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The Skyscale collection is the best thing of GW2 in the whole season!

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> @"viniebc.9568" said:

> > @"bOTEB.1573" said:


> > Yes, I know. But I don't understand what is wrong with "months to complete"? Many things in the game require months to complete for a lot of the players. **This is not a bad thing.**


> this person is clearly trolling at this point


I completely understand you and I just don't agree with you.

I have created this thread to express my joy for this wonderful collection.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I like it. The only thing that I find a bit irritating is the map closing/resetting when I'm just about to find something I need. Ha!


After getting zapped back to the start of the map when I was close to a hard to get to place I learned to watch that timer after the meta is over. When it gets close I use my Mistlock Sanctuary scroll and do some bank/TP stuff for a few minutes then go back to where I was in the Dragonfall map. :smiley:

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I strongly disagree. Please don't encourage Anet to pursue this course of game design in the future by promoting it. If it keeps up it's just a matter of time before you login to play through the same skinner box time gate schedule you play every day in hopes of getting access to new content they just released but some months down the road.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > Pressing F is awesome. Hope they add more options to press F again.


> You could boil down the entire game to pressing buttons. This doesnt help anyone or present any good arguement.


I think that there is a real difference between engaging with content actively selecting skills with timing and positioning in mind, to overcome challenges skillfully (hopefully)....


...and pressing F.

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I'm sure this is a joke post but time gated content isn't a collection anymore, it's a handout. People who can't buy their way through the actual collection part are going to wonder why they're playing all of the map and events without the fun new mount they were sold on, but they'll still go stand in line for their handout because some other content might be gated behind that.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"viniebc.9568" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > Those items can be bought off the TP

> >

> > can't buy charged quartz, btw you can only charge one per day. aaaand the third part of the collection you need this quartz to feed the skyscales. the ploblems is that you can only feed 3 per day.



> You can buy the items that you make with them.


Well, that gives those players the opportunity to visit other places in the game, or work on achievement in the new maps. Its not like its the only thing to do in this game.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > Pressing F is awesome. Hope they add more options to press F again.

> >

> > You could boil down the entire game to pressing buttons. This doesnt help anyone or present any good arguement.


> I think that there is a real difference between engaging with content actively selecting skills with timing and positioning in mind, to overcome challenges skillfully (hopefully)....


> ...and pressing F.


Not all parts of the game aim to do the same thing some parts wants you to press buttons skillfully some wants you to just press them.


Netherwings in wow are basically the same thing but clicking the eggs yet its a beloved rep from tbc.

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I actually like the Saving Skyscales part.


It's not that hard to open all sub collections


Once open there's markers telling you where to go on each map with multiple spots so you can tackle everything in oneone trip


You can get other achievements (if you haven't already done them) along the way

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First of all I like collections (rollerbeetle, caladbolgh, griffin, mawdrey,.. enjoyed them).... So far I am at the 1st timegate point so I can't judge past. When I began this collection I liked it (did it without guides).... But when I got the 2nd part (medicine part) I started to feel like "same search on map again?". The 10 events on each lane I had no issue with. Then the 3rd bit (eggs).... Again a tour around the map to similar spots.... Here I got frustated as it was a 3rd repeatal of the same and just used a guide to be done with it coz I want something different after hours of flying around. I was aware of daily reset time gates but decided not to judge yet before I would reach it. So I hit that timegate and it felt unnatural. Why couldn't it work like rollerbeetle did (which needed to grow from baby Petey to adult Petey)... I haven't seen any markers on map btw despite some mentioning and I looked thoroughly to find them. Whats needed for continuation I'll see. I heard about the charged crystal quartz and glowlamp and am fine with this as we needed it too in collections like Mawdrey (yes takes some time if you don't have mats laying around but this is an improvement to needing sigils/runes which are horrible to craft). Would such timegated "crafted" requirements fit obtaining a mount? (not sure, but you can complete full map with the free "rentals" at least). So as you can see im a bit split in my opinion on that part. Then the length of these collections (what I saw so far)... I think this whole chain is a bit too much.... None of the other collections felt this long.... Collection 1 already exists of 3 sub collections sort of speak, who knows whats in the other 4... It feels like a sort of grind in a way...


Personally I would have liked this collection so far better if it was 1 scavenger hunt, then some events bits and then another scavenger hunt bit or the like (on other half of map or on another place) in 1st collection.... More different tasks sort of speak. And feeling more natural (so no hard timegate by daily reset, but let us visit some npc somewhere and then boom you get continuation mail). And be more carefull about which material requirements you ask ( if you pick one make sure its easy enough to get or at least tradeable on tp or exchange it for map currency or something). Not every player may be aware you use 25 quartz crystals at a hero point 1x a day to make 1 charged quartz crystal (and nodes can rarely drop them too). Its also frustrating you get waypointed at end of meta in new map when doing this collection (for meta purposes itself its great however.)

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And there we have it. Some people accept this time-gated stuff and others hate it. Some people read the requirements, sigh a bit, then roll up their sleeves and get to work. Others throw hissy fits. it is a sad fact that people think the louder they yowl, and the more threats they throw into their yowling, the more likely they will get their way.


Anet had a reason for this time-gating. It is possible that the next living world is no way near ready, and we are looking at going a loooong way before we get any new stuff.


I was watching a YouTube Video from one of the poor souls who lost their job, don't remember his name, and he said Anet was working more on the new projects than on Guildwars2...so, yes, I anticipate no new stuff for quite a while.


So go ahead, rush the collections, raise your bloood pressure over the time-gating and trying to get it done as fast as possible...the faster you get it done, the longer the lack of content will seem...and then you will come to the forums with your under-garments in a twist because there is nothing to do...sheesh.


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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> I really truly enjoy what I've seen of the skyscale collection.

> I'm sure there are other people like me that truly enjoy this kind of content.

> It is okay to rush but it is also okay to take your time and enjoy the game and the map (which by the way is a masterpiece).

> I really, really hope that ANET can bring us more collections like this one.



Nah. The CHOICE of how fast you complete it would have been intelligent. Forced timegate is just stupidity all around. Never award incompetence with blind loyalty or praise.

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> @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> And there we have it. Some people accept this time-gated stuff and others hate it. Some people read the requirements, sigh a bit, then roll up their sleeves and get to work. Others throw hissy fits. it is a sad fact that people think the louder they yowl, and the more threats they throw into their yowling, the more likely they will get their way.


People voicing their frustration over something that was pushed heavily to them as a feature of the new Living Story, with zero indication of just how long these stupid timegate collections would be, is now counted as "throwing a hissyfit". Get off your high horse.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:


> Time-gated parts are sometimes in place to safeguard players. To prevent players binge- playing for an unhealthy amount of hours, there is a limit on what can be acquired in 24 hours or 1 week etc.

> Also some time-gated content is created to encourage players to return more often keeping the population more-or-less stable.

> It may be worth nothing that developers commonly make certain features because that's how they want people to play their game.



Isn't that a bit infantilizing though?


As for the 3rd step, you literally just log in for 2 minutes, press a button 3 times, and log out again for the day, for 4 days.

But I can certainly see how Anet favours those kinds players over their hardcore audience which wishes to spend a substantial amount of time each day playing their game.


I have to say I wouldn't even mind this terribly much if it was for some cosmetic, or a horizontal upgrade like Legendary Armor (although it certainly is annoying, see Chak Eggs).

But the figurehead gameplay feature of the patch? Just doesn't really work well for me.

I would have loved to explore the new map with the new mount while working on my masteries for it, and maybe do a collection such as this on the side for some awesome ingame attainable skin for the Skyscale.

That I could get behind.


The core gameplay feature itself being locked away for this long by design, not by amount of content, not so much.


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