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Why are you a "Casual" OR "Hardcore" player in WvW?


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Hmm. This could be amusing to watch.


My play hours in WvW have become quite few and far between now. I'd like it to be worth my time, but it's just not. Normally I'd rather be playing it than PvE, except that PvE doesn't write cheques it can't cash.


And for some reason, disappointing gameplay is less tolerable than gameplay I expected to be mediocre in the first place. Not sure if I'm just weird or that's a common thing.

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There's only so much time to play the game. When I have finished all my open-world dailies and am not working on a specific project/area/story, and my weekly key farmer is as ranked-up as I plan to get them, I will sometimes play WvW....if I think of it. WvW is fun but kind of repetitive, and just swapping ownership of little outposts back and forth starts to feel pointless after a little while.

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I can't imagine being Hardcore in WvW. How does that even work? Talking about roaming, 90% of the time you run into people that don't even have the right equipment equipped or don't have the kitty unlocked, so you just win for free. Most of your 1v1 or 2v2 or smth. wins while roaming are worth nothing, they're not decided by skill but by gear (why is there no normalization in WvW again?). The other 10%, you ride past each other with the kitty, maybe wave or spit at them and go along your way farming people who do their dailies.


For zergs, it's kinda the same thing. Most of the ones running around in WvW are just a random commander gathering up ppl to get some Karma or smth. Again, most of those people's builds are far from optimized, and even if they were, you'd see two zergs made up of the same three or four specs bombarding each other with AoEs. It's massively rare to see strategy even involved here.


Dunno, I just can't take a PvP mode without normalized equipment seriously.

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> @"Trajan.4953" said:

> I used to be hardcore, but this game has been taken over by snowflakes and people who demand the bar get lowered to their ability as opposed to trying to get better.

This unfortunately is one of the bigger truths.


> @"Ultramex.1506" said:

> Hard to be hardcore when i have 200 ping

Hehe, one might say playing with a higher ping is hardcore itself, a different kind of handicap :P

We who have high pings or unstable pings, have more to contend with than just fighting other players - we are fighting with ping. In fact, I accept all kinds of imbalances and nerfs etc, I can deal with that if I could only get a stable, low latency to the server. I still prefer the idea of anet using localised/closer server to users as a proxy/tunnel to the mainservers - it will shave off some ms and give better routing but most importantly provide ping stability. I wish they would implement this somehow.



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> > @"Ultramex.1506" said:

> > Hard to be hardcore when i have 200 ping

> Hehe, one might say playing with a higher ping is hardcore itself, a different kind of handicap :P

> We who have high pings or unstable pings, have more to contend with than just fighting other players - we are fighting with ping. In fact, I accept all kinds of imbalances and nerfs etc, I can deal with that if I could only get a stable, low latency to the server. I still prefer the idea of anet using localised/closer server to users as a proxy/tunnel to the mainservers - it will shave off some ms and give better routing but most importantly provide ping stability. I wish they would implement this somehow.



Path of Exile have Gateway but you can't PvP with other from different Gateway.


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You don't define what "Casual" and Hardcore" means at all, adding that might help people to vote.


It could mean time spent, or time spent in game is split more WvW than PvE.


It could mean play style, do you put in effort to save something, or only care to back cap?


It could mean do you enjoy fights with players, or banging on empty doors?


Please define what each means to you so people know what they are really voting on.

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Casual - Gift of Battle Reward Track takes a while to complete, and the K-Train is mindless T6 partic. Plus it's fun to meme in this mode against the meta builds, especially since my server's a low enough tier that winning or losing doesn't make a difference.

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