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Are You a Clicker?

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Are you a clicker like myself? By that I mean do you use your mouse button to click the numbers on your bar to play? I was curious how many others are like myself

as i play the game because theres no option to turn off things like TOOLTIPS that cover 3 quarters of the screen when I play. I literally can't even play things like Sniper thief

cause the boxes stack so high on the screen I can't see what I'm doing.

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I rarely click to activate skills. Using buttons is much faster than clicking with the mouse and no tooltips appear that way. I have extra buttons on my mouse and that's where I use any skills that require ground targeting (like blink or shadowstep), it's much faster to aim those using the mouse buttons, even faster than keyboard shortcuts. Since I can't save key binds per character, I usually reserve utility slot 1 (default button 7) to store the more commonly used aim skill on all my builds so it's consistent and easy to remember.

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I will occasionally click something if I want to do two things at once and can't reach all the keys. For example yesterday I was strafing while attacking an enemy, so I had my thumb on the arrow keys and my fingers on the number pad and suddenly realised I had no idea what my pet was doing. It was easier for me to click the attack command on the screen than to reach the number lock key (which is what I have F1 bound to). But most of the time I use the keyboard for skills and the mouse for movement.


I wouldn't object to an option to turn off the tooltips though. I'd like to see more customisation of the UI in general in this game.

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Started with Lineage II long long time ago, we used the F keys for skills. Took me a while to learn it, but worked awesome. The buttons are far enough away, so you do not really slip over the wrong one. Was able to map every character with a unique setup. Then I quit L2 and played a couple of other MMORPGs which all used the numbers. Some longer, some shorter, but none long enough to notice a problem. Now I play GW2 for almost 7 years and it really begins to annoy me.


The number keys are too narrow to each other to guarantee a fast & blind access, I often slip over a bunch or hit the wrong one. In competitive this is a real problem. I bought myself a keyboard with back-light so I can see my keys in the dark, which was a huge improvement. But if I take the time to look down, I am as good as defeated.


Using the F keys as in the old days is no longer a choice, because GW2 uses them as well. So I am currently stuck at using keys with skill 1-6 + F1-F5 and mouse-buttons for weaponswap, elite-skill & emergency (skill 8: in most cases stunbreak/quickness but also bond of faith. works awesome). The rest I click.


However thanks to the special-effect fireworks it sometimes takes me 5-10 seconds to find my mouse cursor XD. I wish we had an option to reduce the graphical overkill, maybe I'll go back to yolo-mouse.


The best option would be to re-map the entire thing from scratch. The keyboard is already a giant mess, thanks to the extra-buttons I need every few patches. I am sort of happy that I cannot make the Skyscale at the moment, because I have no clue where I would put the shortcut ^^.

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> @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> Unfortunatly ye. I have problems with my fingers and it hurts if I press keys too long so I mostly skillclick. Makes it tough as I can never use full potential of my class.


I am exactly like you. I have tendonitus in both arms so cant hold buttons down at all. If it wasnt for auto run i wouldnt be able to play at all :)

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Yes and no.


I click skills 7-0 and sometimes 6 but skills 1-5 are always activated by keyboard.


I like to keep my left hand as defined as possible on mobility, so I don't like to take my hand too far away from WASD as it puts me at risk of making movement mistakes.

I have a lot of keybinds around WASD for convinience as well

Q is my Draw/Stow weapon.

R is Autorun.

F is Action

TAB is Special action key.

Space is Jump

The key above TAB and left of 1 is Weapon Swap

C is Mount/Dismount, Raptor exclusive in PvE

V is Mount/Dismount Warclaw PvE

Left of TAB are my G1-G6 Macros which are all bound do different mounts

1 is Beetle

2 Springer

3 Skimmer

4 Jackel

5 Griffon

6 Skyscale

3-6 are easily accessable with my pinky finger


The furthest my left hand has to go in this case is to F2-F5 or skill 6 so it's easy for me to play without having to risk any mobility errors.


Target nearest enemy and F1 are bound to my mouse's two thumb buttons, likewise my dodge roll is bound to clicking the mouse wheel.

I find this setup the most comfortable and effective way to play Gw2 without many missclick mistakes or poor precision clicks etc.


Back in the day I found dodging with V in Gw2 to be a royal pain in the behind and often found myself screwing up dodges constantly or panic clicking V in the heat of battle with my index finger and unintentionally relocating my other fingers from WASD to DSV then to 2EWQ as I tried to move them back quickly while trying to focus on the battle lol

In the middle of a conflict you can understand why this was a problem for me XD

Ever since I bound Dodge to the Mouse Wheel click I've excelled at dodging in this game ^^

Left hand can focus on movement while the right does Camera and Dodge.

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Clicking skills is a fairly reliable way to suck hard. I've seen some players who can keep their heads above water doing it, but it's like playing with your feet. It becomes impossible to keep up with players using proper control systems past a certain point.

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I used to be a clicker, but then I begun using my keyboard. It wasn't easy to adjust from other games, but it was worth it.


My advice:

Remove your left, right and backwards key. You don't need it. You never needed it. They're bad. Don't use them.



[Tab] Target next enemy

[q] left strafe

[w] Forward

[E] right strafe

[R] autorun

[F] Interact



This allows you to keybind 67890/Dodge/Special/About Face/Jump key skills to your [a][d][z][x][c][v][shift][spacebar]. Any skills or abilities you need to use should be accessable to your keyboard hand without much movement, while your other hand should never leave the mouse. Using qwe as your movement keys also allows me to easily reach my 12345 keys.


It feels awkward at first, almost laughably unplayable, but eventually it just becomes second nature.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> My advice:

> Remove your left, right and backwards key. You don't need it. You never needed it. They're bad. Don't use them.

left and right, I don't use, but the backwards key I use a lot... though, I might start using it less, now that I have the Skyscale. I always use it on the griffon to do a precision landing!

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Everything that is _not_ shortcut near WASD or on my additional mouse buttons and that I need in combat or on my journeys I click. Works for me:


![](https://i.imgur.com/LrDSZQT.png "")

(That's from beating the Liadri 8-orbs challenge.)


It's why I have been begging ANet repeatedly to please re-introduce the setting to activate/deactivate (or at least delay) tooltips, because those pop-ups are majorly annoying for clickers, as some block big portions of your screen when you are using the "large" font size option (it's the one right after "normal", so it is not _that_ much larger).

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In a fight, yes for attack skills, unless I'm adjusting the camera angle, but that takes less than a second to do anyway. I like both hands to do about 50/50 of the total work so each hand has to move very little and has faster reactions because they're already poised for doing their respective jobs. Rather than slower reactions because one hand is compensating and doing half the work load of the other hand too.

My keyboard is so compact and with flat keys they don't feel any different on this keyboard to know when I've found them (it has Shroedinger's keys) so I'd have to look down mid fight if I wanted to move my left hand from wasd and q/e straffe to the number keys, wheras my left hand is the perfect size to sit over pinky on \ hoykey ring over A middle on W index on D when the thumb is on spacebar so that is my default left hand position and why I invested in decent gaming mouse so I can click skills fast and hotkeyed the dodge to the mouse. Each hand has a very set job description. XD

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Some things, sometimes. Mostly, I click things that would be right-hand use on a keyboard. I can't play Bell Choir with both hands on the keyboard, for instance, because I will get the right hand buttons backwards _every_ time, so I play that with my left hand on the 1-4 keys and click the 6-9 skills. I suspect it has to do with my mixed hand dominance.

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