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Why this type of build has ANY legitimacy to exist in the game?


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In WvW (as this is the WvW) forum, a 30K hit on someone sitting in nearly glass isn't something to be concerned about. That same maul attack won't crack 4-6K on a typical WvW player running any semblance of toughness. If a Soulbeast really wants to go invisible that bad and put all their eggs in one basket or a 4-6K hit only to be annihilated after coming out of stealth.. then more power to them

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Although the SB put their life on the line for such playstyle, I believe one-shots should never exist on any class.


Put something like a maximum damage dealt per hit that is a percentage HP of the target and not a fixed number, thus allowing players to react and counter-play, however, the sustain in this game is just as crazy as the damage values so... enjoy!

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> @"Auburner.6945" said:

> Although the SB put their life on the line for such playstyle, I believe one-shots should never exist on any class.


> Put something like a maximum damage dealt per hit that is a percentage HP of the target and not a fixed number, thus allowing players to react and counter-play, however, the sustain in this game is just as crazy as the damage values so... enjoy!


They have incredible mobility and defensive cds, they put literally nothing on the line


> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> In WvW (as this is the WvW) forum, a 30K hit on someone sitting in nearly glass isn't something to be concerned about. That same maul attack won't crack 4-6K on a typical WvW player running any semblance of toughness. If a Soulbeast really wants to go invisible that bad and put all their eggs in one basket or a 4-6K hit only to be annihilated after coming out of stealth.. then more power to them


Toughness does not reduce 30k to 5k, look up how it works.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> That same maul attack won't crack 4-6K on a typical WvW player running any semblance of toughness.


This is a false statement.


Damage done = (Weapon strength) * Power * (skill-specific coefficient) / (target's Armor)

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> In WvW (as this is the WvW) forum, a 30K hit on someone sitting in nearly glass isn't something to be concerned about.



A 30k hit from anything other than a thief or mes ( or war in some cases) is ok.


As soon as this comes from either of those two classes. The world ends and it needs to be nerfed to the ground.


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> @"Adrop.1473" said:

> I know this is old. And that's the point.. why is this still existing? 30k Maul out of Invisibility on 4 second cooldown if I am correct...

> gw097


> Screenshot is made on 31th May 2019.


The real question is why are you still alive after all these hits?

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"Adrop.1473" said:

> > I know this is old. And that's the point.. why is this still existing? 30k Maul out of Invisibility on 4 second cooldown if I am correct...

> > gw097

> >

> > Screenshot is made on 31th May 2019.


> The real question is why are you still alive after all these hits?


after maul he is in downed state, the invuln frame absorbs 'slash'. the rest ist downedstate cleave.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> In WvW (as this is the WvW) forum, a 30K hit on someone sitting in nearly glass isn't something to be concerned about. That same maul attack won't crack 4-6K on a typical WvW player running any semblance of toughness. If a Soulbeast really wants to go invisible that bad and put all their eggs in one basket or a 4-6K hit only to be annihilated after coming out of stealth.. then more power to them


3.3k armor, rapid fire hit for 3.9k hit each. Autoattacks nearly 9k. And, no. Soulbeast risks nothing with its huge mobility, permaboons, damage multipliers.

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No concern from my end:

a) When any other class than thief goes stealth you can anticipate when they will hit as they won't be more than 3-5s in stealth. Keep your distance and wait those few seconds until stealth is over, or even better, apply stealth to yourself.

b) most attacks have a ~0.2-0.3s forecalling even when out of stealth (e.g. deadeye judgement, mesmer spike), I have to admit I don't know how it is with mault, but if it has and you KNOW that it will happen in those 3-5s seconds, you can dodge it easily

c) getting hit by 30k means probably, your armor is quite low (<2500). Also if you assume a spike to happen and you can't dodge it, apply some protection or hit your invul skill: protection reduces those 30k to 20k. Additionally take -10% damage Food and you are down to 18k. Having 400 more toughness reduces it further down to ~14-15k. Everything sums up and you won't be 1-hit anymore.


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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> > @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > In WvW (as this is the WvW) forum, a 30K hit on someone sitting in nearly glass isn't something to be concerned about.


> No..

> A 30k hit from anything other than a thief or mes ( or war in some cases) is ok.


> As soon as this comes from either of those two classes. The world ends and it needs to be nerfed to the ground.



It's funny because it's true :D



> @"lare.5129" said:

> Agree, 30k is ok. Why not? The main concept of deadeye is critical big damage value. So we have what was planned.


Wh... Are you lost?

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > > In WvW (as this is the WvW) forum, a 30K hit on someone sitting in nearly glass isn't something to be concerned about.

> >

> > No..

> > A 30k hit from anything other than a thief or mes ( or war in some cases) is ok.

> >

> > As soon as this comes from either of those two classes. The world ends and it needs to be nerfed to the ground.

> >


> It's funny because it's true :D



> > @"lare.5129" said:

> > Agree, 30k is ok. Why not? The main concept of deadeye is critical big damage value. So we have what was planned.


> Wh... Are you lost?


Maybe hes implying sic em soulbeast is this games dead eye.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> Do not worry guys, ANET can clearly see that no one want rangers in their squads - it will be absurd to beat a dead horse. Nerfs won't come. Buffs may come, most likely.


PvP forum says SLB and Sic Em builds need heavy buffing for viability so maybe.

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > Although the SB put their life on the line for such playstyle, I believe one-shots should never exist on any class.

> >

> > Put something like a maximum damage dealt per hit that is a percentage HP of the target and not a fixed number, thus allowing players to react and counter-play, however, the sustain in this game is just as crazy as the damage values so... enjoy!


> They have incredible mobility and defensive cds, they put literally nothing on the line


I tried not to go for this discussion a lot because I got lots of blaming in map chat and justifications, like "Just block" (but I am on Ele, so this came after), "Play a class that can block then" (I said but it's unblock-able), "Just dodge" (Like if dodging was the solution to everything then no one would be dying, I am not a Daredevil, even DD can't dodge forever, let alone that the attack is from stealth). This was a piece of me complaining about a 15k Winter's Bite out of stealth while running on 1700 Toughness.


> Toughness does not reduce 30k to 5k, look up how it works.


My point is, bragging about it brings nothing really, and unless they start actually separating skills, I don't see any actual changes. Balance patches come with less change, and mostly touch stuff that has the least effect on all modes, if there were any splitting, we would have had pages to read for every mode, which I consider a patch, than a 500 words essay.

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Let's be real. EVERY class on this game has some zerker build that 1shots people. Every. Single. One. This isn't a soulbeast problem or a ranger problem, the whole game is powercrept af.


That said - yes it is kinda nuts. Personally I vote for a complete rework of WWP and possibly deleting sic' em. I dont run either and my damage is just fine. Pls anet - FIX the class dont NERF the class.

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> @"Engal.6359" said:

> Let's be real. EVERY class on this game has some zerker build that 1shots people. Every. Single. One.

and this is not a problem, this is perfect. And I am don.t understand why fr some players this is not good.

Don't wnt be one hit ? take protection, retaliation and aegis. Because otherwise these boons don' t have any value. Want nerf boons ?

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lol, you guys, some of you, just made me laugh ...

The BIG difference between a ranger who hits 30k and a mesmer/thief who is doing the same amount of damage in a very short period of time, is : even all 3 classes are geared with Berserk stats, only mesmer and thief can runaway safely after they land that hit (teleport, stealth etc ... that's it). If ranger didn't kill from that hit the enemy, or another enemy is with the one who was hit, then ranger will be dead in a sec. Regarding warrior ... well, he doesn't need to go stealth, because even in berserker gear, he has a huge amount of blocks, regenerates when is hit, and ofc very good disengage skills. A few days ago, someone posted few videos for each class with this kind of one shot.

So, please stop with this complain.

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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> lol, you guys, some of you, just made me laugh ...

> The BIG difference between a ranger who hits 30k and a mesmer/thief who is doing the same amount of damage in a very short period of time, is : even all 3 classes are geared with Berserk stats, only mesmer and thief can runaway safely after they land that hit (teleport, stealth etc ... that's it). If ranger didn't kill from that hit the enemy, or another enemy is with the one who was hit, then ranger will be dead in a sec. Regarding warrior ... well, he doesn't need to go stealth, because even in berserker gear, he has a huge amount of blocks, regenerates when is hit, and ofc very good disengage skills. A few days ago, someone posted few videos for each class with this kind of one shot.

> So, please stop with this complain.


Lmao are u serious? Man biased has totally blinded u. First off DE was nerfed to point that no one plays it barely 2nd its 10x more clunky for DE to do its burst,has to spend all its playtime stacking stealth for it's one burst which it loses on contact 3 it needs stealth to live as a anything breath on it it dies 4 the slb can build for great dps burst and have way more sustain than thief could dream of 5 slb has great mobility and disengage potential with gs and owl 6 who needs stealth when u can do ur burst from 1800+ range oh and its unblockable,another thing that was taken away from DJ on DE. Honestly slb mains are as bad as condi mirages were at defending their broken spec. I really like slb and wish for druid buffs but sic em is broken and ranger as a whole craps on thief these days.

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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> lol, you guys, some of you, just made me laugh ...

> The BIG difference between a ranger who hits 30k and a mesmer/thief who is doing the same amount of damage in a very short period of time, is : even all 3 classes are geared with Berserk stats, only mesmer and thief can runaway safely after they land that hit (teleport, stealth etc ... that's it). If ranger didn't kill from that hit the enemy, or another enemy is with the one who was hit, then ranger will be dead in a sec. Regarding warrior ... well, he doesn't need to go stealth, because even in berserker gear, he has a huge amount of blocks, regenerates when is hit, and ofc very good disengage skills. A few days ago, someone posted few videos for each class with this kind of one shot.

> So, please stop with this complain.


Um my dude, no offense but you seem to be opperating in a time loop, warriors used to be able to do all those things you mentioned now they can barely do any of them since each and every thing you mentioned has been systematically nerfed.


>he has a huge amount of blocks


A fair amount sure, it's mostly the double endure pain that gets people but that's on a 60 sec CD


>regenerates when is hit


Yea no, what you're referring to is healing signet and adrenal health, both have been nerfed and one requires you landing burst skills to activate and lasts 8 sec.


>very good disengage skills


Decent sure but by no means the best, soulbeasts, mirages and thieves have far better.


>A few days ago, someone posted few videos for each class with this kind of one shot


I can promise you having played warrior for years now and seen everything there is NO warrior skill that is going to do 30k damage and 1 shot people that's a nonsense comparison.


> @"Adrop.1473" said:

> I know this is old. And that's the point.. why is this still existing? 30k Maul out of Invisibility on 4 second cooldown if I am correct...

> gw097


> Screenshot is made on 31th May 2019.


Could be worse, could be a 30k winter's bite with 3 quick button clicks from 900 yards away, that's the insult.


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