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Isn't it time to be bad?


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Totally worth it for whom?


For the five people "RP"ing in the bar DivReach detailing their secret, highly-public Separatist/White Mantle plot with a side of love triangle drama.

Or the would-be dark elves left with no choice but to be Nightmare Courtiers, because water-drow aren't playable (and pray faith never will be).


In short, "bad" Command ihas no good utility for ANet to bother with.


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> @"Shiv.5781" said:

> GW2 was released in 2012, its been 7 years and we're all still here trying to play the good guy? Isn't it time to be bad already ...


> This could be quality content about adding an option to choose if you want to play with the bad guys. I want to become Balthazar's Herald, I want to bring wrath to tyria ... I wanna experience all those things?


> We should have an option of which side we want to play, instead of being told that we HAVE to play the GOOD side. I want to ride Kralkatoric and not Aurene...


> Please think about it...


Go to PVP or WVW if you want to play a villain. Just afk in spawn in ranked or pull keep tactivators off cooldown... it's the most effective way to play a bad guy in GW2.

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Just adding a thought:


A Faction system is probably the best way I've seen this work in MMO's so far. It still required a good bit of extra work, but lets say we adopt something similar to WoW with its 2 factions in direct opposition, it will require 2 different stories (but doesn't inter-arc, they're fairly separate most of the time). Then each faction will be working on the global events separately but in their own way, and only on a few critical moments work together to take down a bigger evil. While still remaining antagonistic toward each others.


Bonus point neither faction has to be "dumb evil" but instead just be "misunderstood evil" ;)


Still, this is another one of those things that pretty much has to be designed in when they're creating the game in the first place, so would be impossible to add that now.

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IMHO, it would be a waste of a lot of resources to make a whole different version of the game where you destroy everything, become a slave of Balthazar or Mordremoth or whatever. Plus, I expect that the main storyline will have to be linear in order to have the same world (and all the assets that goes with that) for different players. However, I would like to see more dialogue options for the player, especially those that are text only would not require much in the way of additional resources. There are occasional instances of this where you can choose a charming, ferocious or noble option and I would love that to be implemented more and have some impact on how the characters interact with you. I’d like to be able to play a noble hero or an anti-hero or someone more mercenary. I also wish that it wasn’t dictated how the commander feels about all the NPCs as often my character would feel differently. I got quite annoyed by this in LWS2.

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I had a temp character I called Inquest Janitor once. (Because Inquest Lawyer was taken!) It felt a little disconnecty when he had to fight Inquest, but I concluded he was disgruntled and getting revenge on his old krewe leader. Of course, he bailed when it came time to put his life on the line to fight for Tyria, the wretch. (Shortly after he had finished key farming for me.)


The problem with getting to be a villain in THIS game is that there are so many different villainous factions, they would have to make a game ten times the current size. I mean, even supposing they came up with a new storyline in which an Unholy Quinity of White Mantle, Nightmare Court, Inquest, Flame Legion and Sons of Svanir allied together, people would not be happy. "I want to be a Bandit!" "I want to be a Charr Renegade!" "I'm nobody's flunky, I want to be an independent evil genius!" "I want to be a spy from Mallyck's tree reconnoitering for a takeover of the Grove by parasitic vines and tree fungoids!" "I want to be a lich controlling armies of undead!" "Why can't I be Mordrem?"


Whereas the hero's path is clear and simple (fight the bad guys and save the world) villains have so many more possible goals, motivations and methods that it's hard to think of a storyline that would satisfy everybody. Mayhem for mayhem's sake? A conspiracy with the dragons because you somehow WANT your world destroyed? Villainy for maximum personal profit? Fanaticism for a cause? Vengeance against the whole world? Usurping political power?


It's almost guaranteed that if any villainous storyline was added, the majority of players would be unhappy that it was not something else.

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Yup and again, the easiest solution is roleplay with combat tonics of the different evil factions. Will not start speaking of inverted psychology that villains are allies between them and us the baddies for them...


Also, disguises? You turn all the enemies that look like you into allies, like in bitterfrost frontier.

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> @"Shiv.5781" said:

> We should have an option of which side we want to play, instead of being told that we HAVE to play the GOOD side.


We should have options in general, not having all characters being pushed along the exact same path with the exact same dialogue. It's boring and often unfitting. I dream of having selectable story paths return to our adventuring lives like in the Personal Story.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > The problem is, there is no benefit to being evil in this world. Not for dime-a-dozen mooks like you/us.


> You, my friend, need to start thinking like a villain.


I am. That's how I know how common all of you are. Mook.

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Hmm, my character has successfully infiltrated the power structure of the single most powerful military force in the world and arranged for its destruction at the "hand" of its greatest enemy. I then eliminated that enemy. I have since destroyed numerous rivals for dominion including a god and an undead overlord.


Sitting monarchs and councils pay heed to my will without realizing that I am the true power in their homelands. In short, I have all but completed my conquest of the world while receiving accolades for my "heroism." The last few threats to my dominion are on my schedule and shall be dealt with as my plans come to fruition.


But yeah, you go burn a village of dirt poor farmers and twirl your moustache or something.

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ANet isn't going write a story where any portion of their playerbase gets their asses whooped by the people they used to protect/fight along side, or worse, random new characters. Being bad in this game means destroying the world, and they aren't done with GW2 yet.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > The problem is, there is no benefit to being evil in this world. Not for dime-a-dozen mooks like you/us.

> >

> > You, my friend, need to start thinking like a villain.


> I am. That's how I know how common all of you are. Mook.


Nah, that's a common mook response. Villains have ambition and don't readily fall rank n' file behind the status quo. My qualifications for a villain is, you can't often tell the difference between one and a hero if context is removed.

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