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Skyscales hovering overhead is kind of annoying

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Oh my! Standing next to or under a hovering Skyscale doesn't bother me. What did shock me though was when I fell from one. :)


While in Amnoon I joined a group in Istan about to hit the Great Hall and used a tele to friend to get there quickly. Imagine my surprise when I arrived in Istan to find myself falling from the sky. It seems the person I teleported to was hovering on his Skyscale. Luckily he was low enough that the drop didn't kill me though I did have a bruised rib or three. :)

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> @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

> I am honestly amazed that of all the things you choose to address as visually annoying, you choose the new mount which has only just been added to the game, instead of mentioning things that have always been in the game, such as:


> * People with an overabundance of infusions

> * SSJ Goku charr

> * People using the giant tonic

> * Other mount skins


> People sure to love to dislike things that are slightly inconvenient to them rather than things like the miniature wintersday golem which **cannot** be muted.


I mean infusions are toxic as hell and I hate seeing them as they are literally the ugliest thing I have ever seen and I have NO method of really turning them off. I feel the same when someone explodes with every legendary known to man and the infusions; Its annoying not because they have them but because its not appealing to look at and is litterally just color spat on the screen in a bright flash of meh.


The skyscale? Don't address it till you get us a slider for other peoples infusions and junk because frankly a dragon flapping is alot less annoying than any of the other clutter we have in the game right now. If you don't like that it exists and is there well that is too bad guys; It's here to stay and frankly I worked hard for mine and just got it today so I don't feel bad when you decide to come and stand beneath me. (I've legit moved off to the side and then had people come stand beneath me and I've left them plenty of room, and still the complain "Stop hovering". Nah get over it, for once Im the one not agreeing and telling people to suck it up. Don't like it? Go get one. It's not as bad as the rest of the flashy madness inducing mess we have atm.)

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> @"nthmetal.9652" said:

> > @"Shep.4026" said:

> > If you work hard for something, you earn the right to show it off, especially if that's the main reason for earning it in the first place. Therefore, anyone who didn't put in the work to get it, for whatever reason, has no right to not like it. Hence any negative comment on the matter obviously being rooted in jealousy. Flawless logic at its best.


> I hate to break it to you, but while you have actually achieved something, boasting is still bad style. Or even more than that. Pride is, after all, one of the seven deadly sins. Not that I am overly religious, but there is a grain of truth to that ...


I was being sarcastic. And no matter how many times I read it, it's quite obvious I was. So, say hi to Drax from me...

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I remember when the flashy gliders started really coming into the game after HoT and you couldn't see yourself at all in a train when gliding around and just hoped you could judge things right when aiming for your landing spot. Now while Skyscales are mildly annoying right now I don't see it as an issue honestly... yet. Tons of people are still slowly working on them so numbers will continue the rise and when a year from now people have bought several mount packs with the new flashy flash skin for it; that's when it'll be a problem.


Also yes please give players the option to see standard models for players and their skins (gliders, mounts etc) in pve... It doesn't take away from what someone else earned as anyone who wants to see shinny other players can just not turn it on/off. Never understood that argument of it takes away from the other players effort that you can't now see their ball of effects on your screen.

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People are forgetting that the skyscale's hover is more than just people showing off. I use it ALL the time as a "stay out of combat when looking around or waiting" feature. If I'm up high enough, mobs can't reach me and annoy me when I'm trying to do something. Even if that means waiting on a boss or something to spawn.

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> @"Jwake.7013" said:

> Also yes please give players the option to see standard models for players and their skins (gliders, mounts etc) in pve... It doesn't take away from what someone else earned as anyone who wants to see shinny other players can just not turn it on/off. Never understood that argument of it takes away from the other players effort that you can't now see their ball of effects on your screen.


It would impact revenue. That's IMHO the reason they haven't implemented it. Wanting something usually comes from seeing it. If a player turns off all flashy mount and glider skins, she/he sees less and is therefore less likely to spend some money to have it her-/himself. Off the top of my head I know of 2 mount skins I bought with select licenses, because I first saw someone else using it. And there's going to be a third soon enough as I just recently saw someone on the Dune Mastiff, which I didn't even consider from the preview, that evidently has some wicked looks when dyed creatively.


What I'm trying to say: I could care less how all your chars and mounts look, you merely serve as fountains of inspiration B)

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> @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > I was waiting for the Megadestroyer to start last night and since it was a Daily there were tons of players. The number of Skyscales hovering near the ground and stirring up dust and being otherwise obnoxious was ridiculous. If you moved away from one, there were more. It's only going to get worse as more people acquire the mount. Skyscale riders, please be courteous and if you must hover, do it high enough so you don't bother others. Thanks. (p.s. This isn't a "Wah, I'm so jealous" post, as I will get the Skyscale in a month or two and am not in a hurry.)


> Everyone is acting like people are trying to be annoying. Most, if not all, of these players are hyped about their new mount, and excited to show off their hard work. They aren't aiming to be obnoxious, and it's a bit pretentious to just assume people doing thing you don't like are out to ruin your game. If other players playing the game brings you to the point of complaining on the internet, MMOs may not be the kind of games for you. These people are just trying to enjoy their game, don't think so negatively. A courtesy to them might be not complaining about every little thing.


Nice strawman there.

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In another thread, someone LITERALLY posted that he wants to annoy others by kicking up dust with his Skyscale. And to reiterate, I have zero issues with the mount hovering at a respectful distance. It's the multiple dust clouds obscuring players, targets, and events that I don't like, and it's only going to get worse as more people get the Skyscale.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"slpr.2647" said:

> > 3 mins till Karka Queen spawns. standing in front of Steampipe Steading, and theres several Skyscales hovering above.

> > how awesome it was to have wingtips dipping into view, shadows of them all over the place, and the dust that their wing beats kicks up.

> > yeah, kind of annoying.


> Oh no don't you even. Lots of players worked very hard to get these mounts! So now you are gonna have to look at them while they feel good while riding it, while you feel bad about not having it. Cause that's all that matters!


I unironically agree with this.

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> @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

> I am honestly amazed that of all the things you choose to address as visually annoying, you choose the new mount which has only just been added to the game, instead of mentioning things that have always been in the game, such as:


> * People with an overabundance of infusions

> * SSJ Goku charr

> * People using the giant tonic

> * Other mount skins


> People sure to love to dislike things that are slightly inconvenient to them rather than things like the miniature wintersday golem which **cannot** be muted.


It’s the nature of the repeated movement which can bother some, myself included. The other things you’ve listed are just gaudy. But it seems to me that one can usually move oneself or adjust the camera if a wing flap keeps flashes on the screen. It hasn’t been a problem for me, nothing I couldn’t adjust to. And as you said, there are many things that could be potentially annoying — while I love musical instruments, a repetitive high note is quite grating and one of my guildies has occasionally chased me with a ringing bell! :lol:

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> In another thread, someone LITERALLY posted that he wants to annoy others by kicking up dust with his Skyscale. And to reiterate, I have zero issues with the mount hovering at a respectful distance. It's the multiple dust clouds obscuring players, targets, and events that I don't like, and it's only going to get worse as more people get the Skyscale.


That guy was literally making a joke.


I was in a full bounty train yesterday, and the Skyscales weren't that big of an issue. About half the squad was idling in the air.

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> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> I am one of those guilty of hovering over the heads of other players. Though I try not to be right in front of their view or anything. Did not realise it would annoy someone. I just wanna hang out at my own spot a bit away from everyone else.


Hovering overhead is not IMO bad or anything to feel guilty about! It's when a Skyscale is so low that it kicks up the dust in others' faces, so to speak. Hope you are enjoying your Skyscale! I may get mine in a few weeks... or not.

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> > > > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > > > I was waiting for the Megadestroyer to start last night and since it was a Daily there were tons of players. The number of Skyscales hovering near the ground and stirring up dust and being otherwise obnoxious was ridiculous. If you moved away from one, there were more. It's only going to get worse as more people acquire the mount. Skyscale riders, please be courteous and if you must hover, do it high enough so you don't bother others. Thanks. (p.s. This isn't a "Wah, I'm so jealous" post, as I will get the Skyscale in a month or two and am not in a hurry.)

> > >

> > > Everyone is acting like people are trying to be annoying. Most, if not all, of these players are hyped about their new mount, and excited to show off their hard work. They aren't aiming to be obnoxious, and it's a bit pretentious to just assume people doing thing you don't like are out to ruin your game. If other players playing the game brings you to the point of complaining on the internet, MMOs may not be the kind of games for you. These people are just trying to enjoy their game, don't think so negatively. A courtesy to them might be not complaining about every little thing.

> >

> > Nice strawman there.


> Exaggeration aside he's generally right. Most people with Skyscales aren't trying to annoy anyone, especially out in the world as opposed to a city. Though if people make enough of a fuss of it they might well end up creating the problem they perceive.


I agree completely. Most, probably nearly all, are just enjoying their new mount.


I was responding to his claim that the person he quoted was assigning intention to the skyscale riders.

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Meh i came from another game that had even bigger flying mounts that would hover so im used to it. Now if it becomes a problem with people blocking npcs and banks then im sure anet will step in. But im not going to nitpick over a mount hovering , im far more concerned about spell effect clutter in this game on boss fights. Now that is seizure inducing

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When I hover on my Skyscale, I'm usually trying to keep out of combat while waiting for some event to happen.


Chances are I'm cleaning up my inventory, Mystic Forge something or browse the TP while doing so, so I might not even see there's someone below me (some windows open + many character models disabled during events). If I notice someone I try to keep my distance though.


I find it somewhat amusing, how some people manage to make this all about themselves. As if people would follow them around on their Skyscales just to kick dust in their faces...


There might be the odd troll who does that and hasn't got anything better to do, who knows. But seriously... If someone wants to annoy you, they will find their way with or without a Skyscale.

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> @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> Meh i came from another game that had even bigger flying mounts that would hover so im used to it. Now if it becomes a problem with people blocking npcs and banks then im sure anet will step in. But im not going to nitpick over a mount hovering , im far more concerned about spell effect clutter in this game on boss fights. Now that is seizure inducing



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