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[Merged] Feedback on new world events and Shiny weapons

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> @"sniperman.1738" said:

> So this mini event to get these weapon skins in under whelming your only offering 5 of the main hand skins, there's far more out there your alienating those who use axe, warhorn, greatsword, hammer, scepter, mace, focus, dagger, sword, longbow, shield. Like come on make it worth it not everyone is going to care for those 5 skins are are only offered its extremely disappointing and feels like there was some laziness going around that they would not include the usual cycle of weapons that they have when it comes to skins.


Its not the first time they go on the cheap side skin wise, Caladbolg was one. I just hope they repeat the event with the missing skin, otherwise it would feel like content is being added in a fast and cheap way.


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> @"Katastroff.1045" said:

> > @"sniperman.1738" said:

> > So this mini event to get these weapon skins in under whelming your only offering 5 of the main hand skins, there's far more out there your alienating those who use axe, warhorn, greatsword, hammer, scepter, mace, focus, dagger, sword, longbow, shield. Like come on make it worth it not everyone is going to care for those 5 skins are are only offered its extremely disappointing and feels like there was some laziness going around that they would not include the usual cycle of weapons that they have when it comes to skins.


> Its not the first time they go on the cheap side skin wise, Caladbolg was one. I just hope they repeat the event with the missing skin, otherwise it would feel like content is being added in a fast and cheap way.



Well with that recent current event thingy, the one with the rifts, there were only 3 weapons available for crafting there. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Riftstalker_Carapace


Maybe Axe, Warhorn, Hammer, Mace, Focus, Longbow and Shield are coming in the next one?

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> @"CaboSoul.1204" said:

> I'm disappointed that the "Shiny Pistol" skin is a reskin of the "Master Blaster" pistol. Makes me wonder if the other weapons are also reskins. :/


Yeah only 2 of the "shiny" skins appear to be actual new models (Torch / Shortbow) The rest of them are either reskins or old skins that have been in the game since HoT but were never available as weapon skins.


Pistol is a reskin of the "Master Blaster" Exotic which I believe has been in the game since launch.

Rifle is the same skin used in the Lions Arch Karka Hunt which has been around since new LA was added (though never attainable as a skin till now).

Staff is a skin that was datamined way back during the first pre-HoT demo of the revenant I believe.


So technically only one is a reskin but only 2 of them are truly "new".


Just kinda disappointed that the "Super-shiny" version just adds a small amount of lightning to the base skins, Is electricity considered shiny now?

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To be fair, just because they weren't designed this week doesn't make their being newly available any less attractive. The problem is with the pistol that's just a reskin. I presume the artists ran out of time. However, even having run out of time it makes no sense to me that their initial artistic concept seems to have nothing at all to do with the implication of the word "shiny". Shiny means shiny. We all know what shiny looks like. Electricity isn't shiny. A set (even a subset) of highly reflective weapon skins would actually be cool. How this disconnect could be a mistake is a mystery to me, but it's even more odd if it was intentional.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > It’s nice to have more weapon sets that are not just more visual clutter of special effects.


> Totally agree


They don't need to be highly visual and glamorous to look good, these skins are just bad and ugly to look at, totally disappointed and bummed....

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> @"MEGATRON.2904" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > It’s nice to have more weapon sets that are not just more visual clutter of special effects.

> >

> > Totally agree


> They don't need to be highly visual and glamorous to look good, these skins are just bad and ugly to look at, totally disappointed and bummed....


To be honest I’m kinda glad. 3 weeks of boss rushes is too much in a row and if you are lucky enough for a node to even spawn then you have to hope for a drop you want.


Still relying on rng and insane visual noise is hurting these events and anet are utterly uninterested in addressing either. I have nothing against the skins but they don’t suit me so I’m very happy I can skip this mess

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Oddly not very shiny compared to what we are used to.

What I like about it:

1. very cool to involve open world with raid story.

2. Scavenger hunter via world bosses and mf, neat!

3. Skritt !

what I don’t like:

1. Spent the first day locking out of WB’s to get rewards. Beyond a few of the new currency it was time unfortunately not well spent as any content related to world bosses almost never feels worth it due to rewards and time invested unless I’m getting a legendary collection item.

2. Skins are boring to me beyond torch but I get that we needed more plain weapons. And I think a lot of people will be happy with them.

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Before I forgot ranting about this but...


Djinn Clusters? Really?


Honestly I rate them about 10% as high as the first iteration of the bonus box of goods. You know? The one that gave you 5 low tier materials and nothing else. Low tier Essence of Luck and a SINGLE Dragonite Ore. This feels like it just fell off of an underleveled ambient creature that I just overkilled for 300 thousand damage.


When I made my first comment I hadn't even opened one, but after seeing some research done on it and opening some myself, I just feel very stupid for not abusing the gullible people who had buy orders for multiple gold per cluster. I thought that box had taught you how rewards should feel a little more rewarding, but I suppose I was wrong. Very disappointed in this event.


(The weapons aren't even shiny either, but that's besides the point)

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> @"Dantert.1803" said:

> So, I was excited about this world event, I think it is a great idea and I also enjoyed the Meta event one, it manages to give the players meaningful stuff to do.

> Still, today when I logged in, the first thing I did was checking out the big prise, the Shiny weapons skins....I was bummed out..I would understand if those were just part of a list of weapons sets added for an expansion, they look ok but they are not too impressive.

> I was expecting them to be Shiny, like the name says but even the upgraded version looks kind of boring and not worth the effort of collecting stuff to get them.

> Someone would say "sure you don't like it so you complain" or "it's enough that we are getting something for the current events" ...but the skritt in me says "gimme SHINIES!!!!"

> What is the point of putting rewards that you have to grind for when they look so boring?

> Please Anet, you are on the right track with these kind of events, keep it up, but give us the good stuff!



tl;dr you don't like the name they chose for the new skins.


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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > This community will never be happy until they get raid rewards from Fire Elemental.

> >

> > No, but getting literally worthless "rewards" is not okay.


> ~60g is pretty nice for me ... it sounds like you decided to gamble


The fact that you have sold worthless rewards to people who naively believe they _might_ contain something of value doesn't change the fact that they're actually worthless. You sold someone garbage in a shiny wrapper at a high price but it's still garbage.


ArenaNet should have to publish the odds with all these containers, of course, that'd reveal just how garbage they are.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > > This community will never be happy until they get raid rewards from Fire Elemental.

> > >

> > > No, but getting literally worthless "rewards" is not okay.

> >

> > ~60g is pretty nice for me ... it sounds like you decided to gamble


> The fact that you have sold worthless rewards to people who naively believe they _might_ contain something of value doesn't change the fact that they're actually worthless. You sold someone garbage in a shiny wrapper at a high price but it's still garbage.


> ArenaNet should have to publish the odds with all these containers, of course, that'd reveal just how garbage they are.


It doesn't take much to tell they were awful.


Although the price of the infusion seems to suggest otherwise.

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I've thought about this a bit more and I have to say that I think it's not great for a number of reasons.


* The time limited rewards are a bad idea. Sure you will be able to get the rewards from the raids but as not everyone raids that's not an option for most players. This feeds off good old FOMO like the many short term "play now or miss out forever" reward schemes in other games.

* Tying the rewards to the world bosses again is boring; there's so much downtime in the boss cycle that it's tedious. Sometimes you'll be waiting 10-15 minutes between some bosses. Personally (and this is a first for me), I've been playing games on my Switch or watching YouTube in that time but that's hardly ideal for GW2.

* The Djinn Energy Clusters are terrible. They have a terrible drop table. I mean, really, Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore and Empyreal Fragments are probably among the worst loot you can get, unless you're churning out ascended and legendary gear, and Luck isn't far behind that. Also you guys need to be a bit more upfront about what you mean when you say something has an Uncommon Drop rate. Your Uncommon seems pretty damn rare to me.


For feedback,

* Please don't make these rewards time gated. These should be permanent additions or at least longer than 2 weeks especially if you expect people to gather 60 of something. I've ground them out (and it's feeling like a grind) but it's not fun or exciting, it's feels like a chore.

* Don't add these kind of rewards to the world bosses again (or at least don't do it too soon), waiting around for a boss to spawn is dull.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> For feedback,

> * Please don't make these rewards time gated. These should be permanent additions or at least longer than 2 weeks especially if you expect people to gather 60 of something. I've ground them out (and it's feeling like a grind) but it's not fun or exciting, it's feels like a chore.


You don’t need to gather 60 of everything. You need 18 azure, 18 crimson, 12 saffron, and 12 emerald. There are also recipes to convert two of one type to any of the others.

Two weeks is more than enough time to complete this.


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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > For feedback,

> > * Please don't make these rewards time gated. These should be permanent additions or at least longer than 2 weeks especially if you expect people to gather 60 of something. I've ground them out (and it's feeling like a grind) but it's not fun or exciting, it's feels like a chore.


> You don’t need to gather 60 of everything. You need 18 azure, 18 crimson, 12 saffron, and 12 emerald. There are also recipes to convert two of one type to any of the others.

> Two weeks is more than enough time to complete this.



Yeah, and 18 + 18 + 12 + 12 = 60


You have to gather 60 of them. That's what I said.


Whether or not 2 weeks is enough to do 60 world bosses depends on the individual, really.

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My first thought upon seeing this weapon set like most of you was how unshiny they were. When I heard about them and saw the "shiny" name I thought we were going to have some new glossy metallic weapons with maybe a few large chunky gems attached. Something perfectly gaudy for the sake of being gaudy and very skirtt-centered. Still going for the full set but very disappointed. I guess skritt call anything that has some value a "shiny".

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