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nerf rev before everyone quits

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > Can we buff teef instead

> > >

> > > 40s CD instant reflexes and full steal reset again. That should do it.

> >

> > Not sd pls buff dp revert all past 2 year nerfs


> 3.5k PI, juicy indeed. Just buff heartseeker tbh. "If the enemy is below 25% hp, you seek out their heart and instantly kill them." Gotta stay with the lore


add unblockable and we have a deal


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> @"yusayu.3629" said:

> It'll come, sooner or later.


What do you mean with this? Rev didn't get but crap in 2018; latest patches butchered quickness from Impossible Odds, crushed the might duration, increased the F2 upkeep cost while nerfing the effects, doubled the cast time of sword #4., nerfed swords auto attack damage, and watered down the staff #2 and #3 to make it a PvE weapon... Meanwhile they improved builds, legends and traits which no one uses: Jalis, Ventari, Kalla... such a bunch of no ones in PvP. Rev build (which is a Hrerald build: Rev or Renegade just doesn't exist in PvP) didn't change in 3.5 years (aside from making shield and axe so bad that no longer exist in PvP). The class can't tank, has no viable support build and the condi builds are a joke mix between doing no damage and having no sustain... You have at least two viable builds with every class... except the Revenant.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"yusayu.3629" said:

> > It'll come, sooner or later.


> What do you mean with this? Rev didn't get but kitten in 2018; latest patches butchered quickness from Impossible Odds, crushed the might duration, increased the F2 upkeep cost while nerfing the effects, doubled the cast time of sword #4., nerfed swords auto attack damage, and watered down the staff #2 and #3 to make it a PvE weapon... Meanwhile they improved builds, legends and traits which no one uses: Jalis, Ventari, Kalla... such a bunch of no ones in PvP. Rev build (which is a Hrerald build: Rev or Renegade just doesn't exist in PvP) didn't change in 3.5 years (aside from making shield and axe so bad that no longer exist in PvP). The class can't tank, has no viable support build and the condi builds are a joke mix between doing no damage and having no sustain... You have at least two viable builds with every class... except the Revenant.


Revs: We have the single best build in the game right now but we're still not happy until we have _all_ the best builds in the game.

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> @"Miyu.8137" said:

> All these topics about nerfing "InsertRandomClass" won't help anything. Can you not be more specific? What exactly do you find OP? What skill? What trait? What utility? When we know, we can actually discuss the problematic parts and evantually propose solution.


At first, you'd think it's the damage output. But it isn't actually the damage that's the problem, it's the chase potential. You seriously cannot escape a Herald that wants you dead. Between Unrelenting Assault and Phase Traversal, it's too much chase power. If it engages you when you are already low on resources, there is no way to counter play the mixture of its chase potential paired with its very consistent high damage output. Unlike a Soulbeast, who has his kill burst in short intervals that go on significant CDs, the Herald actually has high "Damage Per Second", even with random spam attacks, that ultimately cannot be avoided.


Preferably Arenanet needs to configure something so that heralds are easier to disengage. If they don't want to do that, they should lower the damage output.


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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> So to those that think Rev is OP, what are the primary reasons this is the case? What makes it feel OP to have matched up against you? I am a Rev main and would just like some more understanding. I don't play sPvP but it seems that the burst is people's biggest issue?


sword 3 4 and 5 plus staff 5 can all hit really hard, in some cases hitting for half your hp. don't know if this is the case after the nerf tho. then there is the sustain rotation, chaining riposting shadows, staff block, normal dodge, infuse light if things get tricky, plus some nice weakness on staff 2 and prot spam with glint elite. its hard to master but once you do there isn't much a lot of classes can do to you.



I forgot burst of strength and elemental blast. elemental blast is ridiculous.

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Well its all depending on the situation.

A Revenant is not the best duelist, but they are awesome in +1 fights where all they have to do is port in with some unblockable quickness burst while the target is distracted with another fight.


So if anything is in need to be "changed" i dont think the damage is it, probably the range on Phase Traversal so you limit the "out of nowhere" burst (i.e. burst coming from porting behind certain pillars to target etc), that would give the player more reactiontime to the incoming revenant.

Id say make Phase Traversal 900/600range(DD treatment) but UP the Auto attack damage and perhaps shiro heal siphon dmg/health to compensate


Reward the Rev for prolonged melee engagements but make the "out of the blue burst" more "fair" to the avrage player.


Upping the AA dmg and siphoning dmg could perhaps give revs a better option for PvE content aswell.



Less shiro mobility, more AA & Siphon heal/dmg

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> So to those that think Rev is OP, what are the primary reasons this is the case? What makes it feel OP to have matched up against you? I am a Rev main and would just like some more understanding. I don't play sPvP but it seems that the burst is people's biggest issue?


Play a few games as a core guard, which is meant to fill the same roll. After that you'll see the difference.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> sword 3 4 and 5 plus staff 5 can all hit really hard, in some cases hitting for half your hp. don't know if this is the case after the nerf tho. then there is the sustain rotation, chaining riposting shadows, staff block, normal dodge, infuse light if things get tricky, plus some nice weakness on staff 2 and prot spam with glint elite. its hard to master but once you do there isn't much a lot of classes can do to you.


> edit

> I forgot burst of strength and elemental blast. elemental blast is ridiculous.


This is just all wrong. Neiter of that skill is actually hitting any hard. I mean sure they do nice dmg, but comparing it with the dmg of skills of holo or war, it's in line with them. Rev could easily stack 25 might in no time and together with Notoriety trait (might grants more power) the power of Rev was boosted so high. But this was already nerfed in the previous patch.


Now ppl more likely complain about burst dmg which is combination of phase traversel ( which grants quickness for 3sec, unblockable attacks and 25% dmg boost for next 2 hits) and the folllowing hits, usually deathstrike. Now, here you have your OPness. It's basically port bomb which is hard to avoid due quickness and fast cast of deathstrike , it can't be blocked and deals 25% more dmg. So you should rather look at "Phase traversal" utility instead of nerfing weapon skill, which imo doesn't need a nerf.


Also don't forget Revenant is very vulnerable to conditions and hard CC. You also seem to have no clue about the rotation in real fight. Revenant will also have hard time to win 1v1 vs any class and same skilled oponent so you saying total nonsence. Revenant only job (meta build) is to burst and quick kill, nerf this ability too much and the class (build) is deleted.


Also ".... and prot spam with glint elite" /facepalm



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> @"Miyu.8137" said:

> snips


it was possible to hit that hard vs no toughness classes before nerf. tons of video proof. elemental blast tics for 3k ez. plenty of 1v1 potential. some of what you say is true.



no longer possible to hit that hard unless berserker, so nvm. unrelenting assault and elemental blast still hit hard tho.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > @"Commander Blue.3826" said:

> > > yeah

> >

> >


> It's a great vid, showcasing 9:54 of this players BEST MOMENTS of that roaming session. But what if those 9:54 mins were the only times the player was wrecking, and they spent 40 additional minutes combined getting their face smashed by other roamers?


> This applies to all professions btw: using a video of their 'highlight reel' to justify balance changes is a silly notion.


> Also, the player of this vid isn't your average bear. I play Rev (not much as a roamer though) and have played with other very capable Revs, so it's easy to spot. If this is what a capable player can do with Rev then working as intended. Show me a crappy player on Rev pulling off the same stuff then we can talk about OP.


'it's not your average player' is always the excuse when the Truth comes out.


(not disrespecting you by the way)


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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > So to those that think Rev is OP, what are the primary reasons this is the case? What makes it feel OP to have matched up against you? I am a Rev main and would just like some more understanding. I don't play sPvP but it seems that the burst is people's biggest issue?


> Play a few games as a core guard, which is meant to fill the same roll. After that you'll see the difference.


I remember like over a year ago calling revs "shitty core guards."


Boy how the tables have turned.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > @"Commander Blue.3826" said:

> > > > yeah

> > >

> > >

> >

> > It's a great vid, showcasing 9:54 of this players BEST MOMENTS of that roaming session. But what if those 9:54 mins were the only times the player was wrecking, and they spent 40 additional minutes combined getting their face smashed by other roamers?

> >

> > This applies to all professions btw: using a video of their 'highlight reel' to justify balance changes is a silly notion.

> >

> > Also, the player of this vid isn't your average bear. I play Rev (not much as a roamer though) and have played with other very capable Revs, so it's easy to spot. If this is what a capable player can do with Rev then working as intended. Show me a crappy player on Rev pulling off the same stuff then we can talk about OP.


> 'it's not your average player' is always the excuse when the Truth comes out.


> (not disrespecting you by the way)



So if a GW2 players is successful in 1v3, that means their build is OP and needs nerfs, right?

Or did it mean their opponents were terrible?

Or did it mean their build hard countered that of their opponents?

Or were they just lucky?

Or is that player just really good at GW2?

Or was it a combination of the factors above?


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Miyu.8137" said:

> > All these topics about nerfing "InsertRandomClass" won't help anything. Can you not be more specific? What exactly do you find OP? What skill? What trait? What utility? When we know, we can actually discuss the problematic parts and evantually propose solution.


> At first, you'd think it's the damage output. But it isn't actually the damage that's the problem, it's the chase potential. You seriously cannot escape a Herald that wants you dead. Between Unrelenting Assault and Phase Traversal, it's too much chase power. If it engages you when you are already low on resources, there is no way to counter play the mixture of its chase potential paired with its very consistent high damage output. Unlike a Soulbeast, who has his kill burst in short intervals that go on significant CDs, the Herald actually has high "Damage Per Second", even with random spam attacks, that ultimately cannot be avoided.


> Preferably Arenanet needs to configure something so that heralds are easier to disengage. If they don't want to do that, they should lower the damage output.



I think this is reasonable. An energy cost bump to phase traversal might be a good place to start, and if that isn't enough have unrelenting check its range after every hit so that you cant magnet to people that blink/port far away.


I say that tentatively though. Getting harassed at range by bomb-and-disengage condi builds or projectiles ain't a good feel, and they dont have as much block potential as guards. Gonna need to buff their active defenses if you want them to not stick to you the moment they see you.


So either nerf damage or nerf chase/buff defense. And depending on when they land from there, condi cleanse or a significant buff to resistance on mallyx to make people consider corruption line.



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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > > @"Commander Blue.3826" said:

> > > > > yeah

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > It's a great vid, showcasing 9:54 of this players BEST MOMENTS of that roaming session. But what if those 9:54 mins were the only times the player was wrecking, and they spent 40 additional minutes combined getting their face smashed by other roamers?

> > >

> > > This applies to all professions btw: using a video of their 'highlight reel' to justify balance changes is a silly notion.

> > >

> > > Also, the player of this vid isn't your average bear. I play Rev (not much as a roamer though) and have played with other very capable Revs, so it's easy to spot. If this is what a capable player can do with Rev then working as intended. Show me a crappy player on Rev pulling off the same stuff then we can talk about OP.

> >

> > 'it's not your average player' is always the excuse when the Truth comes out.

> >

> > (not disrespecting you by the way)

> >


> So if a GW2 players is successful in 1v3, that means their build is OP and needs nerfs, right?

> Or did it mean their opponents were terrible?

> Or did it mean their build hard countered that of their opponents?

> Or were they just lucky?

> Or is that player just really good at GW2?

> Or was it a combination of the factors above?



This ^

There are si many factors that could be considered when not looking thru biased eyes with a vendetta driving the conclusion.

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Sometimes i think us players are at fault why this game became what it is now. And Anet... should've never listened to us. But they did. And now we have what we have now. No balance. No decent PvP community. No build diversity. Classes/builds that are chopped down and crippled every now and then by balance devs. And like 70% of PvPers are gone... Yea.. keep on going with your "nerf that nerf that one too" threads you "experts".

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > > > @"Commander Blue.3826" said:

> > > > > > yeah

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > It's a great vid, showcasing 9:54 of this players BEST MOMENTS of that roaming session. But what if those 9:54 mins were the only times the player was wrecking, and they spent 40 additional minutes combined getting their face smashed by other roamers?

> > > >

> > > > This applies to all professions btw: using a video of their 'highlight reel' to justify balance changes is a silly notion.

> > > >

> > > > Also, the player of this vid isn't your average bear. I play Rev (not much as a roamer though) and have played with other very capable Revs, so it's easy to spot. If this is what a capable player can do with Rev then working as intended. Show me a crappy player on Rev pulling off the same stuff then we can talk about OP.

> > >

> > > 'it's not your average player' is always the excuse when the Truth comes out.

> > >

> > > (not disrespecting you by the way)

> > >

> >

> > So if a GW2 players is successful in 1v3, that means their build is OP and needs nerfs, right?

> > Or did it mean their opponents were terrible?

> > Or did it mean their build hard countered that of their opponents?

> > Or were they just lucky?

> > Or is that player just really good at GW2?

> > Or was it a combination of the factors above?

> >


> This ^

> There are si many factors that could be considered when not looking thru biased eyes with a vendetta driving the conclusion.


Unfortunately Anet doesn't look at factors like that. They see complaints. The nerf it. Indiscriminately

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > @"Miyu.8137" said:

> > > All these topics about nerfing "InsertRandomClass" won't help anything. Can you not be more specific? What exactly do you find OP? What skill? What trait? What utility? When we know, we can actually discuss the problematic parts and evantually propose solution.

> >

> > At first, you'd think it's the damage output. But it isn't actually the damage that's the problem, it's the chase potential. You seriously cannot escape a Herald that wants you dead. Between Unrelenting Assault and Phase Traversal, it's too much chase power. If it engages you when you are already low on resources, there is no way to counter play the mixture of its chase potential paired with its very consistent high damage output. Unlike a Soulbeast, who has his kill burst in short intervals that go on significant CDs, the Herald actually has high "Damage Per Second", even with random spam attacks, that ultimately cannot be avoided.

> >

> > Preferably Arenanet needs to configure something so that heralds are easier to disengage. If they don't want to do that, they should lower the damage output.

> >


> I think this is reasonable. An energy cost bump to phase traversal might be a good place to start, and if that isn't enough have unrelenting check its range after every hit so that you cant magnet to people that blink/port far away.


> I say that tentatively though. Getting harassed at range by bomb-and-disengage condi builds or projectiles ain't a good feel, and they dont have as much block potential as guards. Gonna need to buff their active defenses if you want them to not stick to you the moment they see you.


> So either nerf damage or nerf chase/buff defense. And depending on when they land from there, condi cleanse or a significant buff to resistance on mallyx to make people consider corruption line.




Revs arguably has the same or more blocks than guardian. (Core) while having a plethora of evades to work with.

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