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Delete ALL stealth or balance the field


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> @"cobbah.3102" said:

> About time stealth was deleted or stopped being perma it is beyond ridiculous or give every character stealth or removal. This game has turned into a mess and not close to being balanced forget the Gem store and balance WvW Thank You


yeah stealth is a stupid mechanic that should never have been allowed in any game. esp competitive game modes. but you know anet likes their toxic gameplay

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Not a single person likes losing, specially if they feel they have put too much on their character.

Stealth is not stupid , it is a skill which has pros and cons.

What I think , is that player who dont stealth need to TRAIN to have a good strategy versus people who stealth.

Change your strategy , and you might find it easier, because after all , characters who use stealth are ultra squishy.


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Stealth must **not** be removed, and it cannot be fixed with a change like not being stackable.

No one change in skills or tweak in the effect will fix the issues caused by it since parts of its issues are integrat to its basic mechanic.


The only way to fix that is a full rework that changes the basic mechanics.


Its bugs need fixing, and its mechanics and related mechanics need improvement for both those using stealth and those facing enemies with stealth.

Something like [this](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/762415/#Comment_762415 "this").


Something like that will maintain skillful use of stealth, while preventing cloaked players from being fully invisible for inordinate amounts of time. At the same time, they would be able to have way longer and even permanet stealth since stealth would be changed to accommodate for that by making stealth decay from 'invisible' to 'partially visible'.

Such changes would also allow to have revealed on more skills without having to give more ways to remove revealed, as there would be a preemtive counter to revealed rather than more ways to remove it.

That way it can keep working as always vs AI, but becomes less problematic vs players.

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Stealth combined with macros is a pain in the rear and it has no place in the game , as for train well if I had use of my ears maybe I could train to hear stuff and improve ,but wuth no reveals whats the point, combined with 1500 range ,ridiculous bring it back to the field pros and cons pro you have stealth con your range is 600 there you go much better.

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Imagine living in 2019 WvW and complaining about stealth when there's a million counters to it now to the extent that you get automatically revealed if you stay too long in stealth near objectives like watch towers/sentries.... let alone stealth traps, warclaw sniff ping and lord knows how many classes have access to ez reveal now. I'd understand if this thread was made in 2015 pre HoT but dangggggg....

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It's nowhere near as bad as before the last ~~nerf~~ adjustment, though. I'd like to see either you can't stealth while in combat (incentivizing ambushes and attacks of opportunity), or any conditions you have applied to a foe ending as soon as you enter stealth. If you can stealth to go OOC and reset then your opponent should have the same opportunity to reset.

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I'm not sure what approach you take when dealing with stealthed opponents, but which one is giving you troubles in particular? Could you give us an example of your encounter? That said, I do not feel stealthed opponents are problematic now, I feel it is the other way around actually.

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The problem with stealth in GW2 is that it's treated as invisibility. When in stealth, you should only be invisible when far, but as soon as you get near, you'll be visible, but transparent. The transparency will serve as a telegraph to a stealth attack. It should no matter how many time you stack stealth, but as soon as you come within 300 range, you will still be in stealth, but visible/transparent.


Also, heavy armored professions should be immune to stealth and invisibility -- they should always be visible.

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honestly dude stealth has many counters and pros and cons.


It's good for small groups and allows them to fight against bigger groups if they get the stealth engage -- but can be countered by engineer reveal or sentry mark

If you stealth in a big group with like 50 people on you... It will be MORE difficult to pull of the stealth because of people squirreling or not enough engineers or blasting.


I think it's a good mechanic for the game and the fact that it is being used a lot means that people who engage in competitive play appreciate it...

Now I know not everyone wants to play competitively but that's just the way things are...

In order to survive against these things you just gotta... well... get good and look for ways to counter. And for most games, like league of legends for E.G...to fight overpowered champions like a fed master yi... you just gotta have the skill to do it.

That's also the way of life man...


you might think "oh man this boss is terrible" or "oh my prof is bad" ... WELL, WE CANT CONTROL THAT. The only thing we can do is read our textbook and find ways to learn on our own and learning how to adapt to our workplace.



Stealth is available to everyone.

If you don't have people who can stealth, play that class.

If you don't wanna play it.. then make a guild with people who play it.

If you guys still get one pushed... THEN GET BETTER .. DONT RESORT TO SIEGE MONKEY TACTICS.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> I'm not sure what approach you take when dealing with stealthed opponents, but which one is giving you troubles in particular? Could you give us an example of your encounter? That said, I do not feel stealthed opponents are problematic now, I feel it is the other way around actually.


It is stealth in general , it is just a ridiculous mechanic ,thieves meh they easy meat just the whole stealth thing so boring and unwarranted

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> @"Androx.8572" said:

> Not a single person likes losing, specially if they feel they have put too much on their character.

> Stealth is not stupid , it is a skill which has pros and cons.

> What I think , is that player who dont stealth need to TRAIN to have a good strategy versus people who stealth.

> Change your strategy , and you might find it easier, because after all , characters who use stealth are ultra squishy.

> xoxo


Enumerate the cons to stealth.

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> @"cobbah.3102" said:

> About time stealth was deleted or stopped being perma it is beyond ridiculous or give every character stealth or removal. This game has turned into a mess and not close to being balanced forget the Gem store and balance WvW Thank You


then remove toughness also cus we thiefs cant have toughness cus anet nerfed us to the ground already gotta go full yolo or hit like a ultra wet noodle.

mesmer/engi is not in my play field so i cant judge.


tho i dont understand how people still die to stealth thiefs. also stupid saying of we can reset fights if i regen HP fast then ur doing the same unless something else kept u in combat so stealth isnt helping with that. i never understood peoples problem with stealth.


even when i play other classes i can more or less predict whats gonna happen if thief went stealth in high HP he will come for a burst most likely if he had low hp he will run off to reset or to wait out his CD's same with if thief blown all CD's on u and he goes into stealth he is either just waiting it out for stuff to come off CD but this is unlikely cus most skills beside 6 7 8 9 0 dont have CD and we dont really need these skills to blow people off the map


and go on play a thief or mesmer or w/e annoys u with stealth and learn, u will get better at playing ur own class when u know other classes a little bit also :)



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I dunno man I think it should stay, combat is at the all time best right now, lots of people are coming back to gw2 and wvw because of the current combat setup, lots of damage, lots of invuls, and also stealth game play. In fact I think they should just give stealth access to every class, that would totally be more balancing the field, and they should just like put a trait with like 5s stealth on dodge so it doesn't interfere with the class mechanics. I hope the next spec they bring for thieves is the ninja spec, being able to stealth and throw one shot ninja stars would be awesome. Hide and seek man, I use to love to play that game when I was younger.


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