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So, what did you do this weekend in Guild Wars 2?

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My daughters had friday off! So since we had caught up to each other by thursday reset, Thursday NIGHT(since we could stay up) we did the collection before feeding. Then:

Friday slept in(delicious) then worked on some POF achievements we'd missed. Checked off a couple of bounties(Still on Elon Riverlands and south for those.). Took my granddaughter to a playground and watched her have a ball for /two hours/ (she didn't want to leave her friends and the weather was great. Picked up mcdonalds on the way home so she could get her Happy Meal. Then wvw reeeeeeeeset which my guild did on EBG and I completed a reward track and gained a few ranks. Still a long way to go for the cool armor but whatev.

Saturday I did the meta a few times. Jebus. I need to do this because I just know they are going to nerf it. I lovelovelove getting 3 yellow unids in one chest on a regular, but this is killing prices way more than istan ever did. Maybe because it's new and eeeeveryone is doing it. I am up to almost 2 stacks of ectos now, and that's with converting some to dust. Spent the afternoon with my granddaughter. Masha and the Bear is hilarious. Why didn't we have cute shows like this instead of spongebob?? Pizza for dinner! Raided with my training guild. We spent too much time on Sloth(Am I the only one who has trouble seeing the orange circles on the poison background?) gave up and finished wing 4 from wednesday so we could all get LI and rewards. I got an ascended warhorn. New skin. Woot.

Sunday is my D&D day, so prior to that, I farmed my BLC Key on both account. D&D was /great/ our Paladin decided to throw a torch into a cave to clear the spiderwebs. and it cleared the regular spiders but the phase spiders then came out to play. We lived. Barely. Fun times. I did do a bit of wvw afterwards for the daily.


And we did all remember to feed the skyscale. But I'm glad there was a break to do other things on the weekend.

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WvW. Story, explored the new map, enjoyed the metas, gathered, crafted, worked on a new alt build, did some achievements. Enjoyed the mix of movement options on the new map and found the build up meta a lot of fun. Felt more HoT vs PoF, which to me was good thing as bunch of smaller events worked up to the map wide one.

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Did dailies, did some SS, ran a few toons through new map, did some catch up story on other toons, ran some achievs, hit WvW upto Gold Tier, ran some fracs, crafted up some stuff, farmed a few bits for crafting...

Bottom line there is nothing in the SS collections forcing me to do anything different than normal. If I miss a reset on SS stuff, so be it - I can always complete it the next day (is that really so arduous, or is this just those screaming kids that cant have their sweets mentality resurfacing)

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I had Real Life to do, so I just fed my baby skyscale and did my dailies, and a little exploring and other minor tasks. Got to 100 shadow seals, halfway to the permanent portal spike finisher. If I had longer, I would have started looking at some of the Dragonfall achievements and the new armor. Never enough time to play all the GW2 I want.

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Friday I collected more scales.

Saturday I finished collecting scales and started working on achievement progress to do medicine

Sunday I finished the sick skyscales just in time to start eggs after reset, the started all of the egg collections, and completed a couple while watching the video of WP doing the blind playthrough of the chapter


I've avoided walkthroughs as much as possible, so I've been doing it a little slower. I've done pretty well, though, so far.

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Did some chores around my Home. Danced around in Rata Sum and Lion's Arch. Did some experiments to see how far I could launch myself off the Raptor; plotted out some similar tests for the Springer. Ran my second Ranger through some Heart of Thorns story steps to get her closer to new pets. Taught some new friends how to play, and ran them through Ascalon Catacombs when they were strong enough. Beat up the Shadow Behemoth a few times on various different characters. Used the Makeover and Preview features to make a portrait for a DnD character I'm playing and intend to "port over" eventually. Designed some character cosplay - found a nice approximation, but decided not to "finalize", because I liked his old look. Played fetch with the doggo (Basenji). Filmed a "hunting documentary" on my Dragonhunter, dressed as a platinum dragon. Played a bit of early Story on my new Mesmer... trying not to get too far ahead of my friends on him like I did with Pyrolirion...


Had to take Sunday off though...

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Got all the Dragonfall achievements tied to the armor boxes except the bridges one, and even after only 2 days in Dragonfall, I'm already tired of the map. Got the Friends in High Places achievement after seeing someone in LFG advertising it, saying use a Teleport to Friend to get there, but I decided that 1AP wasn't worth the cost of a TP, so figured out how to do it myself :)

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