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Just for the record.


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When you do that shit :




Specially over losing an _unranked_ game, you aren't impressing anyone and sure as hell aren't gaining anyone's respect or recognition.


Maybe PvP wouldn't be as toxic (and dead) if we did, as a community, a small effort to stop forcing our insecurities on others, like this dude did, constantly over a video game.


Can we make that effort? As a community? Please?


Signed a guy who just wanted his 2 stupid gold coins after coming home from work.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> lol, I actually sort of know who that guy is. was in a guild with them a while back. they seemed chill back then! guess all the teef nerfs and successive power creep has made them salty.


Is that the Team USA guy?

Name looks familiar... And I've seen Team USA members rage whisper quite a lot. (pluck u up was the last one I met on his ranger, raged because an Ele beat him)

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I recognize both names mentioned. Most USA members seem like tolerable human beings, the worst behavior I've seen was trash talk during the match but no extended rage whispers afterwards. Naru, to his (her? no clue) credit, once totally turned a match around single-handedly and carried his team (I ended up losing that match), but didn't once gloat about it. Even though he and the rest of USA ensured my stay in plat 2 that season was short, Naru earned my respect that day.


I'm guilty of rage whispering, but I never initiate it outside of a match - it only happens when someone goads me first after the match and I lose sight of better judgment.


I do add people who steamroll me or my team, and make a note of what they did well in their nickname in the friends list. This is purely so I can recognize them and talk to my team about them in future matches.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > lol, I actually sort of know who that guy is. was in a guild with them a while back. they seemed chill back then! guess all the teef nerfs and successive power creep has made them salty.


> Is that the Team USA guy?

> Name looks familiar... And I've seen Team USA members rage whisper quite a lot. (pluck u up was the last one I met on his ranger, raged because an Ele beat him)


im not sure where they are now, and the name is not exactly the same but the style is too similar for it to be a coincidence. was in that wonky guild JELY a long time ago.

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> That's almost respectable as trash-talk though. Worst part about it is that they whispered it to you. If someone said that to me in map chat, I would just take it as banter but as a whisper it seems kinda personal.


The guy had been raging in team/map chat for most of the game, he started attacking me after i killed him a few times in +1 scenarios. We had one 1v1 scenario that ended in a draw which pissed him even more, then the game end and he adds me just for that lol.


Like idc, its probably some 16 y/o having a bad day, not a big deal.


But at the same time it doesn't feel necessary to deal with either anymore. Hence my point about turning people off.


Like i can get rage-whispered by angry kids, or i could just go chill in front of netflix, or play one of the bajilion other games out there, or walk my dog, or go to the gym etc.


When i realize i DON'T have to put up with this, it really kills any motivation i have to even log on. Can't imagine i'm alone in this, hence the 5 mins queue times.

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Why does it bother you? You are bothered that hes bothered by something you say shouldn't bother him....


If you don't want to see it, block...You don't have to talk to ANYONE you don't want to. And as others have said, thats pretty tame. I have had people PM me and mail me troll named items, I don't feed them and block, then they get on another account to PM/mail me, I block, I had them go through 4 accounts, which I assume is all they had. Btw anet has made it clear that block evading is banable, trolling and salt PMs are ok, but once someone blocks you, if you make efforts to circumvent the block, you can be banned for it. Just a FYI for future trolls/salt PMs.

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