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QOL Black Lion Salvage Kits

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Hi, I would like to ask something about Black Lion Salvage Kits. I personally have 45 stacks of 25 of these kits and they are taking up so much space, Its a nightmare for storage and they are just a mess in storage toons/bank space, I have to have a toon just to hold onto these things that I cant use in any game mode, and I am pretty sure there are people out there in the game with more stacks then I have.

So was wondering if at some point we could have a QOL thing added to these and allow us to combine them into stacks of 250 or more if possibly, even make something of a mystic forge recipe for it, just something to save up on space, it wont save massive space but it will save enough to make things better.



The image is just the one toon that I cant use because of the need to keep it as storage to hold onto the amount of things I dont have bank space for.


Its just a suggestion and something I am sure many people would love to see added to the game.

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1) Yes it would be fantastic to be able to stack these up. It might involve going to an NPC to convert them because, as I understand it, these aren't stacks of 25 kits but 1 kit with 25 charges. But however it's done it would be great to be able to convert them to a version with more charges so they take up less space.


2) Why not just use them? I used to have this problem, because I was following the advice on the forum to save black lion keys to use on exotics but the way I play I rarely get exotic drops so I was getting more black lion kits from login rewards than I was using. So now any time I have 3 or more I start using them on rares as well, until I'm back down to having just 2 left. Technically it's 'wasting' the kits but IMO it's better than having to get rid of other stuff or relegate characters to mules to hold kits I'm never going to use.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Why are you holding on to 45?


> Why not use them to salvage rares and exotics?


I have copper fed, and silver fed for everything except exotic, I used to buy alot of keys and these just mounted up, I used them daily to salvage exotic drops I get, but I cant ever get rid of them unless I just destroy them, which would be a total waste of gold/money as they are drops from something you have to buy in the gem store.

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It's not completely true that you should destroy just because you don't need it now...


Look at how blsk has become the only (commonplace) way to retrieve runes/sigils. And then there's RNG. My main acc has half a blsk - probably gotten 5 in 2.5 years, while a sub acc has 10-20 or something in <1yr. Really regret wasting them freely before the rune/sigil revamp...



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> @"B O N K.6210" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Why are you holding on to 45?

> >

> > Why not use them to salvage rares and exotics?


> I have copper fed, and silver fed for everything except exotic, I used to buy alot of keys and these just mounted up, I used them daily to salvage exotic drops I get, but I cant ever get rid of them unless I just destroy them, which would be a total waste of gold/money as they are drops from something you have to buy in the gem store.

That still doesn't explain why you choose not to use them:

* By your own admission, you're "wasting" space and time by dealing with a glut of BL chests.

* BL kits drop more ecto from both rares and exotics, compared mystic|silver-fed.


Thus arguably, you're "wasting" more by hoarding than by using.



Significantly: you're asking ANet to spend their resources to fix a problem you have because you want to avoid spending your own resources.

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I probably used like 3-4 kits over the past few years.


But honestly, why would you need to extract 1000 upgrades? No rune or sigil is that valuable. And if you've been playing a toon for that many years, might as well just upgrade to ascended and you can't use black lion kits on those anyways. Heck, you might as well use up all those charges to make profit, and make legendary armor so this is no longer an issue. If you're going through thousands of gold worth of upgrades and still using exotics and worrying about rune/sigil cost, then that's just plain mismanagement if you ask me.


Edit: Apparently I have 32 Black Lion Salvage kits. 16 are in bank while the rest are spread over 9 of my characters (average 2 each) who actually use them while playing so not much of a space issue.

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> I probably used like 3-4 kits over the past few years.


> But honestly, why would you need to extract 1000 upgrades? No rune or sigil is that valuable. And if you've been playing a toon for that many years, might as well just upgrade to ascended and you can't use black lion kits on those anyways. Heck, you might as well use up all those charges to make profit, and make legendary armor so this is no longer an issue. If you're going through thousands of gold worth of upgrades and still using exotics and worrying about rune/sigil cost, then that's just plain mismanagement if you ask me.


> Edit: Apparently I have 32 Black Lion Salvage kits. 16 are in bank while the rest are spread over 9 of my characters (average 2 each) who actually use them while playing so not much of a space issue.


I dont have a single character in exptic gear, all toons have ascended/legendary gear. Its more that I have stacks of these things and I am sure others do to, I get exotics and salvage them every time with BLSK. But I am still sitting on so many.


As for the previous comment someone said "Significantly: you're asking ANet to spend their resources to fix a problem you have because you want to avoid spending your own resources."

Well there is a mystic forge recipe for making the mystic salvage kit from back in the day to make 250 of the rare kits, so there is a base recipe there, so it would just require a tweak for the items needed, they could even add a gold requirement for it. I dont know


Its not a big deal with the dont add something, its just a suggestion, like people make every day, not something that is needed and a must but something that would be pretty cool if they.

Not need to get a twisted and bent out of shape over someone making a QOL suggestion.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"B O N K.6210" said:

> > As for the previous comment someone said "Significantly: you're asking ANet to spend their resources to fix a problem you have because you want to avoid spending your own resources."

> You haven't answered the question: why aren't you using the kits on rares?



Because in my opinion its a waste to use them on rares when I own the siver fed salvage tool


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> @"B O N K.6210" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"B O N K.6210" said:

> > > As for the previous comment someone said "Significantly: you're asking ANet to spend their resources to fix a problem you have because you want to avoid spending your own resources."

> > You haven't answered the question: why aren't you using the kits on rares?

> >


> Because in my opinion its a waste to use them on rares when I own the siver fed salvage tool



Using the Silver-Fed costs you 0.6s per use, offers a drop rate of roughly 0.875 ecto. Using the BL Chest gains you space (every 25 uses) and has zero cost, offering a drop rate of ~1.25 ecto.


So how is it a "waste" to get over 40% more ecto, for 0.6s less, and end up freeing some space?

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> Use them on all exotics that have runes and sigils worth at least a gold. I mean, you would use them on exotics but they don't drop as much these days.


I used them on every exotic I get, just because of the sigil/rune drops

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> @"B O N K.6210" said:

> I dont need ecto, i have 1000s of ecto and currently have no use for them


The BL kits give you 40% more ecto; you don't want that. It saves you 15 gold per full kit in salvage costs; you don't want that. The ecto can be sold for gold; you don't want that.


Why in Kormir's name are you inviting extra inventory grief for something that holds no value to you, which you will not use for anything? Why not just delete them?

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I dont need the gold, I dont need the ecto, I would like more storage space and be able to hold onto the BLSK, as they may have more use down the line, Anet may add something in the future that makes them worth having more.

It isnt the end of the world if they dont make it possible to stack them, or add something to combine them in the forge, its not game breaking, hence the QOL thing, it would be nice, but its not game breaking.

you seem to be getting all bent out of shape of a QOL suggestion, I think you need a break and to calm down a little over this, you seem way to stressed.

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> @"B O N K.6210" said:

> I dont need the gold, I dont need the ecto, I would like more storage space and be able to hold onto the BLSK, as they may have more use down the line, Anet may add something in the future that makes them worth having more.

> It isnt the end of the world if they dont make it possible to stack them, or add something to combine them in the forge, its not game breaking, hence the QOL thing, it would be nice, but its not game breaking.

> you seem to be getting all bent out of shape of a QOL suggestion, I think you need a break and to calm down a little over this, you seem way to stressed.


You have two quality of life solutions: use the kits or delete them. It's up to you.


I apologize for distracting you with the phrasing of "in Kormir's name". I have no skin in this game other than wanting to help you solve the stated problem: you're running out of room storing kits.


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I agree with OP. Like OP, I'm not at all saying this is required, just that it would be nice.


I currently have 15 full BLSKs plus another that's almost used up. I very much prefer not to use BLSKs on anything but exotics. I don't need the ectos or the gold. I do want the Globs of Dark Matter and salvaging exotics with BLSKs is the best way to get them. I just rarely get exotics so the kits tend to build up. I won't delete them because I've had long droughts where I had exotics but no BLSKs to salvage them with. I won't use them on rares because I consider that a waste.


It basically comes down to what it would take to do this and how many people would like to have such a QoL feature. What if, just for example, you could put 4 full 25-charge kits in the MF and get back one kit with 100 charges? That's it. One new item and one new MF recipe. How hard would something along those lines be? Not necessarily something they go out of their way to implement. It could be done as part of some future update or even part of the next expansion.





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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"B O N K.6210" said:

> > I dont need the gold, I dont need the ecto, I would like more storage space and be able to hold onto the BLSK, as they may have more use down the line, Anet may add something in the future that makes them worth having more.

> > It isnt the end of the world if they dont make it possible to stack them, or add something to combine them in the forge, its not game breaking, hence the QOL thing, it would be nice, but its not game breaking.

> > you seem to be getting all bent out of shape of a QOL suggestion, I think you need a break and to calm down a little over this, you seem way to stressed.


> You have two quality of life solutions: use the kits or delete them. It's up to you.


> I apologize for distracting you with the phrasing of "in Kormir's name". I have no skin in this game other than wanting to help you solve the stated problem: you're running out of room storing kits.



19 characters, 14 bank slots, I am not running out of storage space lol, but it would be nice if I didnt have to use 1 toon to store only BLSKs, if i have to I have to, its something I will deal with, but there is ways in the game, with a little tweaking would salve this on going thing in the game.

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> @"B O N K.6210" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"B O N K.6210" said:

> > > I dont need the gold, I dont need the ecto, I would like more storage space and be able to hold onto the BLSK, as they may have more use down the line, Anet may add something in the future that makes them worth having more.

> > > It isnt the end of the world if they dont make it possible to stack them, or add something to combine them in the forge, its not game breaking, hence the QOL thing, it would be nice, but its not game breaking.

> > > you seem to be getting all bent out of shape of a QOL suggestion, I think you need a break and to calm down a little over this, you seem way to stressed.

> >

> > You have two quality of life solutions: use the kits or delete them. It's up to you.

> >

> > I apologize for distracting you with the phrasing of "in Kormir's name". I have no skin in this game other than wanting to help you solve the stated problem: you're running out of room storing kits.

> >


> 19 characters, 14 bank slots, I am not running out of storage space lol, but it would be nice if I didnt have to use 1 toon to store only BLSKs, if i have to I have to, its something I will deal with, but there is ways in the game, with a little tweaking would salve this on going thing in the game.


Its your choice to store them mate no need for a fix, got 26 myself collecting dust on my engineer.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"B O N K.6210" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > @"B O N K.6210" said:

> > > > I dont need the gold, I dont need the ecto, I would like more storage space and be able to hold onto the BLSK, as they may have more use down the line, Anet may add something in the future that makes them worth having more.

> > > > It isnt the end of the world if they dont make it possible to stack them, or add something to combine them in the forge, its not game breaking, hence the QOL thing, it would be nice, but its not game breaking.

> > > > you seem to be getting all bent out of shape of a QOL suggestion, I think you need a break and to calm down a little over this, you seem way to stressed.

> > >

> > > You have two quality of life solutions: use the kits or delete them. It's up to you.

> > >

> > > I apologize for distracting you with the phrasing of "in Kormir's name". I have no skin in this game other than wanting to help you solve the stated problem: you're running out of room storing kits.

> > >

> >

> > 19 characters, 14 bank slots, I am not running out of storage space lol, but it would be nice if I didnt have to use 1 toon to store only BLSKs, if i have to I have to, its something I will deal with, but there is ways in the game, with a little tweaking would salve this on going thing in the game.


> Its your choice to store them mate no need for a fix, got 26 myself collecting dust on my engineer.


QoLs are rarely _needed_, but nice to have. Remove enough of those, and most games wouldn't be played.

Upgrading items based on uses is possible, see the Ascended Salvage Tools (merchant) and the Kits (Mystic Forge), which in my opinion these also should be able to brought above 20 use per stack.

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