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Anet, your PvP player base is filled with irrespectfull players with ashamed behaviour

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Guild Wars 2 is a game I have really loved since it release.


However, the unstoppable powercreep since HoT make me hate the game more and more.

I have still always played PvP until now, and I always took fun somewhere.



Right now, players are too much rewarded for using some specific skills or combinaisons of abilities.

Right now, it is possible to access bunch of instant effect that go against the idea of "interracting" with your opponent (that's how PvP games are actually based on).

Right now, I can claim that the game have reach a terrible state where only toxic players (which are top players for most of them) keep playing the game and blaming people that don't follow the powercreep as "noob". New players are definitly not well welcomed in the game.

I was used to take fun testing some amazing build, but it seems that the powercreep and elitism don't allow me to take fun anymore.


I am kind when I said people tell you being "noob".

Actually, it's worse than that : They do not respect you as a human being since they consider you beeing a noob, and so, for example, someone telled me to "learn my class first" before I can simply know the skin of the weapon he was using, **whereas, I was just trying to take fun experimenting and training a specific build on a class I am used to play since the GW2 release**, and it's only an example.


I am sorry to tell you this Anet, but your PvP game is dead... At least for people who have a minimum of common sense.


And by the way anet, the point of adding a "block" system or "offline" mode was to prevent some people for being harrassed by verbal abuses. Now, it's toxic players that abuse this system so that they can properly harrass people without fearing have returns to their bad behaviour, which encourage them for being alone and recycle/spread their toxicity.


As a game developper, you have an important part of responsibility, it's not just because of players.

In our current society (almost consumption society, in which you seem to have fallen in with the "powercreep" evolution of the game), The consumer gradually becomes what he consume/do, he gradually become someone among what they are surronded.

If you implement gameplay that force people to play in a violent way (favorize damage and burst over anything else), you'll make players not that kind.

If you implement "trash" toys to interract with, you'll get "toxic" players.

That's how it works.


But we can't blame you so much, it seems that people like to consume a lot.

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Game was made to reward players like that.


That’s the main objective of the game...... easy access to powercreep and most time in low effort gameplay is a must due how anet hides the vertical progression in overperformance gimmicks reason new elites tend to be better and have lower effort, expect some class that casts scourges on each spell lol... next expect will have more spam more damage more easier damage output gimmicks.


And game dies if they remove poweercreep as it is, that’s why most play this game, they don’t need effort to get rewarded.


Gw2 always had an awfull balance exp.

Gw2 will always be a game to troll on pvp rather be a decent pvp pc game, since it was never meant to work that way.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> Gw2 will always be a game to troll on pvp rather be a decent pvp pc game, since it was never meant to work that way.


I can assume that at the release of the game, GW2 was a game where you could actually enjoy interraction with the ennemy player in PvP or WvW.

And there were a huge hype around GW2 being the best game ever, but yeah, that was just hype things. But it was really a "serious" game in everyone mind.



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Being serious is a lot different than talking "kitten" to everyone who doesn't fit your opinion that you expect of a "pro."


Unfortunately it only takes specific class, a specific gear set, and a specific cycle of skill use to be considered one of these "pros."


I don't understand why this is very **interesting** to most of the PvP community, which is exactly why I stopped all forms of PvP awhile back.


But let's be real, most people PvP for the "rush" they feel conquering another player, it has nothing to do with the mechanics thereof.


Winning is the only thing that matters to them. If they lose they start yelling for nerfs on whatever class kills them the most often.




Is this everyone? Nah, but it's a blanket description that does describe a lot of people -- and it's why the community is toxic on that side of the fence.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Falan.1839" said:

> > How about playing meme builds in Unranked instead of ruining other people's games in Ranked who are actually trying to win?


> I’ll be there o. Ranked with my guardian spirit weapon.


> Not everyone is a meta gimmick lamer.


In a competitive game? Meta is everything dude.

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> @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Falan.1839" said:

> > > How about playing meme builds in Unranked instead of ruining other people's games in Ranked who are actually trying to win?

> >

> > I’ll be there o. Ranked with my guardian spirit weapon.

> >

> > Not everyone is a meta gimmick lamer.


> In a competitive game? Meta is everything dude.


Gw2 isn’t a true competitive game due its class design and balance, just because anet devs say red in game is called yellow that does not mean it’s true.


Just check how gw2 is known to be a awfull pvp game in the game industry.


At least there isn’t memes about gw2 pvp like fortnight players... lol


Sadly Anet kinda embraces gimmick gameplay over team skill and personal skill.


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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> Game was made to reward players like that.


P much. They chased off the majority of people who would form teams by forcing ranked to be mostly PuG and shoveling all the teammakers into tournaments that don't have very flexible hours. What's left are players that build to carry teams, expect to carry teams, then get upset when they can't carry teams.


Sometimes I question why I get so worked up about trying to balance the classes.


> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> GW2? PvP? Mate the whole world has disrespectful people with shameful behaviour.


This is true.


> Just learn to cope.


However, nah. People shouldn't expect or accept people being jackkittens -anywhere-.


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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> (...)

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > GW2? PvP? Mate the whole world has disrespectful people with shameful behaviour.


> This is true.


> > Just learn to cope.


> However, nah. People shouldn't expect or accept people being jackkittens -anywhere-.



Glad to see someone voicing this. :smile:


Try to be a good example. You really can't do anything else without a system promoting good behaviour. I regularly encounter people proudly telling in mapchat how they "just came back from a ban lol".


Give us a thumbs up function, Anet!

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+1 la penombre


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Thinking about things like "GW2 is known to be a bad PvP" is pretty true, since that there were no real class roles, it have always been not that easy to really put team strategies.


The base reason I created this post is that, in addition to the fact I wanted to add my voice that "powercreep is too much", I wanted to train an old build I was used to play a long time ago, but I recieved too much oppression in a ridiculous amount of time, I have never seen that until now. That made me reacted.

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