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would you like a toggle for aurora/visions animation ?

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only a few days away from the anniversary of 2 years, yes that long, since i have the same animation floating around my character, please support the "yes" to see if arenanet allows us the ability to toggle the animation of legendary trinkets (it can be as simple as the backpack checkbox).


i (and many others) have asked for this time and time again, in a game where you are able to customize your appearance so much you are stuck with that animation that you cant do nothing about, it seems like a punishment to those that invested time and effort to make the trinkets, we get to change stats but only if we accept to always, ALWAYS, be looking at those floating balls.


and now a new trinket comes along and guess what ... more balls on a slightly different animation that manages to even more all over the character than the previous aurora.


so pls press yes, i know this was asked by me and others before and odds are arenanet does not care enough about this request to implement it, but still just press yes at least to give the issue some front page


again i dont really expect anything of this its just frustrating in a mmo a gametype designed about being how you want to be and i dont get a choice to use my work and time spent without having to give up and just watch the balls flying around


thx for your time and patience

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I don't have Aurora/Vision and have no intention of getting either, so I have no dog in this fight.


That said, if you craft a legendary armor/weapon only because you want the ability to swap stats, you can always transmute the skin to something else. This you cannot do with a trinket, so if you want the ability to swap stats, you are forced to live with the accompanying appearance.


Logically then, yes, it would make sense to enable players to toggle off the effect.


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Not only for yourself, but please an option to turn it off on other characters too on my end.

If every trinket is getting these balls, and from what I saw how the triple legendary trinket combination looks like, there soon will be balls floating everywhere.


The visual integrity of this game has been crumbling for a long time with all this new shiny stuff, but now it's just getting incinerated.

At this rate you will struggle to find your own character with just 2 people standing near you in a few months.

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Literally the only reason why I haven't actively tried getting ascended trinkets (besides backpack) even though I grinded enough for a full legendary armor set is because I don't want weird floaty balls around my character. It's understandable if they can't make the skin unlockable for other trinkets (I'm pretty sure they explained it's not coded for it to even be possible) but a simple box to hide it should be the bare minimum.

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And it's more of an 'across the board' toggle of things.


I'd like to be able to toggle the 'out of combat' effect of a lot of things, including something like Bifrost (I actually reskinned the one I built so I could find my character again). Being able to hide the in and out of combat effects on Aurora and Vision would allow me to move them to my main, where I could take advantage of stat swapping more.


I'd like to be able to hide my sheathed weapons, in any sort of combination. All, right, left, set 1, set 2.



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I would have voted yes except that the added reasoning after no was like. TELLING me I had to vote yes.


And then I thought about it. I enjoy seeing the other Auroras out there. Its like a feeling of 'hey they lived through Draconis Mons too'.


For instance at last year's bell ringing activity there was one time where all three of us had Aurora and it was instant hi-fives all around.

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I just want the option to have them on or off. One for just you, one for everyone else.


Then I also want the option to turn off all skill rings and effects for everyone but yourself and the enemies.


It's so hard to see what is going on, and the spell rings and effects tank performance even if you're just looking at it.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> I don't have Aurora/Vision and have no intention of getting either, so I have no dog in this fight.


> That said, if you craft a legendary armor/weapon only because you want the ability to swap stats, you can always transmute the skin to something else. This you cannot do with a trinket, so if you want the ability to swap stats, you are forced to live with the accompanying appearance.


> Logically then, yes, it would make sense to enable players to toggle off the effect.


Agreed and very good points! I have no intention of getting either in large part because I don’t care for the “bouncy balls” effect. I’m not sure whether I’d put in the required work and materials just for stat-swapping trinkets, but it isn’t something I’ve even looked into since I wouldn’t use the trinkets as is.



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Yes, and while at it I would like:


- a toggle for a lot more effects and flashy stuff

- a toggle to only show my party and my parties effects with raid boss mechanics

- a toggle to only see my own effects and enemy effects


The amount of visual noise in almost any content removes all and any ability to react and even open world boss fights become a mere: stick to the blob and mash attack skills. Not to mention the performance increases.

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