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New Eternal Coliseum Changes - I Don't Like It

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> Well, it went from the best ranger map to the worst which is probably why you dislike most of the chances.

> I on the other hand love them, the kiting potential is out of this world and it allows for some skillful play.


> I'd much rather have this than getting sniped by a longbow ranger on a no port from 2k range.

Exactly this.

The map is actually fun now and allow lots of kiting

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1) The theme of the map being open and smooth is demolished.

2) So much clutter. Way too much.

3) The clutter looks fucking ugly.

4) The clutter is completely out of the map theme. It is supposed to be a coliseum. We now have gardens and statues.. and wood pallets?! Did someone pick these from Homedepo?!


This is an example of Anet changes as of late, everywhere. They do not address relevant issues. Go on a self indulgent expedition, no one asked for. And end up breaking something that was functioning well.


We will end up in a mediocre compromise, but this map is done.

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I actually like the pillars at middle, though I might remove the boxes around the two or push the pillars off point a little. The pillars break up the line of sight just enough while keeping the arena feeling. It also gives the map a bit of a different feel from "just another Foefire".


However, the sides are a cluttered mess. Everything that was added just seems like a mish-mash and completely out of place. Why is there a maze in a battle arena? Out of hedges no less with dainty fountains. All the sides needed was a divider between top and bottom of the map and maybe a few LoS columns.

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No matter what, I think the new line of sight objects need to be more aesthetically appealing.


I don't like the logs, or the hedges. The design should be spartan, but not a bunch of planks dumped onto the floor levels of spartan.


Think of like the actual real world roman Colosseum.


![](https://i.imgur.com/wo2eraS.jpg "")


Some nice stone work like the old underground passages of the roman Colosseum. Not just planks strewn about haphazardly.

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My thoughts:

1) These changes really stop me from pewpewing enemies... might want to equip diff weapon probs use mid range to meele weapons

2) on the bright side, now escaping from a rampage warrior became convenient with all those jp like terrain... This actually feels good and gameplay feels healthy

3) AOE spamming enemies pose threat and are annoying... Coz, feared by a Necro often gets me running in a corner and had to waste my stunbreaks

4) Holo avoid damage and jump infinitely somewhere above/below/beyond the wall... Me getting kicked across the map like a football

5) thieves often z axis teleport to gain advantage in jp like terrain.... It be heals or resetting fights, disengaging or skill CDs... Now I can't use my swoop to catch up to them in jp terrain

6) gives me an opportunity to avoid mirage clones .... I love the terrain changes regarding this

7) herald.... Idk... I have no idea... I couldn't escape from them... But a few did get killed by me so I need to face some more herald in this map to derive any conclusion regarding the versus advantage/disadvantage




no matter what class/profession, I believe the new changes gives us a fighting chance to survive better when this insane damage flying around everywhere


Note: these are thoughts of g2 player... Might vary for plat where most ppl run zerk amulet and matches are more fast paced

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> @"NICENIKESHOE.7128" said:

> Maybe I'm just playing devils advocate, but perhaps it's time to have a map significantly different from Foefire.


> Most PvP map follows similar format where the same mobility/teleport skills can be used to get across open spaces between nodes. This felt like the old coliseum lacks it's own identity.


One of the things I've wanted to see is a conquest map that's a completely vertical tower. Like a conquest map that's like One big Stonemist Castle. A node on the base. A node in the middle and a node on the top floor where you can see outside. You could have multiple passage ways to get the the top floor like several stairwells and also skillfully scaling the tower from the outside up and down.


The minimap might be a bit tricky but I think having the standard class overlays and a profile of the castle would work fine enough.


Like with Stonemist Castle you'd have to be careful about how you let players port (In Stonemist you can only teleport up a floor if you're already on the ramp to that floor), but it's an experiment I think would be fun to see and it would feel so completely different to the current conquest maps while still being conquest.


And I mean who doesn't love castles? I'd love to fight on the inside and top of a castle!

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I dislike how the changes heavily favor guards/revs/reapers/thieves with non-LOS ports on side node battles. I don't play any of those classes in pvp but I've managed to change my playstyle to work around them in the coliseum, but all the same I feel it's extremely lazy design to make changes that so clearly favor one type of arguably problematic move.

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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> I dislike how the changes heavily favor guards/revs/reapers/thieves with non-LOS ports on side node battles. I don't play any of those classes in pvp but I've managed to change my playstyle to work around them in the coliseum, but all the same I feel it's extremely lazy design to make changes that so clearly favor one type of arguably problematic move.


Insofar as I've been able to tell so far, the new obstacles also added a couple new no-port zones, so it isn't entirely skewed in the teleport user's favor.

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Ever since I got knocked back and glitched (stuck) into the boxes on Coliseum I absolutely loathe going near those areas now. Agreed, there needs to be a little more space between crates and capture point.


edit: because silly things like LoS behind crates you can still AoE (holo skill for example) and it'll proceed to hit the player behind the object.

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today u seen a good think with the changes, bots having problems with the new obstacles, the kiten bott seem like one of those vacum robots coliding with the obstacle until they get a valid route to the point, it can be a good anti bot mechanic adding randomized obstacles in map to ensure no preloaded pathing to work

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It is **not** 'clutter' it is 'cover'.


Every arena needs as much reasonable cover available as possible, otherwise ranged attacks would have no real counter, as it's impossible to keep up against it just with blocks and reflects.

The worst kind of arena will be completely open and force players to rely only in their character skills. And that alone isn't PvP. True PvP requires also environmental awareness and tactical thinking. That's why you can have sniper rifles that can one-shot you in shooters, as cover allows you to approach them. GW2 may not be exactly like a shooter, but it has enough elements from them to require cover to be present in all maps.


The downside of cover has to be that you will have to leave points to benefit from it if enemies position themselves properly, so they can be used as a respite from ranged attacks, but not to stay on points unharmed. As long as that is maintained, more cover is always good as it won't allow easy point capture and stays the defensive tool it should be.

So cover than can be easily used to avoid being hit from outside the point just needs to be moved a bit away from the point.



If anything else needs to change, is cleaves and AoEs going through walls and other obstacles in unintuitive ways, obstacles should instead 'cut out' the portion of AoEs and cleaves past them as if the cut area was a shadow cast by the AoE or Cleave.

But to fix that we need to have fixed first those aggressive 'obstructed' checks like when someone is behind a tiny pebble and it somehow blocks projectiles as if it was a freaking sequoia.


Maybe collisions maps need an adjustment to include 'penetration checks' to decide what kind of attack and how much power it needs to go through, that way a rifle bullet could go through a thin wood wall, but not through a thick rock wall, and the difference of strength between the attack and the collision would determine how much power goes through, reducing the damage past the collision. But that's still way down the road in complexity.

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