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Botting problem


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> @"tacoclaw.8251" said:

> I wonder if bots help anet control outcomes so players get the 50/50 win loss ratio. What’s hard is when you die and you come out and see your teammate bots doing nothing helpful. You look for where to go and realize there is nothing you can do to play as a team.


You know what I've wondered it myself.


There are too many games lately "only in ranked" where strange strange anomaly level turnarounds happen. You're winning 380 to 150 and magically 2 or 3 people on your team suddenly go from plat 1s mechanically into silver 2s and you suddenly lose on a blowout comeback, as if it were coordinated. This kind of stuff has always happened during win trade theatrics, but it's really really frequent lately, and I highly doubt there are THAT many people involved in alt synch throws.


These kind of comebacks don't simply happen often like that, they never have. During unranked or ATs or even inhouses & scrims where you know everyone in the teams are human players that are trying and not throwing, 95% of the time it is quite clear which team is going to win after about the first 2 minutes of the match. Comebacks that realistically happen are small comebacks, like snagging a creature or lord kill or winning a single clutch rotation to come back from a 300 - 400 situation and end up 500 - 450 in the end. But I repeat that: You do not see 100 to 300 situations flip and turn into 500 to 315 outcomes without some kind of clear bullshit going on behind it, and it happens often in ranked, but only in ranked where you're forced to yolo/duo and people care to and can match manipulate. Quite mysterious indeed.


It's arguable if bots are designed to help enforce win/lose rates against certain players, and that even sounds far fetched to me. But it could be done easily simply by making sure the bots load into the team of the person who is supposed to lose, while the other team gets to have real players. It would be a very easy way to knock high rated players down into middle gold if there were a reason to do it.


The bots are real though. I'm not sure why there are even people questioning this at this point or trying to encourage the idea that they aren't real. Kind of makes me wonder who these people are and who they might be affiliated with. I mean these bots are very very obvious with how they play and what they do.


There are however too many people crying wolf about the bots, and it's starting to make the topic look like an excuse. What you have going on is 2x things:


1. Actual claims from intelligent players who are clearly identifying actual bots. They give detailed explanations or provide evidence as to why they are 100% sure it is a bot.

2. And then other players who lightly read over these claims or here someone in /m chat say bots are present in pvp, begin assuming that everyone who makes mistakes is some kind of a bot.


People need to be careful what they complain about it or claims stop being taken seriously.

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> @"John.8507" said:

> Its Nice to know the report button is investigated I suppose, as been reporting possible bots, and verbal abuse, and stuff. But idle players and people deliberately not playing etc to let the other team win needs looked at more. Afterall some players just give up right near the start. They should be banned as well!


> They just need to add a CAPTCHA test to show you're an actual player or something like that when you join the queue, as long as it does't take long like those stupid picture ones.


They SAY they investigate, there are bots with over 3000 games/season for months if not years. What they say and what they do are very different things.

Anet has proven to be untrustworthy, plenty of promises not fulfilled, to me these are just empty words.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"John.8507" said:

> > Its Nice to know the report button is investigated I suppose, as been reporting possible bots, and verbal abuse, and stuff. But idle players and people deliberately not playing etc to let the other team win needs looked at more. Afterall some players just give up right near the start. They should be banned as well!

> >

> > They just need to add a CAPTCHA test to show you're an actual player or something like that when you join the queue, as long as it does't take long like those stupid picture ones.


> They SAY they investigate, there are bots with over 3000 games/season for months if not years. What they say and what they do are very different things.

> Anet has proven to be untrustworthy, plenty of promises not fulfilled, to me these are just empty words.


Reread the TOS and you'll see why nothing is getting done.


Take some time, reread it, pay attention. You'll see that over the years the terms have been rearranged so that not much even breaks their rules to begin with, and even when something does, Arenanet has made us agree to: "Arenanet doesn't have to take action against anything if they don't want to, and they don't need to give us a reason why they didn't."

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"tacoclaw.8251" said:

> > I wonder if bots help anet control outcomes so players get the 50/50 win loss ratio. What’s hard is when you die and you come out and see your teammate bots doing nothing helpful. You look for where to go and realize there is nothing you can do to play as a team.


> You know what I've wondered it myself.


> There are too many games lately "only in ranked" where strange strange anomaly level turnarounds happen. You're winning 380 to 150 and magically 2 or 3 people on your team suddenly go from plat 1s mechanically into silver 2s and you suddenly lose on a blowout comeback, as if it were coordinated. This kind of stuff has always happened during win trade theatrics, but it's really really frequent lately, and I highly doubt there are THAT many people involved in alt synch throws.


> These kind of comebacks don't simply happen often like that, they never have. During unranked or ATs or even inhouses & scrims where you know everyone in the teams are human players that are trying and not throwing, 95% of the time it is quite clear which team is going to win after about the first 2 minutes of the match. Comebacks that realistically happen are small comebacks, like snagging a creature or lord kill or winning a single clutch rotation to come back from a 300 - 400 situation and end up 500 - 450 in the end. But I repeat that: You do not see 100 to 300 situations flip and turn into 500 to 315 outcomes without some kind of clear kitten going on behind it, and it happens often in ranked, but only in ranked where you're forced to yolo/duo and people care to and can match manipulate. Quite mysterious indeed.


> It's arguable if bots are designed to help enforce win/lose rates against certain players, and that even sounds far fetched to me. But it could be done easily simply by making sure the bots load into the team of the person who is supposed to lose, while the other team gets to have real players. It would be a very easy way to knock high rated players down into middle gold if there were a reason to do it.


> The bots are real though. I'm not sure why there are even people questioning this at this point or trying to encourage the idea that they aren't real. Kind of makes me wonder who these people are and who they might be affiliated with. I mean these bots are very very obvious with how they play and what they do.


> There are however too many people crying wolf about the bots, and it's starting to make the topic look like an excuse. What you have going on is 2x things:


> 1. Actual claims from intelligent players who are clearly identifying actual bots. They give detailed explanations or provide evidence as to why they are 100% sure it is a bot.

> 2. And then other players who lightly read over these claims or here someone in /m chat say bots are present in pvp, begin assuming that everyone who makes mistakes is some kind of a bot.


> People need to be careful what they complain about it or claims stop being taken seriously.




but truth is trade wining seems common now days.. i had few games in which we were clearly the wining team then people legit started to do nothing.. and i ended up doing more than 50% of the team damage in 5v5.. so clearly few of them just stopped playing..

as for botting.. idk if people use the wolf because if we are honest here unless you play "prime time"

in lower elo its not even rare to have 3-4 bots in the same team.. and cmon you dont need to be very smart or knowledgeable to spot them as bots..

they will do accept instantly most of the time.. they will only start moving abit after the count down.. they will keep runing on the gate when its closed..

they run constantly every time they die to the exact same location / node..

and it doesnt matter if enemy standing there or not.. if they do.. the bot will run into them untill it reach its location.. sometimes they get stuck in ovjects and walking against the object.

they spam skills and when they are on cd they stand still often in middle of fight and jsut die

they silly part is i noticed they often attempt to ress you.. even when its hopless and the bot certainly gonna die from ressing they will attempt and die

another strange thing.. most Asura race you will see on low lvl gear are bots hahah ofc its not how to spot them but just reason to keep eye on them

anwyays the bots are obvious and beyond the obvious they are way too comon now.. as i said having 3-4 bots in same team early on the day isnt even rare

and having 2 during prime time isnt rare either.. so by now i dont think people just calling the wolf and i think that in lower elo every game is basically effected by bots for 1 way or another.


i actually suspect that.. Anet match making is attempting to team people with the higfhest scores in game in that elo with the players with lowest score..

so if you are peforming well comparing to the division you are in you will more often be teamed with the bots.. as they are the worst score.. i think its their lame attempt to create more "balanced" match..

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and whats more sad.. is that Anet constantly delete posts on forum about hackers and bots.. today i replayed on 2 of these that just got deleted by Anet.. shame on you Anet instead of doing something and banning bots/hackers and provide us with fair game play all you do is delete our posts.

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> @"Sturm Medik.1569" said:

> Season after season reporting same bots and no progress... Just had a game with 2 bots on my team. I think I am done with this game mode :/


im just about to be done with this game completely and not just game mode..

Anet: come play gw2 we offer everyone all kind of things to do ! pve ! wvw ! and yes even competetive fair pvp!

bots/hacking/ cheating and breaking the rules will not go unpunished !


then you try pvp and you realize there is no pvp mode in this game..

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Players’ report of potential cheating (referenced as botting in the report tool) are always investigated by the Customer Support Team, whether done via the in-game report tool or an email to exploit@arena.net (only JPG files can be attached, use a YouTube link for video content).

Isn't this a great way to get banned yourself? I thought we are not allowed of namecalling other players and now we should post this on Youtube?



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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> I rather have a bot than a player afking after losing 1st fight mid


and im saying both should be banned.. this is again lack of action from Anet that allow players to afk,,

but if afking in ranked pvp would;'ve resulted in bans they wouldnt allow them selves to afk


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I do not understand why so many of you don't get that these bots are intended to be there. I do not know why Anet does not simply confirm it but the evidence is so clear that this the most reasonable if not only explanation for the ongoing existence of so many bots. Low pop is no myth.

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