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Dragonfall volatile magic traders - Oddly designed system and flaws analysed

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Though I found it awkward at first, doing the event achievements to unlock them seems to be taking the place of those rep quests people keep saying they hate.


What I didn't appreciate was the portal scroll being locked behind one of them, so I had to chug away at the zone without the usual vector to bring in other characters.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > I think this is a rather minor issue. Different vendors have always sold different items in the maps. HoT is notorious for it with the map currency vendors in different maps. The vicinity of all these vendors makes it work. I can imagine if the vendors we all at the base camps ... UGH.


> These are multiple vendors selling things that are usually in 1 vendor per map though. I do not think it wrong for people to ask for some consistency of basic stuff.


And I don't think it's wrong for Anet to mix it up a little either, especially if it is consistent with how the map works. I mean ... they didn't make separate vendors for the fun of it. Clearly it was more work for them to do such a thing so consistency was obviously not the goal here. If everything was consistent, one might say it's consistently boring.


Again, minor issue they did this and it makes sense with the map. Or perhaps you want hearts you have to complete to come back so you have to do THAT every time you want to access a vendor? What's happening here in this map isn't new or unique ....

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The issue is simply that the hearts are repeatable, if they were like in core maps no issues. You do the quests only once then you have permanently access to vendor, I don't see why they implemented that annoying design with ls maps with infinite hearts it's a really bad decision.

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> @"Katastroff.1045" said:

> Your hero pannel tells you exactly what to do to unlock them.


> > Complete 10 events for the Olmakhan in the Underworld.

> >Required to gain access to the Olmakhan quartermaster.

The hero panel tells us what doing that achievement will unlock. There's nothing pointing us towards which achievement we need to unlock the specific merchant, though. Yes, if you checked the right achievements, you'd know that, but there's nothing telling you which achieve you have to check. Or even that it's achievement-locked.


> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> Have we run out of things to complain about?

Oh no, there's ton of those still in the game.


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Please keep in mind though that you can't expect things to be tailored to your physical needs, especially when they're basic game mechanics. Doing events is a very basic part of this game and only slightly different than completing hearts. In fact, doing those 10 events once is way more convenient and easy than having to complete a heart every single day.

I can totally understand why it's upsetting to you that you have a hard time doing those events due to your physical impairment. But the main component of those events is combat, and combat is the most basic mechanic of this game. You can't expect that this vital part of the game gets tailored to your needs.

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> @"ShiningSquirrel.3751" said:

> It is FAR better then the system that was in place. Instead of having to do hearts which where all over the map, and having to do them every day you wanted to access the merchant, now you unlock them once and they are all in the same area. Players complained about having to re-do hearts, the devs listen. I for one love this new setup instead of the hearts.


I like that they got rid of the hearts (May they never return). However, the current design is dumb. Just make one vendor with access to the vendor at all times. And this is not new crap. We had this since silver wastes. The devs should know better.

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