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New Greatsword Legendary looks amazing

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> How you get this?


It will be available in the next Living Story episode, due out some time this month. Once the patch hits you can craft the new legendary. You can start accruing your mats now if you wish.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > How you get this?


> It will be available in the next Living Story episode, due out some time this month. Once the patch hits you can craft the new legendary. You can start accruing your mats now if you wish.


What's the mats? Is it same for every greatsword legendary?

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My harsh opinion, is that like most legends it's a mess. What this one has is only swing/trail animations and footfalls(those are great!!). It looks clunky and way overproportioned again like most legendaries. I don't get a power feel looking at it, it feels more like a foam sword with big chunks around, though i could try to just get lost int he effect.


Why can't we just get simple, elegant and classic looking legendaries. Nearly every legendary of them all is a damn mess, no offense, not very many for those of us with great style. Kings and queen of elegance. Too big, too clunky, it's like cartoon characters with personalities way exaggerated. Nearly every legendary. This particular one is almost good enough, it might work out with some good will.. There literally are one maybe 1 or two legendaries that can get me full excited and i know without a doubt it's a killer looking one with no concerns. Most weapons i can find more elegant/stylish skins.


As others have said, the guard is illogical and upside down - and what are those rings and those clunky chunks? Why is the color so overly bright?


It's like music, the more stuff you throw in there the more messy it gets and the less great it becomes. Simplicity is an art.


And yes - I am a mesmer.

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"HawkXtream.1538" said:

> > > look like it's made of aurene's crystal

> >

> > It looks like it was produced by Toys R Us and created to be used in a bad remake of He-Man. Wait, He-Man's sword actually looked decent compared to this "thing".


> U didn’t own the original he man toys if u think he mans sword looked better:p


Heh heh heh... LOL. I should have clarified that I was referring to the cartoon version, not the toy. One of my childhood friends owned the whole collection (including She-Ra). She was totally into it, God knows why. =) But I don't exactly recall what the toy sword looked like. Most plastic toy versions of tv show and movie characters usually look nothing like their originals, but I believe the He-Man ones were pretty decent (from what I recall).


Anyway, regardless of it's coloring etc., Exordium still looks like a sci-fi weapon to me and nothing like something that would fit into the world of Tyria. Just not my cup of tea, it breaks the immersion of the world's design, but it certainly isn't the first skin to do so. :/


> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> How you get this?


By doing its legendary collection once it becomes available (which will be on release day of the episode).

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > How you get this?

> >

> > It will be available in the next Living Story episode, due out some time this month. Once the patch hits you can craft the new legendary. You can start accruing your mats now if you wish.


> What's the mats? Is it same for every greatsword legendary?


Based on what the other gen2-legys required, it will most likely need:


- 1 mystic tribute

- 1 gift of maguuma mastery *or* 1 gift of desert mastery

- 1 visionary inscription

- 1 deldrimor GS-blade

- 1 deldrimor GS-hilt

- 2 oiled orichalcum GS-blades

- 2 oiled orichalcum GS-hilts

- 400 shards of friendship / liturgy / Call of the Void / Dark Arts

- 20 philosophers stones

- 20 globs of ectoplasm

- 20 thermocatalytic reagents

- 1 gift of metal

- 1 gift of the mists

- 100 mystic runestones

- 13 of some material unknown yet (might be quartz, charged quartz or crystalline loadstones)


Hope i didnt forget anything.

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> @"Jojo.6140" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > > How you get this?

> > >

> > > It will be available in the next Living Story episode, due out some time this month. Once the patch hits you can craft the new legendary. You can start accruing your mats now if you wish.

> >

> > What's the mats? Is it same for every greatsword legendary?


> Based on what the other gen2-legys required, it will most likely need:


> - 1 mystic tribute

> - 1 gift of maguuma mastery *or* 1 gift of desert mastery

> - 1 visionary inscription

> - 1 deldrimor GS-blade

> - 1 deldrimor GS-hilt

> - 2 oiled orichalcum GS-blades

> - 2 oiled orichalcum GS-hilts

> - 400 shards of friendship / liturgy / Call of the Void / Dark Arts

> - 20 philosophers stones

> - 20 globs of ectoplasm

> - 20 thermocatalytic reagents

> - 1 gift of metal

> - 1 gift of the mists

> - 100 mystic runestones

> - 13 of some material unknown yet (might be quartz, charged quartz or crystalline loadstones)


> Hope i didnt forget anything.


Essentially the same materials needed for the hammer except with greatsword components and the new shards.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Jojo.6140" said:

> > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > > > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > > > How you get this?

> > > >

> > > > It will be available in the next Living Story episode, due out some time this month. Once the patch hits you can craft the new legendary. You can start accruing your mats now if you wish.

> > >

> > > What's the mats? Is it same for every greatsword legendary?

> >

> > Based on what the other gen2-legys required, it will most likely need:

> >

> > - 1 mystic tribute

> > - 1 gift of maguuma mastery *or* 1 gift of desert mastery

> > - 1 visionary inscription

> > - 1 deldrimor GS-blade

> > - 1 deldrimor GS-hilt

> > - 2 oiled orichalcum GS-blades

> > - 2 oiled orichalcum GS-hilts

> > - 400 shards of friendship / liturgy / Call of the Void / Dark Arts

> > - 20 philosophers stones

> > - 20 globs of ectoplasm

> > - 20 thermocatalytic reagents

> > - 1 gift of metal

> > - 1 gift of the mists

> > - 100 mystic runestones

> > - 13 of some material unknown yet (might be quartz, charged quartz or crystalline loadstones)

> >

> > Hope i didnt forget anything.


> Essentially the same materials needed for the hammer except with greatsword components and the new shards.


That is my understanding anyways. Gen 2 Legendary weapons are divided, it seems, into type of weapon and which crafting profession.


So the material for a 1H weapon made by a Weaponsmith would be the same: so the Claw of Kahn Ur and Eureka have the same material requirements. It's logical to assume the material needed for Exordium would be the same as Sharur.

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I agree that there's nothing about this sword that makes it stand out. Pharus was plain bit amuses with the crit indicator. Overall, we've had a glut of blase pointy sticks this year and most of the swords are purple/blue. I did the riftstalker event, farmed a few rift mats while completing the event, saw the weapon options, and put the mats right back on the TP.

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This legendary definitely seems geared more towards mesmers. I mean they even have that extra animation with the circles on auto attack along with the glass looking shatter effect. I'll be making it I do hope though that those circles around the sword won't appear on classes that use the swords edges to attack with would be kinda weird to blunt the edge like that.

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So> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Ok, so this is a thing:



> TLDR: when a Necro Reaper uses Gravedigger attack, Exordium takes the shape of a scythe blade.


> So now I really need to know, can Warriors, Guardians and Rangers expect custom animations as well? Need to know, need to know!


I have a theory on this. I don’t think each class will have custom animations. I think each type of maneuver has a custom animation. For example, whirling skills will have the scythe blade, like guardian Gs 2/5 and Necromancer Gravedigger. Thrusting/stabbing skills will have those side blade add-ons. Throwing skills will have those ninja star looking projectiles. Etc,etc.

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> @"PlagueParade.7942" said:

> This legendary definitely seems geared more towards mesmers. I mean they even have that extra animation with the circles on auto attack along with the glass looking shatter effect. I'll be making it I do hope though that those circles around the sword won't appear on classes that use the swords edges to attack with would be kinda weird to blunt the edge like that.


Expect a variety of unique animations based on class skills, not just mesmer. These are the animations for Reaper Greatsword 2 and 3. Both are unique and none of them are shared with the Mesmer animations.


![](https://i.imgur.com/SDBbitI.png "")


![](https://i.imgur.com/lg01BpR.png "")


The Scythe on Gravedigger, and the forked transformation on Death Spiral are both really hype.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> > a weapon a rev cant use .... yay


> Cant use yet


Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that the next elite spec is going to be GS. We also do not have any idea when the next elite specs are coming out. If you are very optimistic, they may be coming in LW5. But they might be coming in an expansion that will take another 2 years to arrive. Then you also have to wonder if they will go back and update Exordium to have unique animations for the next professions that get to use GS.


It would be pretty nice if other legendaries got a similar treatment, instead of GS always being the special one. 4/9 professions cannot even use GS yet.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> How you get this?


Same way you get all HoT legendaries. Craft it. You need to have a gift of battle from WvW, a gift of maguuma from completing all HOT zones, and a bunch of other stuff, plus a ton of mats. Then you can craft it.

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> @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

> So> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > Ok, so this is a thing:

> >

> >

> > TLDR: when a Necro Reaper uses Gravedigger attack, Exordium takes the shape of a scythe blade.

> >

> > So now I really need to know, can Warriors, Guardians and Rangers expect custom animations as well? Need to know, need to know!


> I have a theory on this. I don’t think each class will have custom animations. I think each type of maneuver has a custom animation. For example, whirling skills will have the scythe blade, like guardian Gs 2/5 and Necromancer Gravedigger. Thrusting/stabbing skills will have those side blade add-ons. Throwing skills will have those ninja star looking projectiles. Etc,etc.


Very plausible theory. I guess we'll know before the week is out, as I expect to see at least some Exordiums crafted by tomorrow evening :sunglasses:

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Well all I need now are the mystic curios and a metric catload of metal and wood. With my luck they will stealth drop a new trinket tomorrow and I will be back in dragon’s stand and the other hot maps farming up currency after I spend some gems on another character slot as all 9 of mine have now completed hot map exploration.

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Here is a nice showcase I found of the GS on all classes:



I think it's awesome that the sword changes form depending on what class/ability you are using, but that's precisely why I'm giving it a pass. When using GS 3 on Guard or Warrior, I want to see a GS swinging, not see it morph into an axe. Very cool though if you are an Asura Mesmer, but just not for me.

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