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Manipulating WvW by Spamming and Abusing Siege Should Get People Banned


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Our server [EU] recently got a spike of so-called trolls who manipulate the game by things like:


> * Placing **random siege** literally **everywhere**, confusing our team and the enemies

> * Taking up the same tag as the open commander tag and therefore **misleading players** mostly resulting in death

> * Throwing the **server's golems off cliffs** so we have to rebuild them every so often

> * Using the siege we built just to stay passive while blocking it (fortunately the one who placed it is able to take it back)

> * Threatening in teamchat to get other players **banned for reporting** him


It is a certain player I'd not like to mention, yet I think they should not be allowed to do so without consequences. For now the server decided reporting them for _Botting_ is the most accurate, unfortunately _System Abuse_ is meant for LFG only - we should be able to properly report people abusing wvw matches.



Dear Anet, please do something about these type of trolls and spies. Every time they're online it's just very frustrating for lots of us.

We just want a fair game and a fair fight. No spamming, no botting, no drops in frame rate due to like 60 trebuchet siege build sites all over the field.



Even our enemy servers ask us what's wrong with us.


And here are some censored pictures of our server-known troll throwing our golems off a cliff. I have video footage in case it could be useful, too.


* ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/569944245733949441/569944342018654229/gw365.jpg "")


* ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/569944245733949441/569944313946177537/gw367.jpg "")


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> @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> I kind of have mixed feelings, because in war, double agents and spies are part of the ordeal. But I understand how annoying it is.


Imagine one of your fellow soldiers throwing trebuchets at everyone and you can do nothing to stop them. Soon you find yourself buried by trebuchets. You can't breathe. You can't see anything. You feel someone's mouth close to your ear whispering seductively:


_"You can do **nothing** against me, salty b****. Leutennant Anet will never ban me."_


With a last, shallow breath, you kiss yourself on the forehead and die.




_All is fair in love and war._

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Except in real life when a spy is caught they kill them. End of story.

> @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> I kind of have mixed feelings, because in war, double agents and spies are part of the ordeal. But I understand how annoying it is.



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> @"DAN.7314" said:

> Except in real life when a spy is caught they kill them. End of story.

> > @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > I kind of have mixed feelings, because in war, double agents and spies are part of the ordeal. But I understand how annoying it is.




Game needs a vote to tag as spy, which puts them as an enemy status. Takes like 10 votes and lasts for an hour. They get auto targeted at spawn by defenders. So they need to hide on map for an hour or get out of WvW.

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> @"Riverborn.1542" said:

> > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > Seems like a good way to protest against Warclaw.

> > I'll do the same.


> What does the warclaw have to do with this?

> _~~/ponder~~_


People are bored because WvW is a PvE mode now.

They cant kill people anymore, at least they can grief PvErs by slowing down the karma per hour.

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > @"DAN.7314" said:

> > Except in real life when a spy is caught they kill them. End of story.

> > > @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > > I kind of have mixed feelings, because in war, double agents and spies are part of the ordeal. But I understand how annoying it is.

> >

> >


> Game needs a vote to tag as spy, which puts them as an enemy status. Takes like 10 votes and lasts for an hour. They get auto targeted at spawn by defenders. So they need to hide on map for an hour or get out of WvW.


Of course the obvious problem with this is the inevitable "my 9 friends and I don't like you, so we're going to prevent you from playing." I don't have an answer to the griefing problem, but I can tell you any system that allows players to control whether other players can participate will become a griefing method in itself.

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a simple fix to prevent blueprint spamming would be that it works the same way as traps


the one who throws needs to have 5-10 supply allready which is autoconsumen on deployment, then the others can finnish building it

supply is capped at 25, so that would mean only 2 blueprints can be thrown by a single person if suply needed would be 10


this would push more wvw guilds, and the use of shared guild-blueprints


which, believe it or not..might be the main idea? GUILD wars 2


go figure

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> @"Riverborn.1542" said:

> > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > Seems like a good way to protest against Warclaw.

> > I'll do the same.


> What does the warclaw have to do with this?

> _~~/ponder~~_


who needs siege when u have warclaw who can pull on doors! i agree nice protest ima gonna run off my servers golems off a cliff also.


o wait my server doesnt have any golems lol, the fuck u have golems for at first place? if u would find a arrowcart or any kind of deffence siege on my server u should already be surprised :D



but i guess this is what u get anyway, roamers cant roam gankers cant gank. so why not just irritate ur server ? :D

in general roamers have never connected with blobbers

gankers where always the silence guys who start shooting in schools ;)


so none of the 2 should give a rats ass about blobbers not being able to do anything, cus they cant also.

but thats pretty much anet fault not the players and since anet is so busy to not be able to set dodge from mount back to 1 or 2 and remove one 0 from mount hp to fix majority of problems then later on fix cc immunity and u got it al lfixed.

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> @"Riverborn.1542" said:

> > @"spectrito.8513" said:


> > People are bored because WvW is a PvE mode now.

> > They cant kill people anymore, at least they can grief PvErs by slowing down the karma per hour.


> you're literally making no sense though, what makes wvw a pve mode? why cant they kill people?


Because everyone have got 11k hp, 3 extra dodges and CC imunity out of nowhere.

If you dont like to play a ranged burst build...well too bad you just cant dismount people.

If you cant dismount people you cant kill them which leads to boredom, bored people are more likely to troll, trolling is more fun than kill sentries and cap empty camps and towers because all enemies are clumped in a single blob playing at minimum settings with 15 fps and skill lag


Still wonder why people might be frustrated and trolling ?

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People probably don't get banned for this because it would be too much effort for ANet to investigate every case. Because new players are often unaware of WvW ethics and will throw bad siege or repair walls that are being damaged, etc., there are many instances where someone will get reported for making genuine mistakes.


Since ANet is also pretty strict about naming and shaming, this goes for photo evidence as well, the best you can hope for is that they're caught in the act.


So unless ANet has the resources to monitor this kind of stuff, which they don't, then it's gonna keep happening as unfortunate as that may be.


My advice is to make friends with a few people on the offending servers and see if you can get them to harass the trolls by killing them repeatedly and griefing them until they stop. It isn't a foolproof solution, but it's something.

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> @"spectrito.8513" said:

> If you cant dismount people you cant kill them which leads to boredom, bored people are more likely to troll, trolling is more fun than kill sentries and cap empty camps and towers because all enemies are clumped in a single blob playing at minimum settings with 15 fps and skill lag


> Still wonder why people might be frustrated and trolling ?

To each their own. When something becomes less fun for me, I stop doing it rather than going in specifically to ruin other people's fun. For example, I used to do Tier 4 Fractals daily. With the many changes they've made, it's no longer fun for me to do on a regular basis. I have never entered T4 Fractals with the specific intent of trolling other players and harming their experience.

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Unfortunately theirs not a lot anyone can do with sociopaths except block and ignore them.You can't let them win by allowing their actions to bother you.

It's a catch 22 when this is brought up in the forums but be advised not to play into their hand any further .Don't give them any personal information about yourself or team mates . If you find yourself getting upset take a break and try not to escalate the situation. Hope this helps.

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Yes this sucks, but I'd like to throw in that I think people pulling the Emergency Waypoint to manipulate the Queue is just as bad if not a worse offence. I had forgotten this was a thing until a recent server linking occured to show me it's still a thing even some commanders do to manipulate the queues.

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I LOVE how everything has to do with the Warclaw. People are trolling, it's the warclaws fault. I can't kill people, it's the warclaws fault. I don't know how to do anything but kill, it's the warclaws fault. Scourges are op, it's the warclaws fault. Class balance is awful, it's the warclaws fault. I need to rethink my strategies to combat mounts AND players and I refuse to, it's the warclaws fault.


Seriously, give it up. The Warclaw is here to stay, it IS getting changes. But the 3 dodges should stay, the mount shouldn't be cc'able (I mean we're getting a dismount skill, why do we need CC too?) and for funsies just to troll the people that hate the thing it should also remain able to contest points.

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