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Remove keep requirement from warclaw mount


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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> Doing WvW without a mount is a completely unbearable miserable experience. Keeps are rarely taken, it makes getting this mount take ages.


> Remove this requirement.


to be honest it should be harder. Even though it's annoying, you can still do it within 5-6h 2-3 days of farm if you don't want to hardcore farm it and you'll have the mount. It's really not much. But I understand that it can be annoying.


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Keep capture was a daily yesterday and it'll be a daily sometime this coming week because there legimately aren't that many dailies for wvw, but there are several keeps across all tiers that flip hourly sometimes twice and thrice hourly regardless of the daily.


However, if you find yourself on one of the servers that has loaded defense, switch BL's because you've got loaded zergs as well and if you find yourself on a server that has neither defense or ppt zergs at your time of play, come in during prime. Otherwise wait till it's a daily and I assure you, the keeps will start flipping shortly after reset.

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Remember too that you don't need to take part in the actual taking of the keep to get credit. Just kill guards at an enemy keep and you'll get credit if it later flips to your team, even if that flip happens hours later. You will need to kill guards again if you swap toons though.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> There hasn't been a single keep taken on my wvw group since 1 PM today, including EOTM.


> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> Keeps are rarely taken, it makes getting this mount take ages.


Which is it? by your own admission, you've spent hardly any time on any particular map.

Join a squad during peak period and wait for the commander or tag up yourself.


In EotM, unless your color owns the map, you have the power to take a keep simply by tagging up and getting people to join (be sure to mention often that you're inexperienced and offer to swap with someone). If your color owns the map, come back later (especially in the next match up period, which happens every 2 hours).


The times when your EB/BL maps are non-competitive turn out to be be good/very-good times for EotM, because people looking for fights (without pips) will migrate. Weekends can also be good because some guilds do some training out there, and you can piggy-back off their efforts.



The one thing I wouldn't recommend: spending less than a week trying and insisting to ANet it's too much effort. I doubt they'll be convinced.

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I'm going to finish two reward tracks from scratch before taking a single keep, lol. I have been spending time in WvW.


I don't even WANT this mount, Anet FORCED me to need this mount to be on an even footing in WvW. So I have to sit here and afk in the cave in AV like it's 2007 and I'm playing WoW. They have set this up in a way that goes against the entire reward structure and design of GW2.


edit: Finished it at 39/40 2nd reward track by paying an NPC 6g to take back the keep for me from EOTM.

Really unfun grind.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Relax. Mount gives an edge but if you like challenges, going without Mount is fun too.

> I have characters that I purposely do not give mounts to so that it is more challenging.

> After 6 years of WvW, got to constantly challenge ourselves with self-imposed handicaps to keep things fresh ;)


You have to take the naked challenge then, it is the ultimate fun combat survival challenge!

Interestingly, I'm not sure if it was a dedicated rp'er but there was a naked norn dh contesting keep all the time, it was kind of funny. They were no PINK thief level though lol. I only say rp'er because their character was nude and even their username had that word in it :x I wonder if they have a background story for their character.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Relax. Mount gives an edge but if you like challenges, going without Mount is fun too.

> I have characters that I purposely do not give mounts to so that it is more challenging.

> After 6 years of WvW, got to constantly challenge ourselves with self-imposed handicaps to keep things fresh ;)


You forgot to add "retired from roaming" in that paragraph :)


**As for OP, if not EBG, then boarderlands flip regularly.

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As others have mentioned, it seems on our server, the BL Keeps, particularly Hills & Bay and Air & Fire, flip frequently so it is more logical to go there or EotM.


Aside from going to EotM or a BL, one suggestion I give to people working on Warclaw -- wait until Friday. Be in-game an hour or two before reset and you may get a Keep then because ppl seem to "throw it all out there" in the hours before reset (for me it is between 5 - 10 PM Eastern DT). The other option is to be in-game right before reset and as soon as the reset happens jump into a BL, join a tag and you will likely get a Keep then.


Good luck!!

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Could ping in Team Chat, anyone for [name of keep]? See who rallies to your side. Also check your home borderland. I often find that if a HBL keep belongs to the enemy a commander is more likely to try to form a group to take it back. If you see that tag along.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> Yeah i love being helpless and useless for 2 entire days.


I don't want to be rude, but:

1. If you intend to use WarCat for playing WvW, **2 days** means nothing. This is a long game, you will have enough **years** to play WvW with mount.

2. If you want WarCat only because this is the last trend, then 2 days means nothing. Continue and you will take the keep eventually. And you will play again anything else you like excepting WvW, so the 2 days are not so traumatic as you think.


As an advice - find 2 friends (or 3). Go in EoTM and take a keep. Nobody will disturb you. It is a 10 minutes task.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> Why not give it to everyone without doing anything, if you cant even bother to get a keep then i dont know man...


You mean like how PvE gets their mount for essentially doing nothing?


it's just silly, if you want to PvE, you're IMMEDIATELY handed a mount from the first super easy PoF story mission. This means that you don't fall behind trains by not having a mount and feel bad for multiple days as you work towards it.


However, in WvW, you're not handed it for essentially zero effort, it takes you days of suffering and falling behind/being slower. It makes no sense, and it's very clear the person who designed this collection has never zoned into WvW in their entire life. It's just a stupid additional barrier to entry to be on an even footing in a game that's entire design philosophy is you're always on an even footing because no linear gear progression and level scaling etc.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> it's very clear the person who designed this collection has never zoned into WvW in their entire life.


> it takes you days of suffering and falling behind/being slower.


Not sure who's the one who never zoned into wvw. You can finish reward track with potions within minutes and you can also flip a keep in EotM which takes just as much.





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