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Anet can we normalize soulbeast yet?


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> @"Miyu.8137" said:

> > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > This is not the most popular build at all, the most popular build definetely uses longbow. Just watch Boyce's view in a recent AT on Jawgeous channel and you have the build I'm talking about. Extreme damage, high sustain and mobility


> Where is the high sustain coming from? I saw that AT and i believe he was running lbow/gs, we heal as one, sick em, quickening zephyr and one wolf pack, soulbeast, beastmastery, wilderness survival. Marauder or demolisher amu with eagle rune, smokescale and owl. This build has just one purpose and it's unblockable lbow burst damage every 60sec ( w/o OWP every 36sec). Damage is dealt in very short window of like 3sec and can do 25k dmg+- (on low/no defence enemies). If enemy manage to dodge you already do less then half of it. Releasing such burst makes you waste every single utility. If you are not aware, rev can melt you down in 2secs, same goes for war.


> Gotta low how ppl bring all the possitives of 5 diferent builds together and than claim how a class is super OP :D



The sustain of boonbeast, the stealth uptime of druids and the dmg of sic'em markmanship...yeah the legendary unicorn build

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I think a nerf is imminent. It's always like this after the forums get filled with complaints, but don't get your hopes up. ANet don't know how to balance.


They will change Soulbeast, but they will mess it up, and they will destroy something else too. It's a flat circle with these people. They have no clue because they watch metrics on their dashboards and don't test their game properly.

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> @"Miyu.8137" said:

> > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > This is not the most popular build at all, the most popular build definetely uses longbow. Just watch Boyce's view in a recent AT on Jawgeous channel and you have the build I'm talking about. Extreme damage, high sustain and mobility


> Where is the high sustain coming from? I saw that AT and i believe he was running lbow/gs, we heal as one, sick em, quickening zephyr and one wolf pack, soulbeast, beastmastery, wilderness survival. Marauder or demolisher amu with eagle rune, smokescale and owl. This build has just one purpose and it's unblockable lbow burst damage every 60sec ( w/o OWP every 36sec). Damage is dealt in very short window of like 3sec and can do 25k dmg+- (on low/no defence enemies). If enemy manage to dodge you already do less then half of it. Releasing such burst makes you waste every single utility. If you are not aware, rev can melt you down in 2secs, same goes for war.


> Gotta low how ppl bring all the possitives of 5 diferent builds together and than claim how a class is super OP :D



I never said this build is super OP? I just stated this is the most popular build. Also rev and warrior can't burst you in 2s unless you're afk. Rev's skills take too long to cast to even one shot anybody and warrior's skills are highly telegraphed so unless you get stunned without a stunbreak available or you have no reaction time these 2 classes will not kill you faster than you can react. Sic'em longbow soulbeast however is able to do just that.

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> @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > @"Brohan.6490" said:

> > > > > https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/411250257029234698/576647267017293825/unknown.png soulbeast has way too much oiutput/survivability , it feels like the last thing from pof that's still "uber strong" and needs to be normalized. Boonbeast or sic em sniper, it seems like anet hasn't noticed due to lack of attention to this spec in the last few balance patches.

> > > >

> > > > The build you died to is a glass cannon spec. You can kill it just as fast as it kills you.

> > > >

> > > > With that being said, "one-shot" builds aren't fun to fight against so I _would_ like Sic Em to be reworked. And, while bunker boonbeast isn't much of an issue anymore, it doesn't take much skill to play.

> > > >

> > > > Lastly, it's worth mentioning that you were playing a necromancer in that screenshot. Rangers hard counter your class which might make them seem stronger than they actually are.

> > >

> > > This is actually false, many factors like protection, signet of stone, stealth, evade frames gives sic'em soulbeast a lot of sustainibilty for the insane damage it can do. Also don't forget the absurd mobility they have so whenever they're in danger they can just leap out of it.

> >

> > Nope, it's true.

> >

> > The most popular [one-shot soulbeast build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBHhF6kgXokFsVQwiFglXs8HY5h30b8d51lBCAPphfwwrkvlG-jpBHQBH8EAAgHAAQ2foJlBW4RAogHCAA) doesn't use:

> >

> > 1. Wilderness Survival for protection on dodge

> > 2. Signet of Stone

> > 3. Longbow for the stealth

> > 4. Extra evades through utility/weapon skills outside of gs autos and Swoop

> >

> > Not to mention the build uses it's stealth for engaging, not escaping. So, if you dodge the gimmicky combo, there's a period of 16 seconds where they are unable to stealth again. Also, if the ranger misses the Worldly Impact, the rest of the combo revolves around landing Takedown into Maul. Thus, the ranger doesn't have the mobility from Gazelle/Snow Owl's leap in Beastmode. Furthermore, this combo is only decently reliable if the ranger stealths from out of your line of sight (generally 1200+ range away). This means that they only have 3 seconds (without using Swoop) to close that distance. Since that's impossible unless you were running in their direction, they will be required to use Swoop through Smoke Cloud to get into melee range while still in stealth.

> >

> > In other words, the one-shot soulbeast build doesn't have protection, signet of stone, stealth, or any additional mobility after the combo. For evades, they only have the two base dodges everyone has access to + a one-second windup time on the autos for the evade on Power Stab. If they decide to use sword instead of MH axe and didn't use Hornet's Sting + Monarch's Leap for additional stealth to engage, they'll have another (easily interruptible) leap on S2 and an extra 3/4 second evade on S3.

> >

> > Trust me when I say that these builds are completely trash. I've been killed twice by this combo in the past two years since PoF came out. And, those deaths only occurred because:

> >

> > 1. I didn't know they were running one-shot builds at the start of the match.

> > 2. They stealthed from off-screen so I didn't know they were coming.


> This is not the most popular build at all, the most popular build definetely uses longbow. Just watch Boyce's view in a recent AT on Jawgeous channel and you have the build I'm talking about. Extreme damage, high sustain and mobility


I said it was, "The most popular [**one-shot soulbeast build**](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBHhF6kgXokFsVQwiFglXs8HY5h30b8d51lBCAPphfwwrkvlG-jpBHQBH8EAAgHAAQ2foJlBW4RAogHCAA)."


I never said it was the most popular build for rangers. Also, the build you've seen Boyce use is a well-rounded duelist builds similar to Spellbreaker, Holosmith, or Mirage. However, these mara/demo soulbeast builds don't have the potential to instagib someone from stealth in a single, 20+ attack.


Rangers are fairly squishy even with the extra toughness and/or vitality from their amulets. The only really beefy amulet in the game for a medium armor class is paladins. Even then, there's a reason rangers fare _the worst_ in outnumbered fights compared to the other side noders. And no, it's not because they have extremely high sustain on a build that can 1 shot from stealth and escape from any fight.

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> @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > @"Miyu.8137" said:

> > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > This is not the most popular build at all, the most popular build definetely uses longbow. Just watch Boyce's view in a recent AT on Jawgeous channel and you have the build I'm talking about. Extreme damage, high sustain and mobility

> >

> > Where is the high sustain coming from? I saw that AT and i believe he was running lbow/gs, we heal as one, sick em, quickening zephyr and one wolf pack, soulbeast, beastmastery, wilderness survival. Marauder or demolisher amu with eagle rune, smokescale and owl. This build has just one purpose and it's unblockable lbow burst damage every 60sec ( w/o OWP every 36sec). Damage is dealt in very short window of like 3sec and can do 25k dmg+- (on low/no defence enemies). If enemy manage to dodge you already do less then half of it. Releasing such burst makes you waste every single utility. If you are not aware, rev can melt you down in 2secs, same goes for war.

> >

> > Gotta low how ppl bring all the possitives of 5 diferent builds together and than claim how a class is super OP :D

> >


> I never said this build is super OP? I just stated this is the most popular build. Also rev and warrior can't burst you in 2s unless you're afk. Rev's skills take too long to cast to even one shot anybody and warrior's skills are highly telegraphed so unless you get stunned without a stunbreak available or you have no reaction time these 2 classes will not kill you faster than you can react. Sic'em longbow soulbeast however is able to do just that.


The cast times for a rev's sword 5 and 4 add up to exactly 2 seconds. Phase Transversal -> Shackling Wave -> Deathstrike is a 1800 range gap-closing combo that gives quickness, immobilizes the target, and does an extremely significant amount of damage to anyone in UNDER 2 seconds, regardless of their build/amulet. Not to mention that this rotation doesn't require Line of Sight to your target and can be used from a very safe distance off the screen.


The one-shot longbow soulbeast is even easier to survive against than the warhorn one. lol...

Not only is Point Blank Shot very easy to dodge if you're paying attention, but simply stepping behind LoS nullifies the entire combo. Once you wait out One Wolf Pack, you're free to engage on the ranger.

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"Daishi.6027" said:

> > I don't actually mind ranger damage, it's their survivability and passive damage that is the problem. Even if squishy they have more than enough sustain, on top of a consistent passive pet that you can't just cleave.

> >

> > Even if from stealth, burst you can anticipate and avoid; then reliably punish justifies the damage. Hell even pet changes, so that pets die without costing an entire combo of cooldowns, and cannot be switched on a whim would go a long way to improve countering the massive damage from the ranger... Also tone down unstoppable union to like 2 seconds.


> You are a mesmer...you can go around with zerk stats and still have more than enough sustain like distorion spam/blur /blink/stealth/decoy and more...if we talk about survivability then mesmer is on the higher end of the spectrum for none of the investment classes like ele must do to get the same levels of damage


What mesmer has or doesn't, has no bearing on the topic, but okay; I'll bite. Even **IF** it had slightly better survival options Ranger is the over tuned one now and being discussed. Mesmer has a ton of built in draw backs, and will never be as simple as "weapon skill C does 18k+ if it lands (after a buff)".


Mesmer doesn't reach the same damage numbers in a single hit, and by comparison we're talking about being melee range with a ranged weapon (one much less oppressive and shorter range than bow), that offers no defensive skills, often after using that all important blink to get the correct distance to manipulate a finicky bounce, that offers more than enough of a tell even when in stealth, and needing the clone to shatter on hit while having no others on the board, and power mesmer has very poor passive damage and easily kitable/dodge-able pet that only attacks once. Plus Built in on demand quickness, and with smokescale It's not hard for SB to ignore LoS.

So Mesmer has inferior and less safe damage, yet I still argue ranger burst is fine, other than unblockables and the reliable/sticky passive pet damage.


But okay lets talk defenses. "distorion spam/blur /blink/stealth/decoy" you said? Distortion is on par with Signet of stone. They have a few differences, but Distortion lasting a second longer at the cost of a full board of cleave-able resources, and any less than full is a +10 second cooldown for the same or less duration that prevents decap.

One dodge on one weapon set vs a block counter that persists vs range. Both classes have some stealth to hide burst, but mes has nothing as great as 3 seconds on a 12 second c/d. Chrono has CS and Mirrage has Mirrors, both of which are stationary and countered by moving way. I'd say they are on par, for active defenses unless you go sword/dagger and have an entire weapon bar of evades. But this is BEFORE Ranger's built in survivability passives, including a lot of built in condi clear, and boons.


If anything Mesmer SHOULD live longer, that was a-nets design intention and all. But mes is only on par with ranger defenses before passives (if you get a max resource distortion shatter), with inferior/less reliable damage in both burst and sustain. Also because of how high the damage numbers stack up, ranger would never have to run zerk, while already having more armor.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > @"Miyu.8137" said:

> > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > This is not the most popular build at all, the most popular build definetely uses longbow. Just watch Boyce's view in a recent AT on Jawgeous channel and you have the build I'm talking about. Extreme damage, high sustain and mobility

> > >

> > > Where is the high sustain coming from? I saw that AT and i believe he was running lbow/gs, we heal as one, sick em, quickening zephyr and one wolf pack, soulbeast, beastmastery, wilderness survival. Marauder or demolisher amu with eagle rune, smokescale and owl. This build has just one purpose and it's unblockable lbow burst damage every 60sec ( w/o OWP every 36sec). Damage is dealt in very short window of like 3sec and can do 25k dmg+- (on low/no defence enemies). If enemy manage to dodge you already do less then half of it. Releasing such burst makes you waste every single utility. If you are not aware, rev can melt you down in 2secs, same goes for war.

> > >

> > > Gotta low how ppl bring all the possitives of 5 diferent builds together and than claim how a class is super OP :D

> > >

> >

> > I never said this build is super OP? I just stated this is the most popular build. Also rev and warrior can't burst you in 2s unless you're afk. Rev's skills take too long to cast to even one shot anybody and warrior's skills are highly telegraphed so unless you get stunned without a stunbreak available or you have no reaction time these 2 classes will not kill you faster than you can react. Sic'em longbow soulbeast however is able to do just that.


> The cast times for a rev's sword 5 and 4 add up to exactly 2 seconds. Phase Transversal -> Shackling Wave -> Deathstrike is a 1800 range gap-closing combo that gives quickness, immobilizes the target, and does an extremely significant amount of damage to anyone in UNDER 2 seconds, regardless of their build/amulet. Not to mention that this rotation doesn't require Line of Sight to your target and can be used from a very safe distance off the screen.



A Revenant is unable to do the combo "Phase Transversal -> Deathstrike -> Shackling Wave " because of the energy mechanic. Something everyone who don't play Rev seems to forget. Also this combo will not reach above 10k unless the Revenant has 25 stacks of might. And to reach this a Revenant must been in a fight to accumulate these stacks. Being in a fight will also most likely not have you have 55 energy to spare to do the combo you said Revenants can do.

Regardless of their build or amulet? Brother, if a Revenant does not run Rune of Strength with Marauder/Demolisher amulet and all the traits specific for dps a Revenant will not even reach 7k with the combo you've described.

Yes shadowstepping can be used from a very safe distance off the screen, but to do the actual damage a Revenant needs to be in front of the enemy's face and deal with all the aoe damage a teamfight or enemy can give. A longbow ranger is able to safely burst an enemy from 1800 range sitting on a no port spot whilst being in no danger of taking any damage whatsoever.


It's very easy to spot when somebody hasn't played Revenant ever but somehow knows perfectly how to class behaves.

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> @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > @"Miyu.8137" said:

> > > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > > This is not the most popular build at all, the most popular build definetely uses longbow. Just watch Boyce's view in a recent AT on Jawgeous channel and you have the build I'm talking about. Extreme damage, high sustain and mobility

> > > >

> > > > Where is the high sustain coming from? I saw that AT and i believe he was running lbow/gs, we heal as one, sick em, quickening zephyr and one wolf pack, soulbeast, beastmastery, wilderness survival. Marauder or demolisher amu with eagle rune, smokescale and owl. This build has just one purpose and it's unblockable lbow burst damage every 60sec ( w/o OWP every 36sec). Damage is dealt in very short window of like 3sec and can do 25k dmg+- (on low/no defence enemies). If enemy manage to dodge you already do less then half of it. Releasing such burst makes you waste every single utility. If you are not aware, rev can melt you down in 2secs, same goes for war.

> > > >

> > > > Gotta low how ppl bring all the possitives of 5 diferent builds together and than claim how a class is super OP :D

> > > >

> > >

> > > I never said this build is super OP? I just stated this is the most popular build. Also rev and warrior can't burst you in 2s unless you're afk. Rev's skills take too long to cast to even one shot anybody and warrior's skills are highly telegraphed so unless you get stunned without a stunbreak available or you have no reaction time these 2 classes will not kill you faster than you can react. Sic'em longbow soulbeast however is able to do just that.

> >

> > The cast times for a rev's sword 5 and 4 add up to exactly 2 seconds. Phase Transversal -> Shackling Wave -> Deathstrike is a 1800 range gap-closing combo that gives quickness, immobilizes the target, and does an extremely significant amount of damage to anyone in UNDER 2 seconds, regardless of their build/amulet. Not to mention that this rotation doesn't require Line of Sight to your target and can be used from a very safe distance off the screen.

> >


> A Revenant is unable to do the combo "Phase Transversal -> Deathstrike -> Shackling Wave " because of the energy mechanic. Something everyone who don't play Rev seems to forget. Also this combo will not reach above 10k unless the Revenant has 25 stacks of might. And to reach this a Revenant must been in a fight to accumulate these stacks. Being in a fight will also most likely not have you have 55 energy to spare to do the combo you said Revenants can do.

> Regardless of their build or amulet? Brother, if a Revenant does not run Rune of Strength with Marauder/Demolisher amulet and all the traits specific for dps a Revenant will not even reach 7k with the combo you've described.

> Yes shadowstepping can be used from a very safe distance off the screen, but to do the actual damage a Revenant needs to be in front of the enemy's face and deal with all the aoe damage a teamfight or enemy can give. A longbow ranger is able to safely burst an enemy from 1800 range sitting on a no port spot whilst being in no danger of taking any damage whatsoever.


> It's very easy to spot when somebody hasn't played Revenant ever but somehow knows perfectly how to class behaves.




The combo is very easy to pull off in a fight. You can engage, disengage behind line of sight, wait a little for the energy required, and port back in with PT -> SW -> DS. **It's one of the most common rotations you'll see revs use.** Also, revenant has easy access to 25 might because of the two traits: [Notoriety](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Notoriety) and [incensed Response](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Incensed_Response). Which takes about all of 5 seconds to accumulate after entering combat.


When I said, "Regardless of their build/amulet." I wasn't referring to the revenant...


You seem to be having trouble with a variety of ranger builds. This thread was made to discuss the one-shot sic em soulbeast builds. These do NOT use longbow. If you're having an extreme amount of difficulty against longbow rangers, all you have to do is walk behind LoS and they can't hit you.


I play every class, including rev, at high plat 3. Also, I've been giving you specific ways to deal with the issues you're having.


1. If a ranger is running one-shot and you see him stealth... Walk away so he can't get into melee range.

2. If a ranger is shooting at you with a longbow... Go behind line of sight.


I find it extraordinarily tedious having to explain what I assume _should_ be common knowledge to anyone who's spent even the slightest bit of time in sPvP. So please, educate yourself a little bit and read over my previous posts before you respond.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > > @"Miyu.8137" said:

> > > > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > > > This is not the most popular build at all, the most popular build definetely uses longbow. Just watch Boyce's view in a recent AT on Jawgeous channel and you have the build I'm talking about. Extreme damage, high sustain and mobility

> > > > >

> > > > > Where is the high sustain coming from? I saw that AT and i believe he was running lbow/gs, we heal as one, sick em, quickening zephyr and one wolf pack, soulbeast, beastmastery, wilderness survival. Marauder or demolisher amu with eagle rune, smokescale and owl. This build has just one purpose and it's unblockable lbow burst damage every 60sec ( w/o OWP every 36sec). Damage is dealt in very short window of like 3sec and can do 25k dmg+- (on low/no defence enemies). If enemy manage to dodge you already do less then half of it. Releasing such burst makes you waste every single utility. If you are not aware, rev can melt you down in 2secs, same goes for war.

> > > > >

> > > > > Gotta low how ppl bring all the possitives of 5 diferent builds together and than claim how a class is super OP :D

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I never said this build is super OP? I just stated this is the most popular build. Also rev and warrior can't burst you in 2s unless you're afk. Rev's skills take too long to cast to even one shot anybody and warrior's skills are highly telegraphed so unless you get stunned without a stunbreak available or you have no reaction time these 2 classes will not kill you faster than you can react. Sic'em longbow soulbeast however is able to do just that.

> > >

> > > The cast times for a rev's sword 5 and 4 add up to exactly 2 seconds. Phase Transversal -> Shackling Wave -> Deathstrike is a 1800 range gap-closing combo that gives quickness, immobilizes the target, and does an extremely significant amount of damage to anyone in UNDER 2 seconds, regardless of their build/amulet. Not to mention that this rotation doesn't require Line of Sight to your target and can be used from a very safe distance off the screen.

> > >

> >

> > A Revenant is unable to do the combo "Phase Transversal -> Deathstrike -> Shackling Wave " because of the energy mechanic. Something everyone who don't play Rev seems to forget. Also this combo will not reach above 10k unless the Revenant has 25 stacks of might. And to reach this a Revenant must been in a fight to accumulate these stacks. Being in a fight will also most likely not have you have 55 energy to spare to do the combo you said Revenants can do.

> > Regardless of their build or amulet? Brother, if a Revenant does not run Rune of Strength with Marauder/Demolisher amulet and all the traits specific for dps a Revenant will not even reach 7k with the combo you've described.

> > Yes shadowstepping can be used from a very safe distance off the screen, but to do the actual damage a Revenant needs to be in front of the enemy's face and deal with all the aoe damage a teamfight or enemy can give. A longbow ranger is able to safely burst an enemy from 1800 range sitting on a no port spot whilst being in no danger of taking any damage whatsoever.

> >

> > It's very easy to spot when somebody hasn't played Revenant ever but somehow knows perfectly how to class behaves.


> lol...


> The combo is very easy to pull off in a fight. You can engage, disengage behind line of sight, wait a little for the energy required, and port back in with PT -> SW -> DS. **It's one of the most common rotations you'll see revs use.** Also, revenant has easy access to 25 might because of the two traits: [Notoriety](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Notoriety) and [incensed Response](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Incensed_Response). Which takes about all of 5 seconds to accumulate after entering combat.


> When I said, "Regardless of their build/amulet." I wasn't referring to the revenant...


> You seem to be having trouble with a variety of ranger builds. This thread was made to discuss the one-shot sic em soulbeast builds. These do NOT use longbow. If you're having an extreme amount of difficulty against longbow rangers, all you have to do is walk behind LoS and they can't hit you.


> I play every class, including rev, at high plat 3. Also, I've been giving you specific ways to deal with the issues you're having.


> 1. If a ranger is running one-shot and you see him stealth... Walk away so he can't get into melee range.

> 2. If a ranger is shooting at you with a longbow... Go behind line of sight.


> I find it extraordinarily tedious having to explain what I assume _should_ be common knowledge to anyone who's spent even the slightest bit of time in sPvP. So please, educate yourself a little bit and read over my previous posts before you respond.


It's also one of the most easy to avoid combo's a rev can do. Every competent player knows to dodge when a rev has shadowstepped to him, doing this will completely negate the whole burst because it's so predictable.

FYI, barely anyone runs [incensed Response](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Incensed_Response) and instead uses [Rapid Flow](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rapid_Flow) because of how precious swiftness is as a roamer and to have that little bit of healing for some sustain.

I don't really have trouble with the Ranger builds I mentioned, I simply compared the ranger build with what rev is capable of and correcting you on some things.


You don't seem to be as good and educated as you think you are. Should read some stuff yourself before telling others to.

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> @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > > > @"Miyu.8137" said:

> > > > > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > > > > This is not the most popular build at all, the most popular build definetely uses longbow. Just watch Boyce's view in a recent AT on Jawgeous channel and you have the build I'm talking about. Extreme damage, high sustain and mobility

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Where is the high sustain coming from? I saw that AT and i believe he was running lbow/gs, we heal as one, sick em, quickening zephyr and one wolf pack, soulbeast, beastmastery, wilderness survival. Marauder or demolisher amu with eagle rune, smokescale and owl. This build has just one purpose and it's unblockable lbow burst damage every 60sec ( w/o OWP every 36sec). Damage is dealt in very short window of like 3sec and can do 25k dmg+- (on low/no defence enemies). If enemy manage to dodge you already do less then half of it. Releasing such burst makes you waste every single utility. If you are not aware, rev can melt you down in 2secs, same goes for war.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Gotta low how ppl bring all the possitives of 5 diferent builds together and than claim how a class is super OP :D

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > I never said this build is super OP? I just stated this is the most popular build. Also rev and warrior can't burst you in 2s unless you're afk. Rev's skills take too long to cast to even one shot anybody and warrior's skills are highly telegraphed so unless you get stunned without a stunbreak available or you have no reaction time these 2 classes will not kill you faster than you can react. Sic'em longbow soulbeast however is able to do just that.

> > > >

> > > > The cast times for a rev's sword 5 and 4 add up to exactly 2 seconds. Phase Transversal -> Shackling Wave -> Deathstrike is a 1800 range gap-closing combo that gives quickness, immobilizes the target, and does an extremely significant amount of damage to anyone in UNDER 2 seconds, regardless of their build/amulet. Not to mention that this rotation doesn't require Line of Sight to your target and can be used from a very safe distance off the screen.

> > > >

> > >

> > > A Revenant is unable to do the combo "Phase Transversal -> Deathstrike -> Shackling Wave " because of the energy mechanic. Something everyone who don't play Rev seems to forget. Also this combo will not reach above 10k unless the Revenant has 25 stacks of might. And to reach this a Revenant must been in a fight to accumulate these stacks. Being in a fight will also most likely not have you have 55 energy to spare to do the combo you said Revenants can do.

> > > Regardless of their build or amulet? Brother, if a Revenant does not run Rune of Strength with Marauder/Demolisher amulet and all the traits specific for dps a Revenant will not even reach 7k with the combo you've described.

> > > Yes shadowstepping can be used from a very safe distance off the screen, but to do the actual damage a Revenant needs to be in front of the enemy's face and deal with all the aoe damage a teamfight or enemy can give. A longbow ranger is able to safely burst an enemy from 1800 range sitting on a no port spot whilst being in no danger of taking any damage whatsoever.

> > >

> > > It's very easy to spot when somebody hasn't played Revenant ever but somehow knows perfectly how to class behaves.

> >

> > lol...

> >

> > The combo is very easy to pull off in a fight. You can engage, disengage behind line of sight, wait a little for the energy required, and port back in with PT -> SW -> DS. **It's one of the most common rotations you'll see revs use.** Also, revenant has easy access to 25 might because of the two traits: [Notoriety](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Notoriety) and [incensed Response](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Incensed_Response). Which takes about all of 5 seconds to accumulate after entering combat.

> >

> > When I said, "Regardless of their build/amulet." I wasn't referring to the revenant...

> >

> > You seem to be having trouble with a variety of ranger builds. This thread was made to discuss the one-shot sic em soulbeast builds. These do NOT use longbow. If you're having an extreme amount of difficulty against longbow rangers, all you have to do is walk behind LoS and they can't hit you.

> >

> > I play every class, including rev, at high plat 3. Also, I've been giving you specific ways to deal with the issues you're having.

> >

> > 1. If a ranger is running one-shot and you see him stealth... Walk away so he can't get into melee range.

> > 2. If a ranger is shooting at you with a longbow... Go behind line of sight.

> >

> > I find it extraordinarily tedious having to explain what I assume _should_ be common knowledge to anyone who's spent even the slightest bit of time in sPvP. So please, educate yourself a little bit and read over my previous posts before you respond.


> It's also one of the most easy to avoid combo's a rev can do. Every competent player knows to dodge when a rev has shadowstepped to him, doing this will completely negate the whole burst because it's so predictable.

> FYI, barely anyone runs [incensed Response](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Incensed_Response) and instead uses [Rapid Flow](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rapid_Flow) because of how precious swiftness is as a roamer and to have that little bit of healing for some sustain.

> I don't really have trouble with the Ranger builds I mentioned, I simply compared the ranger build with what rev is capable of and correcting you on some things.


> You don't seem to be as good and educated as you think you are. Should read some stuff yourself before telling others to.


If you're 1v1ing a rev (which should never happen under normal circumstances), then yes, the combo is easy to avoid.




Okay... I don't know how else to say this other than you're actually wrong about everything.


Honestly even in a 1v1 you can reliably land Shackling Wave into Deathstrike if you time it after an evade frame. **You realize you can cast Phase Transversal and WAIT for the person to evade before using SW and DS?** The combo is fast enough that most players instinctively dodge once they see a rev pop up on their screen. If you played a little smarter, you could use that knowledge to your advantage and nail them with the big damage combo 98% of the time.


Actually I just checked lol.... You can literally PT -> SW -> DS with the 50 base energy you have _out of combat_ and still be left with 5 energy afterwards.


No. You're wrong. The [meta revenant build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAW8sn3guNSuQ7JRboVlsP0rS4IaWJ4EdsklNFqNAH4BsfJNvxOgF8hA-jpROABqfQAI/CAU8RAo3yAAs/AsPAAA) takes Incensed Response because you have permanent swiftness from Dragon Stance's [Facet of Elements](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Facet_of_Elements) and if you need more movement speed while in Assassin Stance, you have super speed from [impossible Odds](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Impossible_Odds).


Also, you have more than enough healing for a +1 role with [Assassin's Annihilation](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Annihilation) (6120 healing every 20 seconds, slightly less than the 6520 a ranger would get using ["We Heal As One!"](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22We_Heal_As_One!%22)). The extra 300 you get every 5 seconds with Rapid Flow is actually irrelevant. The regeneration boon alone would heal more than twice as much in the same period of time without any healing power.


From the looks of it, I know your class better than you do. Like I said, educate yourself before you respond. Compare [my rank](https://imgur.com/a/HXmRGKS) to [yours](https://i.imgur.com/4hgYqCT.jpg?1) if you need more concrete proof.

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Dev's at release:

Arena net dev 1: "25k from stealth! Isn't that op?"

Arena net dev 2: "Is it a thief?"

Arena net dev 1: "yes, better nerf it then."


Dev's in 2019:

Arena net dev 1: "25k from stealth! isn't that op?"

Arena net dev 2: "Is it a thief?"

arena net dev 1: "No."

Arena net dev 2: "It's fine then."


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> @"Highlie.7641" said:

> Dev's at release:

> Arena net dev 1: "25k from stealth! Isn't that op?"

> Arena net dev 2: "Is it a thief?"

> Arena net dev 1: "yes, better nerf it then."


> Dev's in 2019:

> Arena net dev 1: "25k from stealth! isn't that op?"

> Arena net dev 2: "Is it a thief?"

> arena net dev 1: "No."

> Arena net dev 2: "It's fine then."



This is exactly the point. For some reason Soulbeast is allowed to hit for 30k in pvp where most builds' hp bars sit on average between 16k and 25k. All other builds that could do the same have been nerfed so it doesnt do that much damage anymore or balanced to have at least some form of counterplay. Why does Soulbeast get a pass at it then?

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > @"Brohan.6490" said:

> > https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/411250257029234698/576647267017293825/unknown.png soulbeast has way too much oiutput/survivability , it feels like the last thing from pof that's still "uber strong" and needs to be normalized. Boonbeast or sic em sniper, it seems like anet hasn't noticed due to lack of attention to this spec in the last few balance patches.


> You are necro. Anet prefers you to be the punching bag for all other classes.


Sad but true. Let's hope there's another expansion in which necro gets an awesome 1vX spec

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On the spot I can think of atleast 4 builds that are more obnoxious than Sic Em Sniper. I've been killed by this build maybe 5-6 times that I can think of, and every time it was because I wasn't paying attention, or I was already out of cooldowns because of fighting someone else.


People keep saying this, "Just dodge is easier said than done", like it's a good argument. It's not. If you're out of dodges/don't use them, you misplayed/got outplayed and the soulbeast deserved the kill. Soulbeast's burst isn't so fast that you can't even react to it unlike some other builds. If whatever build you play doesn't have the tools to survive that slow Slb burst, you ever think that maybe it's not supposed to? I used to play Drd back in the HoT days and there were classes that were supposed to counter you in basically every way. Scrappers and DH's were completely off-limits, and I wasn't complaining about them in the forums.


I also find it kinda ironic that the community wanted passive traits gone, and now that they basically are, what those meant to prevent is number 1 on everyone's nerflist. These 1-shot builds pretty much wouldn't exist if those were still a viable option.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> Soulbeast has a very well telegraphed and lengthy stealth rotation and in general very limited stealth access. If you don't see it coming, you deserve the oneshot. A build like that has 0 sustain and if you avoid that 1 attack, you win. See them steallthing? Use your brain and get away for a few seconds. wow very hard


lol? very limited stealth access he says


longbow 3

smokescale f2 (smokefield) paired with blast from warhorn 5

OR leap from sword 2 (if taken sword)

OR leap from wordly impact

OR swoop leap from owl/eagle pet

OR leap from greatsword 3 (if taken greatsword)


yea, deffo no sources to stack stealth....


the smokefield lasts 5 seconds, if the ranger uses all his cd's (blast and 3 leaps which they have easya cces to) he can stack 12 seconds of stealth.


goodluck "dodging" the incomming burst

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> I also find it kinda ironic that the community wanted passive traits gone, and now that they basically are, what those meant to prevent is number 1 on everyone's nerflist. These 1-shot builds pretty much wouldn't exist if those were still a viable option.


No no man, you don't understand, they wanted _everyone else's_ passive traits gone.


The fix to Soulbeast is really simple:

1. Nerf Sic-em to only 10% in SB mode

2. Remove pet swap when using Soulbeast traitline. Then they can't just swap pets to go from one shot to mobility and sustain.


Done. Easy.


> @"Inoki.6048" said:

> I think a nerf is imminent. It's always like this after the forums get filled with complaints, but don't get your hopes up. ANet don't know how to balance.


> They will change Soulbeast, but they will mess it up, and they will destroy something else too. It's a flat circle with these people. They have no clue because they watch metrics on their dashboards and don't test their game properly.


So of course instead of the easy fix above, we'll get something else that ignores the real problem.


> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> You are necro. Anet prefers you to be the punching bag for all other classes.


Except in WvW, where Scourge rules the battlefield when you can stack 10 of them.





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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> So of course instead of the easy fix above, we'll get something else that ignores the real problem.

they always see different than the majority of the community. and they seem to believe they are better at something they, from what most of us could observe over the years, obviously barely play / test.


I can't think of an instance when they took feedback from the community literally, or at least close enough. but let's look at their structure and the structure of their competitors:



- no chosen game mode / class representatives

- no public test environment

- no pre-release adjustments




- frequent adjustments prior to releases

- dev comments added to changes to clarify why changes have been made

- continuous feedback collection, evaluation, implementation, iteration on testing and deployment, that results in a (somewhat, but definitely more) successful and less broken release


I don't think I ever witnessed a re-design of a skill the majority concluded would be good, and there have been such discussions in the past despite the differences. former top players in competitive game modes shared their perspective, and those are people who likely know more about class viability than the devs themselves having mastered it on a high level with years of practice.


while it's not easy to catch every piece of information from hundreds of users, it's possible to grasp the whole idea. oftentimes people agreed to reduce damage on a global scale by certain %, but the company never did that. by paradox, they mostly did the opposite. e.g. when people agreed some classes already had high damage those classes got buffed instead, which is anything but a logical step, and one of the reasons we're where we are, again, asking for reasonable changes for the 100th time, which are unlikely to be seen, as history has proven us time and time again.


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I like how lots of people say that you should just dodge the burst, as if they don't still hit like a truck after it, but they also act as if the attacker is a bot, meaning you should be able to dodge their burst, but assume the SB will have zero defenses and zero dodges and will be one shot by you. This is a dream world.


For myself, it's not even the "one-shot" builds, its the middle of the road ones, as they can be built in a very over performing way, they can't do 38k one shots anymore, but end up with more consistent damage over all and some very high survivability with great mobility and great range. I find these far harder to deal with than the one-shot setups, not saying they are anymore fun to deal with however.

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> @"melandru.3876" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > Soulbeast has a very well telegraphed and lengthy stealth rotation and in general very limited stealth access. If you don't see it coming, you deserve the oneshot. A build like that has 0 sustain and if you avoid that 1 attack, you win. See them steallthing? Use your brain and get away for a few seconds. wow very hard


> lol? very limited stealth access he says


> longbow 3

> smokescale f2 (smokefield) paired with blast from warhorn 5

> OR leap from sword 2 (if taken sword)

> OR leap from wordly impact

> OR swoop leap from owl/eagle pet

> OR leap from greatsword 3 (if taken greatsword)


> yea, deffo no sources to stack stealth....


> the smokefield lasts 5 seconds, if the ranger uses all his cd's (blast and 3 leaps which they have easya cces to) he can stack 12 seconds of stealth.


> goodluck "dodging" the incomming burst


The burst uses Worldly Impact as the main source of damage. If you're running a one-shot soulbeast build, it would be a waste to use it for stealth.


Using this build, the most stealth a ranger has access to would be to use WH5, double dagger 3s, and Swoop through a Smoke Cloud. Also, don't forget to take the cast times into account. While they might be stealthed for a while, the period of time they actually have to close the gap is fairly small.


This also means that the ranger will be unable to stealth again for 16 seconds after using this combo, and they have no more mobility skills because they used them all to stack stealth/get into melee range.


Longbow 3 and 4 can be easily dodged and rapid fire is easy to mitigate. Also, true one-shot soulbeast builds don't run longbow.


Furthermore, you don't actually have to dodge anything. Like I said, the entire damage combo relies on getting into melee range. If you simply walk away from the ranger when you see him stealth and wait for it to run out, no dodges are necessary.


Regardless, Sic Em should be reworked because (while I don't think the build is very strong/viable) it takes absolutely zero skill to play and it isn't fun to fight against.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Brohan.6490" said:

> > https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/411250257029234698/576647267017293825/unknown.png soulbeast has way too much oiutput/survivability , it feels like the last thing from pof that's still "uber strong" and needs to be normalized. Boonbeast or sic em sniper, it seems like anet hasn't noticed due to lack of attention to this spec in the last few balance patches.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/5yiO54U.png "")


This thread is now about Arc Divider.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > > > > @"Miyu.8137" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > > > > > This is not the most popular build at all, the most popular build definetely uses longbow. Just watch Boyce's view in a recent AT on Jawgeous channel and you have the build I'm talking about. Extreme damage, high sustain and mobility

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Where is the high sustain coming from? I saw that AT and i believe he was running lbow/gs, we heal as one, sick em, quickening zephyr and one wolf pack, soulbeast, beastmastery, wilderness survival. Marauder or demolisher amu with eagle rune, smokescale and owl. This build has just one purpose and it's unblockable lbow burst damage every 60sec ( w/o OWP every 36sec). Damage is dealt in very short window of like 3sec and can do 25k dmg+- (on low/no defence enemies). If enemy manage to dodge you already do less then half of it. Releasing such burst makes you waste every single utility. If you are not aware, rev can melt you down in 2secs, same goes for war.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Gotta low how ppl bring all the possitives of 5 diferent builds together and than claim how a class is super OP :D

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I never said this build is super OP? I just stated this is the most popular build. Also rev and warrior can't burst you in 2s unless you're afk. Rev's skills take too long to cast to even one shot anybody and warrior's skills are highly telegraphed so unless you get stunned without a stunbreak available or you have no reaction time these 2 classes will not kill you faster than you can react. Sic'em longbow soulbeast however is able to do just that.

> > > > >

> > > > > The cast times for a rev's sword 5 and 4 add up to exactly 2 seconds. Phase Transversal -> Shackling Wave -> Deathstrike is a 1800 range gap-closing combo that gives quickness, immobilizes the target, and does an extremely significant amount of damage to anyone in UNDER 2 seconds, regardless of their build/amulet. Not to mention that this rotation doesn't require Line of Sight to your target and can be used from a very safe distance off the screen.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > A Revenant is unable to do the combo "Phase Transversal -> Deathstrike -> Shackling Wave " because of the energy mechanic. Something everyone who don't play Rev seems to forget. Also this combo will not reach above 10k unless the Revenant has 25 stacks of might. And to reach this a Revenant must been in a fight to accumulate these stacks. Being in a fight will also most likely not have you have 55 energy to spare to do the combo you said Revenants can do.

> > > > Regardless of their build or amulet? Brother, if a Revenant does not run Rune of Strength with Marauder/Demolisher amulet and all the traits specific for dps a Revenant will not even reach 7k with the combo you've described.

> > > > Yes shadowstepping can be used from a very safe distance off the screen, but to do the actual damage a Revenant needs to be in front of the enemy's face and deal with all the aoe damage a teamfight or enemy can give. A longbow ranger is able to safely burst an enemy from 1800 range sitting on a no port spot whilst being in no danger of taking any damage whatsoever.

> > > >

> > > > It's very easy to spot when somebody hasn't played Revenant ever but somehow knows perfectly how to class behaves.

> > >

> > > lol...

> > >

> > > The combo is very easy to pull off in a fight. You can engage, disengage behind line of sight, wait a little for the energy required, and port back in with PT -> SW -> DS. **It's one of the most common rotations you'll see revs use.** Also, revenant has easy access to 25 might because of the two traits: [Notoriety](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Notoriety) and [incensed Response](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Incensed_Response). Which takes about all of 5 seconds to accumulate after entering combat.

> > >

> > > When I said, "Regardless of their build/amulet." I wasn't referring to the revenant...

> > >

> > > You seem to be having trouble with a variety of ranger builds. This thread was made to discuss the one-shot sic em soulbeast builds. These do NOT use longbow. If you're having an extreme amount of difficulty against longbow rangers, all you have to do is walk behind LoS and they can't hit you.

> > >

> > > I play every class, including rev, at high plat 3. Also, I've been giving you specific ways to deal with the issues you're having.

> > >

> > > 1. If a ranger is running one-shot and you see him stealth... Walk away so he can't get into melee range.

> > > 2. If a ranger is shooting at you with a longbow... Go behind line of sight.

> > >

> > > I find it extraordinarily tedious having to explain what I assume _should_ be common knowledge to anyone who's spent even the slightest bit of time in sPvP. So please, educate yourself a little bit and read over my previous posts before you respond.

> >

> > It's also one of the most easy to avoid combo's a rev can do. Every competent player knows to dodge when a rev has shadowstepped to him, doing this will completely negate the whole burst because it's so predictable.

> > FYI, barely anyone runs [incensed Response](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Incensed_Response) and instead uses [Rapid Flow](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rapid_Flow) because of how precious swiftness is as a roamer and to have that little bit of healing for some sustain.

> > I don't really have trouble with the Ranger builds I mentioned, I simply compared the ranger build with what rev is capable of and correcting you on some things.

> >

> > You don't seem to be as good and educated as you think you are. Should read some stuff yourself before telling others to.


> If you're 1v1ing a rev (which should never happen under normal circumstances), then yes, the combo is easy to avoid.


> ...


> Okay... I don't know how else to say this other than you're actually wrong about everything.


> Honestly even in a 1v1 you can reliably land Shackling Wave into Deathstrike if you time it after an evade frame. **You realize you can cast Phase Transversal and WAIT for the person to evade before using SW and DS?** The combo is fast enough that most players instinctively dodge once they see a rev pop up on their screen. If you played a little smarter, you could use that knowledge to your advantage and nail them with the big damage combo 98% of the time.


> Actually I just checked lol.... You can literally PT -> SW -> DS with the 50 base energy you have _out of combat_ and still be left with 5 energy afterwards.


> No. You're wrong. The [meta revenant build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAW8sn3guNSuQ7JRboVlsP0rS4IaWJ4EdsklNFqNAH4BsfJNvxOgF8hA-jpROABqfQAI/CAU8RAo3yAAs/AsPAAA) takes Incensed Response because you have permanent swiftness from Dragon Stance's [Facet of Elements](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Facet_of_Elements) and if you need more movement speed while in Assassin Stance, you have super speed from [impossible Odds](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Impossible_Odds).


> Also, you have more than enough healing for a +1 role with [Assassin's Annihilation](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Annihilation) (6120 healing every 20 seconds, slightly less than the 6520 a ranger would get using ["We Heal As One!"](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22We_Heal_As_One!%22)). The extra 300 you get every 5 seconds with Rapid Flow is actually irrelevant. The regeneration boon alone would heal more than twice as much in the same period of time without any healing power.


> From the looks of it, I know your class better than you do. Like I said, educate yourself before you respond. Compare [my rank](https://imgur.com/a/HXmRGKS) to [yours](https://i.imgur.com/4hgYqCT.jpg?1) if you need more concrete proof.


I mean lolz NA Theres isn't even one legendary player on the leaderboard says enough tbh about the average skill level in that region

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> @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Miyu.8137" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > > > > > > This is not the most popular build at all, the most popular build definetely uses longbow. Just watch Boyce's view in a recent AT on Jawgeous channel and you have the build I'm talking about. Extreme damage, high sustain and mobility

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Where is the high sustain coming from? I saw that AT and i believe he was running lbow/gs, we heal as one, sick em, quickening zephyr and one wolf pack, soulbeast, beastmastery, wilderness survival. Marauder or demolisher amu with eagle rune, smokescale and owl. This build has just one purpose and it's unblockable lbow burst damage every 60sec ( w/o OWP every 36sec). Damage is dealt in very short window of like 3sec and can do 25k dmg+- (on low/no defence enemies). If enemy manage to dodge you already do less then half of it. Releasing such burst makes you waste every single utility. If you are not aware, rev can melt you down in 2secs, same goes for war.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Gotta low how ppl bring all the possitives of 5 diferent builds together and than claim how a class is super OP :D

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I never said this build is super OP? I just stated this is the most popular build. Also rev and warrior can't burst you in 2s unless you're afk. Rev's skills take too long to cast to even one shot anybody and warrior's skills are highly telegraphed so unless you get stunned without a stunbreak available or you have no reaction time these 2 classes will not kill you faster than you can react. Sic'em longbow soulbeast however is able to do just that.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The cast times for a rev's sword 5 and 4 add up to exactly 2 seconds. Phase Transversal -> Shackling Wave -> Deathstrike is a 1800 range gap-closing combo that gives quickness, immobilizes the target, and does an extremely significant amount of damage to anyone in UNDER 2 seconds, regardless of their build/amulet. Not to mention that this rotation doesn't require Line of Sight to your target and can be used from a very safe distance off the screen.

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > A Revenant is unable to do the combo "Phase Transversal -> Deathstrike -> Shackling Wave " because of the energy mechanic. Something everyone who don't play Rev seems to forget. Also this combo will not reach above 10k unless the Revenant has 25 stacks of might. And to reach this a Revenant must been in a fight to accumulate these stacks. Being in a fight will also most likely not have you have 55 energy to spare to do the combo you said Revenants can do.

> > > > > Regardless of their build or amulet? Brother, if a Revenant does not run Rune of Strength with Marauder/Demolisher amulet and all the traits specific for dps a Revenant will not even reach 7k with the combo you've described.

> > > > > Yes shadowstepping can be used from a very safe distance off the screen, but to do the actual damage a Revenant needs to be in front of the enemy's face and deal with all the aoe damage a teamfight or enemy can give. A longbow ranger is able to safely burst an enemy from 1800 range sitting on a no port spot whilst being in no danger of taking any damage whatsoever.

> > > > >

> > > > > It's very easy to spot when somebody hasn't played Revenant ever but somehow knows perfectly how to class behaves.

> > > >

> > > > lol...

> > > >

> > > > The combo is very easy to pull off in a fight. You can engage, disengage behind line of sight, wait a little for the energy required, and port back in with PT -> SW -> DS. **It's one of the most common rotations you'll see revs use.** Also, revenant has easy access to 25 might because of the two traits: [Notoriety](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Notoriety) and [incensed Response](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Incensed_Response). Which takes about all of 5 seconds to accumulate after entering combat.

> > > >

> > > > When I said, "Regardless of their build/amulet." I wasn't referring to the revenant...

> > > >

> > > > You seem to be having trouble with a variety of ranger builds. This thread was made to discuss the one-shot sic em soulbeast builds. These do NOT use longbow. If you're having an extreme amount of difficulty against longbow rangers, all you have to do is walk behind LoS and they can't hit you.

> > > >

> > > > I play every class, including rev, at high plat 3. Also, I've been giving you specific ways to deal with the issues you're having.

> > > >

> > > > 1. If a ranger is running one-shot and you see him stealth... Walk away so he can't get into melee range.

> > > > 2. If a ranger is shooting at you with a longbow... Go behind line of sight.

> > > >

> > > > I find it extraordinarily tedious having to explain what I assume _should_ be common knowledge to anyone who's spent even the slightest bit of time in sPvP. So please, educate yourself a little bit and read over my previous posts before you respond.

> > >

> > > It's also one of the most easy to avoid combo's a rev can do. Every competent player knows to dodge when a rev has shadowstepped to him, doing this will completely negate the whole burst because it's so predictable.

> > > FYI, barely anyone runs [incensed Response](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Incensed_Response) and instead uses [Rapid Flow](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rapid_Flow) because of how precious swiftness is as a roamer and to have that little bit of healing for some sustain.

> > > I don't really have trouble with the Ranger builds I mentioned, I simply compared the ranger build with what rev is capable of and correcting you on some things.

> > >

> > > You don't seem to be as good and educated as you think you are. Should read some stuff yourself before telling others to.

> >

> > If you're 1v1ing a rev (which should never happen under normal circumstances), then yes, the combo is easy to avoid.

> >

> > ...

> >

> > Okay... I don't know how else to say this other than you're actually wrong about everything.

> >

> > Honestly even in a 1v1 you can reliably land Shackling Wave into Deathstrike if you time it after an evade frame. **You realize you can cast Phase Transversal and WAIT for the person to evade before using SW and DS?** The combo is fast enough that most players instinctively dodge once they see a rev pop up on their screen. If you played a little smarter, you could use that knowledge to your advantage and nail them with the big damage combo 98% of the time.

> >

> > Actually I just checked lol.... You can literally PT -> SW -> DS with the 50 base energy you have _out of combat_ and still be left with 5 energy afterwards.

> >

> > No. You're wrong. The [meta revenant build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAW8sn3guNSuQ7JRboVlsP0rS4IaWJ4EdsklNFqNAH4BsfJNvxOgF8hA-jpROABqfQAI/CAU8RAo3yAAs/AsPAAA) takes Incensed Response because you have permanent swiftness from Dragon Stance's [Facet of Elements](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Facet_of_Elements) and if you need more movement speed while in Assassin Stance, you have super speed from [impossible Odds](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Impossible_Odds).

> >

> > Also, you have more than enough healing for a +1 role with [Assassin's Annihilation](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Annihilation) (6120 healing every 20 seconds, slightly less than the 6520 a ranger would get using ["We Heal As One!"](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22We_Heal_As_One!%22)). The extra 300 you get every 5 seconds with Rapid Flow is actually irrelevant. The regeneration boon alone would heal more than twice as much in the same period of time without any healing power.

> >

> > From the looks of it, I know your class better than you do. Like I said, educate yourself before you respond. Compare [my rank](https://imgur.com/a/HXmRGKS) to [yours](https://i.imgur.com/4hgYqCT.jpg?1) if you need more concrete proof.


> I mean lolz NA Theres isn't even one legendary player on the leaderboard says enough tbh about the average skill level in that region


Hey look at that. You're wrong again LOL _~what a surprise~_

Currently, there are [three legendary players](https://imgur.com/a/NQk1195) on NA.


Again, educate yourself before you respond.


1. Less players on NA = less rating to go around.

2. It's pretty hard to climb when you gain 2-6 rating per win and lose 20-40. To put it simply, (at high rankings) you can win ten times in a row, lose once, and end up at a lower rating than you started at.


Also, do me a favor and check the season my screenshot is in.


The solo-que-only restriction above 1600 was still in effect during Season 11. In other words, I achieved [1745 rating](https://imgur.com/a/HXmRGKS) with no one else to rely on other than myself.


To put it in perspective, [you _barely_ managed 1600 rating](https://i.imgur.com/4hgYqCT.jpg?1) in a season where duo quing is allowed... lolz

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