why not?

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None of the reasons you pointed out disallows you to play the content, it only "might" exclude you from some groups.


Also anything that would take resources to do needs to return some value to them and this playerbase has proven that if smth doesnt have any replay value ppl wont bother with it.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> Solo play already receives the vast majority of dev resources and content. I am not sure that spending an even larger percentage of the total development resources on solo content is appropriate.


Would be nice if we could get some hard endgame solo content tbh.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Would be nice if we could get some hard endgame solo content tbh.


I keep getting the sense that this request will never really be satisfied. Anet appears to be content with the casualness of most of the game. Recall the uproar when HoT released prior to the extreme nerf?

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They would have to recreate every boss in raiding to accommodate this for solo. Its not just a matter of adjusting damage and health numbers, they would have to take out most mechanics ..then it wouldnt be a raid boss. Not to mention no way you would get raid level gear from solo bosses, that would negate everything raiders worked for. Join a guild that raids, form your own raid group, start a training raid group. Part of the fun of joining a guild that raids is forming a bond with your team, and being able to work together. Its much more satisfying when you bring a boss down with your friends.


Another thing, i really dislike it when mmorpgs change to solo gameplay. Its a community driven game and i think they need to emphasize group play more than remove it. Its fine to solo overworld for hearts and some events, but too much solo and it ruins the mmo experience and what it means.

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Waste of development resources tbh. It would be the same result as the story mode for dungeons. They'd play it one time then never again. There was another post that i was reading that would do a lot more for the mode calling out a split for the LFG to break up bloat and make it easier to find the correct group for your skill level. Have one for Experience Kill runs, one for Training Runs, one for Raid Sellers, one for Static/Guild recruitment. Very easy UI update that would contribute a lot toward the mode.

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I would pay good money for solo mode :take_my_money:


I know raiders will wail "pay to win".

However those players who want hardcore content still have it. They would just be pissed players of lesser skill (or lesser time resources :P some people just don't have the time/group to run with) or different gameplay preferences get access to same reward.


I'd sell solo mode and make it reward same rewards but at lesser pace, eg 1/10 of pace (so takes me 10 weeks of solo runs to get same as 1 week of group run).


Or here's an idea: **Raid Henchmen**


You get 9 henchmen. You have to grind in open world for a while to unlock each. Then you have to gear them!

Then you get into raid, have to figure out mechanic, and program each henchmen by writing a script to tell them what to do during mechanic.


That's right. GW2 the scripting simulator.

Lets do it! :lol:

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  • 6 months later...
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I saw this thread by accident as I was considering to re-enter the game after a 6 month hiatus.


The OP is spot on.

Solo version of all group content is only liberating for those of us that want to escape in an ever-evolving world instead of playing the canned single player games. Dungeons fractals, raids they all can become solo with manageable effort. It would have to provide solo tier loot and nothing more. Just another avenue of experiencing the game. Also a way for soloers (the vast-VAST-VASTESTEST) majority of the player base to experience the whole artistic content of the game.

Note the adjective. A r t i s t i c.

I don't care about legendary or whatever gear type or whatever flashy-thingie-loot is the flavor of the month and drops from group content. If I want that I will get in a dungeon or raiding schedule. I just want to finish the stories in the group content. I just want to see the excellent art and animation in these places that now need a bunch of people for me to access them. And I also don't want to have to harry up from enemy to enemy. I want the ambiance. You can't get that when you hear HURRY PLZ. Or even if you don't hear it and you're just considerate of the other peoples' time.


I saw a lot of arguments against it and most of them are moot. (note these are things that are actually written in the previous posts)

1) No way soloers get the same loot as raiders.

Correct! We don't want that. Brush up on your reading comprehension.

2) Go play a single player game MMOs are made for groups.

You go play a real life sports game instead! See? See how rude and silly this seems? MMOs are made for groups TOO, and we, the vast majority of paying players want to enhance our enjoyment of the game while not bothering you. And you just want us gone because...? What's your excuse?

3) L2P you nooobzzz!

Learn to behave silly. I know how to play, I also know how I WANT to play.

4) Devs are spread thin and cannot cater to another strand of content creation.

We're getting to the credible arguments here. It is true that true solo versions of group content need tuning and playtesting. That is why any such attempt should coincide with an expansion release. I, personaly, and, I suppose, a lot of other solo players would support with our money a paid expansion in order to get highly sought after and unique in the market feature.

Hey, with our money you could use economies of scale to even create a couple of raids for the hardcore group people. Win-Win!

5) The sense of achievement and exclusivity that is bestowed upon the raiders and finishers will be diminished when group content is artistically available to soloers.

This is the one and only fully valid and incurable drawback of this suggestion. Anyone arguing against full MMOG soloable content is either ignorant or pretentious if she/he does not use this argument. And the argument stands. This is the reason that most raiding guilds are elitistic and rude. They bask at their proficiency in this game. It provides them with something to lord over other people. For some it is even a life achievement that might not be available in real life.

So these people will lash out.


And lash-out hard. Hardcore groupers are very vocal. Let's be clear. The face of MMOs are hardcore guildmasters and groupers. These stay in the forums the longest, respond point by point to others and create their own cliques that are really powerful because they are coordinated. As you may have gathered from my writing, I can speak from experience sans the last point...at this time. But I digress...

Given the apparent power of the hardcore grouper community the questions that is raised is how do you do something like what all of us and the OP suggested while not creating a PR mess in the game's community.

You can't. There will be crying. There will be outrage. There will be lobbying for abandoning the game. Even rockpapershotgun will get the equivalent of the Mittani in GW2 to say something really cheesy to get some views out of the controversy. There is not doubt about it, the optics of such a choice will be bad for a time. That is why the solution is a paid expansion with concurrent rollout of soloable group content in small increments across the whole season. That way, reaction will be mitigated and the silent majority of soloers will vote with their wallets.

This would really be a long time goal achieved for dedicated non-hardcore gamers.

Yes we are a thing. We were a thing before most of you started gaming.



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> @"pantognost.8397" said:

> snip


So you decided to necro a necroed thread on a subject which is pretty much done and has been done for ages. Even more so with strike missions now.


Not only that, but you decided to take some valid complaints and portray them in a toxic way which in no way adds to your argument.


Here, I'll give you the main reason why there will not be solo raids: **the developers have said so**. Now they could change their mind if presented with some very very very persuasive arguments AND it made sense to invest resources into such a side project AND the metrics would show that there is a large enough part of the player base who might be interested in this (pure solo players in a MMORPG where 99% of the content can already be soloed might not be high on the target demographic).


You can blame "hardcore" players as much as you want. If it made sense from a resource perspective to add difficulty layers to raids (not even talking solo here which will NEVER happen), this would have already happened.

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