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What Motivates You To Do Good In WvW?


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By "Good" I mean... Wanting to win fights and/or matches in general.


I used to have the motivation. These days/past 2+ years... it's gotten worse since the feeling started over this time (mostly). I really struggle with motivation now though. For me, it just doesn't feel that rewarding to want to do "Good". Like there's no real point...

I wanna say part of this, for me, feels like I would be far more productive by doing PvE at least. Even though it's not as fun as WvW IMO.


I'm just saying ... I think it would feel great if I didn't feel like I was missing out too much for what I overall love doing the most. Also, considering WvW making up a large chunk of the entire game.

To put this in further perspective... I've been WvWing for about 6 years at least. And I just don't feel like I get out as much as I put into it. I make builds, help pay for siege when I can... upgrades etc.

... WvW really just feels so **anticlimactic** ultimately :/


For me, it feels like You reward You much more (talking maybe having some kind of EGO/purpose) regarding your successes than WvW does...


Anyways, not trying to talk down/bad about the mode or drag this. Those are just my true (general) feelings around it. Just curious on how you guys feel too...


Also, to leave a positive note. I'm happy @Anet seems to be focusing more on the mode. Many thanks seriously... But I got to respectfully state my true and current feelings too :# <3

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My Lord Commander motivates the men on the battlefield. I live to uphold his beliefs in our glorious server. The server's values are truly tested in combat against the enemy's greatest. In times of inaction we remain vigilant, in battle we become triumphant, and in death we sacrifice for the cause!



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> @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> My Lord Commander motivates the men on the battlefield. I live to uphold his beliefs in our glorious server. The server's values are truly tested in combat against the enemy's greatest. In times of inaction we remain vigilant, in battle we become triumphant, and in death we sacrifice for the cause!


> D:


what, no demon summoning sigil reference? i'm disappointed...

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These are some of my motivations:

* my server

* the people I play with

* my enemies (I am their content, and they are my content, without that there is nothing)

* trying to improve skill on every single class, weaponset, build

* see how far I can go with a gimmick build that does nothing outside of its niche

* helping other players get into the mode so that they may feel what I do from wvw

* seeing an impressive player that is able to hold out against others (though I suppose it gets less impressive if they are using some kind of cheesy bunker build etc)

* seeing good tactical plays by havoc groups to poke and cap and mislead the enemies zerg

* trying to find creative ways to kill enemy, like pulling them down a cliff with tether, etc

* finding something that obliterates you and figuring the build


I do get what you mean though. In general to prevent being demotivated or such, I rotate a lot between my builds/classes/weapons/races. If you have the will for it, maybe have an alt account where you can also play on a different server. That's the problem I also have about doing pvp/pve, I'd feel like I'd miss too much from wvw by giving my time to something else.

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I'm kind of with the OP. I feel like anet built a really great game mode but so many of the players are afraid to care or worse afraid to fight if there's a chance they might lose it sort of saps the fun . . .


I do think anet has made some positive changes in this regard though. All the defense nerfs coupled with participation carryover makes it more of a pick up and play mode now, something to do for twenty minutes while you wait on your pve thing to start. So now the 'good' is just running around, kill and get killed, get your pips and move on. It's not really bad, just different . . .


EDIT: the guy above who listed playing a new class has a good point too. Any time I'm really seriously bored to the point it's just not worth it, changing to a new class is always a good idea . . .

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> Winning because you are smarter then you opponent and not just stronger.


How can you know that? Maybe they are smarter but you are stronger (because it is a dead time for their server) and they don't have the better optimized squad of yours? In reality everything happens in your head. You win and it can be because you are stronger or because you are smarter, or both but you think it is because you are smarter and excluding the option for the enemy to be a lot smarter than any and just facing problems with the lack of viable professions in his squad because of reasons, yet you still win? Are you saying you don't enjoy winning when the enemy is smarter than you?

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > Winning because you are smarter then you opponent and not just stronger.


> How can you know that? Maybe they are smarter but you are stronger (because it is a dead time for their server) and they don't have the better optimized squad of yours? In reality everything happens in your head. You win and it can be because you are stronger or because you are smarter, or both but you think it is because you are smarter and excluding the option for the enemy to be a lot smarter than any and just facing problems with the lack of viable professions in his squad because of reasons, yet you still win? Are you saying you don't enjoy winning when the enemy is smarter than you?


For example knowing what the enemy commander will do next , 5 min before he does.


Using a combination of common sense and tactic.


Knowing when and where to fight.


Zerging is more then mindless blobbing.


It gets especially interesting when there are 3 zergs on Ebg with 3 actually intelligent coms.



You see, most coms basically do everything on autopilot. Its obvious what they will do when.

How they react to situations.


Knowing how to abuse this means being able to win over a map with a weaker zerg.





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I've always logged in for the fights over the 6 years... I haven't been having much luck in that department since Warclaw either as a Celestial build Roamer so for now I've been getting my enjoyment from being constantly rolled by the 20 man group I'm trying to solo. The longer I survive, the more I down, the more I win.


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In light of alliances it's ironic to say but, link pride. Lend a hand to my side. Take what's theirs and hold what's ours. That's what makes the links interesting as well when you get to group up with a side you have been fighting and you get to team with them. Meet a lot of nice people on the other side and it makes it more fun when you can just count coup when facing them again, even if it makes your tactics more difficult since it requires more adjustment. Not this games motto but it fits, War never ends.

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I like tricking 2 servers that won't fight each other into ppting each other, even if I happen to be linked with 1 of these servers, I've identified so many dual server guilds this way, but for the most part, taking a juicy camp or 2 in an otherwise fully upgraded "destined for 3rd place" BL usually brings the dominating servers horde to that BL and off of mine where they've been swapping paper keeps for an hour.

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Motivation is where you find it.

PPT-stress is nonexistent to me. There is no motivation to win the "Score" at all.

Open field is where the motivation should be pretty extreme for nearly everyone that sets foot in WvW. It's all about not letting the guild down. Do your part so your team kills the other team. Don't be the anchor dragging your group. Don't be that player that has to catch up after death. etc etc

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For me, the main reason is that I play with friends and we have big fun. Even on days it is a bit boring, we joke a lot and that remains fun therefore.

Beside, we have a squad leader who takes us into interesting fights (when we have enemies available...).

Last but not least, I am a very slow learner. For now, I keep improving at every run a bit more. And to keep seeing my performances and contribution to team progressing is of course very motivating. :)

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