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Any new love for dungeons?

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Just retried CoE after years, and it was a confusing mess of people having to leave/rejoin party, leave instance etc. because, well the system doesn't work that good.

What keeps me coming back to GW2 are the meta events, but I find I do miss dungeons, which is the one feature which kept me glued to a certain obscure competitor for years ;-)

Anything on the horizon here?

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> @"Goettel.4389" said:

> ANet?

> Just retried CoE after years, and it was a confusing mess of people having to leave/rejoin party, leave instance etc. because, well the system doesn't work that good.

> What keeps me coming back to GW2 are the meta events, but I find I do miss dungeons, which is the one feature which kept me glued to a certain obscure competitor for years ;-)

> Anything on the horizon here?


I think we can safely say they are done with from a development standpoint and they've pretty much said that in the past. I get why, I just think it's a shame

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Why not turning dungeons into explorable map with events so that way you could earn the tokens and trade them for new contents like I don't know, ascended dungeons armors, pve legendary armor that don't require raid or fractal... you see... revamping the stuff or at least adding something new..

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Wasn't it so that they started fractals (read modern dungeon) as a replace for dungeons as done prior due to spaghetti code and old technologies. Its also easier to add new modern dungeons (iow fractals) as they aren't located divided over maps.


tldr dungeon <> fractal


The only difference is that they added difficulty modes in those and used an AR system to overcome the changes. Fractals still have stories added in them (maybe a lil less noticable). And that you really need a party to do them due to more advanced mechanics. But well, the old dungeons weren't designed as solo content either.

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The dungeons were made back when game content was made primarily from spaghetti and duct tape. The guy who made them also left the company apparently, so it seems there is no one left that understands how they work anymore. They would probably have to remake the dungeons from scratch if they wanted to update them to the same standard as the rest of the game.

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The best they can do is make Dungeons into a solo content so that they aren't just there cuz they exist.


But at the same time, dungeons were done with coding that's so outdated, touching it would probably make everything explode (by that I mean dungeons and contents outside of dungeons). They already admitted to making Fractals as the easiest option to make compared to dungeons so I can only hazard a guess that no one in ANet at this moment wants to even touch Dungeon just cuz it would just make things explode and we probably will see more bugs than we expect.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> I'd love a dungeon rework but, as has been stated already, it's probably not going to happen. Sad story is sad.


I've always wanted ANet to update/rework/etc the dungeons and add them into the fractals as a new category of fractal. There's some good content and ideas (but some weak or dated execution) in those dungeons.


Adding them to fractals (after fixing them up) would bulk out the instanced content and mitigate dev cost because there'd be a lot of recycling.

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Then why not deleting dungeons/ turning them into fractals? It could be turned into big fractals where at the start you choose between the four paths. With the technologies they have now they could remake them better than ever, fluid, less clunky, new mechanics...

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Then why not deleting dungeons/ turning them into fractals? It could be turned into big fractals where at the start you choose between the four paths. With the technologies they have now they could remake them better than ever, fluid, less clunky, new mechanics...


To make them fractals they have to rebuild everything except maybe the art assets from the ground up thats not producitve use of their resources when they already have the same content already in the game.

What they might be able to do is a dungeon potal in la were you can port into every dungeon from the same spot tho.

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I don't think the content is in need of any particular update, but the systems which give access to the content. It's no different with the LFG tool: it (kinda) works, but the whole squad splitting over instances, world full mess surrounding it makes it clunky to use. Fix the systems. And yes I realize that's most likely easier said than done.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Then why not deleting dungeons/ turning them into fractals? It could be turned into big fractals where at the start you choose between the four paths. With the technologies they have now they could remake them better than ever, fluid, less clunky, new mechanics...


If we deleted them, how would we unlock the dungeon reward tracks and earn dungeon currency for legendary gifts?

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I would prefer for fractals to stay their own thing and my favorite fractals are the Arkk series, including Nightmare, which IMHO is the best fractal designed! Yes, some fractals feel about the same as dungeons, but I’d rather not see the current dungeons (not anymore LWS1 for that matter) put into fractals.


I like the dungeons as they are other than some getting blocked behind events. In an ideal world I might like some improvements but if their construction makes that unfeasible, I’m happy with them as they are.

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