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[Spoiler] No hint for what's after this episode?

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I was hoping there's some hint for what or where things gonna happen after today's story, watched some live stream seems like theres nothing...

Did the hint of Path of Fire happend right after the Season 3 finale?


I do find the location interesting, it's south of the Orr, is that a hint that we might go even more south later?


Did you guys found any possible hints in this chapter?


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We might have to deal with Elonian politics now for an episode, making sure the land is stabilizied. I could also imagine revisiting core maps since they have mentioned that we might not get a new map *every* episode. Ideal to have some clean up work, like maybe showing a bit more of a regenerated Orr or a cleansed Brand.


Besides that we really can't know anything.


Personally I hope we get frequent updates for whats next

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I'm pretty certain there is no hint or set up. Their aim - for better or worse - was to focus entirely on finishing off the story arc without distraction. Was it the right call? Probably to be honest even if I would have preferred something to set us up, even if it was in the epilogue (eg if the DSD was next, cue a camera pan to a big storm on the horizon).


The ED's are probably going to take a brief backstep for a bit in terms of their involvement. I imagine a certain focus on this new "humanising" aspect that sadly has been thrust into the equation, but otherwise they may just go and develop a new credible side villain until the Dragons present themselves once more. After all, 2 are asleep, one is out of the picture and we have no replacement for any of them.


With the Elder Dragons becoming less of a problem, I suspect another faction might make take advantage of this

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> @"Hoover.6394" said:

> I was hoping there's some hint for what or where things gonna happen after today's story, watched some live stream seems like theres nothing...

> Did the hint of Path of Fire happend right after the Season 3 finale?


> I do find the location interesting, it's south of the Orr, is that a hint that we might go even more south later?


> Did you guys found any possible hints in this chapter?



**>Did the hint of Path of Fire happend right after the Season 3 finale?**


Yes. I remember that the last episode of Living World 3 showed us some clues of players visiting Crystal Desert, which ended up being Path of Fire.

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> @"Hoover.6394" said:

> I was hoping there's some hint for what or where things gonna happen after today's story


I am just happy that we have had a conclusion at long last! Whatever comes next, I can't wait, because **it will likely be a story of its own**, regardless of where it will take us. :)



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I can see the first episode being about is helping out with the elonian politics. However, since we the character represent the world and are all over the place, we shouldn’t actually help with voting or anything. But, a big part of restoring the order and societal functions of Elona could be reclaiming lost cities and territories. For that reason, I expect the next episode to either add a new map in Vabbi, or expand the domain of vabbi map (since anet said they may expand existing maps some episodes instead of adding new ones every time). Give us the brand around there, with the story of the episode being more casual and slow. For once since we started our hero’s journey, one threat isn’t instantly replaced by another. Season 5 will/should (IMO) be about cleanup, smaller problems, and tying up story threads.


If we get 6 episodes this season, I’d like to see/expect:


Episode 1: expansion of the domain of vabbi, as I said


Episode 2: checking in with Caithe at the grove, leading to a new map in the Heart of Maguuma - there’s a few possibilities, but I’d bet on them doing the gap that’s surrounded by TD, rata sum, and dry top. The story would mainly focus on finally addressing malyck.


Episode 3: something in orr, I’d prefer a new map but I could get behind expanding another one (btw, if they start expanding maps are we going to have core maps get doubled in size or even bigger? If they put the same amount of work into it then as they do now, cover as much land...). This is the calm down and checkup season, lets see how Orr is. We killed zhaitain like 7 years ago and there are still risen all over Orr.


Episode 4: mapping the space between rata sum and the grove. The Asura episode, update us on the inquest and what their leader is doing? And introduce new plot threads (anet ought to do that a little for each race so that season 5 doesn’t tie up loose threads and leave them with nothing).


Episode 5: the norn episode, expanding on how they feel about jormag’s tooth breaking and then basically doing nothing (braham led a small expedition that didn’t even hurt him, that’s it?) expansion of existing map (or new one) into more of the deldrimor front. Why haven’t the norm expanded down there, just because of dredge? Maybe they can work together to keep the shiverpeaks as a whole safer.


Episode 6: the only episode that will really deal with the “main” plot, leading us into expansion 3. It will vary based on what that expansion is, but my two most likely guesses are: it expands an Ascalon map into the mountains and almost into blood legion homelands before we get that land in the xpac. So the Charr episode, with the blood legion becoming a problem, an enemy. This could also be expansion 4 and a different LW season, if we go with Most Likely Option 2: the deep sea dragon. A map on the coast somewhere (Orrian coast, tarnished coast, elonian, wherever). Investigating reports of strange and horrifying creatures attacking boats and emerging on shore. We learn it’s the DSD’s minions and expansion 3 is the unending ocean against it.

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Now that there is peace it's the perfect time for Guilds to stake the claim for power and go to War....some sort of Guild Wars perhaps. Lets just say there are a lot of...Factions that perhaps don't agree with how this new prosperity should progress. Maybe the Order of Whispers don't like the Order of Shadows. Maybe the Vigil has no more Dragons to watch, becomes restless and splits into mercenary groups, maybe the Consortium is funding one group and the Black Lion Trading Company is funding another. Maybe the Norn spirit wolf and bear team up to fight the raven and snow leopard. All sorts of chaos could ensue creating new castles, forts, hideouts and a web of politics.


It's time to drop the childish 1 man saviour power fantasy story lines and bring on the armies of war to which the Commander must negotiate, investigate, incriminate and eviscerate.

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> @"videoboy.4162" said:


Kralk all but confirms that Bubbles is the Original Mother Dragon and has been sabotaging the others with excess magic.




w8, how? Do you have a specific reference to this? I do recall a line from kralk sounding like he was set up, but i dont remember


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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"videoboy.4162" said:

> >

Kralk all but confirms that Bubbles is the Original Mother Dragon and has been sabotaging the others with excess magic.




w8, how? Do you have a specific reference to this? I do recall a line from kralk sounding like he was set up, but i dont remember




It's while fighting Kralk's Torment. Kralk is talking to Aurene the whole time and starts talking to her about another female dragon. He mentions how she was the first of them and had been betraying her own kind. Bubbles is the only Elder Dragon left that hasn't been established as male. Or at least identifying/being voiced as male. Anet is super weird about that. Then, one of his final lines is "mother." I wish I had thought to take a screen shot of his dialogue when he was discussing it.


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> @"videoboy.4162" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"videoboy.4162" said:

> > >

Kralk all but confirms that Bubbles is the Original Mother Dragon and has been sabotaging the others with excess magic.


> >

> >

w8, how? Do you have a specific reference to this? I do recall a line from kralk sounding like he was set up, but i dont remember




It's while fighting Kralk's Torment. Kralk is talking to Aurene the whole time and starts talking to her about another female dragon. He mentions how she was the first of them and had been betraying her own kind. Bubbles is the only Elder Dragon left that hasn't been established as male. Or at least identifying/being voiced as male. Anet is super weird about that. Then, one of his final lines is "mother." I wish I had thought to take a screen shot of his dialogue when he was discussing it.



WTF I never heard that, I guess I was killing shit too quickly with my pwoer reaper lol.

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> @"videoboy.4162" said:


Kralk all but confirms that Bubbles is the Original Mother Dragon and has been sabotaging the others with excess magic.



Not sure how to mark a post as a spoiler but there is no mention of that other character. What the one says is almost certainly referring to somebody or something we have no knowledge on, who has probably died long ago


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> @"Sicarine.3985" said:

> Y'all forget. Balance requires the existence of 6 elder dragons. There are only 4. We kind of also have to fix that.


Umm.... Actually, that is up to Aurene at this point. I don't know how it worked with Glint, but Aurene has to become a mom for that.


Edit: Elonan stability and maybe a cure for Taimi are most likely on the menu. Who knows? Maybe they can finally tie Zojja's loose ends in it?

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> @"Zeivu.3615" said:

> > @"Sicarine.3985" said:

> > Y'all forget. Balance requires the existence of 6 elder dragons. There are only 4. We kind of also have to fix that.


> Umm.... Actually, that is up to Aurene at this point. I don't know how it worked with Glint, but Aurene has to become a mom for that.


> Edit: Elonan stability and maybe a cure for Taimi are most likely on the menu. Who knows? Maybe they can finally tie Zojja's loose ends in it?


Perfect. We set Aurene up on a blind date. ;) Should we pair her up with Bubbles, Primo, or Jormie? Ooooh. We can get some zephyrite choirs to set the mood....

A lighthearted rom-com is the perfect outro to this.....uh.....consecutive series of world-ending disasters we've had going on.

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