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Skyscale worth?

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Is it worth it completing the Skyscale collections. Ik there very long and very boring, also is there a paywall like the griffin?


I’ve tried riding the Skyscale and it runs out of green bar fast and then just declines, also it’s slow. I feel like everything you do with it can be accomplished by the griffin or springer. I don’t even use the griffin too much as is.


So is it worth doing the Skyscale collections?

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I cant tell you if it is worth it. It is an unessential, luxury mount you can have fun and mess around with.

There is no major paywall, a few small gold payouts will be required though. I think its all under 40g in total.


You can do everything in small stages. It was designed to be a long term goal. If you treat it like that, then you can work on it over months.


It isnt something must have though, it’s just a cool/fun extra

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Do you want it? Then yes. If not, no. It's a mount, not a particularly useful mount, but it's quite aesthetically pleasing and the grind says you at least accomplished the task.


It exists solely for Anet to make money from skins and other gem store sales (gliders, chairs, etc.)

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I am still in the proces of completing it but having ridden the free versions (mind you, those don't have any upgrades so take this with a grain of salt) I think that if you have to choose between the Skyscale and the Griffon, then you will probably be happier with the Griffon in terms of functionality. I am going after it because it is there. It's kind of like that old Dungeons and Dragons addage: If it has a health bar then I am going to try and kill it. This is the same: I can have it therefor I shall have it.

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Its a pointless mount. Also it costs a lot more than 40g ..somewhere at 200g if you add all the mats required. Peoples will say that mats can be farmed but I tell you gold can be farmed too. But to answer to your question : yes is worth doing this collection, its a well made collection, with a lot of fun things to do, a masterpiece really.

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If you're looking at it purely as a practical tool then it's probably not worth it. It's never going to be required to complete anything and it is slower than the griffon so if you just want to get to your destination as fast as possible it's not the mount for you. But the answer will be different for each person.


For me it's completely worth it for two reasons - firstly I actually like that it flies slower than the griffon, and I also like the hovering and the ability to gain more height on take-off, because all of that combined makes it the perfect mount for aerial exploration. Especially the hovering which means I can stop in an open area to look around and work out where I'm going rather than having to find somewhere to land nearby.


Secondly because it's a dragon and I love dragons, always have. Games I like where you can fly around freely on a dragon (as opposed to being locked onto a path or only doing it at specific points) are surprisingly rare, so I was very happy to see a dragon mount added to one of my favourite games and it's difficult to say what I wouldn't be willing to do to get it. But as it happens the majority of requirements are things I like, or don't mind, anyway.


As far as I know there's no part of the collection which requires a lot of gold in one go. The only unavoidable gold cost is the Skyscale Saddle collection where each item costs 5g, for a total cost of 35g. Then there's some optional gold costs: Raising Skyscales needs a Grow Lamp which can either be crafted or bought from the TP for about 30g, and you need to craft or buy 12 Skyscale Food which cost 3g each on the TP. Then for the Skyscale Lost you have the option to either complete jumping puzzles, world bosses and other steps or use 1 Extra Pungent Skyscale Treat per step to skip it, and those sell for 7g each on the TP (or they can be crafted).


So it will cost at least 35g to unlock the skyscale and could cost up to 241g if you had none of the materials required to craft the grow lamp and food and decided to buy all the treats needed to skip the Skyscale Lost collection. (Even if you don't have any of the materials you'd spend a lot less than 241g by buying the raw materials and crafting the finished products yourself, but I'm not going to work out exactly what that costs.)

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> @"Tumtums.5164" said:

> Is it worth it completing the Skyscale collections. Ik there very long and very boring, also is there a paywall like the griffin?


> I’ve tried riding the Skyscale and it runs out of green bar fast and then just declines, also it’s slow. I feel like everything you do with it can be accomplished by the griffin or springer. I don’t even use the griffin too much as is.


> So is it worth doing the Skyscale collections?


personally I say no. But if you like the idea of a Griffin/Skimmer hybrid, than yes. I use it the most now. but is it worth all that grind? no, unless some new features get added later on. I have full mastery as well. its nice to get to very high places though with it.

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I NEVER use my griffon now, but that is because I hated the flapflapflapflap mechanic. I do admittedly still have to land and relaunch every so often if going uphill, but otherwise, the skyscale has completely converted me over. It's especially lovely not to have to: raptor to the wall, jump on bunny gogogo quick before you get into combat, jump jump jump up the 3-tiered cliff, swap back to raptor, swap to griffon to launch over the canyon and go up, back to raptor to make the bounty. Oooooooor just skyscale the whole way and beat the others.


Don't get me wrong, it is somewhat slower, especially if you go directly straight up. But if you angle and climb at an angle, the speed picks up. And going down, so long as it isn't straight down, also nice. And the hovering. And map comp. And vista-getting.


But I /swear/ they are adding in more and more and more invisible walls. :( Silly ones too, that only make you go around a cliff instead of over.


So take my enthusiasm with a grain of salt if you hate the invisible walls.

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Of course it is worth it! I don't know why people here are saying it's subjective. _Every_ mount Anet has released so far has _objectively_ been worth their investment cost and I expect it to be the same for future mounts if we get any more.


Now, from my own personal use, the Skyscale has been my most used mount for the past 2 weeks and I honestly don't see that changing anytime soon. In my opinion, it's the best mount for general use. If I want speed then I'll either hop onto my Beetle if I'm on the ground or Griffon if I'm high up but I use my Skyscale for everything else (and of course Jackal for sand portals).


Raptor and Springer still have useful engages but the Skimmer has mostly been forgotten (good thing it was easy to get) as the recent maps have been somewhat light in terms of water terrain. Warclaw is of course useful if you do WvW so as you can see, every mount is indeed objectively worth their investment cost.


Get the Skyscale!

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> @"Cobra.6509" said:

> Its a pointless mount. Also it costs a lot more than 40g ..somewhere at 200g if you add all the mats required. Peoples will say that mats can be farmed but I tell you gold can be farmed too. But to answer to your question : yes is worth doing this collection, its a well made collection, with a lot of fun things to do, a masterpiece really.


I think there is some clarification .. you can BUY your way out of some achievements. The mount itself doesn't cost much UNLESS you decide to take the 'buy out' route.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Cobra.6509" said:

> > Its a pointless mount. Also it costs a lot more than 40g ..somewhere at 200g if you add all the mats required. Peoples will say that mats can be farmed but I tell you gold can be farmed too. But to answer to your question : yes is worth doing this collection, its a well made collection, with a lot of fun things to do, a masterpiece really.


> I think there is some clarification .. you can BUY your way out of some achievements. The mount itself doesn't cost much UNLESS you decide to take the 'buy out' route.


I suppose technically we should consider the cost of the materials required to make the different parts. According to the Wiki that's 8g 24s for the Grow Lamp and 85s for each Piece of Skyscale Food (12 required in total). Add in the 35g for the saddle collection and that comes to 53g 44s for the whole collection.


It costs a lot more if you buy those items from the TP rather than crafting your own - grow lamps for example go for around 30g, and it was even more in the first few days, up to 70g for a grow lamp and about 9g for skyscale food.


So it varies a lot, depending on how you want to do it. The only unavoidable gold cost is the 35g for the saddle (and even then the bigger issue for most people is the 250 of each S4 map currency which is also required) but that can go up to about 150g if you want to buy your way past all the crafting/mystic forge steps as well.

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Most certainly worth it for me. It took me 3 weeks, and only cost the minimum. In fact, I made much more Gold selling items needed for the collection(s).

I like it, and it's afforded me the ability to get to places I could never get to before, as I still don't have the Griffon.


As with all things, ymmv. Good luck.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Most certainly worth it for me. It took me 3 weeks, and only cost the minimum. In fact, I made much more Gold selling items needed for the collection(s).

> I like it, and it's afforded me the ability to get to places I could never get to before, as I still don't have the Griffon.


> As with all things, ymmv. Good luck.


Has it really been more than 3 weeks already? It doesn't seem that long. I couldn't play the first night but I've been working on the story and then the skyscale whenever I'm playing GW2 since then. Which admittedly isn't every day, but it still doesn't seem that long.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Most certainly worth it for me. It took me 3 weeks, and only cost the minimum. In fact, I made much more Gold selling items needed for the collection(s).

> > I like it, and it's afforded me the ability to get to places I could never get to before, as I still don't have the Griffon.

> >

> > As with all things, ymmv. Good luck.


> Has it really been more than 3 weeks already? It doesn't seem that long. I couldn't play the first night but I've been working on the story and then the skyscale whenever I'm playing GW2 since then. Which admittedly isn't every day, but it still doesn't seem that long.


Almost 4 weeks - War Eternal is a release that launched on May 14, 2019...



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The more I use the skyscale the less I use other mounts. It makes the bunny unnecessary most of the time. I can go places that the bunny couldn't without sliding down the cliff multiple times.


As I see things on mounts:

Griffon: Massive speed across a map at altitude.

Raptor: Quick reaction over short distance. Good dismount attack.

Roller Beetle: Super fast ground transport, but maneuvering is touchy

Springer: Good jumping - but I use it for the "bunny bomb" to break enemy bars. Great dismount attack.

Skimmer: Still great over water transport

Jackal: Nice quick reaction movement and dodge. Needed for sand portals.

Warclaw: Not really needed outside WvW. Slow and hardly any utility outside WvW.

Skyscale: Awesome wall climbing ability. Hovering is nice so you don't get attacked while afk. Speed is decent. Dismount attack is useful(have to get used to the placement).

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> @"Tumtums.5164" said:

> Is it worth it completing the Skyscale collections.

I didn't think they could make another Mount that was that fun to use; they proved me wrong (again) with Skyscale.

I'm not even that good at using its special features and I find it fun and game-changing, it exactly the way that adding mounts was for the game as a whole.


tl;dr It's super fun, useful. I strongly encourage the OP to take their time to acquire it.

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> @"Tumtums.5164" said:

> So is it worth doing the Skyscale collections?


The longer I play it, the more I am inclined to say "Yes." However, a few things need to be reworked, like the fact that you immediate get a red bar when switching to the mount at great heights. If the collection bores you, then this might not be a rewarding enough mount for you, but you won't be able to tell until you have tested it for a couple of weeks. IMO, it makes map completion a piece of cake once you have a proper handle on its partially clunky mechanics.

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> @"Cobra.6509" said:

> Its a pointless mount. Also it costs a lot more than 40g ..somewhere at 200g if you add all the mats required. Peoples will say that mats can be farmed but I tell you gold can be farmed too. But to answer to your question : yes is worth doing this collection, its a well made collection, with a lot of fun things to do, a masterpiece really.


Absolutely not 200 gold


I had 160 g when I started and 124 g when I got it I even bought the grow lamp


The food treats are optional and nobody must use or buy them. I didn’t used one


I personal found it fun and easy finished it in about a week with minimal use of guides since I wanted have a challenge.


Mount is worth it not the fastest mount but a great mount when u search something or wait for an event

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