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lost skyscale

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everything was going well,almost finished the skyscale track.

then end of the line as far as I,m concerned. LOST SKYSCALE reared it,s ugly head.

the dreaded jumping puzzles.

what are arena net thinking of, I spent days getting this far and they throw this into the mix. UTTER MADNESS.

we don,t all like jumping puzzles so why put it in right at the end.

why did,nt they put at the start then at least you could give up instead of days of grinding away for nothing.

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There are only 2 that require good jumping skills and can’t be skipped with mounts and gliding. One is in Lornar’s Pass and the other is in Timberline Falls. Fortunately, there are a lot of players helping out in LFG so you can look there for help.


For all other JP’s in this collection, you can skip anything even remotely challenging by using mounts and gliding. I completely, absolutely, terribly suck at JP’s, but I was able to finish these with absolutely no trouble because I simply skipped them with griffon, springer, and gliding.

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> There are only 2 that require good jumping skills

I'd disagree. Speaking as someone who couldn't complete any JP when I started the game, I think far more than that are challenging to the JP-phobic.


Here's my personal evaluation of the challenges, in alphabetical order:

>! * Branded Ley-Line Anomaly: boss event; not a JP; complete as a zerg

>! * Buried Archives: JP, easily "walked"

>! * City above the Flats: puzzle, not really JP; easy enough with jackal (following the wiki)

>! * Coddler's Cove: JP that defeats many; mesmer help recommended

>! * Displaced Tower: easy enough with Springer + Gliding (easier with Griffon)

>! * Eastern Complex: Springer

>! * Fawcett's Bounty: JP; need not be completed; mesmer help speeds it up

>! * Glint's Legacy: can be "walked;" easier with mounts

>! * Goemm's Lab : JP that annoys many; mesmer help recommended

>! * Griffonrook Run: JP that annoys even more; mesmer help recommended

>! * Hall of Ascension: not a JP; easy to 'walk' this week during bonus meta

>! * Highjump Ranch Spire: not a JP; Springer-able

>! * Inquest Golem Mark II: boss event

>! * Loyalist Warren: not a JP; mount-friendly access

>! * Maculate Fringe: can be walked

>! * Sanctum of Nabkha: not officially a JP; annoying with jackal; trivial via Griffon; no shame in using mesmer or T2F

>! * Shadow Behemoth: boss event; not a JP

>! * Shattered Ice Ruins: JP; can be skipped using Springer and walking; no shame in taking a mesmer (personally, took me 45 minutes the first time, and that was with help)

>! * Skimshallow Cove Spire: Springer-able

>! * Skipping Stones: JP; tough for many; mesmer help recommended

>! * Spider King: can be walked


As noted, every single one of these can be skipped using an [extra-pungent treat](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Extra-Pungent_Skyscale_Treat), which are 6-8g on TP and under 4g to craft.

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The Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat can be used to skip any part of that achievement. You get 1 treat for free when you start it, and they're tradable so you can get more from the TP. At the time of posting it would cost a maximum of 153g 70s 26c to buy enough treats needed to skip the entire collection - and that drops to 121g 33s 60c if you put in buy orders at the current price instead of buying instantly.


However if it's jumping puzzles you object to you should be aware that many of those are not jumping puzzles. Shadow Behemoth and Inquest Golem Mark II are world bosses and the Branded Ley Line Anomaly is a group event boss (note: NOT the one which roams around the world, it's down in Vabbi).


All the following are just at high points of the map, so they can be reached quickly and fairly directly with a combination of the springer, griffon and gliding because these aren't restricted in the area.

* Loyalist Warren - Easiest way I think is to use the springer to climb the cliffs west of Arkjok Farmlands and glide/griffon across, but you can use the springer to climb the warren itself.

* Eastern Complex - Really easy if you have the griffon, just glide across from the cliffs

* Highjump Ranch Spire - It's on top of one of the rock pillars, about 3 or 4 jumps on the springer will get you up there.

* City Above the Flats - Bit of a puzzle but little/no jumping involved. Find the first jackal portal on top of the cliff and follow the paths. (You can also fly across from the mountains, but that does involve some jumping to get to a decent starting point.)

* Maculate Fringe - same as City Above the Flats, follow the path up, then go through the jackal portal and keep following the path.

* Hall of Ascension - Once you're inside Augury Rock you just need to follow the path up and round, but might need the springer/griffon for the last part.

* Skimshallow Cove - like Highjump Ranch it's just on top of a rock spire, 3 or 4 jumps on the springer will get you up there.


Sanctum of Nabkha can also be bypassed using the griffon, but it takes some jumping to get to a decent starting point.


Basically I recommend attempting each one with an Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat in your inventory. As soon as you decide it's too difficult use the treat, but you might be surprised how many of them you can do without it. (And if you have any spare treats left over at the end don't forget to sell them.)

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> The Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat can be used to skip any part of that achievement.


This is, in my opinion, the best part of this entire collection. That ANET decided to add such an option to a collection, basically a "if you aren't able to do this activity, this will prevent your progress from getting blocked", is phenomenal. I only hope ANET keeps this tool in mind for future, casual, collections.



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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > The Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat can be used to skip any part of that achievement.


> This is, in my opinion, the best part of this entire collection. That ANET decided to add such an option to a collection, basically a "if you aren't able to do this activity, this will prevent your progress from getting blocked", is phenomenal. I only hope ANET keeps this tool in mind for future, casual, collections.




That's a terrible idea honestly. Jumping Puzzles are not for everybody. I never do them. I hated this part of skyscale. That's like making people do 24 in game hours of WvW or SPvP when they not into that, just to unlock skyscale. Bad game design

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> When there are legit walkthrus available and you make a cry thread when anet included a bypass plus lfg is full of players at end points you can mez or tele 2 friend to and half arent even difficult I can't help you.


Not difficult to you. To others with certain races and ping the game isnt consistent when it comes to jumps and lands. Which makes it not fun to do especially when lot of them are not very forgiving of mistakes. Not everybody play a mesmer to do these. I never touch them unless forced by having it lock my progression like with the skyscale mount.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > The Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat can be used to skip any part of that achievement.

> >

> > This is, in my opinion, the best part of this entire collection. That ANET decided to add such an option to a collection, basically a "if you aren't able to do this activity, this will prevent your progress from getting blocked", is phenomenal. I only hope ANET keeps this tool in mind for future, casual, collections.

> >

> >


> That's a terrible idea honestly. Jumping Puzzles are not for everybody. I never do them. I hated this part of skyscale. That's like making people do 24 in game hours of WvW or SPvP when they not into that, just to unlock skyscale. Bad game design


Read it again. @"Turkeyspit.3965" said that the ability to _skip_ jumping puzzles is the best part of the collection - not having to do them.


(Also everyone who wants to make a legendary weapon has to do at least about 8 hours of WvW, whether they enjoy it or not, so it's not like that concept is unthinkable for Anet.)

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > > The Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat can be used to skip any part of that achievement.

> > >

> > > This is, in my opinion, the best part of this entire collection. That ANET decided to add such an option to a collection, basically a "if you aren't able to do this activity, this will prevent your progress from getting blocked", is phenomenal. I only hope ANET keeps this tool in mind for future, casual, collections.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > That's a terrible idea honestly. Jumping Puzzles are not for everybody. I never do them. I hated this part of skyscale. That's like making people do 24 in game hours of WvW or SPvP when they not into that, just to unlock skyscale. Bad game design


> Read it again. @"Turkeyspit.3965" said that the ability to _skip_ jumping puzzles is the best part of the collection - not having to do them.


> (Also everyone who wants to make a legendary weapon has to do at least about 8 hours of WvW, whether they enjoy it or not, so it's not like that concept is unthinkable for Anet.)


And guess what. People can buy Legendary as well. All I am saying is that I dont want future progression locked behind a jumping Puzzles when not everybody is into that. Especially when it's a not so forgiving gameplay when it comes to mistakes for non mesmers.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> All I am saying is that I dont want future progression locked behind a jumping Puzzles

And this achievement is specifically **not** locked behind JPs. That's the point that @"Turkeyspit.3965" and others are making: we have a choice. (And as @"Danikat.8537" suggests, one can choose to take a treat along while trying anyhow; if it's too annoying, spend it and if it's not annoying, the sense of accomplishment is likely greater than it would be for the JP experts.)



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I am useless at jp's but in this case very few were so. I did have a prob on Goemm's Lab kept getting chilled ect when 1/2 way was lucky a guy passed me and then after falling ect he wisp and ported myself . So I still had the free one and the event ley line as some time of I used the free one. To be honest I had 5 more pngent in my inventory but resold them back on the BLTC

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > > > The Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat can be used to skip any part of that achievement.

> > > >

> > > > This is, in my opinion, the best part of this entire collection. That ANET decided to add such an option to a collection, basically a "if you aren't able to do this activity, this will prevent your progress from getting blocked", is phenomenal. I only hope ANET keeps this tool in mind for future, casual, collections.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > That's a terrible idea honestly. Jumping Puzzles are not for everybody. I never do them. I hated this part of skyscale. That's like making people do 24 in game hours of WvW or SPvP when they not into that, just to unlock skyscale. Bad game design

> >

> > Read it again. @"Turkeyspit.3965" said that the ability to _skip_ jumping puzzles is the best part of the collection - not having to do them.

> >

> > (Also everyone who wants to make a legendary weapon has to do at least about 8 hours of WvW, whether they enjoy it or not, so it's not like that concept is unthinkable for Anet.)


> And guess what. People can buy Legendary as well. All I am saying is that I dont want future progression locked behind a jumping Puzzles when not everybody is into that. Especially when it's a not so forgiving gameplay when it comes to mistakes for non mesmers.


And that's fair, but different people like different things. Some people love jumping puzzles but hate doing world bosses. So as an ANET developer designing an collection, what do you do? You know you have players who hate JPs (I'm one of them) but love world bosses or exploring, while you have other players who love JPs but find exploring boring and hate having to group up for world bosses.


You can't please everyone, so they tend to include bits of everything, that way everyone has something they like, and everyone also likely has something they dislike.


That the mount had a legendary collection is an issue unto itself, one I've commented on ad nauseum.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > The Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat can be used to skip any part of that achievement.


> This is, in my opinion, the best part of this entire collection. That ANET decided to add such an option to a collection, basically a "if you aren't able to do this activity, this will prevent your progress from getting blocked", is phenomenal. I only hope ANET keeps this tool in mind for future, casual, collections.




Seriously ... people are given an alternate path ... and they STILL complain about the achievement. You can literally BUY your achievement. What more can players ask for? This is literally the BEST part of the achievement.


I don't even get the JP complaint people have. It's not about if people like them or not. Getting something in this game NEVER has been about what I or any other player likes.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> snip


Aside from the 2 I listed, all other JP’s in the collection can be skipped with mounts and gliding because that’s how I did them. The Metrica Province one, for example, can be skipped completely with springer and gliding. There’s a video online you can use.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:


> >! * Shattered Ice Ruins: JP; can be skipped using Springer and walking; no shame in taking a mesmer (personally, took me 45 minutes the first time, and that was with


Also, let it be said that this JP is made absolutely trivial with the use of a Griffon, go to the Shattered Ice Floe Waypoint - mount up on Springer, do 2 jumps up to the Fire Brazier a bit west of the WP on the Kodan-Sanctuary. Mound Griffon, fly into the JP, walk to the chest, loot the chest, drop down to the Skyscale.


15 seconds to the brazier, 20 seconds to JP Chest, less than 5 seconds to Skyscale.

Of course, that cannot be a benchmark for every content of the game....also sad since it is one of the better JPs in the game (not too complicated, long, aggravating)

And the knowledge is not readily available...yet...


I for myself was more aggravated by the required kill of the branded Ley Line Anomaly in the middle of absolutely the Boondocks of no-where, what were they thinking?

Why not an encounter balanced around 2-3 people like the traitor down in Tarir after Tarir Meta is breached?

No, have it in the middle of a brandstorm with an unreliable Djin safe-bubble about a million miles away from a WP with an enemy - half the players never had interacted before - dropping AOEs like they are in vogue.....


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> @"Captain Prinny.6492" said:

> I for myself was more aggravated by the required kill of the branded Ley Line Anomaly in the middle of absolutely the Boondocks of no-where, what were they thinking?

> Why not an encounter balanced around 2-3 people like the traitor down in Tarir after Tarir Meta is breached?

> No, have it in the middle of a brandstorm with an unreliable Djin safe-bubble about a million miles away from a WP with an enemy - half the players never had interacted before - dropping AOEs like they are in vogue.....


I killed it as part of a group of 5 people. When I arrived there was only 1 other person, but 2 others showed up not long after me and a 5th person not long after them. I did die once (and annoyingly hadn't unlocked the nearest waypoint so I had to use a revive orb) but we got it down eventually. If we'd been more organised it might have been possible to kill it with fewer people, but it was just whoever happened to show up giving it a try.

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I would like to thank everybody for there helpful comments, and helping me to overcome these horrible jumping puzzles.

I had no idea you could give a treat to the skyscale and thus overcome any problems you may encounter.

this has always been a problem in guild wars 1and 2 anet drop thigs on you with no information what so ever and leave you to it.

anyway once again thanks for all your help/

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