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TIL the true difference between a PvP tournament winner and a WvW roamer

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I've fought my fair share of holosmiths from top roaming guilds in WvW.

And usually on my necro, I am able to put up a decent fight.


Earlier I fought a HOD Low rank holosmith and he left me feeling totally helpless. And he stomped me with a PvP tournament champion finisher.


There used to be an old debate on whether PvP or WvW had the better skilled players.


And based on that earlier encounter, I surmise that even WvW roamers from top roaming guilds still have a Long way to go to match the skills of PvP champions.


And this has piqued my interest in PvP.

I'm going there guys to hone my skills against the best.


Adios and best wishes from your friendly Neighbourhood Necromancer.

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Since sPvP is a competitive mode, I would naturally expect the more skilled players there. Though it doesnt mean that a good sPvPler automatically makes a good Roamer, since different skills are required and . . . wait, whats that on the horizon . . . oh shxt, im dea . . . ><


[9:35] Bronze Invader critically hits you from the moon for 4.325 using [Long Range Shot]

[9:35] You evade Bronze Invader using [Dodge]

[9:35] Bronze Invader critically hits you from the moon for 4.325 using [Long Range Shot]

[9:35] You evade Bronze Invader using [Dodge]

[9:35] Bronze Invader critically hits you from the moon for 4.325 using [Long Range Shot]

[9:35] Bronze Invader critically hits you from the moon for 4.325 using [Long Range Shot]

[9:35] Bronze Invader critically hits you from the moon for 1.427 using [Rapid Fire]

[9:35] Not enough energy.

[9:35] Bronze Invader critically hits you from the moon for 1.427 using [Rapid Fire]

[9:35] Not enough energy.

[9:35] Bronze Invader critically hits you from the moon for 1.427 using [Rapid Fire]

[9:35] Bronze Invader critically hits you from the moon for 1.427 using [Rapid Fire]

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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> blabla nerf this actually subpar build


Can this forum not create a Soulbeast debate for **a minute**?


The thing about "duelists" in WvW (those who only do 1v1s at the dueling place) often hide behind pretty broken builds and damage reduction food. I could go full cele Druid and not die while boring my opponent to death. In reality, a good roamer needs a versatile build with mobility that can also handle multiple opponents. I don't think you can compare those two gamemodes very well, since it's, outside of 1v1s, a very different playstyle. In terms of skill the very (consistent) top players can probably outplay 99% of the roamers with ease. But if you go a bit down towards average platinum skill level, there is not really a difference most of the time.

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> @"beatthedown.2651" said:

> The thing about "duelists" in WvW (those who only do 1v1s at the dueling place) often hide behind pretty broken builds and damage reduction food.

Yes, "duelists" bring good 1v1 builds.


*What a twist!*


Also I assume that the whole OP is sarcasm for nerf engie.

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But you do know that many WvW roamers are also sPvP players or at least ex-sPvP players (all divisions spectrum, from bronze newbies spamming skills and hoping to do sth up to gods of pvp who will dodge all your cute necro skills and make you feel helpless). They dont have to put fancy PvP-guild tags or Legend w/e titles to enlarge their e-bepis because many people will recognize them anyway.


And tbh Im wondering what "top WvW roaming holos" you have faced that you could manage decent fight.


//EDIT: Nevermind, I've checked your _fancy_ graveyard and youre from NA, i dont know anything about those guys so ill just presume that EU and NA have different types of roamers. So gj beating them, keep up doing necro work o/

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> There used to be an old debate on whether PvP or WvW had the better skilled players.


WvW is another playmode. Many seem to confuse borderlands with too large 1vs1 duel maps.

I really like zerging there and, when on my own, I try to avoid most duels in order to defend/attack objectives or reach commanders.

I still think I'm pretty skilled in this T1 bracket that we accidentally slipped into in the EU.


So... Yes, if you want to meet great duellists or well trained 5-man groups, PvP is the best mode for you.

Though they also have the flag-capture-game there, so prepare to lose matches if half your team focuses on duels. ^^

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Different environments, different builds (at least when it comes to gear and stats). I do sPvP occasionally and do not think I'm doing bad (I usually rank in the higher half of plat), but vs someone at the top of the leaderboards who played sPvP mostly you notice you're fighting on "their turf" instead of in a familiar context. This especially shows with map knowledge (kiting and jump spots) and what I'd call knowing "thresholds" in terms of how much beating you can take and dish out vs. certain other builds. And then there are some actual balance differences between sPvP and WvW for some reason (war's endure pain is a big one as the pace of the fight becomes a different one with 2 short EP procs instead of less frequent, longer ones). sPvP also feels quite cramped compared to WvW and the more compact map layout favors some builds over others.


On the other hand I met some high ranking sPvP players in WvW in the past who struggled to apply their skills there. Some of them shine more through rotation and map awareness in sPvP and are decent, but not exceptional at mechanical / personal skill in duels.


But sPvP and WvW roaming are not mutually exclusive and I know roamers who became (or always were, I don't know the history of them all) very good sPvP players and sPvP players who're very proficient at WvW roaming & smallscale.

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You have not that great players in both, you also have many WvW roamers that are also high ranked sPvP. There are many roamers out there, less so now with mounts, but most roamers were above the average player in WvW, but that is not saying much as the skill level in WvW is low. There were a handful of top tier WvW players. But you are talking a ranked sPvP player vs your normal roaming encounter, it's not shocking at all that they are better.


Builds change as well, many of the PvP players I know in WvW run builds that are not like most WvW do, as most ONLY duel, while WvW might build for any number of situations. Even my own build, if I know I am going to spend all day just doing 1vs1's, it will change a lot. They are not the same kinda game mode, and honest to say, most of the better roamers have either left the game or gone to sPvP. And almost all of the better roamers also play or are ex sPvP players, there is significant overlap, the fact you ran into them in WvW shows this, both get boring after a while and people need to switch things up.


Overall, at top tier level, I would say sPvP has the better 1vs1 players, with far more 1vs1 play time as well.

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OP, I have seen your vids duel, and I must say you just SPAM skills as soon as theyre off cd. I remember you using necro scepter 3 when opponent had no boons or condies on him, entering shroud for... Dunno why, and more. I am by no means an expert in 1vs1 in wvw, but I think holo along with soulbeast and power rev are among the top roaming builds out there at the moment. Incredible sustain, top mobility, reset fights to their advantage, especially against necro.


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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> OP, I have seen your vids duel, and I must say you just SPAM skills as soon as theyre off cd. I remember you using necro scepter 3 when opponent had no boons or condies on him, entering shroud for... Dunno why, and more. I am by no means an expert in 1vs1 in wvw, but I think holo along with soulbeast and power rev are among the top roaming builds out there at the moment. Incredible sustain, top mobility, reset fights to their advantage, especially against necro.



You're very observant ?

I admit I spam skills off CD.

I do it to handicap myself.

it is lonely standing alone at the top.

Even after handicapping myself I still end up winning so many fights.

Life is hard ?


Would you then observe next that all the foes in my videos are terrible for losing to a spamming necro? ?

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:


> > Adios and best wishes

> =)




> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:


> > I've decided to stay on

> :s



I'm a very optimistic person and always try to see the best in everyone.


Your first smiley tells me that you're putting on a happy face to send me off because you don't want me to leave feeling burdened.


Your second smiley shows your true emotions when you realise I am staying and you're overwhelmed with feelings of true happiness as you try to hold your tears back.


So thank you ?

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holosmith can heal and cleanse like every 2 seconds (so you can only do 75% healthbar him, or maybe 50% if he went to the bathroom and took a quick pee), and you burst them with 60 dmg non crit even he has no protection on, and can fing pop up all the boons available in game.


and warriors have heal signet and 5 second stances with like age of the universe like cooldowns.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Would you then observe next that all the foes in my videos are terrible for losing to a spamming necro? ?


When i feel that my Weaver skills got impoverished, i open one of your videos (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1z0WytS4tQ) and watch guy at 26:40 who starts fight with air/water, uses shearing edge then goes air 4 and 5 and then other cool stuff. After that i feel much better, can go back to my normal rubbish gameplay <3

Actually now i've watched the very next weaver too, man, now i know what you're talking about saying that NA roamers << NA PvP players

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > OP, I have seen your vids duel, and I must say you just SPAM skills as soon as theyre off cd. I remember you using necro scepter 3 when opponent had no boons or condies on him, entering shroud for... Dunno why, and more. I am by no means an expert in 1vs1 in wvw, but I think holo along with soulbeast and power rev are among the top roaming builds out there at the moment. Incredible sustain, top mobility, reset fights to their advantage, especially against necro.

> >


> You're very observant ?

> I admit I spam skills off CD.

> I do it to handicap myself.

> it is lonely standing alone at the top.

> Even after handicapping myself I still end up winning so many fights.

> Life is hard ?


> Would you then observe next that all the foes in my videos are terrible for losing to a spamming necro? ?


Eh, if you cant take criticism, why upload vids? Inflate ego?

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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > Would you then observe next that all the foes in my videos are terrible for losing to a spamming necro? ?


> When i feel that my Weaver skills got impoverished, i open one of your videos (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1z0WytS4tQ) and watch guy at 26:40 who starts fight with air/water, uses shearing edge then goes air 4 and 5 and then other cool stuff. After that i feel much better, can go back to my normal rubbish gameplay <3

> Actually now i've watched the very next weaver too, man, now i know what you're talking about saying that NA roamers << NA PvP players


Depends on who. There are still plenty of good roamers, but I don't think anyone in that video you linked is actually....that good.


You run into a lot of subpar players when roaming, pretty sure that is true on EU as well.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > OP, I have seen your vids duel, and I must say you just SPAM skills as soon as theyre off cd. I remember you using necro scepter 3 when opponent had no boons or condies on him, entering shroud for... Dunno why, and more. I am by no means an expert in 1vs1 in wvw, but I think holo along with soulbeast and power rev are among the top roaming builds out there at the moment. Incredible sustain, top mobility, reset fights to their advantage, especially against necro.

> > >

> >

> > You're very observant ?

> > I admit I spam skills off CD.

> > I do it to handicap myself.

> > it is lonely standing alone at the top.

> > Even after handicapping myself I still end up winning so many fights.

> > Life is hard ?

> >

> > Would you then observe next that all the foes in my videos are terrible for losing to a spamming necro? ?


> Eh, if you cant take criticism, why upload vids? Inflate ego?


Um...I admitted to spamming so why you say I not take criticism :'(

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