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So, what did you do this weekend in Guild Wars 2?

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Played in the game with my Girlfriend as we went through the scavenger hunts for the Skyscale. Showed her a new build for Necromancer that let us take breaks from egg gathering to go team kill champions (well either of us could do it solo but it's faster with the two of us). Finished eating unstable magic.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> i'ts making me waste to progress

Are you claiming that there's nothing _for you_ to do in the game until you acquire the skyscale? If not, then you're not wasting "progress" or anything else. If yes, then maybe consider the possibility that the issue is not the skyscale collection.



> The feeding Skyscales collection is having a similar effect right now as the amount of time

If you were enjoying GW2 generally, then you'd see this is as just one among many long, artificially-extended collections.


There's nothing wrong with reaching a point in one's tenure that a game becomes stale. It happens to everyone, if the game lasts long enough. No company can make a game that has enough content to engage everyone indefinitely.


The trick is to recognize that it's happening, **before** you burn out so much you never want to return. Go cold turkey and don't logon (chat with friends via discord). Or reduce your hours. Or play only two days a week.

The game isn't going anywhere. The collection isn't going away. If you come back, you can restart it. (And if you don't, it hardly matters how onerous or fun a collection is.)


> for no good reason is annoying me to the point of making me want to log out and play something else instead of Gw2.

Taking a break is a healthy reaction when one has trouble getting enthusiastic about the journey or the end goal (and focusing on the tedium or difficulty).


tl;dr it doesn't sound as if the root issue _for you_ is the skyscale; it seems as if it's more generalized, and the skyscale just exposed how ready you are for a change.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > i'ts making me waste to progress

> Are you claiming that there's nothing _for you_ to do in the game until you acquire the skyscale? If not, then you're not wasting "progress" or anything else. If yes, then maybe consider the possibility that the issue is not the skyscale collection.



> > The feeding Skyscales collection is having a similar effect right now as the amount of time

> If you were enjoying GW2 generally, then you'd see this is as just one among many long, artificially-extended collections.


> There's nothing wrong with reaching a point in one's tenure that a game becomes stale. It happens to everyone, if the game lasts long enough. No company can make a game that has enough content to engage everyone indefinitely.


> The trick is to recognize that it's happening, **before** you burn out so much you never want to return. Go cold turkey and don't logon (chat with friends via discord). Or reduce your hours. Or play only two days a week.

> The game isn't going anywhere. The collection isn't going away. If you come back, you can restart it. (And if you don't, it hardly matters how onerous or fun a collection is.)


> > for no good reason is annoying me to the point of making me want to log out and play something else instead of Gw2.

> Taking a break is a healthy reaction when one has trouble getting enthusiastic about the journey or the end goal (and focusing on the tedium or difficulty).


> tl;dr it doesn't sound as if the root issue _for you_ is the skyscale; it seems as if it's more generalized, and the skyscale just exposed how ready you are for a change.


For some people, like my self, I generally play the game for the story, and map exploration. Once I've done those things I generally don't play new maps unless they are what I find fun. This last patch is probably the worst one they have done from my personal point of view because I have to play the game at the pace ANet wants me to.


True I could carry on exploring maps with my other characters, but I was looking forward to having a skyscale to do that with. Now it's like, well, nothing new for me to do now unless I want a timed job list to do. And a list that I'll get punished for doing if I don't get it all done in a day, as I can't progress with the next list if I wanted to. This is my biggest problem with the game currently.

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What I did in game this weekend? Friday I hardly had time to play, and only did a bit of Dragonfall map completion with my main. Saturday and Sunday I completed the Dragonfall map on my main as well as my daredevil, played through the new episode on the daredevil, did events in Dragonfall and Thunderhead, went looking for sick skyscales and skyscale eggs with a friend, played several hours of smallscale wvw with friends and family both days, crafted an ascended stellar longbow (since my material storage was overflowing with powdered rose quartz ;) ), and possibly other things I can't remember at the moment.


> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> At this point I'm kind of curious about whether I can actually get enough done in this collection in one go to be affected by the time-gating.

I've only come up to the first hard timegate, but seeing how I had days of fun (I really enjoy scavenger hunts, and this one has very clear hints on the collection items that make it seem pretty fluid so far) to get there I really don't worry about what's to come. I don't ever plan to spend my game time on one specific activity though, but rather play whatever I feel like at the moment, so I'm used to never being first in completing new content and always have alternatives to do if one activity doesn't work out.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > At this point I'm kind of curious about whether I can actually get enough done in this collection in one go to be affected by the time-gating.

> I've only come up to the first hard timegate, but seeing how I had days of fun (I really enjoy scavenger hunts, and this one has very clear hints on the collection items that make it seem pretty fluid so far) to get there I really don't worry about what's to come. I don't ever plan to spend my game time on one specific activity though, but rather play whatever I feel like at the moment, so I'm used to never being first in completing new content and always have alternatives to do if one activity doesn't work out.


Normally I'm the same, but there's never been content which awards me a _dragon_ before. I love dragons, always have, so having one of my own to ride in one of my favourite games is hugely exciting for me - it's hard to imagine anything in the game I'd prioritise over that.


But for me that just means doing it first - it's very unusual that I started this collection as soon as I finished the story, normally I'd carry on with what I was doing before and start on it when I felt like it, but this time I really wanted to get started ASAP. But even then I'm not going to rush it...I don't think I could if I wanted to because I just don't play like that. Yesterday I started doing events in Dragonfall, telling myself I was just doing enough to unlock the vendors and found myself doing the whole meta-event and the bonus bosses afterwards. I'm now working on getting the scales but I'm not using a guide so it's going to take me a while. And of course no matter how excited I am for the dragon real-life has to take priority (even the unexciting parts) so that's slowing me down too.


But I know from past experience I'll enjoy it more if I do it at my own pace, as and when I feel like it and how I feel like doing it (e.g. I'm doing the collection without a guide because I like figuring out the clues but if I'm really stuck I'm not going to ban myself from looking one up). Like you I know I'll never be the first to get something so that doesn't worry me. I'll just take my time.

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> Thursday Night: Started feeding SS on my main


> Friday - Saturday:


> Crafted 24 foods and 2 Grow Lamps (for my alts) and started crafting every other daily timegate craftable I could think of...just in case.


> Finished wvw Wood chest on all 3 accounts


> Yesterday: Finished story on both alts


> Today: Finished lane achievements on both alts


> Current: Waiting till daily feeding on main today before starting to embark on scales, meds and eggs on alts so I'll know tomorrow if there are any suprises with the next collection come reset.


You don't need to do it again on your alts, it's an achievement, those are account bound. Once you unlock it is unlocked for your account. Good news is your extra lamps and food can be sold on the TP.


Edit : ahh, I see that you mean for your alt _accounts_ not alt _characters_, never mind. :)

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I did the new meta a couple of times. Worked on achievements in the new zone. DId guild missions with the guild. Helped some other people with their achievements. Did some open world completion on character in the core world. Farmed so mats for my next legendary. Oh yeah and I fed my Skyscale a couple of times as well.


If you're only playing the game to get the new mount, what's the point of playing at all.

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Hmm, I didn't play gw2 at all, as I'm on a longer break (burned out), logged in just to unlock the new episode on Tuesday, and haven't touched the game since. Guessed (correctly) that the latest mount was going to be a kitten to get, so had already decided before it launched that I'd likely ignore it, unless it was really easy to get, since it isn't, I'll just keep ignoring it. No biggie, still don't have Griffon or Beetle and isn't interested in either, was curious to try the wall-jump mechanic, but not enough to bother with collections.


I got plenty enough of other games to play forward, so will see whenever I feel like playing some gw2 again, and I've never been the kind of person that can force myself through boring dull grind in order to have "fun" later.

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On Friday, I found the last two eggs (had to go to the wiki for the last two), did Dragonfall map completion and two metas on my holosmith. Logged off.


Saturday, had a little confusion when I didn't get the follow up mail on my holosmith, realised it must be on my Deadeye main, it was. Decided to do some of the next few collections on that character, also did Dragonfall map completion, a meta or two on my dragonhunter and worked towards another couple of Dragonfall achievements.


Sunday I finished that set of collections and played on the map some more doing some more achievements and enjoying the meta.


This morning, I logged on shortly after reset (I had been doing a little work for today so was up late) and fed the little cutey three times. I'm looking forward to hopefully doing some of the other related collections tonight.


All in all a very enjoyable weekend for me (unusual in that I could play a fair bit every day), the most I've enjoyed GW2 for quite some time.


I love this episode and I'm looking forward to getting my skyscale.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > i'ts making me waste to progress

> Are you claiming that there's nothing _for you_ to do in the game until you acquire the skyscale? If not, then you're not wasting "progress" or anything else. If yes, then maybe consider the possibility that the issue is not the skyscale collection.



No but unlocking the Skyscale is my only goal right now as I don't care about doing anything else in the game as much as getting the mount.

all the time I spend on the new map feels like a waste because I can't unlock my new mastery's so I don't want to burn myself out on the new map before I gain access to them otherwise when I finally do get the Skyscale I'll already be bored of the new content or have completed everything already.


> > The feeding Skyscales collection is having a similar effect right now as the amount of time

> If you were enjoying GW2 generally, then you'd see this is as just one among many long, artificially-extended collections.


> There's nothing wrong with reaching a point in one's tenure that a game becomes stale. It happens to everyone, if the game lasts long enough. No company can make a game that has enough content to engage everyone indefinitely.


New living world releases are the optimal time when people come back to the game.. not take a break from it.

Skyscale collection is so annoyingly tedious and wasting peoples time for no reason it's actively making people want to stop playing within a week of a new living world episode.

That's not a good thing.


> The trick is to recognize that it's happening, **before** you burn out so much you never want to return. Go cold turkey and don't logon (chat with friends via discord). Or reduce your hours. Or play only two days a week.

> The game isn't going anywhere. The collection isn't going away. If you come back, you can restart it. (And if you don't, it hardly matters how onerous or fun a collection is.)



I'm not burnt out, i'm annoyed.

Regardless of whether I take another break or not i'll still have to waste many hours waiting whenever I do come back and decide to do the Skyscale collections.

Only difference will be the added frustration that I'll have to watch thousands of others using them while I still have to wait days to get mine.

Better to rush through it now than deal with that.


> > for no good reason is annoying me to the point of making me want to log out and play something else instead of Gw2.

> Taking a break is a healthy reaction when one has trouble getting enthusiastic about the journey or the end goal (and focusing on the tedium or difficulty).


> tl;dr it doesn't sound as if the root issue _for you_ is the skyscale; it seems as if it's more generalized, and the skyscale just exposed how ready you are for a change.


I play many games besides Gw2, hell I practically own my own Blockbusters lol

I don't need a break from Gw2, I just returned from an inactive period thanks to the new living world.

But the pointless time wasting caused by these timegates is hurting my motivation to play the game.

I finally have a goal again in Gw2 and the game is stopping my progress on a daily basis therefore spoiling the experience and runing the fun of it.

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I did what i always do at daily basis, play some matches at pvp until i has a positive winning.


Did 8 matches, went 6-2, winning effectively 31 points, was in spot 116 of the top 250 yesterday.


Today is my free day, no work, so i'll probably use it for play and finnish the previous chapter, still have to complete the other before doing the current one :P

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I finished crafting the The Predator. If the game forces me to use a rifle I at least want to have a decent skin for it. Sadly A-Nets design team is incredibly lazy in this regard and decided that every rarity type except for legendary don't get even the most basic sfx so my coices here were rather limited.


Other than that? The usual I guess: Some WvW dailies, HoT metas (they're so much better than PoF metas it's not even funny) and Tequatl once a day.

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This is the first time I've been caught up on all the story, so I'm enjoying being in the same new map as a lot of folks who have been waiting for it. I unlocked the skyscale collection on Thursday. On Friday, I got all the scales, Saturday the medicine and sick skyscales, and yesterday I got the eggs. While I was searching I hopped in to events along the way, not trying to farm achievements, just letting the completion happen naturally. It was a lot of fun and there were lots of kind happy people in the chat.


So for me it was a full weekend in GW2.

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> Hmm, I didn't play gw2 at all, as I'm on a longer break (burned out), logged in just to unlock the new episode on Tuesday, and haven't touched the game since. Guessed (correctly) that the latest mount was going to be a kitten to get, so had already decided before it launched that I'd likely ignore it, unless it was really easy to get, since it isn't, I'll just keep ignoring it. No biggie, still don't have Griffon or Beetle and isn't interested in either, was curious to try the wall-jump mechanic, but not enough to bother with collections.


> I got plenty enough of other games to play forward, so will see whenever I feel like playing some gw2 again, and I've never been the kind of person that can force myself through boring dull grind in order to have "fun" later.


Amen bruddah.


I did get the new map complete done. It _really is a good map._ It's a shame the bait and switch release of the Skygate soured me on the whole chapter so much.


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